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Enable USB Port

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May 20, 2008, 6:54:25 PM5/20/08
How can I enable the VIP222 USB port to hook up an exteranl hard

"for future use" what a bunch of assholes.

I am hoping some hacker can give me the answer.



May 20, 2008, 11:26:13 PM5/20/08
The various web-forums have some information.
However I'm not sure if anybody has bothered to try hacking open the USB
ports on receivers that Dish does not support.

Not 100% sure, but I don't think the 222 is one that Dish even offers USB
copying to their own customers yet,
perhaps they do though.

But you will probably find that it's better to use a HTPC (home theater
personal computer)
As hacking the USB port on a Dish box still only lets you copy content in
Dish encoded formats that can't be easily burned to disk, or viewed on PC's.

Or just buy a nice HD-FTA box, that comes from the factory with a fully
working USB port, and HD that you can replace/upgrade yourself.
I heard tell that some unethical rapscallions, find it easier and more
useful to hack a HD-FTA, than one of Dish's own receivers.

However here is a question for the theologists in this group.

If a person pays dish for a sub, but then decides not to use Dish receivers,
but to receive the Dish signals they pay for on an FTA box.
Is that legally or morally wrong ?

The feds decided years ago you do not have to buy or rent equipment from
your phone provider, and could use your own "compatible" equipment for
phone calls as long as you paid for the service.

And I don't think ANY internet providers now force you to buy or rent a
computer from them to go online if using their service.
(Microsoft and web-TV were the only ones who tried, and that is history)

Or does Dish now believe they are gods, and consider themselves more
powerful than phone and internet companies like ATT. ?

<> wrote in message


May 21, 2008, 8:21:27 AM5/21/08
Uhhhh....satellite tv and telephone services are apples and oranges.

Just for openers, I don't think AT&T ever scrambled their signals.

One's a service provider, the other is provider of copyrighted
services....BIG difference.

Dish and DTV have every right to require your use of their hardware as a
condition of service.

"AMUN" <> wrote in message

John Lodge

May 21, 2008, 8:24:18 AM5/21/08

Dirty Rooster,

The VIP22 is not a DVR it was never intended to be. Since the
Vip222 is a dual Tuner HD receiver I doubt Dish will be enabling
External Hard Drive archiving, as the current Firmware updates for
enabling Hard Drive connectivity is only for the Single Tuner VIP211.

Dish NEVER promised External Hard Drive Connectivity for the
Vip222. If you wanted the ability to record to a Hard Drive, WHY didn't
you get the 622?



May 21, 2008, 9:25:05 AM5/21/08
The apples and oranges are already getting blended.
Satellite providers requiring telephone lines to be hooked up wasn't my
And now adding in slingbox features is pushing over another crossover into
internet, along with VOD.
Let's just agree it's no longer apples and oranges but a nice fruit salad.

Dish now crossing into DTV-OTA antenna conversion boxes is just blurring the
lines even more.

As for the rest of your arguments I'm sure ATT, and other telephone
companies made those same ones years ago.
Especially before long distance got farmed out.

The bottom line is that the market is too small to make legitimate
competition of receivers possible.
But imagine if you could go into your local best buy, or circuit city and
buy a satellite box that would let you choose which signals you use ?
And not be locked into one provider.

Oh wait,.....BUD's and now FTA, still DO offer that.

"curmudgeon" <> wrote in message

May 21, 2008, 9:07:13 PM5/21/08
On May 21, 7:24 am, John Lodge <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > How can I enable the VIP222 USB port to hook up an external hard

> > drive.
> > "for future use"  what a bunch of assholes.
> > I am hoping some hacker can give me the answer.
> > Thanks!
> Dirty Rooster,
>       The VIP22 is not a DVR it was never intended to be. Since the
> Vip222 is a dual Tuner HD receiver I doubt Dish will be enabling
> External Hard Drive archiving, as the current Firmware updates for
> enabling Hard Drive connectivity is only for the Single Tuner VIP211.
>       Dish NEVER promised External Hard Drive Connectivity for the
> Vip222. If you wanted the ability to record to a Hard Drive, WHY didn't
> you get the 622?
> John

Even if Dish promised I wouldn't expect much they make a lot of
promises. The one I like the best is that rain doesn't interfere with
the signal. What a joke they are blatant liars and I intend to take
the assholes for everything I can including hacking the USB port.
John you must work for that scam of a company Dish?

