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Directv retailer selling tactics

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Aug 22, 2009, 1:24:18 PM8/22/09

This is a copy of a PM I sent Scott earlier. I've got no dog in this
fight but concerned about these selling with scare tactics and wondering
if this type of practices are legal. Your comments welcome.

-I had something very interesting happen to me this evening at home.
Two young men knocked on my door with matching shirts saying they worked
for "Get Wired" satellite specialist from Texarkana, TX which is on I-30
just 30 miles west of my home in Hope, Arkansas. They mentioned that
they noticed I was a Dish Network customer and asked if I had dvr
service and if not, if I was interested in getting them from Get Wired
via directv. I explained that I have been a dish customer for over 12
years and was very satisfied and already had dvr & hd service. He then
went into a very hasty and fast presentation informing me that Dish was
in a loosing law suit with Tivo and all their dvr's would soon be cut
off in less than a month. I told him that I didn't believe he was right
and had pretty good knowledge about what is going on in the satellite
business for now. He wouldn't listen to me and and then explained that
letters would be coming out in two weeks notifying that all dish dvr's
would be cut off due to the law suit and that 1.2 million people in the
northern U.S. had already been turned off as of today. He said he could
convert me to directv for better service, more HD and better dvr's.. He
also noted that he could make sure that I got Little Rock, AR. locals
and not Shreveport, La. (which is our DMA for this part of southwest
Arkansas). I told him that he didn't have anything I needed and I would
take my chances and asked him to leave. He did leave a little sheet with
info on the cost of directv packages and name of his company and phone
numbers if I should need their services. There were several of these
guys going door to door in my neighborhood and I was totally shocked
that someone, let alone a business would have the gall to get out and
out right lie to try to make a satellite sell. I would love to tell you
more in detail and also scan and copy you this piece of paper if you're
I know this message is in great detail but I wanted to share with you.
I have been messing with Dish and doing all my own installation and
set-ups from day one and know a little more then the average dish
customer. I'm not a dish installer by any means but enjoy messing with
Your input and/or opinion on this matter would be greatly appreciated
as I think that a business that would allow it's people to go into a
neighboring community (state) using this type of selling tactics is in
serious violation of the law in my opinion. They did also mention that
they did represent Dish network as well but they wouldn't recommend
them. Only Directy was on their add sheet that they were passing out
door to door.
Thanks for listening and hope to hear from you soon.

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Todd Allcock

Aug 22, 2009, 6:34:30 PM8/22/09

"cwk3" <> wrote in message

> Your input and/or opinion on this matter would be greatly appreciated
> as I think that a business that would allow it's people to go into a
> neighboring community (state) using this type of selling tactics is in
> serious violation of the law in my opinion. They did also mention that
> they did represent Dish network as well but they wouldn't recommend
> them. Only Directy was on their add sheet that they were passing out
> door to door.

If they sell both, as they said they do, I suspect they give a similarly
full of sh-t sales pitch for DISH Network, and give out DISH Network
brochures when they see a DirecTV dish on someone's house. There's no money
it for them if they convince you to stick with the same provider you're
currently using. If there's no dish on the house, they probably pitch both

Patrick Martin

Aug 22, 2009, 10:51:42 PM8/22/09
What I would do, is to phone Dish and tell them the story. They should
know what is going on. I doubt I would have let the guy get as far as he
did. I don't handle pushy people well. I would not be concerned about
Dish and the DVR. I have been with Dish close to same time period as you
have and I also am very happy with their programming. Dish does have
more basic HD than anyone. Direct has a bit more Sports and PPV in HD,
but that is it. Dish also carries more channels than Direct. Some I
cannot find elsewhere. It used to be, Direct had a channel or two I
wanted that Dish did not have, but now Dish has about all of what Direct
has, expect for a rel channel or two and Dish has several basic channels
Direct doesn't.



Aug 22, 2009, 11:53:42 PM8/22/09
cwk3 wrote:
> This is a copy of a PM I sent Scott earlier. I've got no dog in this
(cautionary tale snipped)

With the possible exception of Girl Scouts selling cookies (do they
still go door-to-door anywhere any more?), I can think of no reason to
buy anything from a door-to-door salesman. If their prices or product
were any good, there are a lot cheaper ways to advertise to their
potential customers. If they need a high-pressure pitch, that is a big
red flag right there.

Unless I see a uniform or a badge through the peephole, or a known face,
I don't even answer the door. Why waste their time and mine? If a
walking salesman accosts me while I am working in the yard, I have been
known to be less than polite.

aem sends...


