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Mar 30, 2001, 6:02:27 PM3/30/01
And asshole housemates, but still...

For some reason they now show two episodes of Tenchi, so instead of it
ending at 6 like it should have, instead they start showing the TYING
UP ALL THE LOOSE ENDS episode immediately after, and then cunty
housemates demand to watch the Simpsons, even though it was a fucking
awful first season one with BAD DRAWINGS AND NO JOKES AND WEIRD
VOICES, with 'Adil' the Albanian despite Adil not being an Albanian
name. Anyway...

So tonight I watch Toonami, and they only show one episode of Tenchi,
and it's the one they showed this afternoon... and then... they show
the all the other Toonami shows which are ALL FOR FAGOTS, namely:

The New Adventures of Johnny Quest: With its dodgy computer-animated
bits, and the fact that Johnny is now a bit too old. And Haji no
longer is an amusing Indian stereotype. And it's badly drawn.

Gundam Wing: The most homoerotic cartoon I've ever seen.
GAY BOY: Good bye!
GAY BOY'S SERVANT: Are you sure we should let him go? He may come back
to destroy us!
GAY BOY: Yes, but at least I'd get to see him again! Oh, my blonde
quiff is all in disarray!
(meanwhile, on the docks)
OLD MAN IN A HAWAIIAN SHIRT: I have fixed your mecha.
QUEER: Thanks! I look like a girl!
(over in an ambulance)
MANFACED LEZZA: Oh father! You're dying!
FATHER: I'm not your father! There is no way you could be my daughter,
you're more masculine than the heroes of this show!!!

DragonBall Z: The less said the better.

Batmang of the Futarrrrr: Every time I watch it I feel like writing an
amusing piss-take post. So, I shall.


Mar 30, 2001, 6:14:35 PM3/30/01

Branch-me-do wrote

> For some reason they now show two episodes of Tenchi, so instead of it
> ending at 6 like it should have, instead they start showing the TYING
> UP ALL THE LOOSE ENDS episode immediately after, and then cunty
> housemates demand to watch the Simpsons, even though it was a fucking
> awful first season one with BAD DRAWINGS AND NO JOKES AND WEIRD
> VOICES, with 'Adil' the Albanian despite Adil not being an Albanian
> name. Anyway...

I don't think they do show 2 episodes of Tenchi regular like, it's just that
ep 26 follows on from ep 25 directly, as in, in the middle of a sentence.
Here's a question, why do you live with people who don't fucking love
Tenchi? For fucks sake, I can honestly say, Tenchi has been the only thing
in my life for the past week or two that I've enjoyed. My life sucks.
Anyway... The episode, as you didn't see it, barely tied anything up at
all... I guess leading onto the next series... Such an excellent program,
and to make it better they ended with a sugary sweet J-pop love song type
thing, excellent.

Cartoon Network sucks also because it has to fucking put all the shows on
either 3 minutes early or late, so I miss the beginning or the end or
something, and also put fucking diabolically long adverts in. Watching
Tenchi today was made unbearable because of this.

> The New Adventures of Johnny Quest: With its dodgy computer-animated
> bits, and the fact that Johnny is now a bit too old. And Haji no
> longer is an amusing Indian stereotype. And it's badly drawn.

Why is this Toonami? Really, I agree, it couldn't suck more.

> Gundam Wing: The most homoerotic cartoon I've ever seen.

My mate really enjoys this, infact he owns a Tall Geese T-shirt. I can't say
I hate it, the main program is it's divided up like this :

50% characters staring at each other
45% tense dialogue
5% Mech battles

Mech battles are the best thing about it and they are hardly ever in it...
And it's made worse by the dialogue sucking complete ass and making no sense
unless you've watched every episode ever and the ones that haven't been made
yet. And there not being one likable non fagot character.

> DragonBall Z: The less said the better.

yes. I once watched this program and 2 characters stared at each other
screaming and glowing progressivley brighter for 2 whole minutes. I think
you have to be brain dead to enjoy it.

> Batmang of the Futarrrrr: Every time I watch it I feel like writing an
> amusing piss-take post. So, I shall.

The adverts for this make it look so fucking cool and gothic, and you watch
it and it's like they took the original Batman cartoon and put it through a
committiee of braindead dragonball Z watching children.

'Okay kids, how could we make batman cooler?''

'Uh, make him IN THE FUTURE!'
'Yeah, and... make him an annoying teen!'
'And... Make him look completely crap!'
'Don't forget to make the stories rubbish, and all the art look like it was
drawn by someone who once saw akira playing on a tv set in a house that his
train passed while his eyes were half closed, and remove every 3rd frame of
animation, and make it so people who liked the old batman now have no idea
what is going on and why, and make all the charaterisation as good as that
in Gundam!'

There is no god.

No need for Tinman!


Mar 30, 2001, 6:40:27 PM3/30/01
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 00:14:35 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>I don't think they do show 2 episodes of Tenchi regular like, it's just that
>ep 26 follows on from ep 25 directly, as in, in the middle of a sentence.
>Here's a question, why do you live with people who don't fucking love
>Tenchi? For fucks sake, I can honestly say, Tenchi has been the only thing
>in my life for the past week or two that I've enjoyed. My life sucks.
>Anyway... The episode, as you didn't see it, barely tied anything up at
>all... I guess leading onto the next series... Such an excellent program,
>and to make it better they ended with a sugary sweet J-pop love song type
>thing, excellent.

Without getting into a huge debate about Tenchi (so please don't go
encouraging me) when Tenchi was about to leave to save Ayeka and Ryoko
begged him not to go I WISHED I WAS HIM so I could have said 'don't
worry I'll come back' and given her a BIG SNOG.

As for why I live with people who don't love Tenchi? Because they're
shit. They like Dream Team, Eastenders, and Sex in the City.

>Cartoon Network sucks also because it has to fucking put all the shows on
>either 3 minutes early or late, so I miss the beginning or the end or
>something, and also put fucking diabolically long adverts in. Watching
>Tenchi today was made unbearable because of this.

And they show the same Woolies ad twice in the same break.

>Why is this Toonami? Really, I agree, it couldn't suck more.

I remember when it was first shown in Canada on YTV. It lasted one
season. I mean, what made the original so good was... ummm... well,
what makes it good now is the kitschy charm.

>My mate really enjoys this, infact he owns a Tall Geese T-shirt. I can't say
>I hate it, the main program is it's divided up like this :

I have a tiny minature toy of one of the Gundams, although I can't say
what the name is because when I saw the characters and then discovered
they were all men (despite 3 out of the 5 CLEARLY BEING GIRLS).

>Mech battles are the best thing about it and they are hardly ever in it...
>And it's made worse by the dialogue sucking complete ass and making no sense
>unless you've watched every episode ever and the ones that haven't been made
>yet. And there not being one likable non fagot character.

ROTFEL!!! Yes, good anime is good even if you can't hear it. I watched
all of Angel Cop 3 and 4 without the sound once and it was really
fascinating stuff.

>yes. I once watched this program and 2 characters stared at each other
>screaming and glowing progressivley brighter for 2 whole minutes. I think
>you have to be brain dead to enjoy it.

I remember, a few years ago, when I went around France on holiday. DBZ
was on every morning, and I watched it. Over the two-odd weeks we were
on holiday, with a new episode every morning, they had: ONE FIGHT. IT
TOOK TWO WEEKS TO HAVE ONE LOUSY FIGHT. Mostly because they would just
stand there, scream, glow, then unleash some huge energy attack that
either a) sends their opponent flying to the end of a smoking 50 mile
crater, or b) deflected without their opponent ever moving a muscle.
All the other characters just stood around and talked about the fight.

>The adverts for this make it look so fucking cool and gothic, and you watch
>it and it's like they took the original Batman cartoon and put it through a
>committiee of braindead dragonball Z watching children.
>'Okay kids, how could we make batman cooler?''
>'Uh, make him IN THE FUTURE!'
>'Yeah, and... make him an annoying teen!'
>'And... Make him look completely crap!'

Yes. Batman the animated series was excellent, and from there it sadly
went downhill. I mean, Batman and Robin, and Superman were both nice
ideas, but didn't have the same spark as Batman. Especially the
episode where Harley kidnaps this general's daughter and he's going
nuts chasing her around the city in a tank.

>There is no god.

Yes, well, in case you missed my original BATMAN OF THE FUTURE script,
I've just posted another one.


Mar 30, 2001, 6:56:09 PM3/30/01

Branch-me-do wrote

> Without getting into a huge debate about Tenchi (so please don't go
> encouraging me) when Tenchi was about to leave to save Ayeka and Ryoko
> begged him not to go I WISHED I WAS HIM so I could have said 'don't
> worry I'll come back' and given her a BIG SNOG.

Yes. My deep wish to be an anime character (or basically just Tenchi) has
become disturbingly prevalent in my head. Why can't I be having fantastic
adventures in space with a huge gang of hot women, my dad, grandfather and
this great rabbit cat thing? Why can't I be the special 'chosen one'? I'm so

> As for why I live with people who don't love Tenchi? Because they're
> shit. They like Dream Team, Eastenders, and Sex in the City.


Sounds like my room mate actually. Oh well... At least... Actuall, no, all
those programs suck, all the time.

> And they show the same Woolies ad twice in the same break.

I hate ads that do that, OR they show an ad that's cunningly split into two
sections, incase you maybe decide to buy the product, and forget in the
space of the next ad, or something. Most enraging currently is that
Cadburys ad telling us all to enjoy life and eat chocolate, like it's some
sort of public service announcement, like we're supposed to watch the ad and
go, 'gosh, life isn't so bad after all, and cadburys really care about me,
not just as a customer' when life obviously sucks and cadburys would come
into your house, and rape your mother while stealing all your possesions if
they could. And choclate only helps if you want to be really, really fat,
and as I've already stated, I want to be Tenchi, not fat.

> I remember when it was first shown in Canada on YTV. It lasted one
> season. I mean, what made the original so good was... ummm... well,
> what makes it good now is the kitschy charm.

I have no idea if Cartoon Network actually get any feedback on the shows
they show, I mean, they don't show Space Ghost any more and they show shit
like that, who enjoys it, honestly? And Johnny Quest... Well, I can't say
the kitchy charm of it was ever as good as the kitchy charm of any other
Hanna Barbera cartoon.

> I have a tiny minature toy of one of the Gundams, although I can't say
> what the name is because when I saw the characters and then discovered
> they were all men (despite 3 out of the 5 CLEARLY BEING GIRLS).

I have several gundam snap together kits which I built while on holiday in
Malaysia, which they sold for about 4 dollars each (about, like, a pound)
and now they sell the exact same kits in comic stores for a tenner... The
ones I have are still cool, but they are all obscure ones which will have
probably never been in the show, being that they are all spangly and weird
and (Excellently) super-deformed.

> ROTFEL!!! Yes, good anime is good even if you can't hear it. I watched
> all of Angel Cop 3 and 4 without the sound once and it was really
> fascinating stuff.

Haven't seen Angel Cop, but you are right, Anime, more than other animated
series/films can be enjoyed purely for the art, be it comic or serious or
(usually) both.

> I remember, a few years ago, when I went around France on holiday. DBZ
> was on every morning, and I watched it. Over the two-odd weeks we were
> on holiday, with a new episode every morning, they had: ONE FIGHT. IT
> TOOK TWO WEEKS TO HAVE ONE LOUSY FIGHT. Mostly because they would just
> stand there, scream, glow, then unleash some huge energy attack that
> either a) sends their opponent flying to the end of a smoking 50 mile
> crater, or b) deflected without their opponent ever moving a muscle.
> All the other characters just stood around and talked about the fight.

Yes. It's good in one way that you can go on holiday for a month, come back
and they are still fighting the same fight, rubbish in that, well, it sucks.
I don't know, sometimes it's hilarious (if you watch it with people) but as
a story it just sucks and it's like a boring kiddie Fist of the North Star,
which rocks because it's so bad/good. Dragon ball's weird idea that all the
other characters do commentary for the fight is highly confusing, you think
they'd be helping, or at least doing something else, like, going to
woolworths, or eating cadburys delicious chocolate.

> Yes. Batman the animated series was excellent, and from there it sadly
> went downhill. I mean, Batman and Robin, and Superman were both nice
> ideas, but didn't have the same spark as Batman. Especially the
> episode where Harley kidnaps this general's daughter and he's going
> nuts chasing her around the city in a tank.

I only really liked Batman, I'd go as far to say that everything else in the
same vein has just sucked. And Harley Quinn was such a fucking great
character, and definetly not someone I should be sexually attracted to, oh

> Yes, well, in case you missed my original BATMAN OF THE FUTURE script,
> I've just posted another one.

Very realistic, and highly amusing, particualry the Wheatus inspired
moments. I bet you could have kept that up all the way though the script.


Abigail Ryder

Mar 31, 2001, 6:15:13 AM3/31/01

Branch-me-do wrote:

> And asshole housemates, but still...
> For some reason they now show two episodes of Tenchi, so instead of it
> ending at 6 like it should have, instead they start showing the TYING
> UP ALL THE LOOSE ENDS episode immediately after, and then cunty
> housemates demand to watch the Simpsons, even though it was a fucking
> awful first season one with BAD DRAWINGS AND NO JOKES AND WEIRD
> VOICES, with 'Adil' the Albanian despite Adil not being an Albanian
> name. Anyway...

Sod, it was a great episode. Tenchi, that is. Even better, we later
watched Spaced and I was the happiest I have evar been.

> Gundam Wing: The most homoerotic cartoon I've ever seen.

So many people tell me it is l33t. No, it's rubbish. They just watch it
because it's anime and has big robots, and must therefore be 'cool'.
Dragon Ball is also awful.

Level 21 RAcaseal WorryFox. The android without attitude.

David Bulmer

Mar 31, 2001, 6:32:31 AM3/31/01

"Branch-me-do" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 00:14:35 +0100, "Tinman" <>
> wrote:
> >Cartoon Network sucks also because it has to fucking put all the shows on
> >either 3 minutes early or late, so I miss the beginning or the end or
> >something, and also put fucking diabolically long adverts in. Watching
> >Tenchi today was made unbearable because of this.
> And they show the same Woolies ad twice in the same break.

It's always funny when they mess up and show an entire advert break of just
one advert over and over again. I remember this happening when I was very
little (so little my mum was helping me to get dressed at the time, but I
had requested this be done downstairs so I could watch cartoons) and they
had the same Transformers ad on loads of times, and then recently round
Abby's house they did one of those claims direct ads or something, which
looped about forty or fifty times before they stopped it and put TV back on.


(40-50 = exaggeration)

Abigail Ryder

Mar 31, 2001, 6:31:16 AM3/31/01

Branch-me-do wrote:

> Without getting into a huge debate about Tenchi (so please don't go
> encouraging me) when Tenchi was about to leave to save Ayeka and Ryoko
> begged him not to go I WISHED I WAS HIM so I could have said 'don't
> worry I'll come back' and given her a BIG SNOG.

