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Re: "Assault on conservative groups: 10 things you need to know about Southern Poverty Law Center

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Secret Papers

Jun 16, 2023, 4:35:03 AM6/16/23
David Hartung <d_ha...@hotmail.corn> wrote in

> The SPLC is just a bunch of racists trolling other racists for money.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) sparked a firestorm this week after
it added several prominent parental rights groups to its annual "Hate and
Extremism" report, including Parents Defending Education and Moms for
Liberty, describing them as "hard-right" and "reactionary anti-student
inclusion groups."

According to the new SPLC report, schools "have been on the receiving end
of ramped-up and coordinated hard-right attacks."

After being "spurred by the right-wing backlash to COVID-19 public safety
measures," parental rights groups appeared to have "grown into an anti-
student inclusion movement that targets any inclusive curriculum that
contains discussions of race, discrimination and LGBTQ identities,"
according to the SPLC, which has tax-exempt status from the IRS.

"Like many other hard-right groups, these reactionary anti-student
inclusion groups are constantly painting themselves as an oppressed class,
while vilifying those discriminated against," the SPLC added.

The SPLC itself has faced a long history of allegations of discrimination
while it simultaneously purports to be a "catalyst for racial justice in
the South and beyond."


Despite its controversial past, the SPLC often partners with the federal
government and is frequently cited as a reference by agencies at the state
and federal levels.

For instance, the SPLC began partnering with the FBI in 2007 for its "Cold
Case Initiative" seeking to identify racially-motivated murders committed
decades ago, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ), and SPLC
research and data analyst Zachary Mahafza was recently enlisted as a
panelist who helped shape the administration’s "Blueprint for an AI Bill
of Rights."

1. The SPLC's co-founder was driven from the organization and multiple
other executives resigned following accusations of rampant internal racism
and sexism
Founded in 1971, the Alabama-based SPLC gained prominence in the 1980s for
winning several civil lawsuits on the behalf of Ku Klux Klan victims.
However, with the exception of its co-founder Morris Dees, the SPLC’s
entire legal staff resigned in protest in 1986 over a disagreement about
the organization’s direction. They wanted to focus on civil rights while
Dees wanted to continue targeting white supremacist groups like the KKK, reported in 2019.

In 1994, the Montgomery Advertiser published an eight-part series about
the SPLC that went on to be a Pulitzer Prize finalist, examining the
"litany of problems and questionable practices at the SPLC, including a
deeply troubled history with its relatively few black employees, some of
whom reported hearing the use of racial slurs by the organization’s staff
and others who ‘likened the center to a plantation’" and "misleading
donors with aggressive direct-mail tactics," the publication’s former
managing editor, Jim Tharpe, recounted in a 2019 op-ed for The Washington

Tharpe’s editorial came soon after the SPLC fired Dees in March 2019
following accusations of unchecked internal racism and sexism. His ouster
came after the SPLC faced two dozen employee complaints saying its
workplace fostered an intolerable workplace environment, including
mistreatment, sexual harassment and a lack of diversity based on race and

SPLC co-founder Morris Dees
Morris Dees (Photo by David Buchan/Variety/Penske Media via Getty Images)

The New York Times reported at the time that several employees were
subject to "racially callous remarks" and that some on staff were
sidelined because of their skin color – ultimately affecting their pay and
advancement within the organization.

"As a civil rights organization, the SPLC is committed to ensuring that
the conduct of our staff reflects the mission of the organization and the
values we hope to instill in the world," SPLC's then-president Richard
Cohen said at the time. "When one of our own fails to meet those
standards, no matter his or her role in the organization, we take it
seriously and must take appropriate action."

Cohen later stepped down from the organization amid the harassment and
diversity allegations.

Amid the scandal, The New Yorker’s Bob Moser, who worked for the SPLC as a
writer from 2001 to 2004, wrote a piece slamming the lack of diversity at
the nonprofit.

"But nothing was more uncomfortable than the racial dynamic that quickly
became apparent: a fair number of what was then about a hundred employees
were African-American, but almost all of them were administrative and
support staff—‘the help,’ one of my black colleagues said pointedly,"
Moser wrote at the time. "The ‘professional staff’—the lawyers,
researchers, educators, public-relations officers, and fund-raisers—were
almost exclusively white. Just two staffers, including me, were openly


2. SPLC union members protested the organization’s ‘inequitable’ policies
last year
The 2019 scandal prompted SPLC staff to unionize that December in an
effort to enact more equitable policies. In March 2022, the union
organized an employee protest, claiming there was a racial disparity in
the nonprofit's return-to-work policy.

"Black women, many of whom have been working at this organization for
decades in positions with little or no opportunities for advancement are
four times more likely to be denied telework and/or remote work than white
women and are seven times more likely to be denied telework options than
white men at the Center," the SPLC Union wrote in a news release about the
protest held in Montgomery.