Did you happen to see that they are rated one of the worst companies
are far a customer service?

I would hide if I worked for a company of liars

I think its time for me to switch to Direct TV

John Lodge

May 21, 2008, 9:36:48 PM5/21/08


All Satellite signals can be affected by rain, KU, C-band etc. If your
Dish, either Dish or DirecTV, was properly installed the signal strength
should be high enough to accommodate a moderate amount of Rain Fade.

I don't work for Dish, DirecTV or any satellite dealer. With that said
I installed my own Dish's and my signal strength is quite good. I do
experience about 3-6 Rain Fade events per year. They only occur under
VERY extreme weather events, and last the longest Rain Fade event are
about 2-5 minutes long.

No satellite company or dealer can promise that Weather will never
interfere with with satellite reception. Please point me to a Company
press release or representative that specifically states, or stated that
weather will never affect signal reception.

If you support the use of devices or procedures that alter a Receiver
to defraud a company of their service fees, then you sir are the ASSWHOLE.



May 21, 2008, 11:58:48 PM5/21/08

> ASSWHOLE. :-) I like it!


May 22, 2008, 3:10:07 AM5/22/08

"TulsaOK" <Tul...@Oklahoma.Net> wrote in message

Aw gee whiz, you just poo-pooed rexaxin for being a bad speewller .
Now you like it ?

I have never dissed Dish over rain-fade itself.
But did rip into them after some posts here claimed nightmares about bad
installs, and then Dish CSR's fell back on that excuse for everything.

The fact that USB was a non-working decoration on many Dish receivers for
years, is hardly justified by finally getting it only half-working on only
their most expensive units.
Then charging their customers to finally use it,...without offering support.

Rain-fade happens, but short of those living in New Orleans during Katrina,
a minute or two occasionally is all a well aimed dish will notice.
When I see posts from people who get Dish "free professional installation"
and have their signals go south every time 3 cirrus clouds are in the sky,
then Dish blames it on rain fade rather than send out proper installers to
begin with.
I shudder.

Dish charges far too much to justify their CSR staff, who outright
antagonize their customers.
Their engineering staff who narrow mindedly try to thwart testing even if it
brings down their own customers in the process, and seem to accept that most
customers will just put up with it.

The bottom line is even the chronic complainers should get proper equipment
and maintenance.
For premium costs, and being nickeled and dimed to death, the customers
deserve it.

Failing that, it's little wonder many learn to do it themselves, and then
realize HOW MUCH they can do themselves, the point they don't even need
to sub to Dish.

Personal morals aside, dish would have a lot less problems with hackers if
they didn't shit on their customers to begin with.

May 22, 2008, 6:38:13 AM5/22/08
On May 22, 2:10 am, "AMUN" <>
> "TulsaOK" <Tuls...@Oklahoma.Net> wrote in message

> > John Lodge wrote:
> they didn't shit on their customers to begin with.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Dish network is run by amateurs of the business world. I am surprised
they have lasted as long as they have.

John I am not the asshole's people like you who continue to make
excuses for your companies lack of vision and customer service. Your
fellow employees and management incompetence is astounding.

The only hope we have as consumers is that companies like yours are
run out of business.

wasn't that hard)

May 22, 2008, 5:41:20 PM5/22/08
> wasn't that hard)- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Email me if you can prove you do not work for dish network or a
contracted installation monkey

John Lodge

May 22, 2008, 6:58:38 PM5/22/08


I own and run my own Business. It is a small Motel in Spencerport NY
its called Friendly Motel.

My companys website I live on site, and attend to
guest 24/7, 365 days a year. I don't see why I have to prove anything to
you though.