I risk encouraging you. I was so pissed off with that, I just wanted Ryoko to
kiss him or take him away or anything. BUT NO. And the end of the episode left
me in utter despair for 24 hours.

> As for why I live with people who don't love Tenchi? Because they're
> shit. They like Dream Team, Eastenders, and Sex in the City.

Move out.

Abigail Ryder

Mar 31, 2001, 6:41:04 AM3/31/01

Tinman wrote:

> I have no idea if Cartoon Network actually get any feedback on the shows
> they show, I mean, they don't show Space Ghost any more and they show shit
> like that, who enjoys it, honestly? And Johnny Quest... Well, I can't say
> the kitchy charm of it was ever as good as the kitchy charm of any other
> Hanna Barbera cartoon.

Bring back Space Ghost, before I go insane! It's equally as bad as Sci Fi not
showing Mystery Science Theatre 3000 any more. In fact, tv is blatantly not
showing stuff I like, I hate it.


Mar 31, 2001, 6:52:20 AM3/31/01

Abigail Ryder wrote

> Bring back Space Ghost, before I go insane! It's equally as bad as Sci Fi
> showing Mystery Science Theatre 3000 any more. In fact, tv is blatantly
> showing stuff I like, I hate it.

Stop it.

You're scaring me.

Women aren't like you!

Well, at least none of the ones I've met...

If a channel would re-run every episode of MST3K and Space Ghost ever, I'd
be the happiest guy ever.



Mar 31, 2001, 7:01:02 AM3/31/01

Abigail Ryder wrote

> Sod, it was a great episode. Tenchi, that is. Even better, we later
> watched Spaced and I was the happiest I have evar been.

Tenchi is great and makes me understand what Square is trying to do in Final
Fantasy games by having, like, 9 characters in a game thats hundreds of
hours long, it seems like too many characters and too long, but, Tenchi has
loads of characters and you like them all (well, I do) because they all have
personality, and the whole story is hours and hours long and it works really
well. However, It just makes the fact that Square have failed so badly at
making this work like it does in Tenchi quite apparent. I think they need
better writers.

I missed Spaced, just forgot about it. However, I'll watch it tonight. I
like it far more than I used to.

> > Gundam Wing: The most homoerotic cartoon I've ever seen.
> So many people tell me it is l33t. No, it's rubbish. They just watch it
> because it's anime and has big robots, and must therefore be 'cool'.
> Dragon Ball is also awful.

The thing is, Gundam by all rights really should be l33t, the problem is the
story is rubbish while the setting is good. I like the art and occasionally
the directions quite clever and mood setting, then the stupidly large cast
of characters ruin it by talking boring fagot rubbish and not being involved
in Mech battles. Considering that, Maybe Square watch Gundam rather than



Mar 31, 2001, 4:08:43 AM3/31/01

Tinman <> wrote in message

> > And they show the same Woolies ad twice in the same break.
> I hate ads that do that, OR they show an ad that's cunningly split into
> sections, incase you maybe decide to buy the product, and forget in the
> space of the next ad, or something.

its something to do with how our memory works, we remember stuff at the
beginning and end of advert breaks better than the rest, so they put their
adverts into two halves, one at the beginning, one at the end.

> Most enraging currently is that
> Cadburys ad telling us all to enjoy life and eat chocolate, like it's some
> sort of public service announcement, like we're supposed to watch the ad
> go, 'gosh, life isn't so bad after all, and cadburys really care about me,
> not just as a customer' when life obviously sucks and cadburys would come
> into your house, and rape your mother while stealing all your possesions
> they could.


> And choclate only helps if you want to be really, really fat,
> and as I've already stated, I want to be Tenchi, not fat.

and Chocolate contains serotonin (spelt horribly wrong I think, and I'm
meant to know this. cuss.), which makes you happy. But it still makes you
fat (and not Tenchi obv.)

Also: at least you have channels other than terrestial, SO DON'T COMPLAIN.

Al Gregory - well at least it loads all
the time now, even if it is still shit..


Mar 31, 2001, 8:11:59 AM3/31/01

PAYBACKtime <> wrote in message
> Hmmm... yeeeeaah... but you forgot to add the conversation from the MOST
> group known to mankind:
> alt.digi fag No1: i h8 newbieZ!
> alt.digi fag No2: ROFL! LOL LOL! YES! We all do!
> alt.digi. fag No3: hahahaha! Everyone ph33r us!
> Newbie: do u actually talk about gaming in here?
> alt.digi fag No1: BAH! DIE! YOU TOP POSTED! and uhh.. PUNCTUATION: A LACK
> alt.digi fag No2: Yeah, I bet you have a cat! hahahaha I kill myself!
> hahahahahaha!
> alt.digi fag No3: Guys! I bet he thinks the DC is better than the PS2!
> alt.digi fags all together: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
> Newbie: Uhhh... I'll be off then...
> alt.digi fag No1: Yeah fuck off! We don't want newbies in here!
> alt.digi fag No2: YEAH! Only sad fucked up pricks with no life are allowed
> in here!
> alt.digi fag No3: No girls too!
> alt.digi fag No1: Yeah, coz if they won't shag us they're not really
> alt.digi fag No3: INNIT!
> alt.digi fag No2: Man, you guys are fucked up!
> alt.digi fag No1: Its funny coz it's true!
> alt.digi fag No3: Oh so true! We are all fucked up pricks!
> alt.digi fag No2: WE ARE! INDEED WE ARE!
> some time later....
> alt.digi fag No1: I want gay sex with Tenchi.. tenchi can suck me dry
> anytime! hahahaha!
> alt.digi fag No2: Yeah! Tenchi is l33t! Unlike Gundam Wing... those guys
> fags! Nothing like us AT ALL!
> alt.digi fag No3: Yeah that bloke has long hair! He MUST be gay!
> alt.digi fag No1: Yeah and the other one! BLOND HAIR!
> alt.digi fag No2: THAT IS SO GAY!
> alt.digi fag No1: Its funny coz it's true!
> alt.digi fag No3: Oh so true!
> alt.digi fag No2: NOTHING like us at all!
> DYS?

so, to summarise:

1. We all speak in 1337 5P34K. And not out of a sense of irony.
2. We are *meant* to talk about games, although for no given (real) reason,
we just are meant to.
3. We're the only people in the world who observe netiqette (sp?), which
doesn't have a real reason for its existence.
4. We insult people by telling them that they have cats.
5. We're all opinionated snobs on games consoles, which we don't talk about
in here. (See 2.)
6. We're all sad fucked up pricks with no life, because we don't like you.
7. We're all really unpopular with the girls, and are of the opinion that
people can't be girls unless they've shagged us. [1]
8. We ask for gay sex with Tenchi.
9. We're all gay.
10. We can't say that people in computer games / Tv programs look gay.

note: SARCASM [2]

Al Gregory - well at least it loads all
the time now, even if it is still shit..

[1] Our mums, evidently, are all male.
[2] Just for anyone who didn't realise

Foster 埠汗

Mar 31, 2001, 8:40:30 AM3/31/01
All true,

I liek to play with my willy 埠汗


Mar 31, 2001, 8:53:34 AM3/31/01

"Studders" <al.gregory@(SPOTtheSPAMremoverINthisADDRESS)>
wrote in message news:9a4lk1$3mam8$

Thank's for summarising.. it was most helpful. Now we can create checklists
to identify alt.digi members...

Sexually Frustrated.
Cat owners.
Speak bollox.
Insults anyone remotely normal.

I never knew you were so helpful!
Also about Number 10. NO no you cant!


Mar 31, 2001, 8:49:27 AM3/31/01

PAYBACKtime <> wrote in message

> "Studders" <al.gregory@(SPOTtheSPAMremoverINthisADDRESS)>
> wrote in message news:9a4lk1$3mam8$

And to identify you:
12 years old
Yet to learn what "sex" actually is
Part of the great Anti-cat movement
More homophobic
Can't understand normal English
See yourself as "normal", and everyone else as "freaks"
yes, you guessed it: Homophobic



Mar 31, 2001, 9:03:54 AM3/31/01


Mar 31, 2001, 9:09:04 AM3/31/01
>Abigail Ryder wrote
>> Sod, it was a great episode. Tenchi, that is. Even better, we later
>> watched Spaced and I was the happiest I have evar been.
>Tenchi is great and makes me understand what Square is trying to do in Final
>Fantasy games by having, like, 9 characters in a game thats hundreds of
>hours long, it seems like too many characters and too long, but, Tenchi has
>loads of characters and you like them all (well, I do) because they all have
>personality, and the whole story is hours and hours long and it works really
>well. However, It just makes the fact that Square have failed so badly at
>making this work like it does in Tenchi quite apparent. I think they need
>better writers.

Except i doesnt work. As its boring and shit.

>I missed Spaced, just forgot about it. However, I'll watch it tonight. I
>like it far more than I used to.
>> > Gundam Wing: The most homoerotic cartoon I've ever seen.
>> So many people tell me it is l33t. No, it's rubbish. They just watch it
>> because it's anime and has big robots, and must therefore be 'cool'.
>> Dragon Ball is also awful.

Dragonball z is shit. But Gundam Wing is great. And if you watched it
all using your FUCKING EYES. You would notice that.

>The thing is, Gundam by all rights really should be l33t, the problem is the
>story is rubbish while the setting is good. I like the art and occasionally
>the directions quite clever and mood setting, then the stupidly large cast
>of characters ruin it by talking boring fagot rubbish and not being involved
>in Mech battles. Considering that, Maybe Square watch Gundam rather than

Gundam Wing is l33t. YOU ARE JUST GAY.

Matthew Garrett

Mar 31, 2001, 9:18:48 AM3/31/01
In article <3ac5e4a3...@news.CIS.DFN.DE>, Tim wrote:

>Dragonball z is shit. But Gundam Wing is great. And if you watched it
>all using your FUCKING EYES. You would notice that.


Matthew Garrett |
Any "Chris Buckley" mentioned in the above text is a fictional character.
Resemblance to any other "Chris Buckley", living or dead, is entirely


Mar 31, 2001, 9:22:16 AM3/31/01
>In article <3ac5e4a3...@news.CIS.DFN.DE>, Tim wrote:
>>Dragonball z is shit. But Gundam Wing is great. And if you watched it
>>all using your FUCKING EYES. You would notice that.
As if you watch it you can understand that there is a rather complex
storyline (for CN anyways) that is very involving and not shit.


Mar 31, 2001, 9:26:43 AM3/31/01

"Studders" <al.gregory@(SPOTtheSPAMremoverINthisADDRESS)>
wrote in message news:9a4nqa$3icf4$

Awww... did I hurt your feelings? Shame...
To clarify your obvious confusion (head up your arse-ness) I will assist

To identify me:

*I'm not homophobic. I have gay friends. (like you.. coz we are friends
arent we?)
*Cats are great... I have 2... its just when I was here a while back you lot
thought the greatest cuss in the world was to say I owned cats... Wow you
guys are beyond funny...
*I speak English fine thank you. It's *you* lot that cant seem to construct
a sentance without the use of MOHH... WTF is MOHH?
*I'm 18.. which is probably the same amount of years since your last contact
with anything other than a computer.
*Learn what sex is? Heh... I was taught by the best baby... You on the
otherhand (no pun intended) was probably taught by your rubber chicken that
you keep under your bed, you need swift access because watching too much
Tenchi gets you going.
*I am normal... and so are most people... MOST people...
I mean come on, even your namesake thinks you're a bunch of fucked up shit
* More Homophobic? ::sigh:: I've already told you, I don't have ANYTHING
against you lot! (might not be true)

So there you have it. Now don't come crying to me again.
Just remember.
It's funny coz it's true.


Mar 31, 2001, 9:26:19 AM3/31/01


Mar 31, 2001, 9:33:15 AM3/31/01

"Tim" <> wrote in message

Also scratch my nose... I got an annoying itch...


Mar 31, 2001, 9:31:07 AM3/31/01


Mar 31, 2001, 9:27:23 AM3/31/01
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 15:26:43 +0100, PAYBACKtime scribbled:

>So there you have it. Now don't come crying to me again.
>Just remember.
>It's funny coz it's true.

Hello MiekM.

Web: ICQ: 66545073


Mar 31, 2001, 9:35:54 AM3/31/01

"Tim" <> wrote in message

Been there done that.


Mar 31, 2001, 9:34:19 AM3/31/01
>On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 15:26:43 +0100, PAYBACKtime scribbled:
>>So there you have it. Now don't come crying to me again.
>>Just remember.
>>It's funny coz it's true.
>Hello MiekM.
Hello Mr Beard.


Mar 31, 2001, 9:39:21 AM3/31/01

"Glyndwr" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 15:26:43 +0100, PAYBACKtime scribbled:
> >So there you have it. Now don't come crying to me again.
> >Just remember.
> >It's funny coz it's true.
> Hello MiekM.

Oh the shame! You have discovered my true identity...
Clever you are!


Mar 30, 2001, 8:29:41 PM3/30/01

"Tinman" <> wrote in message
> > DragonBall Z: The less said the better.

> yes. I once watched this program and 2 characters stared at each other
> screaming and glowing progressivley brighter for 2 whole minutes. I think
> you have to be brain dead to enjoy it.

Hi, I'm Brain Dead, and you have just hit my BAD list.


-- - nice... Really
Email: mentskiATbtinternetDOTcom

Message has been deleted


Mar 31, 2001, 6:24:30 AM3/31/01

"Branch-me-do" <> wrote in message

> Gundam Wing: The most homoerotic cartoon I've ever seen.

> GAY BOY: Good bye!
> FAGGOT: Bye!
> GAY BOY'S SERVANT: Are you sure we should let him go? He may come back
> to destroy us!
> GAY BOY: Yes, but at least I'd get to see him again! Oh, my blonde
> quiff is all in disarray!
> (meanwhile, on the docks)
> OLD MAN IN A HAWAIIAN SHIRT: I have fixed your mecha.
> QUEER: Thanks! I look like a girl!
> OLD MAN: Yes.
> (over in an ambulance)
> MANFACED LEZZA: Oh father! You're dying!
> FATHER: I'm not your father! There is no way you could be my daughter,
> you're more masculine than the heroes of this show!!!