The union said the event aimed to "protest management's forcing mostly
Black women employees to return to the office while allowing the option of
remote work for white and higher-paid employees."

The SPLC's current president and CEO, Margaret Huang, defended the
organization's policies in a statement, saying the SPLC had created a
flexible work model that allowed staff in certain, eligible roles to work
entirely remotely.

"We have nearly 400 employees and have identified only 9% of employees
whose positions require them to be in the office, performing activities
such as processing legal mail and donor contributions," Huang said at the

SPLC President Margaret Huang
Margaret Huang (Photo by Rob Latour/Variety/Penske Media via Getty Images)

3. A D.C. gunman said SPLC’s ‘hate map’ motivated his attack on the Family
Research Council
Critics have long accused the SPLC of falsely slapping the "hate group"
label on non-violent groups that hold traditional beliefs about hot-button
issues such as gay marriage and abortion.

One of those conservative Christian groups, the Family Research Council
(FRC), was targeted in August 2012 by a gunman who said he was driven by
the SPLC’s "hate map."

A man named Floyd Lee Corkins II showed up to the FRC building in
Washington, D.C, with a 9 mm pistol, multiple ammunition clips and a box
of extra rounds.

Prosecutors said his mission was to "kill as many people as possible," but
one heroic building manager’s action was ?"the only thing that prevented
Floyd Corkins, II from carrying out a mass shooting."

The shooter opened fire, striking Leo Johnson, an office manager who
successfully tackled him until police arrived, preventing the intended
massacre. The shooter, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison on charges
including terrorism, told the FBI that he found FRC on the SPLC's "hate


"Southern Poverty Law lists, uh, anti-gay groups," Corkins told the FBI,
according to interrogation footage. "I found them online — did a little
research, went to the website, stuff like that."

More than 10 years after the attack and the FRC is still listed as an
"anti-LGBTQ" hate group by the SPLC, while other organizations that have
openly carried out attacks on organizations across the country have not
been included on its website. Jane’s Revenge, for example, has taken
responsibility for dozens of attacks against pro-life and pregnancy
centers from coast to coast since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, but is
not listed as a "hate group" on the SPLC website or even mentioned,
according to a search of the site.

4. The SPLC maintains vast amounts of cash in offshore entities
Despite being based in Alabama, the SPLC has for years held vast amounts
of cash in offshore accounts, which has led to criticism of its finances.

According to its most recent financial audit, the group reported $138
million in non-U.S. equity funds as of Oct. 31, 2022. The Washington Free
Beacon previously reported its offshore money has included accounts in the
Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands.

The SPLC is a fundraising powerhouse and has pulled in substantial cash
from the "hate" industry. The group reported $108 million in contributions
and $723 million in total assets on its most recent tax forms.

Amid the 2019 scandal that led to Dees’ firing, a former staffer came
forward, claiming that the SPLC used its "hate group" accusation to
exaggerate hate in a fundraising scheme to "bilk" donors.

Morris Dees center)
Tony Harris, Morris Dees and Heidi Belrich. (Photo by David
Buchan/Variety/Penske Media via Getty Images)

In 2000, nearly two decades before Dees’ firing, Harpers Magazine’s Ken
Silverstein published a series characterizing the SPLC co-founder as a con
man profiting off of white guilt, as most of SPLC donors were white, and
accusing the organization of spending "most of its time – and money – on a
relentless fund-raising campaign, peddling memberships in the church of
tolerance with all the zeal of a circuit rider passing the collection

Gloria Browne, a lawyer who resigned from the SPLC in the early ‘90s, told
The Montgomery Advertiser at the time that the organization was cashing in
on "black pain and white guilt."

5. The SPLC supports parents' rights when it comes to gender-reassignment
treatments and surgeries
Despite SPLC’s new decision to consider conservative parents’ rights
groups "extreme," it claims parental rights are at the heart of its fight
for transgender kids to be able to access sex-change treatments and
medical procedures.

In March, the SPLC Action Fund issued a statement condemning Georgia’s new
law banning doctors from performing gender-reassignment surgeries or
prescribing hormone replacements to Georgians under 18.

"Denying safe, effective medical treatment to transgender youth — based
only on prejudice and political pandering — is inhumane," the group said
in March after the bill passed the state Senate. "The SPLC Action Fund
urges Gov. Brian Kemp to leave personal healthcare decisions in the
capable hands of parents, children, and their doctors by vetoing S.B.

Glendale protest
Protestors join crowds gathering outside a Glendale Unified School
District meeting where parents and activists differ over teaching sexual
identity to kids at Glendale Unified School District in Burbank Tuesday,
June 6, 2023. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

6. The SPLC was ordered to pay $3.375 million after branding a reformed
Islamist an ‘anti-Muslim extremist'
In 2018, the SPLC agreed to publicly apologize and pay $3.375 million in
damages after branding British anti-extremism group Quilliam Foundation
and its founder, Maajid Nawaz, "anti-Muslim" extremists.

