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Bush at Disneyland. A new Disneyland for Bagdad, Iraq!

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Sep 24, 2005, 4:26:41 PM9/24/05

I would love to see bush and his family at Disneyland trying to have
some fun.

Maybe he would wake up, and realize that murder, and starting wars for
profit, might be fun, but the pirates of the caribbean, well... is
truly a ride that is awe inspiring.

I have a personal plan that bush can call me about any time he wants

My plan is to build another Disneyland right outside of Bagdad, Iraq.

I want all the different religious groups, and oil corporations, to
agree on a Disneyland that everyone is represented at in a respectful
and peaceful manner.

A place where all factions, and sects would dress their best to take
their children to.

A place where we all share our sameness in our need for love, and
overcome the meanness of our fears which spread hate.

Anyway, i figure with all those billions floating around, even
Haliburton wouldn't mind letting go 5 to 10 billion for a new
playground. Heck Haliburton could lay the foundation and sewage and
conduit and everything. They got masses of that stuff there already.

Just imagine how happy our gi's would be to know we actually care
about our American soldiers, where we give them a playground to relax
and get their heads together in that dangerous area, instead of
blowing pooh pooh air before throwing them into harm's way again, for
selfish profit reasons.

I bet if you asked them, our american soldiers, if not allowed to come
home, would like to have a Disneyland withen a twenty minute drive
when off duty.

I think making our soldiers happy is enough of a reason to build a
Disneyland in Bagdad. Of course, part of that would be our
responsibility, and commitment to keep it from being blown up after it
is built.
Yes, we would have to keep it from being blown up... somehow.

The somehow will only come about through communication and mutual
respect between everyone.

But... that's just my opinion.

Oh, and i'm curious, where can i find this letter posted on an
official whitehouse, disney, or news web site?

I'd appreciate the link. Thank you.

Your Pal,


Sep 26, 2005, 12:50:23 AM9/26/05
On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 09:45:47 -0700, tommy <> wrotc:

>In article <>,
> (Ed) wrote:
>> Art Linkletter would have said the same thing to Walt when Walt told
>> him about his plans for Disneyland in Anaheim, but they didn't make a
>> shilled republican drug named prozac back then.
>you're not actually comparing yourself to Walt Disney, are you?
>Walt wasn't mentally ill, he was just misunderstood.

Actually, the majority of pyschological analysis of Walt does indeed
say he was mentally ill.

Of course, like anyone in the world, I'll compare myself to Walt
anytime i want to.

You on the other hand, ever since i've met you, have been slightly
cowardly. Your lack of confidence is why you initiate these attacks
against good people, and is why you censor others with these attacks.
You have being jealous, and insulting, a bit, when you could, instead,
have been busy creating art. I and others have noticed this.

At least you picked a fun loving reprobate to pick as your standards
of excellence, which you yourself, you have deemed, for some reason,
to be unable to copy and emulate, or ever reach the standards of.

Listen, if you really have a need to build an amusement park like
Walt, you willl build one too. You will find people calling you
mentally ill, like they did Walt. You will find many people trying to
stop you. You will find more people trying to stop you than help you
at first, but as i have always found truth, and good ideas always win
in the end, and the people who tried to stop the truth suffer in their
attempts to censor and impede.

I'm sorry, tommy, but it is this tiny streak of cowardice that hurts
you so much in your relationships, and professional life. You really
are not a dumb person, but this cowardice has you continually
attacking others. If you had confidence you would not be so afraid of
other people, and hide in your job at Best Buys, when you could be
doing so much better if you only had a bit, well a bit of spiritual

If you are going to be hateful, and cynical you need to direct it
against the people, who deserve it. Go fight the criminals who use
you, and hate you, like the criminal and traitor, george bush, or any
republican at this moment in time, who supports him. There is no such
thing as an honest person in america, who still supports george bush.
All republicans are guilty at this moment of being liars, traitors,
and being un-american, who call him president. You can not be a good
American and still support murderers and thieves. No honest person
will call bush president, only other liars, and criminals.

By the way, only mentally ill people keep ignoring the fact America
has been taken over by criminals, thieves, and traitors, who are our
enemies. Only mentally ill people try to continue their lifes as if
nothing is wrong about a fake president using a hurrican disaster to
force into the supreme court a traitor who has knowingly broken
constitutional law again, and again, for selfish monitary reasons, and
their prejudice against humankind in general it seems. Another case
of lack of respect being overcompensated by the need to control

However, normal people, such as myself, emotionally strained by these
criminals, will continue to state the obvious.

As for mental illness, sick republican traitors call you mentall ill
now a days if you are for peace and against war. They call you
mentally ill for calling them the murdering traitors they are.