Mar 31, 2001, 10:57:28 AM3/31/01
mohh, "PAYBACKtime" <> cussing me in

>*I'm not homophobic. I have gay friends. (like you.. coz we are friends
>arent we?)
>*Cats are great... I have 2... its just when I was here a while back you lot
>thought the greatest cuss in the world was to say I owned cats... Wow you
>guys are beyond funny...
>*I speak English fine thank you. It's *you* lot that cant seem to construct
>a sentance without the use of MOHH... WTF is MOHH?
>*I'm 18.. which is probably the same amount of years since your last contact
>with anything other than a computer.
>*Learn what sex is? Heh... I was taught by the best baby... You on the
>otherhand (no pun intended) was probably taught by your rubber chicken that
>you keep under your bed, you need swift access because watching too much
>Tenchi gets you going.
>*I am normal... and so are most people... MOST people...
>I mean come on, even your namesake thinks you're a bunch of fucked up shit
>* More Homophobic? ::sigh:: I've already told you, I don't have ANYTHING
>against you lot! (might not be true)
>So there you have it. Now don't come crying to me again.
>Just remember.

Mohohoh. Please stick around so I can laugh some more.


Supporting "Gamers against British Telecom" -
ICQ# 82601633

Adrian Wood

Mar 31, 2001, 11:36:08 AM3/31/01
"Mentski" <> wrote in message

> "Tinman" <> wrote in message
> news:5s8x6.4615$
> >
> > > DragonBall Z: The less said the better.
> >
> > yes. I once watched this program and 2 characters stared at each other
> > screaming and glowing progressivley brighter for 2 whole minutes. I
> > you have to be brain dead to enjoy it.
> Hi, I'm Brain Dead, and you have just hit my BAD list.

Dragonball Z is sometimes the BEST THING EVAR. I just wish they'd get around
to showing newer episodes with the android women and stuff.

Although, yes, when you watch 10 episodes, and the same battle is STILL
GOING ON, with only about 7 moves performed, this is greatly tedious. But
it's still great.


Visit my crap site at
Sign my guestbook, preferably with a mark out of 10.
ICQ me! No: 103529080
Adrian: Just noticed my sig was out of date. Cuss.


Mar 31, 2001, 11:51:05 AM3/31/01

PAYBACKtime <> wrote in message

> Awww... did I hurt your feelings? Shame...
> To clarify your obvious confusion (head up your arse-ness) I will assist
> you.

yes. I am hurt beyond belief, and I am about to go and cry myself to sleep.

> To identify me:
> *I'm not homophobic. I have gay friends. (like you.. coz we are friends
> arent we?)

"I'm not homophobic, but I'll still attempt to insult you by calling you

> *Cats are great... I have 2... its just when I was here a while back you
> thought the greatest cuss in the world was to say I owned cats... Wow
> guys are beyond funny...

Can't say I was here then, but I'm sure there was a good reason for any
cussage you got. If there wasn't at the time, then everone here can
obviously see the future and tell how SHIT YOU ARE.

> *I speak English fine thank you. It's *you* lot that cant seem to
> a sentance without the use of MOHH... WTF is MOHH?

"sentance"? Good English.

> *I'm 18.. which is probably the same amount of years since your last
> with anything other than a computer.

at 17, I have to say that that is pretty obviously false. and we're not the
ones who have to spend their spare time attemping (failing) to offend people
on a newsgroup.

> *Learn what sex is? Heh... I was taught by the best baby... You on the
> otherhand (no pun intended) was probably taught by your rubber chicken
> you keep under your bed, you need swift access because watching too much
> Tenchi gets you going.

That sounds incredibly like empty boasting to me.

> *I am normal... and so are most people... MOST people...
> I mean come on, even your namesake thinks you're a bunch of fucked up shit
> stabbers...

our namesake?

> * More Homophobic? ::sigh:: I've already told you, I don't have ANYTHING
> against you lot! (might not be true)

yet again, you think its an insult to call us gay, yet think you're not

> So there you have it. Now don't come crying to me again.
> Just remember.
> It's funny coz it's true.

or: its funny "coz" your lame.


Mar 31, 2001, 12:28:02 PM3/31/01

"Adrian Wood" <> wrote in message

> "Mentski" <> wrote in message
> news:9a3c1e$3ee4e$
> >
> > "Tinman" <> wrote in message
> > news:5s8x6.4615$
> > >
> > > > DragonBall Z: The less said the better.
> > >
> > > yes. I once watched this program and 2 characters stared at each other
> > > screaming and glowing progressivley brighter for 2 whole minutes. I
> think
> > > you have to be brain dead to enjoy it.
> >
> > Hi, I'm Brain Dead, and you have just hit my BAD list.
> Dragonball Z is sometimes the BEST THING EVAR. I just wish they'd get
> to showing newer episodes with the android women and stuff.

Starting this Monday, Woody.

Adrian Wood

Mar 31, 2001, 2:24:31 PM3/31/01

"Mentski" <> wrote in message

Really? Excellent. Now I just have to find a way to get home in time to
watch it, despite the fact it's an hour and a half journey, and I leave as
it starts. I think it may be time to find a blank tape.


Mar 31, 2001, 9:25:29 PM3/31/01

"Adrian Wood" <> wrote in message

> "Mentski" <> wrote in message
> news:9a546c$3istl$
> >
> > "Adrian Wood" <> wrote in message
> > news:YHnx6.7569$
> > > "Mentski" <> wrote in message
> > > news:9a3c1e$3ee4e$
> > > >
> > > > "Tinman" <> wrote in message
> > > > news:5s8x6.4615$
> > > > >
> > > > > > DragonBall Z: The less said the better.
> > > > >
> > > > > yes. I once watched this program and 2 characters stared at each
> other
> > > > > screaming and glowing progressivley brighter for 2 whole minutes.
> > > think
> > > > > you have to be brain dead to enjoy it.
> > > >
> > > > Hi, I'm Brain Dead, and you have just hit my BAD list.
> > >
> > > Dragonball Z is sometimes the BEST THING EVAR. I just wish they'd get
> > around
> > > to showing newer episodes with the android women and stuff.
> >
> > Starting this Monday, Woody.
> Really? Excellent. Now I just have to find a way to get home in time to
> watch it, despite the fact it's an hour and a half journey, and I leave as
> it starts. I think it may be time to find a blank tape.

Video tape is really useful in these events.


Mar 31, 2001, 9:50:41 PM3/31/01
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 12:31:16 +0100, Abigail Ryder
<> wrote:

>I risk encouraging you. I was so pissed off with that, I just wanted Ryoko to
>kiss him or take him away or anything. BUT NO. And the end of the episode left
>me in utter despair for 24 hours.

Yes, I cuss Tenchi extremely bad for having the BEST GIRL EVER living
with him (Ryoko) but being THE MALE EQUIVALENT OF FRIGID and instead
having a sort of thing for the MOST ANNOYING GIRL EVER (Aeka). I mean,
ARE HIS BALLS CUT OFF OR SOMETHING? Wanting to save your friend: true.
Leaving another friend who is madly in love with your crying her eyes
out because she's afraid: FALSE. WRONG. ARRRRRGH.

>> As for why I live with people who don't love Tenchi? Because they're
>> shit. They like Dream Team, Eastenders, and Sex in the City.
>Move out.

Luckily, they are.


Apr 1, 2001, 9:37:02 AM4/1/01
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 15:26:43 +0100, "PAYBACKtime"
<> wrote:

Contrast this:

>even your namesake thinks you're a bunch of fucked up shit

with this:

>* More Homophobic? ::sigh:: I've already told you, I don't have ANYTHING
>against you lot! (might not be true)

Gay hater!


Mike Hammy/Bydlo

Adrian Wood

Apr 1, 2001, 12:27:27 PM4/1/01

"Mentski" <> wrote in message

Yes, and the best part is, once I've used it to blackmail my boss into
letting me go home early, I can keep it in case I want anything else.

Adrian Wood

Apr 2, 2001, 4:48:59 PM4/2/01
"Mentski" <> wrote in message

> "Adrian Wood" <> wrote in message
> news:V9qx6.6795$
> >
> > "Mentski" <> wrote in message
> > news:9a546c$3istl$
> > >
> > > "Adrian Wood" <> wrote in message
> > > news:YHnx6.7569$
> > > >
> > > > Dragonball Z is sometimes the BEST THING EVAR. I just wish they'd
> > > around
> > > > to showing newer episodes with the android women and stuff.
> > >
> > > Starting this Monday, Woody.
> >
> > Really? Excellent. Now I just have to find a way to get home in time to
> > watch it, despite the fact it's an hour and a half journey, and I leave
> > it starts. I think it may be time to find a blank tape.
> >
> Video tape is really useful in these events.

I checked the TV guide, noticed that it was repeated at 9 PM, and decided to
catch that instead.

Its now 9:48 PM, and I just remembered. Fcuk. Asre. Bguegr. Cnut. Csus.


Apr 2, 2001, 5:20:28 PM4/2/01

Adrian Wood <> wrote in message

> I checked the TV guide, noticed that it was repeated at 9 PM, and decided
> catch that instead.
> Its now 9:48 PM, and I just remembered. Fcuk. Asre. Bguegr. Cnut. Csus.
> (etc)

did you write this at two serperate times or what? I can't quite understand
the time scale it was written in, unless you have THE SUPER TIME-O-TRON 2034

> Adrian: Just noticed my sig was out of date. Cuss.

This is also out of date surely, since you can't have just noticed for the
last week unless you have THE SUP... aah... I see, you must have one. GIVE.

Adrian Wood

Apr 3, 2001, 2:56:39 AM4/3/01

"Studders" <al.gregory@(SPOTtheSPAMremoverINthisADDRESS)>
wrote in message news:9aaquf$4ajjk$

> Adrian Wood <> wrote in message
> news:0B5y6.13702$
> > I checked the TV guide, noticed that it was repeated at 9 PM, and
> to
> > catch that instead.
> >
> > Its now 9:48 PM, and I just remembered. Fcuk. Asre. Bguegr. Cnut. Csus.
> > (etc)
> did you write this at two serperate times or what? I can't quite
> the time scale it was written in, unless you have THE SUPER TIME-O-TRON

Let me rephrase: I checked the TV guide THE OTHER DAY, noticed it was
Your time-understanding problems must lead to fun while reading Bulmer's
dr33m posts. "But... How can he be writing it if he's asleep? He must have

> > Adrian: Just noticed my sig was out of date. Cuss.
> This is also out of date surely, since you can't have just noticed for the
> last week unless you have THE SUP... aah... I see, you must have one.



Visit my crap site at
Sign my guestbook, preferably with a mark out of 10.
ICQ me! No: 103529080

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 3, 2001, 4:28:38 PM4/3/01
On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 00:56:09 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>Yes. My deep wish to be an anime character (or basically just Tenchi) has
>become disturbingly prevalent in my head. Why can't I be having fantastic
>adventures in space with a huge gang of hot women, my dad, grandfather and
>this great rabbit cat thing? Why can't I be the special 'chosen one'? I'm so

That's what makes it great, is you wish you were him, because unlike
him you know he wouldn't mess it up, and watch in the hope that maybe
at some point he'll stop arsing around and have bumsex with Ryoko or
something. While Mihoshi and Kiyone watch whilst diddling each other,
and Ryo-Ohki (she's a cabbit, btw) sticks a carrot up Sasami's ass.
Aeka will, of course, just sit there crying going 'Tenchi' because
she's a wuss.

>I have no idea if Cartoon Network actually get any feedback on the shows
>they show, I mean, they don't show Space Ghost any more and they show shit
>like that, who enjoys it, honestly? And Johnny Quest... Well, I can't say
>the kitchy charm of it was ever as good as the kitchy charm of any other
>Hanna Barbera cartoon.

Post Tom and Jerry, the only thing any Hanna Barbera things are good
for is listening too, as the dialogue is always excellent in spite of
the pitiful music and animation. I mean, just the other day with Fred
and Barney running a Drive Inn

DELIVERY MAN: I can't even sell you 2 tons of meat without you buying
500 pounds of parsley
FRED: What would we do with 500 pounds of parsley?
DELIVERY MAN: What every restaurant does! You put it on the food so
people can throw it away!

>Haven't seen Angel Cop, but you are right, Anime, more than other animated
>series/films can be enjoyed purely for the art, be it comic or serious or
>(usually) both.

Duckman without the sound is surprisingly good.

>Yes. It's good in one way that you can go on holiday for a month, come back
>and they are still fighting the same fight, rubbish in that, well, it sucks.
>I don't know, sometimes it's hilarious (if you watch it with people) but as
>a story it just sucks and it's like a boring kiddie Fist of the North Star,
>which rocks because it's so bad/good. Dragon ball's weird idea that all the
>other characters do commentary for the fight is highly confusing, you think
>they'd be helping, or at least doing something else, like, going to
>woolworths, or eating cadburys delicious chocolate.

FIST0R THE NORTH STAR! MEL C!!! Ahem, yes. I mean, the whole thing
about Fist of the North Star was laughing at the ludicrous violence as
people got stabbed through the neck.

>I only really liked Batman, I'd go as far to say that everything else in the
>same vein has just sucked. And Harley Quinn was such a fucking great
>character, and definetly not someone I should be sexually attracted to, oh

Harley exists purely for goth chicks to get her image tattooed on
their arms.

>Very realistic, and highly amusing, particualry the Wheatus inspired
>moments. I bet you could have kept that up all the way though the script.

Unfortunately, at no point did Max listen to Iron Maiden, maybe.

Abigail Ryder

Apr 3, 2001, 4:53:07 PM4/3/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote:

> On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 00:56:09 +0100, "Tinman" <>
> wrote:
> >Yes. My deep wish to be an anime character (or basically just Tenchi) has
> >become disturbingly prevalent in my head. Why can't I be having fantastic
> >adventures in space with a huge gang of hot women, my dad, grandfather and
> >this great rabbit cat thing? Why can't I be the special 'chosen one'? I'm so
> >sad.
> That's what makes it great, is you wish you were him, because unlike
> him you know he wouldn't mess it up, and watch in the hope that maybe
> at some point he'll stop arsing around and have bumsex with Ryoko or
> something. While Mihoshi and Kiyone watch whilst diddling each other,
> and Ryo-Ohki (she's a cabbit, btw) sticks a carrot up Sasami's ass.
> Aeka will, of course, just sit there crying going 'Tenchi' because
> she's a wuss.


Noooo! It's just like Dave ruining a scene in Aladdin for me by making a
suggestive comment about it. I can no longer watch it again. I smack you both.

Level 21 RAcaseal WorryFox. The android without attitude.

David Bulmer

Apr 3, 2001, 5:08:48 PM4/3/01

"Adrian Wood" <> wrote in message

> > > I checked the TV guide, noticed that it was repeated at 9 PM, and
> decided
> > to
> > > catch that instead.
> > >
> > > Its now 9:48 PM, and I just remembered. Fcuk. Asre. Bguegr. Cnut.
> > > (etc)
> >
> > did you write this at two serperate times or what? I can't quite
> understand
> > the time scale it was written in, unless you have THE SUPER TIME-O-TRON
> 2034
> Let me rephrase: I checked the TV guide THE OTHER DAY, noticed it was
> repeated...
> Your time-understanding problems must lead to fun while reading Bulmer's
> dr33m posts. "But... How can he be writing it if he's asleep? He must have


This was the first ad laugh-out-loud of my night. If you're not careful I
may begin the dr33m posts again.