Aug 24, 2009, 5:17:32 PM8/24/09
aemeijers <> wrote in

I typically won't buy anything from someone that comes to my door. When U-
Verse hit my neighborhood, the sales people hit us hard. When the dust
settled, I was one of 2 people on our block that didn't bite. The rest of
the neighbors went with the U-Verse packages and they love it, though there
is a few things I wouldn't be satisfied with (30 second delay when changing
channels sometimes). The pricing on the packages offered at the time would
have saved me around $30/month with no contract. I checked recently, and
the equivelent package to what I have from Dish, plus AT&T DSL, would have
been a couple dollars more or less than I pay now, before taxes from either

I'd like to know if my neighbors have had price increases that have brought
them up to the current offers from U-Verse or if they have kept the lower
price for being early adopters. Regardless, we're happy with dish and are
in no hurry to change. My next door neighbor switched from Direct when he
moved in, then switched to AT&T. He's got 3 abandoned dishes on the side of
his house now.


Aug 26, 2009, 1:48:18 PM8/26/09

I agree with all of your responses and appreciate your input. I agree
that Dish needs to know this as these guys had matching shirts with the
company name on them. I'm hoping that Dish people monitor this site
and have picked up on it.
Anyway, Thanks again.

Dec 12, 2013, 1:12:09 AM12/12/13
Guys who sell door to door come and go. Their here one day and gone the next. If your out to screw someone you need to think again. Since you and everyone reading this somehow on an energy level is all connected then what your really doing is just screwing yourself. I pledge as a DirecTV sales rep to help everyone in America earn extra cash effortlessly as easy as I do. I earn a total of $220.00 dollars commission for every new DirecTV sale I make. I have a burning desire to help everyone I meet so I decided to try this route. I'm willing to take half of my commission which is $110.00 to everyone in America who sends me a new DirecTV customer the following day the customer gets installed to help boost our countries economy and your income. Email me the customers info and I'll do the rest. Lets chat offline to those who need some help financially.

To your success,

Dennis Leonardo

May 4, 2014, 2:44:22 AM5/4/14
What's your current contact info?

I'm a dish/DTV door to door retailer with installers but our company will not process any DTV orders unless they qualify as a 5 star

If you are serious about ur offer contact me and we can talk more I have 10 of these deals that can ran and that's just in the last week since the new policy.

These customers are already sold, and are awaiting install ... TBD once I find a retailer that will process them, I can have the installed by our installation company next day!


May 15, 2014, 10:45:00 PM5/15/14
interested in your post whats a good contact number the number you posted keeps going to voicemail you can reach me at

Aug 31, 2014, 3:11:28 PM8/31/14
A lot of times people that go door to door have some of the best deals out there. I don't agree with pushy sells tactics. But just ignoring someone is just dumb. I would give them about five minutes to explain what they have then let them go.

Jul 20, 2015, 2:11:56 PM7/20/15
Hello, I know I'm a bit late to this group's post. I currently a DirecTV sales rep and I interested in the offer you proposed, can we still work together?
-Brenda Ibarra
DirecTV Sales Rep


Jul 21, 2015, 12:22:27 AM7/21/15

Oct 23, 2015, 7:53:07 PM10/23/15

Dec 29, 2015, 5:43:50 PM12/29/15
Hi room,

Thought Id trow my two cents in.Cable fundraising also We are offering $250 per deal all cable providers as well as solar energy sales. Email me for info hiring door to door sales people 50 states

Feb 26, 2016, 5:03:26 PM2/26/16


Feb 26, 2016, 5:59:36 PM2/26/16
On 2/26/2016 16:03, wrote:
Can't imagine too many folks in this group who are
"interested to get service" and are willing to send their
money to an anonymous toll free number.

Jan 29, 2017, 9:48:08 PM1/29/17
My husband and I are going door to door doing this. It is actually the most effective way to reach people than advertising in papers, social media and what not. Yes, there are some bad sales people out there that completely lie to get the sale which unfortunately hurts us local people who are 100% honest with our customers. On their monthly price, on the install (because we install all the of the customers that we sell for) on EVERYTHING. Tell them what they need to do to get the price lock, if they not able to get the price lock we show them what their bill will go up too. From what I am seeing I'm guessing we are one of the few that are honest. We don't pressure people (which may have cost us a lot of sales) however we believe in honesty. It is our name and reputation that we are putting on the line and I don't care what billion dollar company I'm selling for we will not put our integrity on the line for a few hundred $$$. I guess what I am saying to people is yes, sometimes it is annoying for someone who was not invited to ring your door bell, however please keep in mind there are still some honest sales people that go door to door and are just trying to earn a living to support their families as well.

May 28, 2017, 2:02:58 AM5/28/17
I agree with your post. A diversified approach helps. With all due respect, it pays to network and have diversified solutions for the potential customer. Loyalty isn't rewarded from the customer perspective so it is very helpful to have multiple options to solve the customers problem of great quality, the great promo, but most importantly...great, enduring customer service. I truly love what I do and it appears that you and your husband do too. Best wishes in your area.
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