[Algonquin Labs Subvocal Speech-to-Text Conversion Utility]
[Exec Version 0.79 alpha 3]
[Hardware Version P4 rev 1]
[BUNIX Encryption available; not engaged]
*Wow!* that was weird... <pseudohop>
Where am I? I don't recognize this room at all...
<pseudowiggle> Pokemon? What an odd cartoon! <twitch> It's so
What day is it?
Say, the window shade's open
[rustle] <pseudolollop>
What the- Snow???
Where's my stuff? I gotta call work! That South Bay area's gotta be
mapped before the end of May...
[thump] OW! <PiG-13>! I can't walk right! [rustle] <shudder>
Oh my god... my hands. What happened to my hands? <shudder>
Ah ha hrr [inarticulate noise]
[rustle] [thump]
Where's Steve? Mom?
The door's locked! Now what do I do? I wonder if any of my stuff is in
these cabinets?
[click] [creak] Shit! It's all stuffed toys...
[click] [creak]
[My 9000! What's it doing down there? [rustle]
Damn... no signal. Where AM I? That looks like Algonquin Park!
What the--? What's all this stuff on the back?
[inarticulate noise] [inarticulate noise]
Who are you?
[inarticulate noise]
Wait! <panic> What are you doing?
[inarticulate noise]
No! No! I can't not again
[end transmission]