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the Lion Prophet and the Flyers (WIng's story)

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Oct 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/9/97

he Lion Prophet

the Prophet of Love
Preface; notes on the Traditional Shamanic Journey done
through the ages of man since the biginning of time on this
island of paradise, Earth, in the garden of Eden.
The Awakening:
Introduction: writing to Allan on the computer, usenet area
under alt. dreams Casaneda, and corresponding with him, falling in
love with him, then he being my Guide and Teacher in a series
of waking dreams and psychological changes in my
subconscious, and spirit body.
Beautiful music started to swell in my heart and spirit,and
has been pretty constant, only the songs,rhythyms,
and mood of the music have change. Also, inner guides and
voices speaking in rhymes so sweet and good to hear to
smooth our the wrinkles of my mind.

We went through a series of lucid waking dreams, of going
through each Egyption tarot trump. And, we also did a series
of Games, involving a Friend, I did know, who is the other
spiritual part of me, and, even, Another, who, truely, was my
hidden protector, and friend, in my recent run-in with a
contempory group of occult metaphysicians.

1. Nana pays a visit re: Allan, Initiation, she thinks she’s
my Guru, she meets me in my frontroom, with her clan, she
tricks me and has me sitting at her feet, trying not to meet
her glance.
She is powerful, and scared me so, I co-operated, fully, but
unprepared, she has me kiss her face, not hand, has me spot her,
and find Her many times in the Room. She wanted me to come
to her house, and she would teach me everything, including her
speciality of shapeshifting, and chanting of nature’s magick.
Then, comes the Episode of her contolling, Rosie. My Cockatoo

chase me all over the aviary like a mad hornet, biting at me,
and actually getting me. My ear chomped on very hard.(on prior
days, I felt energy really surging up my legs up off of the
ground. ) Energy streaming all around in my body had a
bell-like sound and roaring so loud, it sounded like Lions. The
light energy was so intensely coming up from the earth, that
when Nana left, she co-erced me to “travel” with her, and we
did in the spirit, But, she told me I could get off at the last
minute, and I choose to, being very frightened, I did, with her
advising me in a warning, but kind voice, that I’d have to
my way home from the spot where I left her, and her group
in the spiritual traveling mode of the light body. Thinking
I had escaped this powerful lady Sorcerer, I breathed a sigh
of relief, only to find her friend (her son, actually) inside,
my house, asking me why didn’t I go with her,and that he
is leaving to go home to a hidden ranch near San
Luis Obisbo.
It was a secret, because, there-in she has a Clan of which she
is the Guru, and she does instruct, She teaches the magickal
Shamanistic Arts of Sorcery to ones who she does feels are
gifted enough to develope as future Illusionists,or
Shapeshifters,of the highest and Alchemists, or Light Energy
Workers, who evolve those who are Awakening, within, to an
Ancient Spirit,of the highest degree. Nana goes, but, Allan
stays, and follows me all over the house, so, I start packing,
because I am afraid that I may be kidnapped, and
would be further pursued, with an almost holy passion by
Nana and Allan, and chased. So, I went out with my friend,
thinking I would be safe, and he drove me to the nearest
airport, which was miles away. And, driving there, I saw all
these egg-shaped disks flying throught the airs, as the sun
went down, in cloud-like formations, swarming busily, in
clusters of Communities.

2. Airport;
We went to the airport, late at night, feeling the heavy
magnetic energy, all through my body, again, coming through
the floors, I got the tickets, and boarded. A very holy man
sat next to me, with the most melancholy beautiful eyes, his