Take care, tommy. I hope i haven't hurt your feelings. I don't want
to come off as rude as you have been to others. Not that i'm judging
you, even though you love to judge others. You can be as rude as you

Take care, and have fun.

Your Pal,


Sep 26, 2005, 1:20:49 AM9/26/05
In article <>, (Ed) wrote:

> Take care, tommy. I hope i haven't hurt your feelings. I don't want
> to come off as rude as you have been to others. Not that i'm judging
> you, even though you love to judge others. You can be as rude as you
> want.
> Take care, and have fun.
> Your Pal,
> Ed

I skipped to the bottom after trying to read the first paragraph. Hope I
didn't miss anything good.

I don't think you could hurt my feelings since everything you say is
absolute gibberish. Ed, let it go already. Stop the off-topic posting
that NOBODY likes.

I made the mistake of throwing out my killfile. This is the last you'll
hear from me.



Sep 26, 2005, 1:36:00 AM9/26/05
On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 22:20:49 -0700, tommy <> wrotc:

>In article <>,
> (Ed) wrote:
>> Take care, tommy. I hope i haven't hurt your feelings. I don't want
>> to come off as rude as you have been to others. Not that i'm judging
>> you, even though you love to judge others. You can be as rude as you
>> want.
>> Take care, and have fun.
>> Your Pal,
>> Ed
>I skipped to the bottom after trying to read the first paragraph. Hope I
>didn't miss anything good.

That's a lie, you read the whole thing. So you are a republican.
Thought so.

>I don't think you could hurt my feelings since everything you say is
>absolute gibberish.

Well, it's actually highly intelligent, but it is true that a dog
watches television and sees colors and light and is unable to discern
any meaning from the images that intelligent humans can perceive.

> Ed, let it go already. Stop the off-topic posting
>that NOBODY likes.

Like i said, tommy is a control freak, most cowards are. Please,
tommy, you will be so much happier not trying to tell people to do
things you know they shouldn't. I'm sorry the world is not as neat
and tidy as you wish it was.

>I made the mistake of throwing out my killfile. This is the last you'll
>hear from me.

Is that a promise or a threat. This kind of statement is either a
joke, or i would say it the pot calling the kettle black when it come
to being iffy on the mental stability thing.

I've always been curious why republicans have this mentally distrurbed
need to create enemies all the time, instead of democrats who try to
always make friends and communicate with their fellow human beings
with mutual selfrespect. I'm sorry to have to say it but it truely is
a matter of lack of intelligence on the side of the republicans.

You can't be intelligent and still call your self a republican. You
can only be a murdering coward.

Your Pal,


Sep 26, 2005, 9:37:36 AM9/26/05
On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 22:20:49 -0700, tommy <>

>I don't think you could hurt my feelings since everything you say is
>absolute gibberish. Ed, let it go already. Stop the off-topic posting
>that NOBODY likes.
>I made the mistake of throwing out my killfile. This is the last you'll
>hear from me.

The Killfile is your friend. Use it often, and life can by
joyful and Ed-less.

(who is looking forward to her Disneyland visit next Monday,
October 3!)


Sep 26, 2005, 10:32:10 AM9/26/05
On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 13:37:36 GMT, Sharon
<> wrotc:

I know i'll be happier, and more joyful, not having to deal with the
unhappy, control freak republicans, who only know how to spread hate.

Anyone have fun, and take care. You too Tommy! Good to see you're
still around.

Your Pal,

Message has been deleted


Sep 30, 2005, 2:11:18 AM9/30/05
Sorry to butt in here, but are you aware that Walt was a Republican?


Sep 30, 2005, 11:19:36 AM9/30/05

On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 00:11:18 -0600, AD <> wrotc:

>Sorry to butt in here, but are you aware that Walt was a Republican?

You are aware Bush isn't a republican. Not a real republican. He
calls himself a republican cause it's easier to manipulate and lie to
stupid people, which all republicans are.

It is a proven fact that uneducated and ignorant people tend to be
republicans. Actually only an ignorant selfish prejudiced person
would even consider becoming a republican. No intelligent person could
lower their standards to such lies, and a party built on petty fears,
which foster hate.

The traitor, george bush, isn't an american even. The traitor, george
bush, will always be just a thief and murderer.

The only way he will ever be forgiven is to let me make a worldwide
announcement from Bagdad, where i call him the thief and murderer he

By placing me in charge of Iraq, george will be admitting he is wrong,
and giving himself up to a human who tries to respect truth, while
surrounded by a world of liars.

At this point, george will then be forgiven. He will be forgiven
because he admitted to God, not just other humans, but to God, that he
has indeed made a mistake. He admits to himself and God that he is
just as stupid, and ignorant, as every human on this planet is stupid
and ignorant.

