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Satanist Hints Oz Atheist PM is "Toilet Vampyress"

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Heike Hoffmann

Jul 20, 2010, 6:35:51 PM7/20/10
The following e-mail was allegedly sent to Henry Makow, Ph.D.; who is
a Canadian conspiracy theorist, author, columnist, and inventor of the
board game Scruples. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from
the University of Toronto in 1982, and is a former college professor.
Dr Makow claims that the e-mail
in question comes from a high ranking Satanist who was born into an
unidentified very wealthy banking dynasty. The Sataninist in question
appears to be authentic, at least where his high ranking connections
to the world of banking, academia, and elite monied dynastic families
are concerned based upon other letters he has sent to Dr Makow. The
Satanist in question has leaked a secret plan of the elite to
a second Great Depression, in order to create a single world
government, world currency, and tyrannical police state. Dr Makow
postulates a hidden hand shaping modern history according to a long-
term occult (Satanic) agenda. He argues that democracy today is a
charade and serves as an instrument of social control; the mass media
generally stifles information and channels thought; and popular
entertainment degrades us and diverts the audience from what is really
happening. Do you believe there is any truth
to these claims?. If not, why?. Is it not possible that secret
societies such as the freemasons and
banking families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers actually
have the ability to crash the economies of sovereign nation-states by
way of currency shorting?.

Heike Hoffmann

July 20, 2010

[Ed. Note: In his last testimony, Satanist Frater 616 writes that
"Some of the deadliest, most effective and disarming assassins are
women... the Outer Head of the Alpha Lodge Australasia is a very
highly placed and successful Federal politician--whose Satanic name is
Bestia." Many believe he is referring to Julia Gillard, 48.]

[From Aloysius Fozdyke]

Dear Mr. Makow,

Regarding Julia [Australian PM Julia Gillard, left ], the little
Digger & the Age of Fire.

In my earlier emails I provided documents from the O.o.t.T [Order of
the Toilet, see below] as quoted by the late Petor Narsagonan, to wit,
"She redeems with Her blood, for Her weapon is the stiletto. She
communicates Her spells orally. Your word is Her Coin."

No one seems to understand. This is probably because your readers
merely have the bones without the oral and practical instruction,
nonetheless, read the words again.

Moreover, it doesn't matter to us who wins the Australian federal
election, although the Mad Monk won't. [Coalition Leader Tony Abbott
spent time in a seminary in Sydney until his need for sexual love got
the better of him. He's smart and well educated, but he is going to
lose the up coming election.] We concentrate on bureaucrats, long-term
backroom men and women who provide the framework for elected officials
to work within. The agenda doesn't change.

The Greens leader is Dr. Bob Brown, an open sodomite.

All Australian politicians are dedicated to keeping Australians in a
constitutional No Man's Land. Australians don't understand this and
just as well. Various governments do and the Alpha Lodge therefore
gets its way. The same trick is used against the governments of New
Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland and even America.

I laughed till I cried at the re-internment ceremony for the
'Australian' war dead in Fromelles. It was broadcast in Australia last
night. All of them died in vain and Australia's politicians, working
in conjunction with the Returned Services League and other vested
interests make sure that nothing changes. This is our agenda and one
of the strongest economic and political tools we have internationally.
And still the sheeple have no idea!

The financial collapse and economic depression will happen by the end
of this coming September, maybe a little sooner. After that, the war
with Iran. Please understand, both the western governments and the
government of Iran want this war. So do the born agains. Once you beat
the drum and wave a flag the sheeple come scurrying to their
shepherds. Like blowflies, people love birthday parties and
battlefields. Old Henry and his people have been working hard behind
the scenes. And we will make sure that the sheeple get what they want
- good and hard.

Truth be told, I'm more excited with each passing day.

In nomine de nostre Satanas: Lucifere excelsis.


Notes: The Order of the Toilet

(re. link - this was added as "Notes" at bottom of Frater 616
Testimony. In his latest book, David Icke writes that the Frater 616
testimony "fits perfectly with all that I have uncovered about
Satanism, its methods and personnel, over the last 20 years" p.659.
This material is distasteful but I think it important that more people
realize what Satanists are into. As they say, "psychopaths are studied
and emulated.")

The Order of the Toilet is a traditional left hand path initiatory
body whose members adhere to the largely neglected latrine doctrines
of the Vama Marga. Order members are encouraged to engage in Bathroom
practices as often as possible and no less than daily. The teachings
and ordeals of the Outer O.o.t.T. are divided into the categories of
the Champagne and the Caviar initiations.

The Order of the Toilet seeks to inculcate within its membership and
the wider world, a cultivated love for and re-establishment of the
hitherto secret magick of the night-soil tradition of the Western
Sinister current.

The Mysteries of the Menses and of the Vomit as well as those of Spit
and swallow are all taught within the white-tiled splendour of our
Order's numerous disinfected Temples.