I know whats coming, your going to doubt the information I posted.
Heres an idea, why not send me some information to prove your not a

I know that is going to be impossible to prove.


May 23, 2008, 8:38:01 PM5/23/08
On May 22, 5:58 pm, John Lodge <> wrote:

Wow, I am impressed you run your own small business by paying illegal
immigrant's $3.00 an hour.

I take pride in being an asshole to bitches like you.

John Lodge

May 23, 2008, 9:47:05 PM5/23/08


Nice, how you put words into everybody else's mouth.

$3.00 bucks an hour really. I wouldn't ever want to hire anybody that
would work for $3.00 per hour.

Nobody that works for me makes less than $8.50 per hour. We pay vastly
more than the chain Hotel/Motels, the reason why is because we get
employee's that are able too and willing to do do a great job.

This is the last time I'll respond to any of your messages. The reason
is simple, you sir are a rude, obnoxious, and you really don't deal very
well with reality. Facts and reasoned judgment are no where to be found
in your posts.

All you seem to care about is to flame, and abuse other posters. Keep
up the good work, anybody looking for reasoned answers or information
will never look at anything you post.



May 24, 2008, 6:31:53 AM5/24/08

"John Lodge" <> wrote in message

> This is the last time I'll respond to any of your messages. The reason is
> simple, you sir are a rude, obnoxious, and you really don't deal very well
> with reality. Facts and reasoned judgment are no where to be found in your
> posts.
> All you seem to care about is to flame, and abuse other posters. Keep up
> the good work, anybody looking for reasoned answers or information will
> never look at anything you post.

I know I won't have to read his posts because he has just been blocked on my
reader - probably a fate better than he deserves. Deke

May 24, 2008, 8:51:58 AM5/24/08

"John Lodge" <> wrote in message

Well said, time for him to join Amun...
Outlook Express...Message...Block Sender....(All messages from this sender
have been removed_)
Works for me...



May 25, 2008, 3:57:07 PM5/25/08
On Wed, 21 May 2008 08:24:18 -0400, John Lodge wrote:

> The VIP22 is not a DVR it was never intended to be. Since the
> Vip222 is a dual Tuner HD receiver I doubt Dish will be enabling
> External Hard Drive archiving, as the current Firmware updates for
> enabling Hard Drive connectivity is only for the Single Tuner VIP211.
> Dish NEVER promised External Hard Drive Connectivity for the
> Vip222. If you wanted the ability to record to a Hard Drive, WHY didn't
> you get the 622?

From the Nov 2007 Tech Forum <>,
"AJ: When can we expect the software in the 211 to enable EHD?
Dan: Sometime in the first quarter. Is being worked on and tested.
The 222 will be shortly after."

This month's Tech Forum <> pushed
the 211 back to July/August/summer, so I would look for the 222's EHD
upgrade in the fall.

But I agree on recommending the 622 or 722 which can handle up to 6 HD
streams at once on the internal HDD.
1. record HD from sat tuner 1
2. record HD from sat tuner 2
3. record HD from OTA tuner
4. play previously recorded HD to TV1
5. play and down-convert previously recorded HD to TV2
6. archive or retrieve HD to/from EHD

The 622/722 EHD solution only allows one stream at a time either to or
from the EHD. If that holds true in the 211/222 implementation, you
won't be able to play back while recording.

Visit the Echostar Knowledge Base

Helen Read

May 26, 2008, 4:50:55 PM5/26/08
BobaBird wrote:
> But I agree on recommending the 622 or 722 which can handle up to 6 HD
> streams at once on the internal HDD.
> 1. record HD from sat tuner 1
> 2. record HD from sat tuner 2
> 3. record HD from OTA tuner
> 4. play previously recorded HD to TV1
> 5. play and down-convert previously recorded HD to TV2
> 6. archive or retrieve HD to/from EHD

How does the 612 compare?

