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Department of Defense school sees 1,250% increase in use of left-leaning books after woke equity chief's scandal

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Leroy N. Soetoro

Mar 26, 2023, 2:05:24 PM3/26/23

WASHINGTON – In the six months since a self-described “woke” Pentagon
schools administrator‘s racially charged tweets drew national attention
and GOP criticism, the number of her far-left children’s books lining the
shelves of the elementary, middle and high schools under her authority
have increased tenfold.

Kelisa Wing, the Department of Defense Education Activity’s chief
diversity, equity and inclusion officer, made headlines in September when
Twitter posts with disparaging comments about white people were

“I’m so exhausted at these white folx in these [professional development]
sessions this lady actually had the CAUdacity to say black people can be
racist too,” Wing wrote in one post from June 2020, using a portmanteau
for “Caucasian audacity.”

At the time, about 45 copies of books Wing coauthored – including titles
such as “What is White Privilege?” and “What Does it Mean to Defund the
Police?” – were available in 11 DOD school libraries, according to a
Substack report by OpenTheBooks, a right-leaning nonprofit that tracks
government spending.

As of Friday, that number had grown to more than 600 books in 49 DOD
schools from Quantico, Va., to Yokosuka, Japan, according to online
library databases and the report — an increase of nearly 1,250% since her
Twitter scandal broke.

As Wing’s books proliferated in the schools, the Pentagon’s Office of the
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness was conducting a
review of her divisive social media presence.

“Far-left radical Kelisa Wing is under investigation for her racist and
divisive statements, but Biden’s Department of Defense is allowing her to
continue to infiltrate the classrooms and minds of our service members’
children,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) told The Post.

“Our service members deserve transparency for what their children are
learning, not more stonewalling from the Biden Administration.”

Originally slated to take 30 days, the Defense Department has kept mum on
whether the review has even concluded.

GOP lawmakers who requested its results in November and again in January
have not received a response, according to Stefanik.

“The Biden Administration can no longer hide from parents that they are
pushing their radical agenda on our service members’ children, and it is
past time for the Department of Defense to release the findings of Kelisa
Wing’s divisive and radical ideology she is imposing in our DoDEA
schools,” she said.

The Pentagon did not respond Friday to questions from The Post about
whether the review had ended or whether Wing remained employed in her

Her name does not appear on DODEA’s DEI webpage, but the Air Force Times
reported she still held the position when she granted the outlet an
interview published Feb. 10.

Wing was hired in 2021 after Biden issued an executive order forcing all
federal agencies to create teams focused on “equity,” which differs from
“equality” in that it caters to historically disadvantaged groups rather
than giving all people an equal chance at success.

The executive order has been opposed by many Republican lawmakers, such as
Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.), who told The Post that the use of Wing’s books
in DODEA libraries is “just the latest example of [the] division” sowed
under Biden’s equity push.

“Since day one and under the guise of ‘equity,’ the Biden administration
has sought to divide Americans along racial lines,” Tiffany said.

“Whether it’s federal agencies or federally funded entities, we must root
out race-based discrimination in our federal government.”

Wing’s books mostly appear in elementary and middle schools, though her
book, “Historically Black Colleges and Universities,” can be found at
Kaiserslautern High School in Germany, for example.

However, her more politically charged titles, such as “What is the Black
Lives Matter Movement?” and “Racial Justice in America: Topics for
Change,” appear in schools geared to younger grades, according to library

Others found in DODEA middle schools include “Jim Crow and Policing”;
“What is Anti-Racism?”; “How Can I Be An Ally?” and “Tulsa Race Riots and
the Red Summer of 1919.”

Stefanik, who introduced a “Service Member Parents Bill of Rights” bill
last year to guarantee that DODEA parents can review school curriculum and
the list of books contained in its libraries, denounced Wing’s “radical

“I will continue … to support military families and hold the Biden
Administration accountable to prioritizing the strength our national
defense rather than forcing their woke ideologies on our nation’s
military,” she told The Post.

"LOCKDOWN", left-wing COVID fearmongering. 95% of COVID infections
recover with no after effects.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Donald J. Trump, cheated out of a second term by fraudulent "mail-in"
ballots. Report voter fraud:

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.
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