By appointing me as the head of all operations in Iraq, i will
immediately call for tallks for the building of Disneyland, Bagdad. I
figure building a Disneyland is as harmless a project as possible that
we as a human race could start concentrating on.

By building a Disneyland in Iraq, we would have to build up the
electrical grids, and the water purification plants. We couldnt have
a Disneyland without a continuous stream of electricity and clean
water now could we?

Could you imagine a Disneyland in Iraq with no airconditioned theatres
to duck into now and then from the midday heat.

To begin the process of building Disneyland, Bagdad, the army will
supply tight security to a small area outside bagdad, where everyone
and anyone can discuss their problems and what they consider solutions
to the problem in Iraq. These talks will be broadcast in their
entirety. I also like the idea of a 24 hour television station where
anyone can voice their opinion, just get in line.

Everyone will know my position, and why i am there in Iraq seeking
peace. I want another Disneyland for everyone in Iraq. I want Iraqis
to forget their hate, and their fears, and their problems, and their
sadness, that american thiefs have caused them.

I know Disneyland is a unique American ideal, but the whole point of
the discussions will be to find what kind of Iraq amusement park the
majority, if not all humans, would like to have in their worlds.

If they want a statue of Sadaam in the hub of Disneyland, Bagdad, then
so be it. I mean i personally would recomend possibly someone else,
but it really should be up to them and not us. That's why i would be
in charge.

These meetings will be translated, and televised around the world. I
think it is important for proper discussions that all iraqis be
allowed to contribute and speak. Not just the major sects, but the
minor sects, and also corporate leaders from around the world, and
religious leaders, and other representatives, even representatives
from corporate oil companies, and base-building haliburton ceo's.

Of course, george and his crew will not be allowed to attend
personally. They will have to watch on tv like everyone else, and see
what the outcome is, without any influence on their own part. That
way their redemption can be true, and not falsely manipulated, even a
little bit, or even subconciously.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. Hee hee.

Your Pal,


Oct 5, 2005, 9:29:36 AM10/5/05
Ed wrote:

> I know i'll be happier, and more joyful, not having to deal with the
> unhappy, control freak republicans, who only know how to spread hate.

Hmm...sounds like you don't live by your own words. Your hatred of
republicans is quite apparent.


Oct 5, 2005, 9:38:29 AM10/5/05
Ed wrote:

> You are aware Bush isn't a republican. Not a real republican.

He's not a conservative but that should make you happy.

> It is a proven fact that uneducated and ignorant people tend to be
> republicans.

Actually nationwide the opposite is true regarding education levels and
likelyhood of an individual being democrat vs. republican. However,
theres people of all types on both sides of the fence.

> Actually only an ignorant selfish prejudiced person
> would even consider becoming a republican. No intelligent person could
> lower their standards to such lies, and a party built on petty fears,
> which foster hate.

Such hatred. Thats a huge weight you'll be carrying for many years to
come. Kinda sad for ya.


Oct 5, 2005, 10:07:08 AM10/5/05
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 06:29:36 -0700, miles <> wrotc:

Hmmm... sounds like you are a republican trying to confuse people on
purpose... as usual.

Being happy is a state of mind you obviously do not understand. It
has nothing to do with hate.

But if you hate these people who are traitors who hurt others and
blame others for their crimes, i can't blame you. It's perfectly

There is nothing wrong with dislikeing sick, hateful traitors like
george bush. They are guilty of murder and theivery. They will be
made to pay for their crimes. They and all their supporters will pay
for their crimes against God.

The backlash to the republican sickness will be beautiful and bring
much happiness.

It's not up to me, you know, it's up to our God. It's up to your

Your Pal,


Oct 5, 2005, 11:11:41 AM10/5/05
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 06:38:29 -0700, miles <> wrotc:

>Ed wrote:
>> You are aware Bush isn't a republican. Not a real republican.
>He's not a conservative but that should make you happy.

He's not even an American, he's just a traitor.

>> It is a proven fact that uneducated and ignorant people tend to be
>> republicans.
>Actually nationwide the opposite is true regarding education levels and
>likelyhood of an individual being democrat vs. republican. However,
>theres people of all types on both sides of the fence.

No it's actually proven statistically, get out your almanac. I read
it. You can to. Just open those things called books.

But i'm sure that will change too. Republican and democrat are only
names used to designate whatever the group wants it to be. But right
now, in our time, my statement is true.

President elect Al Gore, was a Rhode scholar, george bush, doesn't
read. That is one thing george bush is adamant about, and he will not
lie about. He stated quite plainly to the American people, he doesn't
like to read books, or read the newspapers.

>> Actually only an ignorant selfish prejudiced person
>> would even consider becoming a republican. No intelligent person could
>> lower their standards to such lies, and a party built on petty fears,
>> which foster hate.
>Such hatred. Thats a huge weight you'll be carrying for many years to
>come. Kinda sad for ya.