"We've found that Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam have made valuable and important
contributions to public discourse, including by promoting pluralism and
condemning both anti-Muslim bigotry and Islamist extremism," Cohen, the
then-SPLC president, said in his apology. "Although we may have our
differences with some of the positions that Mr. Nawaz and Quilliam have
taken, they are most certainly not anti-Muslim extremists."

Richard Cohen
Southern Poverty Law Center President, Richard Cohen speaks during the
Concert for America: Stand Up, Sing Out! at Town Hall on February 25, 2017
in New York City. (Photo by John Lamparski/WireImage)

7. The SPLC was forced to apologize and retract a 3-part series painting
liberal journalists as Russian pawns
In March 2018, the SPLC was forced to retract and apologize for an article
that falsely asserted several reporters were enabling white supremacists
and Russia while labeling them as fascists and racists.

The SPLC published the misleading article by Alexander Reid Ross
headlined, "The multipolar spin: how fascists operationalize left-wing
resentment." The story attempted to frame progressive journalists as pawns
being used by the alt-right and made dangerous accusations in an attempt
to fit its narrative.

The convoluted 2,500-plus word article was removed the following day after
journalist Max Blumenthal, who was named in the article, expressed concern
that he was falsely portrayed as being part of a nefarious plot by
Kremlin-backed white supremacists to advance a fascist agenda. Several of
the named reporters were minorities well-known for activism on the antiwar
and antiracism fronts.

The SPLC published a lengthy apology and retracted the story, as well as
the two other stories in the three-part series.

8. The SPLC apologized after labeling Ben Carson an ‘extremist’
In May 2016, the SPLC apologized to Ben Carson after placing the then-
potential Republican presidential candidate on its "Extremist Watch List"
— which is mostly made up of hate groups and white supremacists — for
allegedly being "anti-gay."

"In October 2014, we posted an 'Extremist File' of Dr. Ben Carson," SPLC
wrote on its website. "This week, as we've come under intense criticism
for doing so, we've reviewed our profile and have concluded that it did
not meet our standards, so we have taken it down and apologize to Dr.
Carson for having posted it."

Dr. Ben Carson interview
Former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson speaks with Fox News Digital at CPAC
in Dallas on August 4, 2022. (Fox News Digital)

Among the reasons the SPLC gave for initially putting Carson on the list
included a March 26, 2013, interview on Fox News' "Hannity."

In that interview, Carson said: "Marriage is between a man and a woman.
It's a well-established pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be
they NAMBLA [North American Man/Boy Love Association], be they people who
believe in bestiality — it doesn't matter what they are, they don't get to
change the definition."

Though the SPLC apologized for putting Carson on the list, it maintained
that Carson "made a number of statements that express views that we
believe most people would conclude are extreme" and said "we believe that
his views should be closely examined."

9. The SPLC works with students and educators on far-left 'justice'
The SPLC, through its Learning for Justice program, works with students
and educators to push its far-left mission.

Learning for Justice, previously called Teaching Tolerance, seeks to be a
"catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in
partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen
intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people,"
according to its website.

The project pushes its mission through four core areas: culture and
climate, curriculum and instruction, leadership, and family and community
engagement. Its educational resources include articles, guides, lessons,
films, webinars and frameworks to "help foster shared learning and
reflection for educators, young people, caregivers and all community

The project is currently taking action "to support LGBTQ+ youth in
increasingly hostile school environments and in our communities," its
website states.

10. An SPLC attorney was arrested on domestic terrorism charges during the
'Cop City' attack
A Georgia-based SPLC staff attorney, Tom Jurgens, was arrested following
the Georgia "Cop City" terror attack earlier this year.

Jurgens was one of nearly two dozen radical activists arrested for
domestic terrorism after a protest of the proposed 85-acre Atlanta Public
Safety Training Center, labeled by opponents as "Cop City," turned into a
violent assault on law enforcement. The individuals arrested conducted a
coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers at the
site east of Atlanta, using large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails and

Atlanta police arrest
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lawyer Thomas Jurgens was arrested in
Atlanta and charged with domestic terrorism. (Atlanta Police Department )

The SPLC rushed to the defense of Jurgens and the domestic terror suspects
by shifting the blame to the police.

"This is part of a months-long escalation of policing tactics against
protesters and observers who oppose the destruction of the Weelaunee
Forest to build a police training facility," the SPLC said in a statement.


"The SPLC has and will continue to urge de-escalation of violence and
police use of force against Black, Brown and Indigenous communities —
working in partnership with these communities to dismantle white
supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human
rights of all people."

The SPLC did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

Fox News' Brian Flood and Emma Colton, and The Associated Press
contributed to this report.

Revoke their tax exemption status.
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