and technology this something is very easy to understand and to
explain "how" it has happened, "what" caused it,
etc. For example, trees are collapsing because they got rotten, while
there was a strong wind. Stones roll down
because were loose while rain make slopes wet. Water flows along the
"line of the least resistance". Etc., etc. But
when events are ruled by someone's intelligence, then their
understanding still remains extremely difficult.
Therefore, in spite of the level of our knowledge and technology, the
explaining and judging of actions of someone
intelligent still poses a serious problem for researchers. For
example: who killed - the greedy husband or the
jealous lover? Or: is this politician really doing it for the "good of
country", or - as usually, to fill up his own
pocket? Or: is the increase of the price of bred and milk going to
bring hunger and illnesses to the nation, or it
really reinforces the farming and lifts the prosperity?
An additional difficulty in understanding and explaining actions of
someone intelligent, brings the situation that
typically he or she has own goals to be accomplished. But for various
reasons these goals may need to be hidden from
people. In such a case, everything that such someone is doing, is so
"masked", "simulated", or "fabricated", that
for others it looks as something completely different. A classical
(true) case which illustrates this excellently,
is the provocation carried out by communistic police in Polish city of
Wroc³aw of 1968 - as it is described in item
#F2 of the totaliztic web page named "wroclaw_uk.htm". In that
provocation the team of political police dressed in
plain clothes induced street unrests so that it later could blame
these unrests on students from the Technical
University of Wroc³aw and thus be able to remove these students from
the university. In the result, the immoral and
unjust throwing out of these around 40 good students from that
university looked like deserved by them, thus no-one
could appeal against that gross injustice.
The above deductions can be summarised in the form of a general
finding of the "philosophy of totalizm", stating
that "in all cases when in the shaping of something takes part someone
intelligent who has own goals to accomplish,
then whatever other people are allowed to see and find out does NOT
need to be a reflection of what really he does
and accomplishes". In other words, in actions of someone intelligent
"something may look as one thing, while it
really may hide inside something completely different".
The above generalisation remains valid for outcomes of actions of
everyone who behaves intelligently - including
into this also Acts of God. Therefore, every Act of God NOT only that
does NOT need to be what it seems to be, but
actually for sure it is NOT for what many people take it, or even for
what takes it the entire "atheistic orthodox
science" to-date. After all, God has His own superior goal for
accomplishing, which the research by the "totaliztic
science" defines as the "gathering of knowledge". Thus, every Act of
God must be so implemented, that it inspires
and motivates people to the active gathering of knowledge, means to
the having and to defending own views, to
seeking truths, to creative discussions and exchange of knowledge, to
finding better research methods and tools,
etc., etc. As this is reinforced by research of the new "totaliztic
science", every Act of God (for example every
tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, cataclysm, ill-fate, etc.) is really
so implemented, that it contains embedded
into it evidence which documents at least three different explanations
of it simultaneously. Namely, depending on
views of people who research it, it can be explained either: No (1) as
a consequence of mechanisms of "untamed
nature", or No (2) as an outcome of hidden activities of some beings
hostile towards people (e.g. UFOnauts), or No
(3) as an Act of God.
The fact, that into all cataclysms (including tornadoes, earthquakes,
floods, tsunamis, fires, etc.) God
incorporates attributes which allow to explain a given cataclysm
simultaneously in at least three different ways,
turns out to be immensely beneficial for people. This is because it
allows that people already at the present level
of our knowledge and technology may utilise these attributes to gain
various benefits. So let us summarise here most
vital amongst benefits described already in items #C3 to #C6 of the
web page named "tornado.htm", which can be
gained from learning of all attributes that God incorporates into
tornadoes (and also into every other cataclysms).
Here are these benefits:
1. The possibility of effective defence of people from tornadoes (and
from other cataclysms). In present times
various cataclysms, especially tornadoes, appear in places on the
Earth where previously no-one ever heard of them.