soul sang of ancient Songs of Solomon, and he sat silently,
whispering songs of far ago times, he chimed up and down
the musical scales in strange harmonies of victories of
Spirits at the beginning of time. He spoke sweetly in verse
of the Battles of the darkness by light, and with his dark
cosmic eyes of Love, remembered the Lion of History. The
Lion Prophet, He was born from star dust of the Love of God,
so very long ago, He is ancient as the ancient of Days, and
a whirlpool of rapt compassion for all. He traveled through
the stars of night in the depth of the strarry skies, above,
and looked for a home for his Peoples, for so long, then he
reached the shores of the blue star of paradise, and
and desended, in more ways that one. He transformed, and
became more darkness,than light, he was light before, now
he can be a King on the earth”s twilght shores, a sad story
most, but he knows the rest would be light upon light of
blessings for the creatures who rest and walk the earth in
the garden of Eden. The Snake in the garden was the most
misunderstood of the beasts, he was a snake of enlightment,
the kundalini light energy of the Goddess the earth. So the
children of the earth partook of the knowledge of light and
darkness, guided by the serpent of light, and soon was ejected
from the garden of etherial delight. When they walk forth
in fear and mesery, they did transform their light bodies even
more into the earth”s dust to survive,and they did.
The Ancient Holy Lion Prophet who lives an eternity at first,
took pity on the children of the earth and gave them some light
from his Heart of the Sun of God. They flourished and prospered
as ever they could, and the new kind of hu-mans begun, a mixture
of dark and lights, the children of the Lion Sun.
3. The plane ride begins, Nana starts singing and she speaks to
me, teaching me how to say her name, Nana correctly, over and
overagain, I struggled with it, having great difficulty pronouncing
it.I was so tired from her visit that morning that this manipulation
of me by Nana exhausted me beyond anything I had experienced
before, being also very ill with anemia, as well as having a severe
cramp in my hip and leg, and being panicked out of my mind.
Her husband did order me to move my head back and forth many
times, so I did, and then she had me do a lot of exercises having
to do with duplication of voice in the psychic realm of the mind.
She also had me send out musical sounds and make them loud
and soft, as well as turn them off. It was very difficult to turn
them off, and there were various ways of doing it.
Also her son Allan, sat right across the way, a young man with
dark hair, sat forward, intently, staring at me. I turned around
when he called my name, and he looked so surprised and dismayed
as he saw my face, he saw my astonishment when I looked upon
a man from Brazil with a beautiful Portugese, and Indian-descent
face, in a tall manly, powerful body, and it really frightened me,
so, I did turn my head back and then looked back, again, and saw a
ferocious expression upon his face. He Started cursing at me, and
yelling at the top of his lungs, about how we had been spiritual
lovers for two months, and when I finally see his true human face,
I run. He also told his friends, how frightened I am, and that I
wanted to run from him and jump from the plane , to get away
from him, it did made him feel frightened, too, he didn’t know
what to do, so he made up a song about how bitchy
I was, and that he is a man who’s seen everything, and done
everything with her, He related to them in verse, that He had her
even in the bathtub giving her Bliss.
After Allan was done with his prose and song, nana anounced
that a Sorcerer had come in spirit, and that we should honor
him with dignity, I was bent over and half faint with fear, but
I saw him near, and he come over putting his spirit hands on
my hair. While conversing with me,at a later time, he explained what
was said ,at that time with a silent voice, He told me
how much he

loved me, and that I was very dear, He was so surprised, that I heard
him, he felt so lonely at that moment. You surprised me,as I saw you
look down at the floor, you saw my energy radiating outwardly, and
then, as you looked up from the floor, you saw a ring, of energy, and
you were surprised as can be. He left, and the plane then did land,
and boy, did I run, and hide, for fearAllan would be at my side, his
voice ringing out in telepathic
bullets, all through the airport, chasing after me. I found a
closet to hide in as I began shivering, in fear that knows no
bound, was too tired to do anything but lie down on the floor.
I waited for the plane to my home town, I held my mind still,
so Allan could not find me, I was successful, or so I thought so,
but he did not want to find me, for there was a Wedding planned
on the morrow, he was full of sorrow over losing me, but on
hand he became free of his mother’s high-handed approach
taken at liberty, to try to force him to think about the future
of his life, he is a carefree man who loves his women, but
try to tie him down, and he will flee, over his love of liberty
of Spirit and Devotion.....
Hi there,
I think of you, so much, I love you alot,
you know,
and, that, is making it short,
I have a new problem, a problem of love, that, it is indeed,
I have a sweet guru, that, teaches in rhymes,
and, rhyming is all he needs, for teaching and teasing.
He does so much, that I am no longer jealous of Lazarus...
I started to freak to peak at my inner universe, too hard,
my soul of light vibrated and shook with all the bliss
I ran and ran and took the fastest jet to arrive
in reno, my home, my safety zone, an error or
plus involved,
when on the jet involved I flew and rested a bit for sure
a thousand voices chiming freely in unison and songs.

