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Man hospitalised after drilling dream-controlling chip into his skull

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Jul 22, 2023, 6:16:48 AM7/22/23
People often come forward and talk about their ability to have lucid
dreams. Although neuroscience has made significant headway in recent
years, scientists still have little to no knowledge about why and how
humans dream. Now, the idea of controlling a person’s dreams in such a
climate would obviously be too far-fetched.

However, for one man in Russia, dreams were within reach. Identified as
Mikhail Raduga, the man attempted to take control of his lucid dreams
through a chip inside his brain. For those unaware, lucid dreams are
dreams in which a person has the ability to command the actions of their
subconscious mind while asleep.

In a bid to control his lucid dreams, Raduga decided to drill a hole
inside his skull in order to insert a chip in his brain that would help
him control his dreams. However, in the process of trying to drill his
skull, the Russian man ended up gravely injuring himself.

According to reports, Raduga performed the surgery all by himself in his
apartment in Novosibirsk, Russia. Obviously, things did not go as he had
hoped, and Raduga had to be rushed to the hospital after losing 1 litre of
blood after a four-hour surgery on himself.

On July 18, in a Twitter post, Raduga confirmed that he had in fact
carried out the procedure himself. The Russian is a well-known OBE expert.
He is the founder of the Phase Research Center. He researches a
dissociative state of mind (the phase) commonly referred to as out-of-body
experiences (OBEs), astral projections, and lucid dreams.

He had made up his mind to perform the procedure by himself, as he felt
that the presence of the experts would have complicated the process more.
Even though the operation affected Raduga's health, he remained hopeful
that the outcomes would pave the way for future advancements in dream
control technologies.

### - omg what a fucking idiot??? LOL ! :D

coz this guy - by all accounts: a seriously dedicated dream researcher in
his own right - is also a member of our WILDs & WILDing group on facebook?
(he's joined just about every dreaming group on fb and have spoken with
him several times although he's never mentioned any of this crap before,
and now here he is drilling fucking holes in his head to lucid dream??)

dumb, really dumb! :))))

obviously, he wanted some kinda more dependable on/off switch: an
electronic version no less?

this being *totally unnecessary* considering the clear facility WILDing
has to literally produce lucid dreams on demand for just about ANYONE who
can be bothered to DO the work???

the poor misguided bastard :D

(hey crsds, fancy buying 'his' book? comes with the chip AND a free
hand-drill haha j/k)


You’ll love learning to lucid dream The WILD Way.
It’s very easy to do and it will change your life forever!

This literally IS the stuff that ‘Dreams Are Made Of’


Jul 22, 2023, 9:57:38 PM7/22/23
Well well well, Mr Brian Aherne...

A couple of things.

Firstly, this group is DEAD, how dare you come back and try to
resurrect this moribund place. Let it be pal, ok?

Secondly, he's a fucking RUSSIAN, shame he didn't fucking KILL HIMSELF
because the only GOOD Russian is a DEAD Russian. Fuck him.

Thirdly, why don't you just fade off into the sunset & stop with your

Oh yes, the way that guy with the school policing daughter is going,
he's probably way past being able to communicate in anything more than
monosyllabic grunts so, just let him be too and fuck off back to your
squalid little flat.

On Sat, 22 Jul 2023 11:16:38 +0100, slider <>


Jul 23, 2023, 6:10:24 AM7/23/23
repost from May 2014:
Scientists find switch for people to control their dreams

Have you ever had a dream where you realized you were dreaming? The
technical term is a lucid dream. And people who are lucky enough to have
them can often control the dreams, as well. This week, researchers showed
for the first time that they could use electrical stimulation to switch
lucid dreaming on.

The implications are intriguing. The study suggests that someday ordinary
people might be able to produce lucid dreams using an electrical device.
It provides a new way to study consciousness. And it also indicates
possible therapies for mental health problems, including the recurring
nightmares common in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

"This is a major contribution to consciousness research," Thomas
Metzinger, a philosopher based at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz,
Germany, told me over the phone. He has dealt extensively with aspects of
consciousness and self-awareness from a philosophical perspective.

He also noted that the change from non-lucid to lucid dreaming is similar
to snapping back to attention after daydreaming. So the study might be
able to help our understanding of waking life, as well.

For decades, people have been manipulating the brain using chemical means
— drugs. But in recent years, researchers have begun to use electricity,
as well. For example, there's FDA-approved electrical brain implant that
treats tremors associated with Parkinson's disease.

The new dream study, which was published May 11 in Nature Neuroscience,
used a far less invasive method: electrodes temporarily placed at
strategic locations on the scalp. The research involved 24 volunteers with
no history of lucid dreaming. The subjects went to sleep and eventually
dreamed. Then, researchers turned on a 30-second-long electrical signal
and then woke them up and asked them about their experiences. It turned
out that a 40 Hz stimulation induced lucid dreams 77 percent of the time.

You can't objectively measure a dream, though. So how did researchers know
that the subjects weren't just making it up? For one, the electrical
stimulation was gentle enough that people couldn't feel it, and some
people were in a control group that had electrodes that never got turned
on. Also, the study was double-blind: neither the volunteers nor the
people who interviewed them were told who had what kind of stimulation. So
it does seem that the effects were real.

In addition, there was an objective measurement of the subjects' own brain
activity. Researchers purposefully were stimulating subjects' brains at
around 40 Hz because this frequency had already been associated with
higher-order brain functions such as self-awareness. The subjects' own
brains then resonated with this frequency, producing it themselves. And
the signal was stronger during lucid dreams than non-lucid dreams.

Although lead researcher Ursula Voss, of Goethe-University Frankfurt,
Germany, told me that they haven't seen any side effects from the
stimulation, there isn't enough data to completely know for sure. So
absolutely do not try this at home. The potential risks of messing with
the brain's electrical activity could include seizures, memory problems,
and who knows what else.

### - bit of an update/background info on the original post, as matey was
probably trying in some 'wet-wire' way to internalise this 40hz
stimulation based on articles such as the above from 2014 (2 years before
publishing the WILDway when dild-doing was all they had) instead of having
to be wired-up with dozens of external electrodes before laying down,
which indeed would be a bit of a palaver to have to go through every night
right? not to mention likely being fairly uncomfortable too (there's since
been dozens of these stupid external dream machines costing 100's, none of
which ever worked, all complete ripoffs...)

the whole thing (then and now) clearly 'reeking' of the growing
frustration most people quite naturally experience via exclusively
learning to dild... there being no-such-possible-thing as an on/off switch
for dilds thus people's futile attempts to find/create one!?

clearly the 'mistake' they're making is by involving science in
dream-inducement when science itself has yet to even explain ordinary
dreams & dreaming??

perhaps LaBerge is also somewhat responsible too: by going all-in on dilds
and then inventing those useless flashing facemasks and steering everyone
towards them, like 'that' was the practical/right thing to do?

one end result of all that nonsense being 2023-shit like this now poor
deluded, but obviously well-meaning twit, actually drilling a hole in his
head ffs and poking summat in there?? LOL ! :)))

not recommended heh, or even required now we gots WILDs to play with ;)
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