For example, item #H5 of the web page named "tornado.htm" describes a
killer tornado that hit the city of Auckland
in New Zealand. In turn item #H3 of the same page describes a tornado
in the Polish city of Wroc³aw. Unfortunately,
the "atheistic orthodox science" to-date (i.e. that inefficient,
monopolistic, official science which spends on its
research huge amounts of taxpayer money, and that only insist on the
claim No (1) that "tornadoes are just freaks of
untamed nature") still does NOT know how people should defend
themselves from tornadoes. But the new "totaliztic
science" (which still carries out all its research without any
funding) already now is able to indicate several
methods of such effective defence. After all, if for example from
explanations No (1) of the present official human
science still does NOT stem how to defend ourselves from tornadoes (or
from any other cataclysms), then for the same
tornadoes (or other cataclysms) such methods of defence are already
provided to us by both remaining explanations No
(2) and No (3). And so, the explanation No (2) that "tornadoes are
outcomes of hidden actions of UFOnauts", allows
to establish that trajectories of "tornadoes" are reflections of
principles of flights and manoeuvres of UFO
vehicles, and thus can easily be predicted on basis of principles of
flights and manoeuvres of the Earth's
equivalents of UFOs - means vehicles called "Magnocrafts". The same
explanation allows also to detect incoming
tornadoes remotely with the use of principles of operation of the
telepathic so-called "Zhang Heng seismograph". In
turn the explanation No (3) that "tornadoes are consequences of Acts
of God aimed at correcting human philosophy and
morality" allows to defend ourselves against these cataclysms by
starting to practice the highly moral "philosophy
of formal totalizm" or by leading the live which strictly obeys
requirements of the Bible - as this is explained in
items #J1 to #J1.2 of the web page named "tornado.htm".
2. The confirmation of correctness for foundations of the "totaliztic
science". The appearance in tornadoes (and
also in all other cataclysms) these three sets of attributes which
document simultaneously as many as three
different mechanisms of their origins, was detected only by the new
"totaliztic science", while still is overlooked
(or intentionally ignored) by the "atheistic orthodox science" to-
date. Thus, the existence of these attributes is a
proof for the correctness of philosophical and scientific foundations
of the new "totaliztic science", and it urges
the humanity to officially recognise this science as soon as possible,
as well as it urges to implement in everyday
life all findings of it.
3. Another proof for the existence of God. Only the omnipotent God is
able to incorporate several sets of attributes
simultaneously into a single given phenomena - e.g. into a tornado.
Thus, the existence of such three sets of
attributes in all highly destructive tornadoes (and also in all other
highly destructive cataclysms) is another
"proof for the existence of God", that adds to a long list of such
proofs already discussed on the web page named
Unfortunately, in order to gain access to all above benefits, the
science which officially researches the reality
around us, must be based on the general approach to research, which by
philosophers is called "a priori" - means
"from cause to effects" or "from God - understood as the most superior
cause, to the reality which surrounds us -
which represents the effect of God’s activities". However, our
official science to-date (frequently called the
"atheistic orthodox science") researches everything exclusively from
another general approach, which by philosophers
is called "a posteriori" - means "from effects to causes". The reason
for such its general approach is that it is
based on the highly erroneous for the present level of our knowledge
"founding assumption", which stems from the so
-called "Occam's razor". In the result, this "atheistic orthodox
science" to-date is able to notice and to discover
at the most up to a "half of truth" on the subject of reality which
surrounds us, because the discovery of that
"other half of truth" requires "a priori" approach to research - which
that old science is NOT able to implement
because of the philosophy that it adopted for itself. (After all, as
it is known by even small children, in order to
get to know entire something, a researcher needs to examine it from
all possible sides, NOT just from a single
side.) So in order to also have another new science on the Earth,
which starts to research the reality around us
from that opposite "a priori" approach - thus discovering and
describing still missing today that "second half of
truth", and which also is "competitive" towards the old science to-
date - and thus which is to "watch hands of that
old science" and verify the truth of every its "a posteriori" claim,
which is to break the highly detrimental for
the humanity "monopole for knowledge" of that old science, etc., it is
necessary for the humanity to officially
acknowledge and formally support this new kind of science called the
"totaliztic science". This new "totaliztic
science" already exists. It was established in 1985. The reason why
hardly anyone have heard about it, is that so-
far it is suppressed, silenced, and deprived of voice by that old
"atheistic orthodox science" - which jealously
guards its absolute "monopole for knowledge", while in the new
"totaliztic science" sees just a threat and
"competition" for itself. On the other hand, this new "totaliztic
science" is based on completely different
philosophical and scientific foundations which stem from the
relatively new scientific theory called the "Concept of
Dipolar Gravity" and from the relatively new philosophy called the
"philosophy of totalizm". These new philosophical
and scientific foundations which differ from old ones used by the
"atheistic orthodox science" to-date, allow the
new "totaliztic science" to empirically research God as the cause of
everything. In this way they allow it to
discover and to make available for people that "other half of truth"
missing so-far, which because of just single-
tracked looking at the reality this old science was unable to see. But
simultaneously, because of a completely
secular nature of the new "totaliztic science", in its research this
science uses most modern and most effective
tools - which are checked already in action and which are used for
many years by the old "atheistic orthodox
science" to-date. (Notice, that because of the use of empirics,
experiments, and modern scientific tools, this new
"totaliztic science" cannot be compared to religions from which it
significantly differs. After all, religions are
based exclusively on "divine revelations", NOT on empirical research
and scientific experiments. Furthermore, they
have also different goals than goals of the "totaliztic science".)
