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Nov 5, 2023, 6:37:00 AM11/5/23
### - this is klx comin' across the mind-wave atcha...

this one going out to the palistinians in gaza who're suffering so horribly

a little number written by yours truly back in the late 80's early 90's as
a demo, a song subsequently pinched by this fairly famous reggae band with
producer connection to no less than bob marley hah!

they didn't, however, claim copyrights on it, so i forgave them and chose
to be flattered instead...

aside from the fact that they made a pretty damn good job of
professionally recording it! (cool)

the words expressing what i felt at the time about similar terrible

'Natural Way' performing '10,000 Volts'

"hear the children crying"

chris rodgers

Nov 5, 2023, 6:01:39 PM11/5/23

this song will put you in the proper mood here.
you should review it first and then read my caca sandwich
now we have been killin' each other since i don't know when.
there are stats on the numbers each year, month, century etc etc.
doesn't seem like what we do has any impact on the numbers.
dip shits are now killing people from their same neighbhoods.
what does it do to kill another person? what could you possibly
get from taking out another human being? nothing. not a god damn
thing. why can't we just ignore one another? so whatever is in
charge of this planet or all planets doesn't seem to be much interested
in what one does. Maybe it is a 'god' or maybe some kind of supreme
commander. What if it is just the way it is? Yeah it's just the way it is.
I mean who wants to be part of that? I think the supreme commando man
should just go fuck himself. why would anyone follow such a nut job?
and yet we have the courage to stick it out hete like a better day will soon
be here. They have been saying that for about 5000 years now at least.
Really? You think shit is going to get better soon? I think it is more than
obvious we have fair more nuts on the planet than sane reasonable peeps.
farely do i ever met people who have ALL their oars in the war. You look at
them long enough and you'll see how cracked they are. What happened here?
Where did this whole show go wrong? I want to thank the director for bamboozling
all the leaders and religious ding bats, without them it would be a tough show.
oh Chris you're just being negative again, you should read some more new age caca.
open your eyes you're heading to the finish line with no trophy. why do we bother?


Nov 6, 2023, 1:03:23 AM11/6/23
The Catalyst - A Hidden Pebble - The Avalanche

1999 - The Cardigans - Erase & Rewind

Sting - Shape of My Heart



America's Queen on the chess board of suicidal dreams
It was Rook takes Bishop and then Knight pinned Queen
USG can't even remember how it got those Moon rocks
Can't remember the morning cock crows thrice to build a lock
Napoleon, Adolph, and Joe forgot that empires die on Russian rocks
When ships made of fairy tales carry atomic clouds for clocks
When anomalies haunt every false idol they do flaunt
Satan walks quietly through the devastation out for a morning jaunt
Singing, "You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant."


Times is moving slow today
I hope all my bills are paid
So relaxed... I just might stay
Either way... I'm alive to play

Declared an enemy of the state
Half their assets lost in one mistake
The game begins in a shining arc
Old worlds die and slowly depart

My brainium says enough
As my mindscape says more
My thoughts are in chaos
As I look towards the door
Can I exist in a hurricane
Of boats fashioned so poor
Will my sails be ripped asunder
If the ocean grows bored

The sea loves old sailors
I worry for naught, a slipknot


Nov 6, 2023, 1:27:58 AM11/6/23
chriso wrote..
### - is some of your best few lines of poetry to date imho heh :)

but from microbes to human beings no one bought tickets to come here, we
had no choice in this, in that sense it was a gift...

but just look what a pile of crap we humans have 'made' of this gift??

ah yes the 'human' narrative, the totally 'insane' human narrative,
distinct from every other species on this planet with NO narratives?

there's 2 worlds here then: the natural world to which every species
belongs, and the narrated world that only exists in people's heads...

a narrative we humans have been making-up/inventing/evolving as we go
along, a narrative that's ultimately gone-off on a complete tangent to
what 'everything' else in this life is doing; to the point that someone
like the observer ken keysey (and many like him) have likened to being a
nuthouse! (lol well ain't THAT the truth!)

and there's only one cure for it really: to STFU and STOP talking to
ourselves! :)

as in: "what is the sound of one hand clapping grasshopper!"

= no narrative, an absence of said narrative.

perforce this gives rise to a completely different perception of the world
and ourselves in it (a world of strawberries?) instead of remaining slaves
to said narrative...

next book up: 'Prisoners Of The Narrative - or How we all ended up as
slaves to a bunch of ideas'

(which is basically what vinny's book was all about huh, so no need)


chris rodgers

Nov 6, 2023, 10:17:37 AM11/6/23

> (which is basically what vinny's book was all about huh, so no need)

my next book will be "The Art of Living outside of memory and imagination
these two areas can be real error zones to live from .


Nov 6, 2023, 11:01:37 AM11/6/23

>> (which is basically what vinny's book was all about huh, so no need)
> my next book will be "The Art of Living outside of memory and imagination
> these two areas can be real error zones to live from .

### - smile, and yet that's precisely what everyone is originally born
into innit...

so few of which ever realise that escape is even possible??

you at least got out so you know what's involved

and it ain't that easy huh...

"this is a revolution of the mind!"

(tech supporrrrt! haha) :))))


Nov 6, 2023, 11:26:27 AM11/6/23

>> (which is basically what vinny's book was all about huh, so no need)
> my next book will be "The Art of Living outside of memory and imagination
> these two areas can be real error zones to live from.

### - the same thing as seen/described through different eyes...

(there's lots of books/movies/plays like that provided one looks
for/recognises them, i used to collect them lol)


Nov 6, 2023, 12:52:10 PM11/6/23
That was quite a rendition they made of "10,000 Volts."

I did a funny collage for Emily, Sina and Cara.
Pinched segments from "I'm Not There" and "Bullitt"
It has some good repeating visual gags and intuitive edits.

Rimbaud's Apocolypse


Nov 6, 2023, 2:53:22 PM11/6/23
LowRider wrote...

> That was quite a rendition they made of "10,000 Volts."

### - was chuffed to pieces suddenly discovering that after 25+ years,
their arrangement being very close to the original + with a few nice
embellishments of their own, smile ya could've knocked me down with a
feather :)))

also on there is their own live version of same with swedish people
dancing to it (they're a swedish reggae band of all things) so you can
just imagine my complete surprise at the time? (literally jaw dropping
haha) (their live version of same)

> I did a funny collage for Emily, Sina and Cara.
> Pinched segments from "I'm Not There" and "Bullitt"
> It has some good repeating visual gags and intuitive edits.
> Rimbaud's Apocolypse

### - wow, really enjoyed this... a bit dark (as rimbaud himself
undoubtedly was) but which imho only adds to it overall, not bad, not bad
at all, could maybe even win an award in the right circles(ain't kidding

it's excellent :)

He Who Sees All

Nov 12, 2023, 5:25:28 AM11/12/23
HAHA, what a rant. You know what happens when you drink, old man...

Anyhow, if you've reached your venerable old age and still don't know
that you, mate, you alone - are responsible for all your decisions in
that life of yours and therefore for all of the outcomes that follow
from those decisions - then, of what worth that life of yours?

Buddha would say, you've learnt nothing. He would say, time for
another round of the roundabout - but that doesn't exist, either.
Another self delusion.

No need to blame it all on some supreme commander as you say, there's
no such thing, just you, your short little life in a time scale of
thousands of millions of years in which the infinitesimal spasm called
your life is less than a decided whatever, you put up with
the consequences.

No god involved, you can only blame yourself.

Soon, like a little candle light, you'll snuff out...and when the ones
who knew you and survive you die in turn, then you'll undergo your
second, final death.

Don't thank me, you're welcome :)

He Who Sees All

Nov 12, 2023, 5:31:01 AM11/12/23
You left off the last inverted commas. Your final period/full stop is
one space away from the terminal word in your quotation -

Your sentence starts with an attributive adjectival pronoun which is
not capitalised - unacceptable.

You imply an earlier book ("my next book will be...") - does it exist?

You are in your seventies now, time to rein back the booze, yeah?

He Who Sees All

Nov 12, 2023, 5:32:20 AM11/12/23
On Mon, 06 Nov 2023 16:01:28 -0000, slider <>
And what have you escaped into, O Superior Being?

A fucking rent-controlled council flat?

He Who Sees All

Nov 12, 2023, 5:41:01 AM11/12/23
On Mon, 06 Nov 2023 19:53:14 -0000, slider <>
Hey Brian, your memory ok?

This nutcase was calling you a pedophile homosexual not so long ago. I
would never forget or forgive something like that.

What the fuck are you made of?


Nov 12, 2023, 7:49:23 AM11/12/23
### - unfortunately (for you) you'll 'never' change and thus never know
nor understand such complex/subtle things, as it's completely beyond your
ability to grasp, apparently...

(mr chips already fully understands for instance, no problem, you're the
only slow-coach here)

iow: you're a 'lifer' thang, with no possibility/chance of parole.

(i did 'try' to give/pass you a few glimpses of same via my tired cold
eyes, but you made such a goddamn obnoxious 'fuss' about it i eventually
gave up trying?)

iow: you can defo lead a horse to water folks, but nada on this earth can
possibly 'make' such a dumb/blind fucker drink if'n he just don't bloody
well want to, hah ;)

your 'last' chance residing in perhaps learning to WILD (see below) and,
via that skill, finding your own damn way home, which believe me, is
genuinely entirely possible via such simple means, else i wouldn't have
even bothered publishing it...

so give it a try why don'tcha, you might even find/enjoy yourself in a
completely different way, especially as that's what it's singularly
designed to accomplish :)

i.e., see 73 reviews that clearly speak for themselves/attest to having
very successfully reproduced my results:


You’ll love learning to lucid dream The WILD Way.
It’s very easy to do and it will change your life forever!

This literally IS the stuff that ‘Dreams Are Made Of’


Nov 12, 2023, 7:50:46 AM11/12/23
### - sterner things you can't even conceive of heh ;)
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