Hee hee.

No not hate, just the unvarnished truth.

It's george's own crimes that will cause his retribution to be so
painful for him. It has nothing to do with me.

I have no weight. You see when you try to live the truth and try
never to lie, there is no weight. What is, is.

I accept, and enjoy being a human, and i thank God for allowing me to
live at least this once. Anything more will be like icing on a cake.

Your Pal,


Oct 5, 2005, 8:45:14 PM10/5/05
Ed wrote:

>>Ed wrote:
> Hmmm... sounds like you are a republican trying to confuse people on
> purpose... as usual.

lol, nobody is confused here. We all can see your hatred. It's quite
obvious when you write pages of rambling nonsense in response to one
sentence. Too funny, great entertainment!


Oct 5, 2005, 8:55:21 PM10/5/05
Ed wrote:

> No it's actually proven statistically, get out your almanac. I read
> it. You can to. Just open those things called books.

Look up the GSS (General Social Survey) 1972-2000 cumulative survey
regarding this issue. It is by far the most extensive done on the
topic. It's conclusion is quite clear.


Oct 6, 2005, 10:46:37 AM10/6/05
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 17:45:14 -0700, miles <> wrotc:

Yes, you are filled with hate. Honest people like me, who have no
vested emotions bring out the true nature in liars and people living
in selfdenial, like you.

Unfortunately, i can tell you are a tv watcher, and have no way of
growing out of this situation. I'm sorry i wish i could help.

I guess the best advice i can offer you to better you hateful, lonely
world, is to start figuring out what you think, and not try to
deliberately misinterpret others to maintain your false reality.

If you keep up with your education the rambling stuff will start to
make sense to you someday. Then you will be allowed to discuss
important topics with the adults, like disneyland.

Thanks for reading and responding.

Your Pal,


Oct 6, 2005, 8:29:20 PM10/6/05
Ed wrote:
<Rambling nonsense>

Too funny. One sentence nets 4 paragraph or longer responses. You're
too easy.


Oct 6, 2005, 9:10:42 PM10/6/05
To: miles
Re: Re: Bush at Disneyland. A new Disneyland for Bagdad, Iraq!
By: miles to alt.disney.disneyland on Thu Oct 06 2005 06:29 pm

I saw bush at disneyland, and tree, and shrub, and donald.

Captain Crane

Sep 25, 2005, 6:13:43 AM9/25/05
Its Time for Your Prozac Ed !!!!
You forgot to take it these last 2 Days.

Brian - Las Vegas


Sep 25, 2005, 11:26:38 AM9/25/05
Art Linkletter would have said the same thing to Walt when Walt told
him about his plans for Disneyland in Anaheim, but they didn't make a
shilled republican drug named prozac back then.

Instead, Art just called Walt crazy, and he refused to invest in the

So, as always, the thinkers tried to bring their friends along with
their vision, but though adults try to teach children, the children
don't necessarily learn the lessons they should no matter how the
adults bend over backwards to teach them.

So, Art lost out on an investment Walt had offered him. Mr.
Linkletter's money would now be worth over 1,000 times it's value if
he had listened to the crackpot.

Hee hee, you see once you have had your crazy ideas come true, and
your thoughts are proved correct, which has been happening to me since
i was only around 4 and a half, once that starts to happen, you stop
being a sheep, and a cowardly, tv-watching follower, and you start
thinking and seeing clearly what the truth is, and how people are
being led around by parasites, who teach lies to sell meaningless
material objects.

And if you believe the lie that it's all about the money, it means you
haven't lived yet, and learned what life is all about.

You really only enjoy the money when you earn it honestly and morally.
Money for money's sake might make it so you dont have to deal with the
normal problems, like buying food, and rent, created by the immoral
republican ideology, but once you overcome that simplistic childish
value system, God's world opens up.

I'm sorry for those of you who can't really think for themselves, and
know when right is right, and when love is really love, and that hate
is just selfishness, bases on the false thought that you need to
accumulate more money than other people. Hate is not a real emotion,
it is reactive to false teachings and is a result of the replacing of
honest ideologies with a fake consumeristic value system.

Have fun, and take care, and i still think a Disneyland in Bagdad
would help start the solving of all our problems, especially with
America invested with parasites and traitors in the white house.

Your Pal,

On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 03:13:43 -0700, (Captain
Crane) wrotc:


Sep 25, 2005, 12:45:47 PM9/25/05

> Art Linkletter would have said the same thing to Walt when Walt told
> him about his plans for Disneyland in Anaheim, but they didn't make a
> shilled republican drug named prozac back then.

you're not actually comparing yourself to Walt Disney, are you?

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