(Or if I have a worthwhile dream.)


Charing Cross Branch

Apr 3, 2001, 5:17:27 PM4/3/01
On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 21:53:07 +0100, Abigail Ryder
<> wrote:

>> That's what makes it great, is you wish you were him, because unlike
>> him you know he wouldn't mess it up, and watch in the hope that maybe
>> at some point he'll stop arsing around and have bumsex with Ryoko or
>> something. While Mihoshi and Kiyone watch whilst diddling each other,
>> and Ryo-Ohki (she's a cabbit, btw) sticks a carrot up Sasami's ass.
>> Aeka will, of course, just sit there crying going 'Tenchi' because
>> she's a wuss.

Why? Haven't you seen the episode with Mihoshi and Kiyone BATHING
TOGETHER, NUDE? Those swimsuits are just hastily added by Cartoon
Network to avoid offending tender sensiblities like yourself. Although
the carrot-up-the-ass and Ryoko having bumsex... well, that'll never
happen outside an h-dojinshi.

>Noooo! It's just like Dave ruining a scene in Aladdin for me by making a
>suggestive comment about it. I can no longer watch it again. I smack you both.

I suppose I shouldn't tell you two of the Sailor Senshi in Sailor Moon
are lesbianists.

Abigail Ryder

Apr 3, 2001, 5:06:22 PM4/3/01

Branch-me-do wrote:

> On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 12:31:16 +0100, Abigail Ryder
> <> wrote:
> >I risk encouraging you. I was so pissed off with that, I just wanted Ryoko to
> >kiss him or take him away or anything. BUT NO. And the end of the episode left
> >me in utter despair for 24 hours.
> Yes, I cuss Tenchi extremely bad for having the BEST GIRL EVER living
> with him (Ryoko) but being THE MALE EQUIVALENT OF FRIGID and instead
> having a sort of thing for the MOST ANNOYING GIRL EVER (Aeka). I mean,
> ARE HIS BALLS CUT OFF OR SOMETHING? Wanting to save your friend: true.
> Leaving another friend who is madly in love with your crying her eyes
> out because she's afraid: FALSE. WRONG. ARRRRRGH.

Ryoko is my hero of sorts, she is mighty strong and has big hair, etc. And has an
excellent spaceship which is also a damn furry cabbit thing which in the OVA is also
a humanoid furry cabbit thing on times. Greatness. Aeka annoys me muchly.

I wish Tenchi would be a natural bloke though, and fancy at least one of the girls.
Unless he fell for Sasami, was that would be Wrongness indeed.

> >> As for why I live with people who don't love Tenchi? Because they're
> >> shit. They like Dream Team, Eastenders, and Sex in the City.
> >
> >Move out.
> Luckily, they are.



Apr 3, 2001, 5:18:24 PM4/3/01

Adrian Wood <> wrote in message

> "Studders" <al.gregory@(SPOTtheSPAMremoverINthisADDRESS)>
> wrote in message news:9aaquf$4ajjk$
> >
> > Adrian Wood <> wrote in message
> > news:0B5y6.13702$
> > > I checked the TV guide, noticed that it was repeated at 9 PM, and
> decided
> > to
> > > catch that instead.
> > >
> > > Its now 9:48 PM, and I just remembered. Fcuk. Asre. Bguegr. Cnut.
> > > (etc)
> >
> > did you write this at two serperate times or what? I can't quite
> understand
> > the time scale it was written in, unless you have THE SUPER TIME-O-TRON
> 2034
> Let me rephrase: I checked the TV guide THE OTHER DAY, noticed it was
> repeated...
> Your time-understanding problems must lead to fun while reading Bulmer's
> dr33m posts. "But... How can he be writing it if he's asleep? He must have

yes, I have troubles with this. Your post now makes sense in my head

> > > Adrian: Just noticed my sig was out of date. Cuss.
> >
> > This is also out of date surely, since you can't have just noticed for
> > last week unless you have THE SUP... aah... I see, you must have one.
> Mohh
> Adrian: Just noticed my sig was out of date. Cuss.

and you didn't change it. I am going to constantly be the pedanting
pedanter and constantly check your sig is correct.


Apr 3, 2001, 5:40:13 PM4/3/01
On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 22:17:27 +0100, Charing Cross Branch scribbled:

I demand this word exists.


Apr 3, 2001, 5:41:28 PM4/3/01

Glyndwr <> wrote in message

> On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 22:17:27 +0100, Charing Cross Branch scribbled:
> >lesbianists.
> I demand this word exists.

it does, surely?
lesbianism => lesbianists?

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 3, 2001, 5:45:18 PM4/3/01
On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 22:06:22 +0100, Abigail Ryder
<> wrote:

>Ryoko is my hero of sorts, she is mighty strong and has big hair, etc. And has an
>excellent spaceship which is also a damn furry cabbit thing which in the OVA is also
>a humanoid furry cabbit thing on times. Greatness.

Yes. Although she is tough and strong and powerful she also has a good
and sensitive side.

>Aeka annoys me muchly.

Yes. Typically for the FUCKING SPOILED LITTLE RICH BRAT that she is
she acts all sweet and gentle and innocent but as soon as she doesn't
get her way she throws a hissy fit.

>I wish Tenchi would be a natural bloke though, and fancy at least one of the girls.

Maybe he's gay. Yes, he was meant to be in Gundam Wing but they said
they were full up with woofters already, and he couldn't scream and
glower enough to get onto DBZ.

>Unless he fell for Sasami, was that would be Wrongness indeed.

Well, there are implications that this sort of happens. Like the one
where Ryoko and Nagi had the big fight in the western town, and at the
end of it Aeka and Ryoko were both mad that 'Sasami got to [Tenchi]

Rev. Owen Allaway

Apr 3, 2001, 5:51:19 PM4/3/01
On 03 Apr 2001, David Bulmer wrote...

>If you're not careful I
>may begin the dr33m posts again.
>(Or if I have a worthwhile dream.)

Talking of worthwile dreams, I played NiGHTS for the first time EVAR today.
It is fun. And I was getting pissed off with the first boss and after I
died fighting him for the second time it gave me a hint on how to beat him.
This is a good thing. I hate bosses in games. I'll have to play again and
try the hint out soon, assuming my Saturn still works when I turn it back
on. It normally takes me about five minutes of fiddling with cables to get
my TV to recognise the Saturn's existence.

Abigail Ryder

Apr 3, 2001, 5:43:34 PM4/3/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote:

> On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 21:53:07 +0100, Abigail Ryder
> <> wrote:
> >> That's what makes it great, is you wish you were him, because unlike
> >> him you know he wouldn't mess it up, and watch in the hope that maybe
> >> at some point he'll stop arsing around and have bumsex with Ryoko or
> >> something. While Mihoshi and Kiyone watch whilst diddling each other,
> >> and Ryo-Ohki (she's a cabbit, btw) sticks a carrot up Sasami's ass.
> >> Aeka will, of course, just sit there crying going 'Tenchi' because
> >> she's a wuss.
> >
> Why? Haven't you seen the episode with Mihoshi and Kiyone BATHING
> TOGETHER, NUDE? Those swimsuits are just hastily added by Cartoon
> Network to avoid offending tender sensiblities like yourself. Although
> the carrot-up-the-ass and Ryoko having bumsex... well, that'll never
> happen outside an h-dojinshi.

No, I know they're nude, it doesn't bother me. I laugh at the thought that anyone
could think that those swim suits weren't digitally added. It also makes no sense,
one OVA episode had a whole joke about Ryoko stealing Ayeka's towel and thus
revealing her to Tench. How can that be when she is wearing a bathingsuit? It's
pointless then. It's like, if someone took your shoe and said, "Ah HA! Look what I
did, isn't that funny?" I hate it when anime are changed to avoid harming the
kiddiewinks. They should have kept the nudity, and pissed parents off. Har.

Some manga were supposedly banned from a store chain in America, as a dad picked up a
kids comic and saw a nude child inside. It was immediately classed as child porn or
something, without them thinking, "oh, there are big cultural differences between
here and Japan. Nudity is not as huge a taboo in general there." I doubt the
picture was even vaguely sexual, just a bath scene. Can't remember the whole story

But the carrot bit you mentioned made me say 'ew', etc.

> >Noooo! It's just like Dave ruining a scene in Aladdin for me by making a
> >suggestive comment about it. I can no longer watch it again. I smack you both.
> I suppose I shouldn't tell you two of the Sailor Senshi in Sailor Moon
> are lesbianists.

There's all sorts going on in Sailor Moon. Wasn't a villain given a sex change when
the series went to the US, because he was in love with another bloke?



Apr 3, 2001, 7:39:17 PM4/3/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> That's what makes it great, is you wish you were him, because unlike
> him you know he wouldn't mess it up, and watch in the hope that maybe
> at some point he'll stop arsing around and have bumsex with Ryoko or
> something. While Mihoshi and Kiyone watch whilst diddling each other,
> and Ryo-Ohki (she's a cabbit, btw) sticks a carrot up Sasami's ass.
> Aeka will, of course, just sit there crying going 'Tenchi' because
> she's a wuss.

You are correct (about the wish to 'be' Tenchi making the program great, not
about the Hentai) It's just so excellent.

And It barely matters that Ryo-Ohki is a 'cabbit'. All I know is that they
better start genetically engineering them... Actually! Shit! wait, I think
they sell stuffed ones in my local forbidden planet. But can I buy one? I
suppose it will class me as a heinously geeky otaku type... But maybe if
it's not to expensive.

> Post Tom and Jerry, the only thing any Hanna Barbera things are good
> for is listening too, as the dialogue is always excellent in spite of
> the pitiful music and animation. I mean, just the other day with Fred
> and Barney running a Drive Inn
> DELIVERY MAN: I can't even sell you 2 tons of meat without you buying
> 500 pounds of parsley
> FRED: What would we do with 500 pounds of parsley?
> DELIVERY MAN: What every restaurant does! You put it on the food so
> people can throw it away!

Good point... However 'The Jetsons' is complete crap. The Flintstones had
it's moments (well, of course, until the arrival of that green alien guy)...
I don't know... I was just never as much of a fan of H-B as I was of Looney

> Duckman without the sound is surprisingly good.

Yeah, but Duckman is really 'made' by the dialogue, not that I'm saying
anime has shit dialogue (well, sometimes it does) but if I was to watch
Duckman without sound I'd feel like I was missing something, rather than
just being able to enjoy the animation.

> FIST0R THE NORTH STAR! MEL C!!! Ahem, yes. I mean, the whole thing
> about Fist of the North Star was laughing at the ludicrous violence as
> people got stabbed through the neck.

Fist of the North Star - Class. Pure Class. It's just the great way the
character (I forget his name) will jump in the air, cry the name of the move
(something ridiculous) and land, before the bad guy laughs and says 'ha ha!
you will never defeat me' and then going 'urk!!' and his head exploding
because his secret pressure point had been touched. Brilliant, there's a
site on the web that has all of the moves and pressure points used in the
Fist of the North Star series and they include moves that teach you
sanskrit, among other things.

> Harley exists purely for goth chicks to get her image tattooed on
> their arms.

Still great though.



Apr 3, 2001, 7:53:20 PM4/3/01

Abigail Ryder wrote

> No, I know they're nude, it doesn't bother me. I laugh at the thought
that anyone
> could think that those swim suits weren't digitally added. It also makes
no sense,
> one OVA episode had a whole joke about Ryoko stealing Ayeka's towel and
> revealing her to Tench. How can that be when she is wearing a bathing
suit? It's
> pointless then. It's like, if someone took your shoe and said, "Ah HA!
Look what I
> did, isn't that funny?" I hate it when anime are changed to avoid harming
> kiddiewinks. They should have kept the nudity, and pissed parents off.

Well, it's believable, considering Japanese people are kind of weird about
nudity, i.e. very inconsistent on the issue. But had they kept the nudity
at any point, we have to face facts, we wouldn't be seeing it at all, well,
maybe the odd occasion on the Sci-Fi channel, but they'd just pull it as
soon as it turned out it was good (I still hurt due to the MST3K thing)

> Some manga were supposedly banned from a store chain in America, as a dad
picked up a
> kids comic and saw a nude child inside. It was immediately classed as
child porn or
> something, without them thinking, "oh, there are big cultural differences
> here and Japan. Nudity is not as huge a taboo in general there." I doubt
> picture was even vaguely sexual, just a bath scene. Can't remember the
whole story
> though.
> But the carrot bit you mentioned made me say 'ew', etc.

It's happening across the US, and not just to manga. Fundamentalist loonies
forget that the constitution protects free speech, and that includes art. A
lot of comics are being banned, or classed as obscene... I can't remember
the website but there is one that has a lot of cases of such things
happening. I'll find it, sooner or later.

Anyway, I doubt even Hentaied Ryo-Ohki would do anything with a carrot other
than eat it, that hilarious little ragamuffin! So feel better.

> > I suppose I shouldn't tell you two of the Sailor Senshi in Sailor Moon
> > are lesbianists.
> There's all sorts going on in Sailor Moon. Wasn't a villain given a sex
change when
> the series went to the US, because he was in love with another bloke?

Yes. And I can't remember the names of the lesbianist sailors... However,
they look it. (they don't wear regulation sailor senshi uniform. It's vests,
dungarees, shaven heads for them.)

Sailor moon is terrible, yet again, vaguely watchable, even though I'm
embarrased to watch it. Theme song's good, isn't it? and Tuxedo mask... I
can't hear the name but fall in hysterics.

Also I'm in love with Sailor Mercury. There, I said it, I feel better. I'm
glad it's off my chest.




I don't own Phantasy Star Online, considering my Dreamcast isn't connected
to the net... I think I'll wait for version 2 and for when I move into my
new flat and connect it up.


Apr 3, 2001, 7:43:11 PM4/3/01

Abigail Ryder wrote

> Noooo! It's just like Dave ruining a scene in Aladdin for me by making a
> suggestive comment about it. I can no longer watch it again. I smack you

What, me as well?

I didn't do it, I don't advise you to watch 'Shock Video' with Adam and Joe
on E4, I read Branch's post then watched that, and if Branch's post broke
your brain both forms of evil would probably cause your head to explode as
if I touched your secret pressure point (hoi, only I'm allowed to touch
that - Bulm-Ra)

Also I have to live with a brain that thinks stuff like wot Branch types
daily, even thinking such stuff watching Tenchi and I survive, so now you
know what it's like to be a man.

Without a dick, obviously.