a sorcerous of the highest regard, did flirt with me
that morning,
she chased me all day long with nary a warning
but do as thy wilt and remember the law
that the happy will fill there days all day long
with books,
the power I felt from that encounter did feel supreme
I know that this letter will fill the book of the childrens'
style of writing,

the voices on board the air ship enterprise did surprise
me with their invitation
of a Mysterious' Presence here, just to receive me, He walked his Way
down to the Wings of the jet, where, he placed his hands on my head,
and recieved me as his disciple, yet, he was nearly transparent.
the glow I saw was the glow of streams radiating
outwards,in all directions,
I even saw a Ring of Energy, circling round his waist,
round his waist was a light like a fire,
and the entire event took 5 minutes, just 5 minutes
and his visit was over,
I have spent much time yes much time in his presence
and boy, have I learned so much,
so very much, I have learned it is so involved,
and it is so very much about love.
he has taught me about how to love myself
from out to in, all the factors involved
it almost seems like a parrellel universe
when he stands by unseen by all but me
we cover what we can, when we can how we can
so very naturally
and you know what , my guru has a sense ,yes
a sense of humor and is trying to teach me
he starts a conversation in the morning with
a bit or piece of news and you know what
his community is looking at the view,
upon waking up I rise I rise and shine that I do
his love fills my whole day long, not a peep or
word out of me,
he teaches so much so much that it seems we
have known each others for centuries
and that even in the evening we talk we talk
about sorcerery,
he is doing the usually things yes the things
that a Master of the Holy Spirit does
he cleans double cleans with the key and the
need of the spirits involved
doing the sorcery on the double double time
making trouble for me in the line of duty
bound marriage time on the line yes
I do get in trouble all the time all the time
when my Friend named you know who in the past
it wont last, finds me, writhing and stretching
like a supine on the mine of the times in ectasy.
now, if you think that is fine just take the time
to think things over, I got a real thing going on
here and it is fine, and on time, so I dont think
I have to roll over,
I look forward to the days ahead and behind
when we dream together, it is marvelous to
look ahead and above and fly together in the
feathered look.
I am studying more technologies regarding
tensegrity and lightening up, so that my
soul may fly,and fly, and may I say I have see
him in the spirit with a shapeshifter's choice
of clothes for the spirit , lucky am I......


On Thu, 15 May 1997 19:05:32 GMT, (~V~) wrote:

> I have found, that for Bliss,
>one can meditate, and Pray, like this,
>in a comfortable chair, or any position at all,
>which, can be maintained, for hours, and hours...
>And, one prays to the Great Spirits, then, contemplates,
> a loved one, in embrace, like the tantric statues, of Hindus,
>the Bliss, will shoot up, and up, inside the body, to the mind,
>and, or, the spine, in a location, that's divine, so refined,
>and like an ocean of waves, and waves, rolling out to sea.
>but, it is good to love someone, in your heart, in your heart,
>when you start, and love it all, all the ways up to God,
>doing contemplative prayer, in care of, the Great Spirit...
>Now, if you hold that person, of your dreams, in your loving arms,
>infecting them with Bliss, and, during,this, while loving,
>loving, loving, loving them, while loving the Great Spirits,
>whirling up,up, up and up, in Spirals of Love, above the clouds,
>Towards the Sun ,on Eagle Wings of God, in God, in God, in God,
>It will bring the Green Gold up, as far, far, far, as you can,
>Imagine, and Dream, sometimes, farther, than you planned, into the
>Star of Infinity.


Oct 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM10/9/97



Good old friends, as the one who drives you to the airport...

Good and loving friends.

Lots of good friends here...say hi to your good friends right here
in ADC!

They been saying hi to V...

HI V WildWings who dreams all the time!!

Will you awaken to see us all, we're smiling and caring too...


Katie Sanders

Oct 30, 2023, 11:19:32 AM10/30/23
Mad Hornet is steal the all toys, and steal all moneys, when Mad Hornet to kill grandma who knows about talking no more, please save me!!

Mad Hornet

Oct 30, 2023, 5:47:52 PM10/30/23
Would you please stop saying such nonsense about me and leave me alone? No one is going to save you because they don't even know about you, so not. - Mad Hornet

He Who Sees All

Oct 31, 2023, 10:54:52 PM10/31/23
Son, this is Usenet, to the internet as neanderthal was to cromagnon.

If you can't stand the heat, fuck off.

Plus, you use googlegroups, which is reserved only for impoverished
nitwits. Have a look at the headers:

2a02:587:797b:e3ed:bc2b:87bb:6bea:31be is your posting IPv6 address.

Translates to:

Employee Union of Ethniki Hellenic General Insurance Company S.A;

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Google is really, really good for privacy. Why not use one of the
many NNTP hosts around? Or even better yet, stop using your
employer's work client and pay for your own NSP using a proper
backbone etc?

In the meantime, try to make more sense...

On Mon, 30 Oct 2023 14:47:51 -0700 (PDT), Mad Hornet
<> wrote:

>Would you please stop saying such nonsense about me and leave me alone? No one is going to save you because they don't even know about you, so not. - Mad Hornet
‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.’

Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX,
as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI

Aleister Crowley, Cairo, 1904
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