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Elam and Asshur's Lesson (A Very Short Noahide Story - by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)

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ANM Videos Bible

Feb 29, 2016, 9:46:37 PM2/29/16
Elam and Asshur's Lesson
(A Very Short Noahide Story - by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)

Grandpa Noah was in the vineyard one fine day, picking grapes. Young Elam and Asshur, his grandsons through Shem, were also busy picking some grapes. Just then, Elam yelled out. 'Grandpa Noah! Quick! There is a Lion,' said Elam, pointing to a lion which was approaching them. Noah told Elam and Asshur to stand behind him, and he reached for his spear. The Lion came closer and closer. The situation was tense. And, suddenly, it sprang at Noah. Yet, brave Grandpa Noah, spear in hand, pierced the Lion in the heart, and it died, slowly bleeding to death.

Elam looked at the dying Lion. 'It might make good food, Grandpa. What do you think?' Noah looked down at the dying Lion. 'Lion's are unclean animals, young Elam. The covenant our great God has made with us does permit us to eat unclean animals, yet I feel it is perhaps not always for the best. And, of course, we may never eat the blood of any animal.' Asshur looked at his Grandpa. 'Why can't we eat the blood?' Noah came over to Asshur, scruffed him on the head, and replied. 'The life is in the blood young Asshur. It is what sustains and gives us life. God has forbidden us eating it because of that reason.' 'I see,' replied Asshur.

They dragged the Lion to the edge of the Vineyard and placed stones over the body to hide it from vultures.

'What was it like before the flood?' Elam asked his grandfather. Noah, wiping the sweat from his brow, looked down at his young grandson. 'They were violent times, young Elam. Violent times. People hated each other. They stole from each other rampantly - nobody's possessions were ever safe. And even some of the wicked men worshipped carved idols made of animals and sea creatures, even the stars and moon. They worshipped these idols and mistakenly believed that these were the spirits of life who ruled the world. Often, such men insulted those of the LORD who tried to teach them the right way, even insulting the glory of the LORD. They blasphemed his holy name and despised our ancient traditions. Men would sleep with other Men's wives, and even with each other which the LORD hates. It was, young Elam, in truth the most immoral of times in our history. And because of this - because the wickedness was so great - God judged the world and sent the great flood.' Elam nodded, soberly taking in that information.

'Grandpa,' began Asshur. 'What can we do to make sure the world never becomes like that again?' Noah looked at him firmly. 'The LORD commands us to make Law Courts. To have judges who judge our communities to ensure that we obey God and live in peace with each other. My child, we must have mercy and patience with those who transgress God's holy laws, as he is merciful and patient with us. But, if they continue to disobey, we must punish them to preserve the law, order and peace in the world. By doing such we bring happiness to the world - we continue to make it a better place - returning it to the glory of Eden. Dear Grand-children. Every time you look at the Rainbow, think on these laws, and with your children and your children's children, teach them, everlastingly so, to be faithful to God and the laws of holiness.' Elam and Asshur looked up at their wise grandfather, smiled, and returned to picking grapes. And another day passed in the life of Noah and those who God had redeemed from the rest of mankind.
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