Apr 3, 2001, 8:02:15 PM4/3/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 22:06:22 +0100, Abigail Ryder
> <> wrote:
> >Aeka annoys me muchly.
> Yes. Typically for the FUCKING SPOILED LITTLE RICH BRAT that she is
> she acts all sweet and gentle and innocent but as soon as she doesn't
> get her way she throws a hissy fit.

I don't know... I think she's deeper than that, really. I find her quite
funny. The show wouldn't have dynamic if both characters weren't at each
others throats all the time, but because of that I don't think Aeka shows
her other side as much, but it is there...

Fuck, what am I doing, I'm debating this like they are real people.


Real enough to me.

> >I wish Tenchi would be a natural bloke though, and fancy at least one of
the girls.
> Maybe he's gay. Yes, he was meant to be in Gundam Wing but they said
> they were full up with woofters already, and he couldn't scream and
> glower enough to get onto DBZ.

Here's the thing - Tenchi is pretty natural, really for

a) A mixed up male japanese teen
b) me.

Because, frankly, if I was there, I'd be like him. We can gauge that before
all this happened Tenchi was shy around girls and is, what, 17? 17 we'll
say. Even now I'd be the same. I'd be terrified of Ryoko's blantant
advances and be a bumbling, unsure fool almost all of the time. I'd
understand my duty, as Tenchi does, but I'd still be a fuck up. He does
fancy the girls, I'd say, he's just really, really scared of those feelings,
and scared of the girls. It's probably the reason why I like it so much, and
probably the reason it's (ahem) 'big in japan'.

> >Unless he fell for Sasami, was that would be Wrongness indeed.
> Well, there are implications that this sort of happens. Like the one
> where Ryoko and Nagi had the big fight in the western town, and at the
> end of it Aeka and Ryoko were both mad that 'Sasami got to [Tenchi]
> first!'.

Well, Sasami grows up to look like Tsunami, who is hot. So... If Sasami is
about, what, fuck, it's hard to tell ages in anime... We'll say 10. It's
imaginable that in 10 years if Tenchi has some how managed to save his
chastity till then... In one of the OVA episodes Ryoko and Aeka are VERY
worried about this...

In other news, did anyone see 'Mihoshi's Space Adventure'? That episode is
absolutely brilliant and contains a wicked piss take of sailor moon, very



Apr 4, 2001, 5:23:52 AM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 00:43:11 +0100, Tinman scribbled:

>Also I have to live with a brain that thinks stuff like wot Branch types
>daily, even thinking such stuff watching Tenchi and I survive, so now you
>know what it's like to be a man.

This is the case for all men.

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 1:04:10 PM4/4/01
On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 22:43:34 +0100, Abigail Ryder
<> wrote:

> I hate it when anime are changed to avoid harming the
>kiddiewinks. They should have kept the nudity, and pissed parents off. Har.

Unfortunately the Western World has this whole thing about cartoons
being just for kids. Hence all tentacle pr0n, sexx0r anime and violent
anime has to have huge ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR CHILDREN labels. In case the
cover picture of a naked schoolgirl getting a green tentacle up the
ass wasn't warning enough.

>Some manga were supposedly banned from a store chain in America, as a dad picked up a
>kids comic and saw a nude child inside. It was immediately classed as child porn or
>something, without them thinking, "oh, there are big cultural differences between
>here and Japan. Nudity is not as huge a taboo in general there." I doubt the
>picture was even vaguely sexual, just a bath scene. Can't remember the whole story

It was probably My Neighbour Totoro, which is a family anime but the
family bathes together. Which isn't odd in Japan.

>But the carrot bit you mentioned made me say 'ew', etc.

That was the point.

>There's all sorts going on in Sailor Moon. Wasn't a villain given a sex change when
>the series went to the US, because he was in love with another bloke?

Possibly. Although I was disappointed to discover it wasn't Mercury
and Jupiter, as they are the two fit ones.


Well, Samurai Pizza Cats (which has to be the MST3k of translated
anime) wisely left the fact that the villain, Big Cheese, was a

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 1:07:29 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 00:53:20 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>Anyway, I doubt even Hentaied Ryo-Ohki would do anything with a carrot other
>than eat it, that hilarious little ragamuffin! So feel better.

Don't be so sure. I saw hentaied Sailor Moon where Usagi is being
licked out by Luna the cat, and Ami is using her moon wand as an
impromptu anal dildo.

>Yes. And I can't remember the names of the lesbianist sailors... However,
>they look it. (they don't wear regulation sailor senshi uniform. It's vests,
>dungarees, shaven heads for them.)

I think it's Venus and one of the other ones, I can't remember.

>Sailor moon is terrible, yet again, vaguely watchable, even though I'm
>embarrased to watch it. Theme song's good, isn't it? and Tuxedo mask... I
>can't hear the name but fall in hysterics.

I have the first music CD. Muahaha. Possibly because I was amused by
the distributor, DiC, putting 'the magical world of DiC' on the back.
You've had a lot of DiC, had a lot of DiC...

>Also I'm in love with Sailor Mercury. There, I said it, I feel better. I'm
>glad it's off my chest.

NO! She is mine! Well... I'll settle for Jupiter, I guess.


With Sky Digital you can watch what you want, when you want!

'So where's the Tinman channel showing nothing but excellent stuff?'

Er... you're not a stereotype!

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 1:09:51 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 00:43:11 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>I didn't do it, I don't advise you to watch 'Shock Video' with Adam and Joe
>on E4, I read Branch's post then watched that, and if Branch's post broke
>your brain both forms of evil would probably cause your head to explode as
>if I touched your secret pressure point (hoi, only I'm allowed to touch
>that - Bulm-Ra)

Given Bulmer is made of rubber, I bet he can extend his fingers
tentacle-like and... oh dear.

>Also I have to live with a brain that thinks stuff like wot Branch types
>daily, even thinking such stuff watching Tenchi and I survive, so now you
>know what it's like to be a man.

I also say things like this. Sometimes.

>Without a dick, obviously.

Clit Power? I knew a Father Clint Power, maybe she's having a go at

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 1:23:20 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 01:02:15 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>I don't know... I think she's deeper than that, really. I find her quite
>funny. The show wouldn't have dynamic if both characters weren't at each
>others throats all the time, but because of that I don't think Aeka shows
>her other side as much, but it is there...

I find her just annoying, because she does have deep inside the same
naughtiness as Ryoko, she just never thinks to use it.

>Real enough to me.

Why not? People talk this sort of bollocks about DBZ until the cows
come home!

>Because, frankly, if I was there, I'd be like him. We can gauge that before
>all this happened Tenchi was shy around girls and is, what, 17? 17 we'll
>say. Even now I'd be the same. I'd be terrified of Ryoko's blantant
>advances and be a bumbling, unsure fool almost all of the time. I'd
>understand my duty, as Tenchi does, but I'd still be a fuck up. He does
>fancy the girls, I'd say, he's just really, really scared of those feelings,
>and scared of the girls. It's probably the reason why I like it so much, and
>probably the reason it's (ahem) 'big in japan'.

He's 18 I think... not that it makes much difference. The thing is,
though, considering how long he's been around the girls, especially
Ryoko, as he got comfortable being around them I think it's
increasingly likely that he'd start fancying her.

I mean, girls who come on strong can be intimidating at first, but
she's made it pretty clear it's genuine interest. Once you understand
that in a girl, there's no reason you shouldn't respond. I mean, Aeka
is also mad for him but she doesn't ever show it in the same way that
Ryoko does, so no wonder the poor boy is confused because hers is a
much less mature form of love... while Ryoko knows not only what she
wants but how to go about getting it, Aeka has more of a childlike
crush in that she wants SOMETHING from Tenchi but isn't sure what it
is herself.

>Well, Sasami grows up to look like Tsunami, who is hot. So... If Sasami is
>about, what, fuck, it's hard to tell ages in anime... We'll say 10. It's
>imaginable that in 10 years if Tenchi has some how managed to save his
>chastity till then... In one of the OVA episodes Ryoko and Aeka are VERY
>worried about this...

Well, Sasami is impossibly sweet and kind, unlike her sister who is
selfish and whiny. She sees Tenchi as being like a big brother, and he
probably sees her as a younger sister... but as you said, in 8 years
or so...

>In other news, did anyone see 'Mihoshi's Space Adventure'? That episode is
>absolutely brilliant and contains a wicked piss take of sailor moon, very

Yes, it was excellent, except I happened to be watching it with my mom
and thus had to explain not only all the characters but also that this
IS NOT the normal way the show proceeds.

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 1:13:59 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 00:39:17 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>And It barely matters that Ryo-Ohki is a 'cabbit'. All I know is that they
>better start genetically engineering them... Actually! Shit! wait, I think
>they sell stuffed ones in my local forbidden planet. But can I buy one? I
>suppose it will class me as a heinously geeky otaku type... But maybe if
>it's not to expensive.

You can buy then. They are soft and IMPOSSIBLY CUTE. In fact, the only
thing greater than them would be real-life versions of those little
robot Ryoko things in 'Space Investigator Mihoshi's Adventure', or of
course, my long dreamed SD Plush Talking Nene Romanova doll.

>Good point... However 'The Jetsons' is complete crap. The Flintstones had
>it's moments (well, of course, until the arrival of that green alien guy)...
>I don't know... I was just never as much of a fan of H-B as I was of Looney

Looney Tunes was excellent until about 1960 when it just lost it. I
find that cartoons don't do enough things showing what life is like
without getting all cultural with references nobody will get in 20
years time. I mean, look at the backgrounds in Tom and Jerry or Looney
Tunes... classic stuff.

>Yeah, but Duckman is really 'made' by the dialogue, not that I'm saying
>anime has shit dialogue (well, sometimes it does) but if I was to watch
>Duckman without sound I'd feel like I was missing something, rather than
>just being able to enjoy the animation.

Yes but the facial animation in Duckman is excellent so you can easily
tell what someone is thinking.

>Fist of the North Star - Class. Pure Class. It's just the great way the
>character (I forget his name) will jump in the air, cry the name of the move
>(something ridiculous) and land, before the bad guy laughs and says 'ha ha!
>you will never defeat me' and then going 'urk!!' and his head exploding
>because his secret pressure point had been touched. Brilliant, there's a
>site on the web that has all of the moves and pressure points used in the
>Fist of the North Star series and they include moves that teach you
>sanskrit, among other things.

Yes, that's right. Anime loves that, where guys run at each other then
jump and they land and then one of them dies. Like in Tenchi when the
evil knight guy landed and laughed and then suddenly his stomach

>Still great though.

Yes Mistah J!


Apr 4, 2001, 1:26:53 PM4/4/01
>===== Original Message From Charing Cross Branch <>

>>Without a dick, obviously.
>Clit Power? I knew a Father Clint Power, maybe she's having a go at

Excellent. I watched this with my mother first time.



The Great Cthulhu

Apr 4, 2001, 3:47:25 PM4/4/01

"Rev. Owen Allaway" <> wrote in message

Keep completing the same level over and over and the music mutates, it's
fangtastic, though I expect you already know this. I can't play the
game properly in Splash Garden any more, one false paraloop and I lose a
carefully nurtured Mepian.

Splash Garden is my Mepian breeding ground.

Splash Garden is where my Mepians built me a 'monument'.

Rev. Owen Allaway

Apr 4, 2001, 3:53:44 PM4/4/01
On 04 Apr 2001, The Great Cthulhu wrote...

>I can't play the
>game properly in Splash Garden any more, one false paraloop and I lose a
>carefully nurtured Mepian.
>Splash Garden is my Mepian breeding ground.
>Splash Garden is where my Mepians built me a 'monument'.

This means nothing to me, as yet. I look forward to discovering more of the
game. Pity the manual's so shite.

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 4:10:23 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 04 Apr 2001 19:53:44 GMT, (Rev. Owen
Allaway) wrote:

>This means nothing to me, as yet. I look forward to discovering more of the
>game. Pity the manual's so shite.


'This is Eliot. He plays basketball.'
'This is Claris. She works.'

tada ching ching CRASH BOOM BOOM! etc

*sigh* dyswidt?


Apr 4, 2001, 4:50:09 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> Don't be so sure. I saw hentaied Sailor Moon where Usagi is being
> licked out by Luna the cat, and Ami is using her moon wand as an
> impromptu anal dildo.

I was going to say that Hentai should at least try and stay true to the
characters - Then I realised how retarded that was because if they did there
wouldn't be any hentai, particularly not of the lesbian/taking it in the
ass/with animals/or tentacles type. Still... That is rather sick. Not a fan
of beast pr0n in any way shape or form.

However, just there I was considering how bizzare Ranma 1/2 hentai could be.
It doesn't bear too much thinking about...

> I think it's Venus and one of the other ones, I can't remember.

If you think about it, it's really rather acceptable that one or two might
be lesbians - I mean, really, consider it, if we accept 'this life' or
'queer as folk' after 9pm and homosexual stories in eastenders etc. before,
why not in a cartoon? If anything it breeds acceptance of alternative
lifestyles, particulary in children where it's most needed (children are our
future! etc)

> I have the first music CD. Muahaha. Possibly because I was amused by
> the distributor, DiC, putting 'the magical world of DiC' on the back.
> You've had a lot of DiC, had a lot of DiC...

Mohh. The bloodhound gang covering the sailor moon theme.. A weird thought.

> >Also I'm in love with Sailor Mercury. There, I said it, I feel better.
> >glad it's off my chest.
> NO! She is mine! Well... I'll settle for Jupiter, I guess.

There's just something about Mercury... Maybe it's her blue hair and her
character is just amusing. Not the kind of girl you want to sex0r up hentai
style, but you'd want to give her books and take her on walks, or something.

> With Sky Digital you can watch what you want, when you want!
> 'So where's the Tinman channel showing nothing but excellent stuff?'
> Er... you're not a stereotype!

Funnily enough I spend a lot of my time ranting at the TV (or at least, to
people in the same room as the TV) and I had a rant basically saying that...
I'm not a sterotype, I want to watch MST3K and Space Ghost, both of which
your channels have pulled and not shown all the series of, I accept the huge
amount of people who watch shite, I just don't watch it, so what about
respecting the small amount of people who watch l33t programs, eh?




Rev. Owen Allaway

Apr 4, 2001, 5:05:10 PM4/4/01
On 04 Apr 2001, Charing Cross Branch wrote...

>'So where's the Tinman channel showing nothing but excellent stuff?'

TiVo. I have access to the Owen channel using it, which is currently
showing -

Star Trek
Batman Beyond
National Enquirer's Uncovered
Doctor Who
BBC Great Writers
Absolutely Fabulous
The Avengers
Tenchi in Tokyo
Space Ghost: Coast To Coast
The Simpsons
Powerpuff Girls
Powerpuff Girls
Powerpuff Girls
Homicide: Life on the Street
Homicide: Life on the Street
V.I. Warshawski

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 5:07:11 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 21:50:09 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>I was going to say that Hentai should at least try and stay true to the
>characters - Then I realised how retarded that was because if they did there
>wouldn't be any hentai, particularly not of the lesbian/taking it in the
>ass/with animals/or tentacles type. Still... That is rather sick. Not a fan
>of beast pr0n in any way shape or form.