My old TV blew up a couple of months ago, so I replaced it with a shiny
new HD. My locals recently became available in HD on Dish, so I'm ready
to upgrade from a 721 to a dual tuner HD DVR. I'm a one-TV household,
and would like to continue avoiding the phone line fee, which is why I'm
considering the 612. (I'm stuck on extremely bad dial-up internet, and
do not want any additional devices connected to my noisy phone lines.)

I have no OTA reception. I would like to be able to record two satellite
HD programs at once, while viewing pre-recorded HD, on one television.
Will the 612 do this? (And will the 622/722 in single mode?)

I wish the 612 had as large a hard drive as the 722. On the Dish website
it says of the 612 "Enjoy expanded storage capacity with the addition
of an external hard drive – for future use". So does the 612 not (yet)
support an EHD?

I have never had a DVR fee with the 721. Is there one with the HD DVRs?
(I currently have AT 250 plus locals. I realize I'll be paying more to
add HD programming.)


John Lodge

May 26, 2008, 6:10:08 PM5/26/08


Dish no longer offers any DVR's that are DVR free. You can subscribe
using the DVR Advantage, which is slightly less.

If you get the 612 there is no fee if you do not connect to a phone line.

The 612's firmware is very buggy at the moment. The 612 can not do PIP,
or Swap between tuners. Also the 612 does not the the External Hard
Drive option at the moment. The 612 is slightly less expensive than a
622 or 722.


Bill Henley

May 26, 2008, 8:17:52 PM5/26/08

A 612/622/722 would record two sat HD programs while you watch a
pre-recorded program. They all would require a subscription to either
the $10 HD Essentials or the $20 Ultimate package (or pay a $7 HD Enable
fee for failure to sub to HD). The 612 would avoid the $5 phone line
fee, but with a 722 as your ONLY receiver, you have a decent chance of
getting DISH to waive the phone fee. Broadband is out to waive the fee
with dialup. If you would consider the added upgrade $ for a 722, you
can try asking a CSR. If that gets nowhere, ask CEO. You probably
wouldn't ever be able to add a 2nd receiver w/o a phone connection

I echo John's comments about the 612 not being quite ready yet. It
avoids the phone line problem but has problems and limitations not
present in a 722. In a couple months, the problems may get ironed out.
PIP/Swap won't ever function like a 622/722.

Scan through for an idea
of issues with the last firmware. For a review of the 612, see


Bill Henley

Bill Henley

May 26, 2008, 8:22:08 PM5/26/08
Bill Henley wrote:
>For a review of the 612,

Sorry, that is a 622 review, not a 612.
ViP-612 First Impressions
612 - Swap/PiP Function


Bill Henley

Helen Read

May 28, 2008, 11:18:23 PM5/28/08
Bill Henley wrote:

> Helen Read wrote:
>> I'm ready to upgrade from a 721 to a dual tuner HD DVR. I'm a
>> one-TV household, and would like to continue avoiding the phone
>> line fee, which is why I'm considering the 612. (I'm stuck on
>> extremely bad dial-up internet, and do not want any additional
>> devices connected to my noisy phone lines.)
> A 612/622/722 would record two sat HD programs while you watch a
> pre-recorded program. They all would require a subscription to either
> the $10 HD Essentials or the $20 Ultimate package (or pay a $7 HD Enable
> fee for failure to sub to HD). The 612 would avoid the $5 phone line
> fee, but with a 722 as your ONLY receiver, you have a decent chance of
> getting DISH to waive the phone fee. Broadband is out to waive the fee
> with dialup. If you would consider the added upgrade $ for a 722, you
> can try asking a CSR. If that gets nowhere, ask CEO. You probably
> wouldn't ever be able to add a 2nd receiver w/o a phone connection
> though.
> I echo John's comments about the 612 not being quite ready yet. It
> avoids the phone line problem but has problems and limitations not
> present in a 722. In a couple months, the problems may get ironed out.
> PIP/Swap won't ever function like a 622/722.

Thanks for the info. It's discouraging to hear that the 612 is not
ready. It really seemed like my best option. I might consider the 722 if
I could get the phone line fee waived, I guess.


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