Most damaging consequences of the fact that the official "atheistic
orthodox science" to-date is only able to
determine a "half of truth", include deviations, degenerations, and
the growing immoralities of our present
civilisation - which hit our eyes increasingly frequent. In turn the
price that the humanity pays for that
immorality, deviation and degeneration, is the growing number of
tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fires,
and other cataclysms - with the aid of which God tries to correct the
human philosophy and morality. So in order to
restore the balance and morality, and to stop the need for further
destruction of people and their properties, in
the vital interest of all of us is now to begin immediately the
campaign for the formal recognition of that new
"totaliztic science" as the second official science of our
civilisation and as a "competition" for the to-date
highly detrimental "monopole for knowledge" of that old official
science. In addition, we should also campaign, that
after it is recognised, the research of this new "totaliztic science"
should be financed parallel to financing of
that old science, and also that it receives a legal right to arrange
its own educational institutions and to lecture
in them own subjects - such as for example the "Concept of Dipolar
Gravity" or the "philosophy of totalizm". When
all this is to be accomplished, our civilisation may finally gain a
true security and prosperity, may start to enjoy
all these benefits which are opened for it by the new "totaliztic
science", and may start climbing at a higher level
of development.
This item is just a summary of the essence of findings presented on
the entire web page named "tornado.htm".
However, such findings are immensely vital not only for every
individual person, but also for entire "group
intellects" (e.g. for entire cities), as well as for the whole our
civilisation. After all, to every person it gives
methods for starting own defence against tornadoes, earthquakes,
tsunamis, floods, fires, and other cataclysms and
disasters. For cities, villages, and for other "group intellects", it
indicates ways for avoiding being destroyed
with so-called "Acts of God". In turn for the entire our civilisation
it indicates a simple and inexpensive manner
of restoring the prosperity, security, and growth. For these reasons,
herewith I am recommending to the reader to
extend knowledge that is provided by this summary and by the entire
web page named "tornado.htm", through reviewing
(in addition to that web page) also, for example, item #A2.6 from the
web page named "totalizm.htm", item #C1 from
the web page named "telekinetics.htm", items #F1 to #F4 from the web
page named "god_exists.htm", item #A4 from the
web page named "god_proof.htm", item #C5 from the web page named
"bible.htm", or subsection H10 from volume 4 of my
newest monograph marked [1/5].
* * *
This post represents adaptation of item #K1 from the totaliztic web
page named "tornado.htm" (updated on 8 May 2011,
or later) - which item actually summarises the essence of entire web
page named "tornado.htm". Thus, reading the
above descriptions would be even more effective from that web page
"tornado.htm" than from this post, as on the web
page are working all (green) links to other related web pages with
additional explanations, it is printed in colour,
it is supported with illustrations, the content of it is updated
regularly, etc. The latest update of the web page
"tornado.htm" can be viewed, amongst others, at addresses: or via the alias:
Notice that every above web site contains all totaliztic web pages,
including pages "text_1_5.htm" with free copies
of monograph [1/5]. However, volumes 1, 4, 5, 12 or 13 of monograph
[1/5], which represent best examples of the
"totaliztic science", I would recommend to download from the address where this
monograph is updated the most frequently.
Each topic which I am subjecting to a public discussion, including
this one, is later published on all blogs of
totalizm still in existence (seek in there this topic under the number
#200E). In spite of "discrete persecution" to
which the "totaliztic science" is subjected continually, at the moment
two blogs of totalizm still remain
operational. These can be viewed at following internet addresses: or via the alias:
It is also worth to have look in there at related posts, e.g. at posts
number #195E, #171E and #151E - which also
discuss incompetence and errors of present official science in solving
the most burning problems of our present
With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak