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"my fellow americans..."

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Oct 19, 2023, 8:50:30 PM10/19/23
"my fellow americans, america is at a 'inflection point' in history"

--biden from the oval office this evening...

### - meaning?

"A point of inflection is the location where a curve changes from sloping
up or down to sloping down or up; also known as concave upward or concave
downward. Points of inflection are studied in calculus and geometry. In
business, the point of inflection is the turning point of a business due
to a significant change." --google


meanwhile, tensions have notably increased on israel's northern border
with lebanon after several deadly exchanges with hezbollah across that
border, this occurring as 3 cruise missiles and several drones were shot
down by an american warship sailing in the red sea, which, they
determined, were possibly en-route to israel from... yemen!

yemen?? that's like 1500 miles from israel!

geez, so is it gettin' a bit warm in here or wot??

(things certainly seem to be hotting-up a bit boss...)

chris rodgers

Oct 21, 2023, 3:41:13 PM10/21/23
do you really think we are going to get the
straight skinny from any news outfit?

bullshit is still king here in 2023.
no place for believing anymore.
hope is useless and well faith,
good luck with that one.
what's to do?? "do your best"
hey i want my money back, lol! :)


Oct 21, 2023, 5:40:01 PM10/21/23

> do you really think we are going to get the
> straight skinny from any news outfit?

### - lol thaaat'll beee the daaay :)))

but is also same as it ever was really, nada's changed in 1000's of years,
it's what they've always done & do + they's had 1000's of years to perfect

once ya 'knows' that tho' it gets interesting (sometimes) seein' how they
have'ta occasionally rush to cover shit up/smooth things over etc, the
'way' they do it being very revealing sometimes as to what's actually
going on rather than the way they's spinnin' it, kinda thing (is the kind
of strawberries a historian/psychologist/sociologist likes)

> bullshit is still king here in 2023.

### - increasingly so, the more bewildered people are the easier it is to
manipulate 'em innit, it's a lesson in mass psychology & public
control/management: keep 'em worried, keep 'em busy, keep 'em poor and
struggling with their noses to the grindstone... keep 'em distracted and
they'll vote for youuuu!

> no place for believing anymore.
> hope is useless and well faith,
> good luck with that one.

### - correct! all the above was the 'old' age/way of everyone going about
things with whole societies playin' follow the leader, trust the leader
and never question authority, to blindly follow not even knowing what yer
following lol... i mean, talk about everyone fumbling in the dark?!

the 'new' age (or era) just comin' up over the horizon though, is gonna be
an era of self-knowledge & knowing, of knowing rather than believing, of
finding things out for yourself instead of taking someone else's word for
anything... we're in a transition from everyone being told what to do, to
everyone knowing for themselves exactly what to do and how best to go
about doin' it...

> what's to do?? "do your best"

### - always do yer best mate no matter what... but now is more a matter
of what 'not' to do and to resist doing, to deliberately not feed the old
ways but instead feed the new, it's all a matter of emphasis me old fruit,
what one consciously emphasises/ignores...

and WILDing is an example of the kind(s) of teaching to come, the only
instruction involved being a pointer of how to quickly get yourself to the
place (in awareness) where you can then understand everything for
yourself, where you can answer all your own questions and 'know' that to
be the truth + also know that you're not ripping yourself off/deluding
yourself; which in WILDing at any rate, is called the Midway Point ;)

> hey i want my money back, lol! :)

### - (ahem, someone obviously didn't read the, erm, fine print? really
laffing haha) :))))

"ya ate the steak ya have to pay!"

--judge judy :D


Oct 28, 2023, 10:29:16 AM10/28/23

> "ya ate the steak ya have to pay!"
> --judge judy

### - well here we go then, israel's going all-in...

the question being: will the rest of the arab/muslim world just stand by
and do nada, or will they start pitching-in as hammas obviously hoped
they'd be forced to when israel went ape on gaza like never before?

so far, at any rate, there's only been token responses from them; a few
shots across the Lebanese border & those missiles from yemen for instance,
but whether that restraint continues as things get horrible in gaza begs
the question... there's certainly a lot of support for the palistinians
(huge protest marches again today in central london for example) but the
jews are hopping-mad and ain't gonna stop now!

this latest whole palistinian effort obviously being to force the rest of
the world to finally intervene and sort this problem out once and for all
(e.g., via a 2-state solution) only that's not at all what israel
ultimately wants: which is for the palistinians to just be gone and ALL
that land to become part of the state of israel, then from israel's pov
the problem's solved...

the palistinians, however, understandably want something of their own,
having been evicted from their lands in 1948 that's all they've been
thinking about and fighting for ever since, generations now of which know
nothing else except the ensuing struggles/horrors involved, it's ALL they

arriving at an actual 'solution' then is very difficult indeed, and after
pondering this for quite a while am beginning to think that the only
'real' + 'lasting' solution would be if the whole arab world opened wide
its doors and invited those 2.3 million palistinians to instead come and
make a life with them in various places/nations of their choice, with good
help & support given to them to settle in those new places, homes and jobs
+ a genuine chance to make a life for themselves...

this generation of palistinians are always gonna be damaged/hurt you
understand, the generational shit they've been through will/can never be
forgotten, but their children will be less damaged, and the generation
after that less damaged still until it's all just a bad memory, a dark
history, but where everything's been ok now for 60 years...

from israel's pov, all that land then becomes part of the state of israel
so the whole struggle/worry is over, their neighbours may well still bear
a grudge for quite a while to come, but with no constant provocations
against the muslim world for a couple of generations, peace would slowly
become the norm that no one then wants (or needs) to break!

and it's only 2.3 million people, which would have little effect on the
rest of the whole middle east absorbing them, it could work!

can't think of anything else that would 'actually' work long-term, i

chances of them all doing summat 'sane' like that though is minimal,
everyone's too completely obsessed with chanting: me me me me me me me me!
to ever consider anything other than themselves and what 'they' want...

and what everyone wants at the moment, is blood!
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