Beast pr0n is indeed unpleasant, as I have seen far too many manga of
girls being raped by dogs, including one which even grapically
depicted the doggie knot making a big visible lump in her abdomen.
Tentacles are okay.

>However, just there I was considering how bizzare Ranma 1/2 hentai could be.
>It doesn't bear too much thinking about...

I read some Ranma hentai story where Shampoo gets magic Okonomiyaki
sauce that makes whoever eats it go mad and try to devour as much of
it as possible. So she lets Ranma taste it and then pours some on
herself. Unfortuantely Akane also has some... and as they fight over
who gets to lick it off Shampoo she spills water on Ranma, leading to
a 3-way lesbian orgy.

>If you think about it, it's really rather acceptable that one or two might
>be lesbians - I mean, really, consider it, if we accept 'this life' or
>'queer as folk' after 9pm and homosexual stories in eastenders etc. before,
>why not in a cartoon? If anything it breeds acceptance of alternative
>lifestyles, particulary in children where it's most needed (children are our
>future! etc)

Yes, but in Sailor Moon they're meant to be 14.

>There's just something about Mercury... Maybe it's her blue hair and her
>character is just amusing. Not the kind of girl you want to sex0r up hentai
>style, but you'd want to give her books and take her on walks, or something.

Yes, you'd want to actually be gentle and nice to her, because she's
the quiet one and you just want to be nice and snuggle the ones like
that. Jupiter, on the other hand, you'd want to go skating or biking
or swimming or something active with.

>Funnily enough I spend a lot of my time ranting at the TV (or at least, to
>people in the same room as the TV) and I had a rant basically saying that...
>I'm not a sterotype, I want to watch MST3K and Space Ghost, both of which
>your channels have pulled and not shown all the series of, I accept the huge
>amount of people who watch shite, I just don't watch it, so what about
>respecting the small amount of people who watch l33t programs, eh?

They should have a channel like 'The Box' where they have obscure
programs and you call in and vote for them. In fact I hereby copyright
this idea as mine.


Apr 4, 2001, 4:57:21 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> Unfortunately the Western World has this whole thing about cartoons
> being just for kids. Hence all tentacle pr0n, sexx0r anime and violent
> anime has to have huge ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR CHILDREN labels. In case the
> cover picture of a naked schoolgirl getting a green tentacle up the
> ass wasn't warning enough.

Yeah. Same goes for comics - Sure, in Japan everybody young or old sits on
the train in the morning with telephone directory mangas - If I were to sit
on the train like that here I'd get such odd stares.

> It was probably My Neighbour Totoro, which is a family anime but the
> family bathes together. Which isn't odd in Japan.

Not particularly odd anywhere, outside the western world.

> Well, Samurai Pizza Cats (which has to be the MST3k of translated
> anime) wisely left the fact that the villain, Big Cheese, was a
> transvestite.

Samurai Pizza Cats was brilliant. Truly one of the greatest things ever.

I like to imagine that the untranslated original is this really sober, Ghost
in the Shell style think fest all about the meaning of life and such like
and it's been butchered into submission in an excellent fashion.

I really hope cartoon network pick it up.



Apr 4, 2001, 4:59:00 PM4/4/01

Glyndwr wrote

> On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 00:43:11 +0100, Tinman scribbled:
> >Also I have to live with a brain that thinks stuff like wot Branch types
> >daily, even thinking such stuff watching Tenchi and I survive, so now you
> >know what it's like to be a man.
> This is the case for all men.

Wasn't that my point?

No, really, I'm confused, maybe my point came across wrong.



Apr 4, 2001, 5:15:28 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> You can buy then. They are soft and IMPOSSIBLY CUTE. In fact, the only
> thing greater than them would be real-life versions of those little
> robot Ryoko things in 'Space Investigator Mihoshi's Adventure', or of
> course, my long dreamed SD Plush Talking Nene Romanova doll.

However, I went into Forbbiden Planet today and they didn't have it any
more. So, I bought the Todd 'I used to write crappy comics now I make super
skillo figures, as long as you don't like points of articulation or figures
that stand up without support' McFarlane Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki figure and it's
truly fantastic, really nice.

Yet I broke her force sword thing as soon as I got it out the packet because
it's so crappily made, just like the extra bit from when your finished
making your Gundam model and you have the bit that all the pieces were stuck
to, well It's like that bit, as it's all bendy and snaps. So now I have a
force sword without the stupid little ball in the handle, it fits in her
hand better and looks better (to me) and won't bend, so maybe I did myself a

I'll just get myself one of those Ryo-Ohki plushes if I ever go to Japan,
which I'm going to do, one day.

> Looney Tunes was excellent until about 1960 when it just lost it. I
> find that cartoons don't do enough things showing what life is like
> without getting all cultural with references nobody will get in 20
> years time. I mean, look at the backgrounds in Tom and Jerry or Looney
> Tunes... classic stuff.

Correct about Looney Tunes, look at the crap they put out today (this does
not include Freakazoid WHICH SHOULD STILL BE ON and some of animaniacs) You
are right though, Tom + Jerry will always be classic, even Futurama does all
this 'look, we are referencing the 20th century IN THE 3OTH!' shit. It's
like how no one finds Lenny Bruce funny because unless you lived in the 60s
it makes next to no sense. Still brilliant, you just have to have a history
degree. What culture are we leaving in the western world for the future to
look back on as great?


> Yes but the facial animation in Duckman is excellent so you can easily
> tell what someone is thinking.

Or with my handy key :

Duckman : Sex. Always.
Bernice : hurting Duckman.
Mambo and Charles : Something randomly intelligent
Ajax : Not applicable
Cornfed : Something really, really droll.
Fluffy and uranus : Pain, Pain, Make the hurting stop! etc.
King Chicken : The same rant he says every damn time. buk buk buk.

> Yes, that's right. Anime loves that, where guys run at each other then
> jump and they land and then one of them dies. Like in Tenchi when the
> evil knight guy landed and laughed and then suddenly his stomach
> exploded.

I wish battles were like that in real life.

'Did you spill my pint?'
<goes to punch by jumping in the air with loads of speedlines>
'don't bother, I've already touched your secret pressure point'
'what? You will never defeat ARRGH'
<blood and brains go everywhere>

It also makes me think about how you'd think that there would be a manga
style fighting game, I mean, you'd think at least, being turn based Square's
RPGS would have all these cool camera angles, speed lines etc, but they
don't. And stuff like the Dragon Ball Z fighting games just suck ass (the
screen splits in 2 so you can fly about miles from your opponent!)

Someone should rectify this, obviously a western game developer since people
like Hideo Kojima are so obsessed with making western movie style games.



Apr 4, 2001, 5:30:21 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 21:59:00 +0100, Tinman scribbled:

Ah, OK. I was just reassuring you in case you thought you were a freak
or summat.


Apr 4, 2001, 5:25:57 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> I find her just annoying, because she does have deep inside the same
> naughtiness as Ryoko, she just never thinks to use it.

That's acceptable. I like her because she gets angry alot, and manga
characters look great when angry (huge wobbly eyes, etc)

> Why not? People talk this sort of bollocks about DBZ until the cows
> come home!

This is true, and there is NO CHARACTERISATION in that fucking program (dear
mentski, don't hurt me) And people probably get more indepth talking about
Gundam Wing...

> He's 18 I think... not that it makes much difference. The thing is,
> though, considering how long he's been around the girls, especially
> Ryoko, as he got comfortable being around them I think it's
> increasingly likely that he'd start fancying her.
> I mean, girls who come on strong can be intimidating at first, but
> she's made it pretty clear it's genuine interest. Once you understand
> that in a girl, there's no reason you shouldn't respond. I mean, Aeka
> is also mad for him but she doesn't ever show it in the same way that
> Ryoko does, so no wonder the poor boy is confused because hers is a
> much less mature form of love... while Ryoko knows not only what she
> wants but how to go about getting it, Aeka has more of a childlike
> crush in that she wants SOMETHING from Tenchi but isn't sure what it
> is herself.

Well, Tenchi is completely unexperienced and gets instantly trapped in a
weird love triangle (or some sort of polygon, anyway) Lets just say if it
happened to me I'd probably need about 3 series just to work out what the
fuck was going on. And after 3 we hit the movie 'Tenchi Muyo in love', i
think, so I guess he works it out...

> Well, Sasami is impossibly sweet and kind, unlike her sister who is
> selfish and whiny. She sees Tenchi as being like a big brother, and he
> probably sees her as a younger sister... but as you said, in 8 years
> or so...

Let's just say it wouldn't take me 8 years to work it out, even at maximum.

> Yes, it was excellent, except I happened to be watching it with my mom
> and thus had to explain not only all the characters but also that this
> IS NOT the normal way the show proceeds.

I watched the final episode of Tenchi Universe with my mum in the room, and
I really didn't bother to explain it, as being the final episode it's barely
worth it. It does make me feel uneasy though... Part of me still worries
about the fact I'm 19 and still enjoy cartoons, comic books, etc... Even
though it's obviously not a problem, it's just a western stigmata.

However Mihoshi's Space Adventure is great, not only because the Sailor Moon
piss take was unexpected and very clever, just because of the brilliant
'Aeka dishes out table based pain' action sequence and lines like 'Will
Inspector Tenchi keep his chastity??!' and 'And then the mysterious magician
saved us'

and the great bit at the end where Aeka goes 'and I wonder who the magician
was?' and Sasami's 'Yes, I wonder who! <wink>' it was just so clever.



Apr 4, 2001, 5:40:05 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 22:15:28 +0100, Tinman scribbled:

>just like the extra bit from when your finished making your Gundam
>model and you have the bit that all the pieces were stuck to

There's a word for this and I cannot for the life of me recall it. It's
going to really annoy me now. If anyone knows it, please post it.

>Duckman : Sex. Always.
>Bernice : hurting Duckman.
>Mambo and Charles : Something randomly intelligent
>Ajax : Not applicable
>Cornfed : Something really, really droll.
>Fluffy and uranus : Pain, Pain, Make the hurting stop! etc.
>King Chicken : The same rant he says every damn time. buk buk buk.


>I wish battles were like that in real life.
>'Did you spill my pint?'
><goes to punch by jumping in the air with loads of speedlines>
>'don't bother, I've already touched your secret pressure point'
>'what? You will never defeat ARRGH'
><blood and brains go everywhere>

More mohh.


Apr 4, 2001, 5:44:34 PM4/4/01

Glyndwr wrote

> Ah, OK. I was just reassuring you in case you thought you were a freak
> or summat.

Have you been reading this thread? It's obvious I am a freak.



Apr 4, 2001, 5:43:54 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> Beast pr0n is indeed unpleasant, as I have seen far too many manga of
> girls being raped by dogs, including one which even grapically
> depicted the doggie knot making a big visible lump in her abdomen.
> Tentacles are okay.

Yeah, but that's because tentacles almost always just look like big bendy
cocks. If Octopuses or squid looked like that the sea would be way more
dangerous than it is now, and freaky. Rape manga I hate - There is a lot of
it as well. Infact, loads of Hentai is rape. Too much real life sexual
repression, probably.

> I read some Ranma hentai story where Shampoo gets magic Okonomiyaki
> sauce that makes whoever eats it go mad and try to devour as much of
> it as possible. So she lets Ranma taste it and then pours some on
> herself. Unfortuantely Akane also has some... and as they fight over
> who gets to lick it off Shampoo she spills water on Ranma, leading to
> a 3-way lesbian orgy.

Yeah, but consider female Ranma getting fucked, and druing it having hot
water poured on her. What the fuck would happen???

> Yes, but in Sailor Moon they're meant to be 14.

Shit. I forgot about that. Once again, it's hard to tell ages in anime,
particularly when you forget them.

> Yes, you'd want to actually be gentle and nice to her, because she's
> the quiet one and you just want to be nice and snuggle the ones like
> that. Jupiter, on the other hand, you'd want to go skating or biking
> or swimming or something active with.

I'm looking for a girl I can be gentle to and nice to... Sob.

> They should have a channel like 'The Box' where they have obscure
> programs and you call in and vote for them. In fact I hereby copyright
> this idea as mine.

That is the best idea ever. Except it isn't, unless you made sure the
listing was properly obscure, otherwise it would be

'So what's on 'Super Program Pick channel 47'?'
'Uh... That S Club 7 program'

Today I was talking to a friend about how you'd think sky would at least
have a public access channel, that would be great, it stemmed from how
programs like Bits are just shit and look like they were made on 20 quid, I
mean, last time it got watched the competition was 'If video game characters
were lighting farts, who's would be the deadliest?' Fucks sake, if channel
four gave me 20 quid and a camcorder I could make a better program.

Public access would probably raise the standard of the other programs as
they realised uneducated yahoos were making programs as good as they were.



Apr 4, 2001, 5:47:51 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 22:44:34 +0100, Tinman scribbled:

I have, and now I want to watch all these programs being discussed to
see what the fuss is about.

You are normal, for some definition of normal, just like the rest of us
here. And who gives a fuck what exact defintion of normal is required?

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 6:52:10 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 22:43:54 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>Yeah, but that's because tentacles almost always just look like big bendy
>cocks. If Octopuses or squid looked like that the sea would be way more
>dangerous than it is now, and freaky. Rape manga I hate - There is a lot of
>it as well. Infact, loads of Hentai is rape. Too much real life sexual
>repression, probably.

Yes, and also rape is a popular Japanese fetish. As are huge willies,
to the point that they used to make giant strap-on willies for men to
let them live out this fantasy.

>Yeah, but consider female Ranma getting fucked, and druing it having hot
>water poured on her. What the fuck would happen???

Something more painful than you can possibly imagine.

>Shit. I forgot about that. Once again, it's hard to tell ages in anime,
>particularly when you forget them.

Actually... I find it's not that hard... they're somewhat
underdeveloped in Sailor Moon, hence they're young teens. Sasami is
little, but not too little, hence she's 10. Chibi-Chibi Moon is tiny,
hence she's 5. Sylvia Stingray is 28 or something, hence she looks

>I'm looking for a girl I can be gentle to and nice to... Sob.

Either of the above two would be fine...

>That is the best idea ever. Except it isn't, unless you made sure the
>listing was properly obscure, otherwise it would be
>'So what's on 'Super Program Pick channel 47'?'
>'Uh... That S Club 7 program'

Yes, I realize that.

>Today I was talking to a friend about how you'd think sky would at least
>have a public access channel, that would be great, it stemmed from how
>programs like Bits are just shit and look like they were made on 20 quid, I
>mean, last time it got watched the competition was 'If video game characters
>were lighting farts, who's would be the deadliest?' Fucks sake, if channel
>four gave me 20 quid and a camcorder I could make a better program.