The Order of the Toilet asks young women (sixteen years and over) who
wish to dedicate themselves to the urinary and faecal curriculum of
the O.o.t.T. to forward an up to date medical certificate as to
sexually transmitted disease and a full frontal naked and autographed
photograph of themselves to the Outer Head of the O.o.t.T. together
with a five-hundred word essay explaining their understanding of the
latrine doctrines.

The Outer Order of the Toilet recognizes the following Grade

1.Toilet Goddess

She holds the jewels on Her cruel hands. Her nails are lacquered in
love. Her adorations are screams.

2. Piss Princess

Hers is the Golden Shower that falls upon the Magus, that He may be
washed and made enlivened. Her weapon is the Cup.

3. Princess of the Porcelain

Hers is the glamour of redolent movements in the night and the erotic
passing of wind. She is an ordained Priestess of The Third Eye and
Dark Pathway.

4. Dominatrix of the Cubicle

She offers Her Chalice and opens Her Back-Door. She bedaubs and
cleanses those who offer up themselves. Her tool is the wand.

5. Mistress

Her weapon is the Whip, for She is girt with a sword. Her principal
enchantments are Her smile and inventiveness.


She redeems with Her blood, for Her weapon is the stiletto. She
communicates Her spells orally. Your word is Her Coin.

Interested parties are advised to forward all requisite material and/
or correspondence to The Order of the Toilet at ............ (deleted)

Henry Makow is a self-identified "anti-Zionist" Jew. He is a Canadian
conspiracy theorist, author, columnist, and inventor of the board game
Scruples. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the
University of Toronto in 1982, and is a former college professor. He
claims to have uncovered a hidden hand shaping modern history
according to a long-term occult (satanic) agenda. He argues that
democracy today is a charade and serves as an instrument of social
control; the mass media generally stifles information and channels
thought; and popular entertainment degrades us and diverts the
audience from what is really happening. The occult force, which
operates through freemasonry, is empowered by the London-based central
banking cartel which must bring about world tyranny to defend its
monopoly on credit. His most recent collection, "Illuminati: The Cult
that Hijacked the World" (2008), documents this view of history. He is
also the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date" (2000), the story of
his courtship and marriage to a young Filipina. (He has since divorced
and remarried.) His opinion that feminism is an attempt to destabilize
society is found in his other book "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New
World Order.


Jul 21, 2010, 12:23:13 PM7/21/10
On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:35:51 -0700 (PDT), Heike Hoffmann
<> wrote:

> The following e-mail was allegedly sent to Henry Makow, Ph.D.; who is
> a Canadian conspiracy theorist, author, columnist, and inventor of the
> board game Scruples. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from

You got your ass kicked the last time you posted these lies. Why
do it again?

Desertphile's Desert Soliloquy. WARNING: view with plenty of water
"Why aren't resurrections from the dead noteworthy?" -- Jim Rutz


Jul 24, 2010, 2:02:39 PM7/24/10
"Heike Hoffmann" <> wrote on 20th July:
<snip to save room>

> Dr Makow
> postulates a hidden hand shaping modern history according to a long-
> term occult (Satanic) agenda. He argues that democracy today is a
> charade and serves as an instrument of social control; the mass media
> generally stifles information and channels thought; and popular
> entertainment degrades us and diverts the audience from what is really
> happening. Do you believe there is any truth
> to these claims?. If not, why?.

No, because I've never seen any evidence for them except the unsupported
statements of people like Henry Makow, who have made something of a career
out of this kind of thing, and other people who show strong signs of being
mentally unstable. There's no independent way to check whether any of it is
true, or whether Dr Makow's "informants" actually exist.

It's also rather noticeable that the various people who promote this strand
of conspiracy theory rarely agree on the details.

In the absence of any independent source of evidence, it seems more likely
that such a far-fetched theory is not true. Obviously I've no actual proof,
but really, what am I supposed to do about it even if it is true?

> Is it not possible that secret
> societies such as the freemasons and
> banking families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers actually
> have the ability to crash the economies of sovereign nation-states by
> way of currency shorting?.

I couldn't say about the Freemasons and so forth, but it's perfectly
possible for a really large corporation, such as an international bank or
pharmaceutical company, to hold a government to ransom in this way - witness
the bank bailout. The governments involved simply could not afford to lose
these banks. Another instance was an incident in 1973, when the UK
government, acting on a Monopolies Commission report, tried to demand that
Hoffmann-La Roche supply the NHS with Valium and Librium at a less inflated
price than they had been doing. Hoffmann-La Roche threatened to take their
research and manufacturing business elsewhere if there was any more
back-chat. The UK government backed down, because the economy simply
couldn't spare Hoffmann-La Roche. But personally I don't think this kind of
arm-twisting is employed for any more mysterious purpose than that of making
loads of money.

All the best,
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk.
I don't check that account very often, so tell me on the newsgroup if you've
sent me an e-mail.

Chris Krolczyk

Jul 24, 2010, 4:22:50 PM7/24/10
On Jul 20, 5:35 pm, Heike Hoffmann <> wrote:
> The following e-mail was allegedly sent to Henry Makow, Ph.D.; who is
> a Canadian

wackjob. And you're no better in being dumb enough to spam his

-Chris Krolczyk

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