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About the faq.

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Dec 2, 2000, 8:00:00 AM12/2/00
Goobs: I've just finished reading the faq, and I wondered why it
completely lacks the game aspect. I do not use computergames a lot, but
some of them describes the genre very well. The faq has curently both
literasture and movie sections, so why not make a gamesection.

I have a couple og surgestions for you:
1. Neuromancer, ofcourse. - Well made game set in the sprawl enviroment.
2. A mind forever voyaging - Text game where the player is the artificial
intelligence of a machine, try it out sometime.
3. Hacker, text like game first made for the c64, nice though.
(all avlible from
4. Dreamweb
5. Deus.
6. Bladerunner, the adventure game

... the games above are primery adventuregames, since shootemup and
beatemups rarely owns the abillity to describe it's enviroment as
adventuregames. And give special attension to and #2, I find it to be a
rather unique game, though it's primitive seen through the eyes of todays

- eroCpeeD


Dec 2, 2000, 8:00:00 AM12/2/00
In article <>, eroCpeeD
<> wrote:

the list can get bigger.

Shadowrun (for the Nintendo, forget which version)
Fallout 1 and 2 (post apocalyptic RPG, it couldn't be more CP as far as
games go)
Desu Ex.

I'm sure there are other as you stretch the imagination.
Revolution X anyone? egads what a terrible game.



Dec 2, 2000, 8:00:00 AM12/2/00

A lot of the old Infocom stuff had Cyberpunk elements to it.

Trinity is another good one.

Frotz is a very good thing.


Sent via
Before you buy.

Morbid Curiosity

Dec 4, 2000, 1:43:52 AM12/4/00
On Sat, 02 Dec 2000 23:03:57 GMT, "The" Owen <>

>A lot of the old Infocom stuff had Cyberpunk elements to it.
>Trinity is another good one.

The Lurking Horror had some cute hackish bits to it, IIRC. A Mind
Forever Voyaging might count too, if you consider AI to be CPish.

>Frotz is a very good thing.

As is - "Spider and Web" by Andrew
Plotkin (tangle.z5) and "Delusion" by C.E. Forman (delusns.z5) spring
immediately to mind. Heck, the second one's got a Gibson quote in the



Dec 7, 2000, 3:42:28 AM12/7/00
well even though the newsgroup is not generally aimed at the gaming
side of cp, i do agree that the games listed have definite cp
elements. however, i am no longer maintaining the faq due to a general
lack of time on my part, and i know that Shirkahn took over for a
while, but he has been busy lately and hasn't had much time to work on
it. if you want to, write up a section for the faq about games, and
maybe some possible links for them, and we'll see if we can attach it
somehow for you. and give whatever name/nick you want to take the
credit for it.

posting it to the ng for approval and adjustments might be a good idea
too, since it is a collective effort.

love Goobs
UIN: 38131377
alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo anthology faq and questions page:

Dec 7, 2000, 8:00:00 AM12/7/00
In article <90n0v3$guk$>,
Goobs <> wrote:


> posting it to the ng for approval and adjustments might be a good idea
> too, since it is a collective effort.

I made a few postings sugesting additions to the FAQ, never saw a
disagrement but didn't see it added to the FAQ either. How come?

Also the FAQ was originally written in a hacked up version of Linuxdoc
SGML but the latter revisions seems to be editing of the text outputs,
why on Earth was this done? Formatting is not reader friendly.



Dec 7, 2000, 8:00:00 AM12/7/00
In article <90nho5$toh$>, wrote:

> In article <90n0v3$guk$>,
> Goobs <> wrote:
> snip...

> > posting it to the ng for approval and adjustments might be a good idea
> > too, since it is a collective effort.

> I made a few postings sugesting additions to the FAQ, never saw a
> disagrement but didn't see it added to the FAQ either. How come?
> Also the FAQ was originally written in a hacked up version of Linuxdoc
> SGML but the latter revisions seems to be editing of the text outputs,
> why on Earth was this done? Formatting is not reader friendly.
> ==<)

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

probably because a number of people have been the FAQHolders and a number
of different systems have touched it over the years...

if Goobs is not FAQHolder who is?



Dec 7, 2000, 8:00:00 AM12/7/00
ShirKahn took over the faq for me when i started my planning my trip
away last year. but since then i know he has become very busy with
work and hasn't had much time to do anything at all.

which is probably why upgrades have not been submitted to the faq. i
just took an older version shirkahn and i had looked over and reposted
it as a substitute. at the moment i am still unable to do much with
the faq thanks to travel commitments, but i am organising for a friend
in england to take over the hosting and some updating for now at least.

waiting...waiting...waiting... ahhh i love icq...

ok, here is his email deepfix is the nick..

send him any or all updates/amendments/additions and he will be fixing
the faq up for now. and hosting it, and he's even promised to post it

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