Too late. It has occured. Adam and Joe. THANK GOODNESS they were
talked into making more shows.

>Public access would probably raise the standard of the other programs as
>they realised uneducated yahoos were making programs as good as they were.

Have you never seen Public Access shows from North America? Oh MAN!

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 6:56:53 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 21:57:21 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>Yeah. Same goes for comics - Sure, in Japan everybody young or old sits on
>the train in the morning with telephone directory mangas - If I were to sit
>on the train like that here I'd get such odd stares.

Yup. Mostly because a) the only comics you can get from a newsstand in
this country are the bloody Beano, and b) people here stare at you if
you're doing anything apart from sitting, hands clasps, looking at
your shoes.

>Samurai Pizza Cats was brilliant. Truly one of the greatest things ever.

Absolutely. I have many episodes on tape, although I hope I never
taped over the baseball one just for this:

BIG CHEESE: Okay, that's the plan. And now that's settled let's do a
little song and dance number shall we?

(he is suddenly wearing a kimono and makeup)

BIG CHEESE: And a one!
JERRY ATRIC: And a two! I'm right there beside ya Cheesy boy!
TOGETHER: And a three and a four!
BIG CHEESE: (singing) I'm just a little cheesy!
JERRY ATRIC: (singing) I'm just a little old!
TOGETHER: (singing) But our evil's fresh and nasty...
BAD BIRD: George Burns... look out!

>I like to imagine that the untranslated original is this really sober, Ghost
>in the Shell style think fest all about the meaning of life and such like
>and it's been butchered into submission in an excellent fashion.

Actually, from what I've seen it was a bit nutty but basically what
Saban did (probably) was sit down and watch the episode with a
synopsis of the plot but made up all the dialogue as they went along.

>I really hope cartoon network pick it up.

Never happen.

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 7:12:04 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 22:15:28 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>However, I went into Forbbiden Planet today and they didn't have it any
>more. So, I bought the Todd 'I used to write crappy comics now I make super
>skillo figures, as long as you don't like points of articulation or figures
>that stand up without support' McFarlane Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki figure and it's
>truly fantastic, really nice.

I remember seeing the Ryoko figure and thinking 'MUST GET' but then it
was like £15 and I decided on the Motoko Kusanagi figure instead (also

>Yet I broke her force sword thing as soon as I got it out the packet because
>it's so crappily made, just like the extra bit from when your finished
>making your Gundam model and you have the bit that all the pieces were stuck
>to, well It's like that bit, as it's all bendy and snaps. So now I have a
>force sword without the stupid little ball in the handle, it fits in her
>hand better and looks better (to me) and won't bend, so maybe I did myself a

You forgot to mention that no McFarlane figure is capable of gripping
its accessories. Meryl can barely hold on to her FN-FAL, and her 9mm
falls out of the holster if the air pressure in the room changes.

>I'll just get myself one of those Ryo-Ohki plushes if I ever go to Japan,
>which I'm going to do, one day.

Actually, you can order them from the US Cartoon Network site. But
they won't ship overseas, I checked.

>Correct about Looney Tunes, look at the crap they put out today (this does
>not include Freakazoid WHICH SHOULD STILL BE ON and some of animaniacs) You
>are right though, Tom + Jerry will always be classic

Er... the point I was making was they show how life was in the
1940s... record players, single plug electrical sockets, dog catchers,
etc... they're not just cartoons, they're historical documents.

>, even Futurama does all
>this 'look, we are referencing the 20th century IN THE 3OTH!' shit.

Yes, but they're also showing that no matter what, humanity stays
essentially the same. And I almost cried laughing at the '20th Century
Land' bit where Fry goes into the subway and goes to sleep under a
newspaper and when Leela tries to wake him up he shouts gibberish and
kicks at her.

>like how no one finds Lenny Bruce funny because unless you lived in the 60s
>it makes next to no sense. Still brilliant, you just have to have a history
>degree. What culture are we leaving in the western world for the future to
>look back on as great?

Yes, there isn't really a defining culture of the 90s, is there? The
20s was all art deco and gangsters and STYLE, the 30s was all
depressing and dark, the 40s was all war and women called Dolores, the
50s was all consumerism and big cars, the 60s was all funky style and
bad hair, the 70s was all bad music and worse hair, the 80s was all
extravagance and awfulness (and impossibly bad hair). Then the 90s
starts out with grunge moshing, then for a few years was all hip and
bright and comic booky (look at 1995 and 96 for movies... Tank Girl,
Batman Forever, Judge Dredd) and Designer's Republic, then it
concludes with everything being


Yes, especially given they're all OLD, Sarah Jessica Parker IS A
HORSE, and the only remotely fit one (the redhead one) is still ugly.
And I could do without seeing Kyle 'Agent Cooper' McLachlan's ass as
he wnacked in the one episode I happened to see.

>Duckman : Sex. Always.

She's got a pair of huskies that go to the Yukon and back!

>Bernice : hurting Duckman.

Has hell frozen over? Was Duckman actually RIGHT ABOUT SOMETHING?

>Mambo and Charles : Something randomly intelligent

The homecoming king... and queen!

>Ajax : Not applicable

A-Okay, dod!

>Cornfed : Something really, really droll.

Don't worry Duckman, I'll get you off... ah, I mean, I'll see that
you're found not guilty.
I know little of your current predicament being shamefully underused
in this week's wacky adventure but I should warn you, insincere
attempts to win a child's affection can cause his self esteem to
plummet leading to him dropping out of school and having his vocal
chords to effect a deeper voice before winding up as the only pig cage
dancer in a waterfront leather bar... or so I'm told.

>Fluffy and uranus : Pain, Pain, Make the hurting stop! etc.

Mr Duckman! Is that Da Do Ron Ron on your backside?

>King Chicken : The same rant he says every damn time. buk buk buk.

Mwah ha ha, bok bok bok.

>It also makes me think about how you'd think that there would be a manga
>style fighting game, I mean, you'd think at least, being turn based Square's
>RPGS would have all these cool camera angles, speed lines etc, but they
>don't. And stuff like the Dragon Ball Z fighting games just suck ass (the
>screen splits in 2 so you can fly about miles from your opponent!)

Have you never played Rival Schools 2 on the Playstation?

>Someone should rectify this, obviously a western game developer since people
>like Hideo Kojima are so obsessed with making western movie style games.

Yes. This sickens me. The Japanese are ace at making action/fighting
games so what do we get? Metal Gear Solid 2.
Meanwhile the Americans are ace at... well, something, and what do we
get? Oni.

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 7:22:19 PM4/4/01
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 22:25:57 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>> I find her just annoying, because she does have deep inside the same
>> naughtiness as Ryoko, she just never thinks to use it.
>That's acceptable. I like her because she gets angry alot, and manga
>characters look great when angry (huge wobbly eyes, etc)

The reason the eyes are made large is because when proper comics were
first introduced to Japan in the 1930s, all the characters at the time
had large eyes so the Japanese assumed this was the way. Also,
characters with small eyes are usually seen as being sneaky and evil.

Also, the reason they all have simplistic facial features is so that
it somehow makes it easier to identify with a character's emotional
and facial expressions, and thus the character.

>This is true, and there is NO CHARACTERISATION in that fucking program (dear
>mentski, don't hurt me) And people probably get more indepth talking about
>Gundam Wing...

It is the way of the West that people will love the worst and
stupidest anime (DBZ, Gundam, etc) while the best stuff (Tenchi, Oh My
Goddess!, BGC) goes ignored.

>Well, Tenchi is completely unexperienced and gets instantly trapped in a
>weird love triangle (or some sort of polygon, anyway) Lets just say if it
>happened to me I'd probably need about 3 series just to work out what the
>fuck was going on. And after 3 we hit the movie 'Tenchi Muyo in love', i
>think, so I guess he works it out...

Well, not really. You've seen it, right? Aeka and Ryoko both notice
how much Tenchi's dad looked like Tenchi when he was young, so when
they go back in time they're in love with him as well. And the love
isn't so much between them and Tenchi, it's between Tenchi's dad and
his mom. They're just there to protect her from this super-spirit
criminal who's escaped and gone back in time to kill her (because
she's a Jurai descendant). In fact, it's just a feature-length
standard Tenchi story, with Aeka and Ryoko fighting, while Tenchi
spends most of his time with Sasami (since he can't let his own mother
see him).

>Let's just say it wouldn't take me 8 years to work it out, even at maximum.

Okay, maybe 5, but beyond that we're getting sick. No, wait, in Japan,
the age is 14.

>I watched the final episode of Tenchi Universe with my mum in the room, and
>I really didn't bother to explain it, as being the final episode it's barely
>worth it. It does make me feel uneasy though... Part of me still worries
>about the fact I'm 19 and still enjoy cartoons, comic books, etc... Even
>though it's obviously not a problem, it's just a western stigmata.

I watched that same episodewith my housemate in the room and I didn't
even bother trying to explain it either, since he's a tosser and it
would take too long to explain it. He thought it was a rubbish show
because of the way everyone (the knights) kept falling over dead. But
then, he's the one who watches Dream Team.

You should NOT BE ASHAMED of liking comics and cartoons... I'm 21 and
although my father despises the fact I like them, my mother positively
encourages it. I mean, if anything, I'll be better able to relate to
my own kids if I ever have any.

>However Mihoshi's Space Adventure is great, not only because the Sailor Moon
>piss take was unexpected and very clever, just because of the brilliant
>'Aeka dishes out table based pain' action sequence and lines like 'Will
>Inspector Tenchi keep his chastity??!' and 'And then the mysterious magician
>saved us'

And of course the 'This is Aeka's last chance to get married, she
doesn't want to end up as an old maid!'

>and the great bit at the end where Aeka goes 'and I wonder who the magician
>was?' and Sasami's 'Yes, I wonder who! <wink>' it was just so clever.

And it had the little toy Ryoko things, which are adorable and I want


Apr 4, 2001, 7:13:36 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> Yes, and also rape is a popular Japanese fetish. As are huge willies,
> to the point that they used to make giant strap-on willies for men to
> let them live out this fantasy.

Yeah, but rape being a popular fetish is just fucked up. 'Wow, fucking a
girl without her consent would be so cool!' It's just stupid.

Giant strap ons? Mohh. More for the wives than the men, me thinks. (Unless
the guy goes out and buys like, a 21'' monster dong, or something)

> Actually... I find it's not that hard... they're somewhat
> underdeveloped in Sailor Moon, hence they're young teens. Sasami is
> little, but not too little, hence she's 10. Chibi-Chibi Moon is tiny,
> hence she's 5. Sylvia Stingray is 28 or something, hence she looks
> OLD.

Well, yeah, it's not too hard, but it's not like I debate in my head whether
it would be alright to fuck this character or not, or anything. I just think
sailor Mercury is cute, that's all.

Yeah and I noticed how anyone over 20 is ancient looking in anything
Japanese, it's like, all jap games have to have characters under this age or
else they are old guys with long mustaches and stuff.

> Too late. It has occured. Adam and Joe. THANK GOODNESS they were
> talked into making more shows.

Yes. 'Tufty Club' was a work of sheer genius, as was 'American Beautoy'.
However, more good stuff along these lines are needed.

But wait! Adam and Joe's 'Take Over TV' surely that will have some sort of
good repercussions.

Well, it will if the site would work for me.

> Have you never seen Public Access shows from North America? Oh MAN!

Yes I have. However... Consider, have you never seen North American TV? It's
terrible too...

Actually that defeats my point because TV sucks everywhere, Public Access or

Ooh, wait, the site's working now.

I hate how all these sites now use flash and shit, like is
all gayed up with it... Hmm... Well, Take Over TV doesn't seem that
revolutionary, it's probably just going to be sub-US Public Access quality
clips of idiots doing sub Trigger Happy TV stunts, however the release form
seems clear enough and I can borrow a camera...

Watch this space!

Or don't!



Apr 4, 2001, 7:17:31 PM4/4/01

Rev. Owen Allaway wrote

> TiVo. I have access to the Owen channel using it, which is currently
> showing -

<In comedy infomercial style>

But wait! I've heard that TiVo is expensive and less good than people say it
is. How much does it cost? And does it cause gential herpes?

> Tenchi in Tokyo

Wait! This isn't on here yet. You bastard.

> Space Ghost: Coast To Coast

And this doesn't get shown here any more. You complete bastard.

I'm guessing you live somewhere that isn't here. (Here being the UK. I
personally am in Scotland)




Apr 4, 2001, 7:20:54 PM4/4/01

Glyndwr wrote

> I have, and now I want to watch all these programs being discussed to
> see what the fuss is about.

I really recommend you do. Something like Tenchi takes a while to get into
if you're not used to Japanese stuff, but it's sheer class.

> You are normal, for some definition of normal, just like the rest of us
> here. And who gives a fuck what exact defintion of normal is required?

No, several teen movies have told me that! Like that heart warming movie
'Angus' about the fat kid and the kid with the big ears.

And 'Save the Last Dance' is out soon, which as well as being a throwback to
the 30s practically in a heinously racist to, well, everyone, also tells us

'The only way to fit in, is to be yourself'




Apr 4, 2001, 7:27:53 PM4/4/01
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 00:20:54 +0100, Tinman scribbled:

>Glyndwr wrote
>> I have, and now I want to watch all these programs being discussed to
>> see what the fuss is about.
>I really recommend you do. Something like Tenchi takes a while to get into
>if you're not used to Japanese stuff, but it's sheer class.

Where and when can these shows be viewed?

>> You are normal, for some definition of normal, just like the rest of us
>> here. And who gives a fuck what exact defintion of normal is required?
>No, several teen movies have told me that!

Mind you, I'm a total geek, so what do I know?

Rev. Owen Allaway

Apr 4, 2001, 7:35:13 PM4/4/01
On 04 Apr 2001, Tinman wrote...

>Rev. Owen Allaway wrote
>> TiVo. I have access to the Owen channel using it, which is currently
>> showing -
><In comedy infomercial style>
>But wait! I've heard that TiVo is expensive and less good than people
>say it is.

TiVo is this: The Best Thing Ever. It really does completely change how you
watch TV. But you have to spend a few hours using one to realise just how
good it is.

>How much does it cost?

A 20-hour model (enough for me) is $300. And then $10 a month (or $250
lifetime fee).

>And does it cause gential herpes?

Not yet, but this may be in version 3.0 of the software.

>> Tenchi in Tokyo
>Wait! This isn't on here yet. You bastard.

I have episodes 13 and 14 on my TiVo. I tried watching episode 13 but
didn't understand a word of it. I'll save up some episodes and force myself
to watch them until it makes sense.

>> Space Ghost: Coast To Coast
>And this doesn't get shown here any more. You complete bastard.

/me grins at you in a punchable fashion

>I'm guessing you live somewhere that isn't here. (Here being the UK. I
>personally am in Scotland)



Quite possibly.

Rev. Owen Allaway

Apr 4, 2001, 7:41:44 PM4/4/01
On 04 Apr 2001, Charing Cross Branch wrote...

>>I'll just get myself one of those Ryo-Ohki plushes if I ever go to Japan,

>>which I'm going to do, one day.
>Actually, you can order them from the US Cartoon Network site. But
>they won't ship overseas, I checked.

You could try and
see if they ship overseas. (I think they do as the provide an "outside US"
phone number. There's contact information on their Info page.

Disclaimer: I have never ordered from these people.


Apr 4, 2001, 7:33:55 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> Yup. Mostly because a) the only comics you can get from a newsstand in
> this country are the bloody Beano, and b) people here stare at you if
> you're doing anything apart from sitting, hands clasps, looking at
> your shoes.

Hey! The beano is technically part of my cultural history, and what got me
into comics in the first place. However, uh, it's obviously shit if you are
over 10, and it's doing really badly anyway now. 2000ad is available
everywhere and is sometimes VERY VERY class, or at least, it was years ago
when I read it. Now it's 1.40 a week, which translates as a lot of money a
year, which means my saturdays are no longer the same as the ones I spent
getting 2000ad and reading it on a lazy afternoon. Sob.

You're right though, do anything at all on any form of public transport,
people think you are the devil. Reading a comic? OUTLAWED. listening to
your discman? OUTLAWED. etc etc etc.

> Absolutely. I have many episodes on tape, although I hope I never
> taped over the baseball one just for this:
> BIG CHEESE: Okay, that's the plan. And now that's settled let's do a
> little song and dance number shall we?
> (he is suddenly wearing a kimono and makeup)
> BIG CHEESE: And a one!
> JERRY ATRIC: And a two! I'm right there beside ya Cheesy boy!
> TOGETHER: And a three and a four!
> BIG CHEESE: (singing) I'm just a little cheesy!
> JERRY ATRIC: (singing) I'm just a little old!
> TOGETHER: (singing) But our evil's fresh and nasty...
> BAD BIRD: George Burns... look out!

mohh. I'm sure I saw this one. I remember watching it very regular when it
was on... Some channel. it was just mostly insane. The only UK thing to
equal it was Earthworm Jim, which should ALSO BE BACK ON TV.

> Actually, from what I've seen it was a bit nutty but basically what
> Saban did (probably) was sit down and watch the episode with a
> synopsis of the plot but made up all the dialogue as they went along.

Well, it works, perfectly.

> >I really hope cartoon network pick it up.
> Never happen.

Toonami should be it's own channel, showing nothing but crazy jap stuff, in
english by day and after 12 it shows all the same programs but in the
original japanese with all the nudity etc. That would be great.

Pipe dream, though.



Apr 4, 2001, 7:52:54 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch

> I remember seeing the Ryoko figure and thinking 'MUST GET' but then it
> was like £15 and I decided on the Motoko Kusanagi figure instead (also
> £15).

I got it for £9.99, which was pleasing. It really is a nice display piece,
unlike, say, a Star Wars figure anyone would be interested by this and not
class it as geeky. It's going to distract me too much while I study,

> You forgot to mention that no McFarlane figure is capable of gripping
> its accessories. Meryl can barely hold on to her FN-FAL, and her 9mm
> falls out of the holster if the air pressure in the room changes.

Ryoko can hold her 'weapon' which is just a glowy stick thing, really, but
actually not properly unless you, uh, modify it like I did.

Ash can't hold anything properly, Snake Plissken can, however the figure is
fucked up, as you need to pop his fucking arms off (??) to put his jacket

> Actually, you can order them from the US Cartoon Network site. But
> they won't ship overseas, I checked.

And thats... No good. Guess I'm going to Japan.

> Er... the point I was making was they show how life was in the
> 1940s... record players, single plug electrical sockets, dog catchers,
> etc... they're not just cartoons, they're historical documents.

Uh, I thought you meant how you can always find Tom and Jerry funny, I mean,
watch it with someone who has no idea about the 40s and it's still funny,
even the ones (well, my favourites) where they are musketeers are excellent.
It's not the same as how, say, the Simpsons is excellent, but cameos and
shit, while funny, make no sense across time. Whatever. Both points are
accurate, I believe.

> Yes, but they're also showing that no matter what, humanity stays
> essentially the same. And I almost cried laughing at the '20th Century
> Land' bit where Fry goes into the subway and goes to sleep under a
> newspaper and when Leela tries to wake him up he shouts gibberish and
> kicks at her.

Don't get me wrong, I love Futurama (way more than the crapfest the Simpsons
has become) However, sometimes the 20th century jokes are too laboured in a
'wink at the camera' kind of way. It's great, and some of the jokes are very
clever (The recent 'Breakfast Club' based episode was very clever, and that
was referring to a time period before now which makes it even more
confusing. It was good though. However, that's probably due to my soft spot
for 80's John Hughes)

> Yes, there isn't really a defining culture of the 90s, is there? The
> 20s was all art deco and gangsters and STYLE, the 30s was all
> depressing and dark, the 40s was all war and women called Dolores, the
> 50s was all consumerism and big cars, the 60s was all funky style and
> bad hair, the 70s was all bad music and worse hair, the 80s was all
> extravagance and awfulness (and impossibly bad hair). Then the 90s
> starts out with grunge moshing, then for a few years was all hip and
> bright and comic booky (look at 1995 and 96 for movies... Tank Girl,
> Batman Forever, Judge Dredd) and Designer's Republic, then it
> concludes with everything being

You forget happy hardcore etc, still continuing to this day, just in
buttfuck USA and no longer big fields here (probably due to foot and mouth!
Ho ho, hilarious topical comedy which will date this mail an incredible
amount should people read it in 2050)

I suppose when we get far enough away from the 90's well just imagine it had
a defining style, like how everyone thinks about the previous decades being
like that when they really weren't. Like, in 'the Wedding Singer' they just
cram all the good (bad) bits of the entire 80s into one film set in 85 (I

> Yes, especially given they're all OLD, Sarah Jessica Parker IS A
> HORSE, and the only remotely fit one (the redhead one) is still ugly.
> And I could do without seeing Kyle 'Agent Cooper' McLachlan's ass as
> he wnacked in the one episode I happened to see.

Kyle McLachlan - How the not exactly ever mighty have fallen.

And Dune could (operative word : could) have been so good.

> >Duckman : Sex. Always.
> She's got a pair of huskies that go to the Yukon and back!
> >Bernice : hurting Duckman.
> Has hell frozen over? Was Duckman actually RIGHT ABOUT SOMETHING?
> >Mambo and Charles : Something randomly intelligent
> The homecoming king... and queen!
> >Ajax : Not applicable
> A-Okay, dod!
> >Cornfed : Something really, really droll.
> Don't worry Duckman, I'll get you off... ah, I mean, I'll see that
> you're found not guilty.
> OR
> I know little of your current predicament being shamefully underused
> in this week's wacky adventure but I should warn you, insincere
> attempts to win a child's affection can cause his self esteem to
> plummet leading to him dropping out of school and having his vocal
> chords to effect a deeper voice before winding up as the only pig cage
> dancer in a waterfront leather bar... or so I'm told.
> >Fluffy and uranus : Pain, Pain, Make the hurting stop! etc.
> Mr Duckman! Is that Da Do Ron Ron on your backside?
> >King Chicken : The same rant he says every damn time. buk buk buk.
> Mwah ha ha, bok bok bok.

Your knowledge of Duckman is frightening.

> Have you never played Rival Schools 2 on the Playstation?

No. I've heard the one on the Dreamcast is good though. I suppose Capcom
games kind of, kind of do a kind of manga thing, but it's not how I envision
how good it could be. They're usually just Street Fighter except a bit
different. Which doesn't make them bad, just not revolutionary.

(note : Knowing nothing about Rival Schools, maybe it's completey different)

> Yes. This sickens me. The Japanese are ace at making action/fighting
> games so what do we get? Metal Gear Solid 2.
> Meanwhile the Americans are ace at... well, something, and what do we
> get? Oni.

I'm actually playing through Metal Gear Solid for the first time just now, I
meant to play it rather than just post loads in this thread. I'm finding the
amount of dialogue unsufferable, considering my character acts nothing like
I would even vaguely act like and I don't even like him, considering he's
just a Kurt Russell cypher. The playable bits are good though... When you
get to them.

Americans are good at... Well, Lucas Arts were ace at graphic adventures,
but nothing else.

Uh, there are good things about the US, I just can't think of any at the



Apr 4, 2001, 7:56:42 PM4/4/01
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 00:52:54 +0100, Tinman scribbled:

>Americans are good at... Well, Lucas Arts were ace at graphic adventures,
>but nothing else.

I contest this. The X-wing series of Star Wars games were goodness


Apr 4, 2001, 8:00:30 PM4/4/01

Charing Cross Branch wrote

> The reason the eyes are made large is because when proper comics were
> first introduced to Japan in the 1930s, all the characters at the time
> had large eyes so the Japanese assumed this was the way. Also,
> characters with small eyes are usually seen as being sneaky and evil.
> Also, the reason they all have simplistic facial features is so that
> it somehow makes it easier to identify with a character's emotional
> and facial expressions, and thus the character.

Interesting information should I need to impress anyone I'm talking to about
it. I just love the art and style of the whole thing. Obviously there is a
lot more to manga than the most usual type we see, however, I can't help but
love the stereotype.

> It is the way of the West that people will love the worst and
> stupidest anime (DBZ, Gundam, etc) while the best stuff (Tenchi, Oh My
> Goddess!, BGC) goes ignored.

Haven't seen Oh My Goddess, actually... I need to explore more manga and
anime, but I have limited time and resources.

> Well, not really. You've seen it, right?



I didn't read it, just skipped past it. However, I don't want to know. All
I've seen of Tenchi is most of Muyo! and most of Universe, however I've
missed quite a few episodes. I'm enjoying it, and can't wait to see the
later series, films, whatever.

> Okay, maybe 5, but beyond that we're getting sick. No, wait, in Japan,
> the age is 14.

I mean I'd work out if I'd really liked either Ryoko or Aeka in 8 years. If
I liked Sasami, well, then I'd wait (considering I'd know she'd grow up to
be a stone cold fox)

> I watched that same episodewith my housemate in the room and I didn't
> even bother trying to explain it either, since he's a tosser and it
> would take too long to explain it. He thought it was a rubbish show
> because of the way everyone (the knights) kept falling over dead. But
> then, he's the one who watches Dream Team.

Arrgh. But that's what's cool and unique about it. D'oh!

> You should NOT BE ASHAMED of liking comics and cartoons... I'm 21 and
> although my father despises the fact I like them, my mother positively
> encourages it. I mean, if anything, I'll be better able to relate to
> my own kids if I ever have any.

I'm a mixed up fucked up bag of emotions. I don't know what I'm feeling most
of the time, however, you seem normal and are even older than me, so, hey, I
can't be doing too much wrong.

> And of course the 'This is Aeka's last chance to get married, she
> doesn't want to end up as an old maid!'


> And it had the little toy Ryoko things, which are adorable and I want
> one!!

Yeah, surely there are ranges of super deformed Tenchi figures or plushes in
Japan? Probably. I'll get you one on my trip to get a Ryo-Ohki.



Apr 4, 2001, 8:13:14 PM4/4/01
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 01:05:17 +0100, Tinman scribbled:
>Glyndwr wrote

>> Where and when can these shows be viewed?
>Tenchi : Cartoon Network at, uh, 5.30, and then 9.50 everyday.
>Gundam Wing : Before it at 9.30, I can't remember when it's on during the
>DBZ : Don't bother.
>Sailor Moon : 2 episodes on everyday on Fox Kids at 4pm.


>Definetly start watching Tenchi now, it's early on in the story as it's
>started looping again, it's a good point to get in.

I shall fight my other half for ownership of the telly.

Between the PC, Dreamcast, and now watching cartoons, she's going to
give up on me soon. Mind you, that's inevitable once I get the
Transformers movie DVD, so no loss.

Although, she did profess to enjoy my CyberCity Oedo 808 DVD. I can
leverage this, I think.

>> Mind you, I'm a total geek, so what do I know?

>Should I be in a jockish mood, I'd tell you nothing, then hang your
>underpants from a flagpole.



Apr 4, 2001, 8:06:17 PM4/4/01

Glyndwr wrote

> I contest this. The X-wing series of Star Wars games were goodness
> incarnate.

Aak. Forgot about this.

You are right, except X-wing Vs Tie Fighter sucks the monkey's ball bag.



Apr 4, 2001, 8:05:17 PM4/4/01

Glyndwr wrote

> Where and when can these shows be viewed?

Tenchi : Cartoon Network at, uh, 5.30, and then 9.50 everyday.

Gundam Wing : Before it at 9.30, I can't remember when it's on during the
DBZ : Don't bother.
Sailor Moon : 2 episodes on everyday on Fox Kids at 4pm.

Definetly start watching Tenchi now, it's early on in the story as it's

started looping again, it's a good point to get in.

> Mind you, I'm a total geek, so what do I know?

Should I be in a jockish mood, I'd tell you nothing, then hang your
underpants from a flagpole.



Apr 4, 2001, 8:14:11 PM4/4/01
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 01:06:17 +0100, Tinman scribbled:

I skipped that one, as it was all multiplayerier and I didn't have a
net connection. I must dig my flightstick out from under the pile of
junk and complete Alliance one day, though.


Apr 4, 2001, 8:08:36 PM4/4/01

Rev. Owen Allaway wrote

> You could try and
> see if they ship overseas. (I think they do as the provide an "outside US"
> phone number. There's contact information on their Info page.
> Disclaimer: I have never ordered from these people.

Wait, she doesn't turn into a space ship? I've changed my mind.

However, the doll is cuteness incarnate.

Also they do have super deformed Tenchi figures, however, not one of Ryoko,
yet, and they aren't plush.


Rev. Owen Allaway

Apr 4, 2001, 8:15:30 PM4/4/01
On 04 Apr 2001, Glyndwr wrote...

>>I really recommend you do. Something like Tenchi takes a while to get
>>into if you're not used to Japanese stuff, but it's sheer class.
>Where and when can these shows be viewed?

And in what order. There's about a million Tenchi DVDs around including
this (cut + paste required if using crap newsreader) -

- which looks like the way to start off with the series, but I don't know
where to start.

Charing Cross Branch

Apr 4, 2001, 8:45:24 PM4/4/01
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 01:08:36 +0100, "Tinman" <>

>Also they do have super deformed Tenchi figures, however, not one of Ryoko,
>yet, and they aren't plush.

See, if I had a Ryoko, it would have to be a soft toy to permit
non-painful huggage.

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