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Ivan Gowch

Sep 11, 2001, 1:11:32 PM9/11/01
Anybody consider that the sound of the
World Trade Center and part of the
Pentagon collapsing is the sound of the
chickens coming home to roost?

Did Americans really think they could
launch almost daily bombing attacks on
Iraq, give aid and comfort to Israel's
terror campaign against the Palestinians
and, in general, try to throw its weight
around almost everywhere in the world
without suffering punishment?

Unsurprisingly, the initial responses here
are the same stone-stupid responses that
got America into this state in the first place:
"Nuke 'em, nuke 'em, nuke 'em."

Idiots. You want to avoid incidents like this
in the future? Try behaving like a moral,
upright and civilized nation instead of an
international bully.

Refuse, and you may look forward to many
more days like this.


"This would be the best of all possible
worlds, if there were no religion in it!"
-John Adams.

- Ivan Gowch <>


Sep 11, 2001, 3:02:00 PM9/11/01
Well said, if the americans cant take the heat, then stay out of the


"Ivan Gowch" <> wrote in message

ReindeR Rustema

Sep 11, 2001, 4:03:23 PM9/11/01
Ivan Gowch <> wrote:

> Unsurprisingly, the initial responses here
> are the same stone-stupid responses that
> got America into this state in the first place:
> "Nuke 'em, nuke 'em, nuke 'em."
> Idiots. You want to avoid incidents like this
> in the future? Try behaving like a moral,
> upright and civilized nation instead of an
> international bully.

First sensible remark I read. Everything I hear and read so far is
talking about retaliation etc.



Sep 11, 2001, 5:08:24 PM9/11/01
You two are just itching for some heat to come your way, aren't you?
Keep it up. It's on its way! Enough is enough.

On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 20:02:00 +0100, "Jean" <>

Donald Sloan

Sep 11, 2001, 5:26:33 PM9/11/01
I love my country. As a young man, I joined the armed forces to defend our
way of life. I took an oath to fight, even die, to defend this place I call

What has transpired here today will galvanise the American people, and if it
is found to be a nation behind these mass murders, God help you. Nothing and
no one can save you.

Sep 11, 2001, 5:33:02 PM9/11/01
You people fail to realize, your friends that planned and put into
effect this terrorist attack on the USA today made a serious error in
their life. They awoke the sleeping giant. You
obviously have NO idea what the recourse will be. Take a good look at
what put Japan on it's knees.

Sep 11, 2001, 5:38:23 PM9/11/01
On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 21:26:33 GMT, "Donald Sloan"
<> wrote:

>What has transpired here today will galvanise the American people, and if it
>is found to be a nation behind these mass murders, God help you. Nothing and
>no one can save you.

Good. *More* destruction is exactly what we need right about now.


tony summerfelt

Sep 11, 2001, 6:03:01 PM9/11/01
On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 at 17:11 GMT, Ivan Gowch <> wrote:

> Idiots. You want to avoid incidents like this
> in the future? Try behaving like a moral,
> upright and civilized nation instead of an
> international bully.

seems to me the US crime is people in other countries to have some freedom.
and acting on it for the most part.

for that they get nutbars with bombs...

> Refuse, and you may look forward to many
> more days like this.

smooth move, exlax. americans love threats like this <snrk>


Sep 11, 2001, 6:02:41 PM9/11/01
Outstanding post Don. I went the to blood bank with the idea of donating a
gallon or so today. I couldn't get in, the place was totally full. It's a darn
shame it has taken a disaster to bring the American people together. That shall
show the world that you can't screw with the United States of America. Those
people surely have failed to understand that they would awake the sleeping
giant. And yes Don, I also am a military veteran. If and when the veterans
would unite we could and would defend OUR nation as we fought for our country
during our military years. It's what ever it takes to defend OUR home land.

tony summerfelt

Sep 11, 2001, 6:05:02 PM9/11/01
On Tue, 11 Sep 2001 at 19:02 GMT, Jean <> wrote:

> Well said, if the americans cant take the heat, then stay out of the
> kitchen!

this is funny. i think terrorist countries about to see what it's like to
play with the big boys and THEIR bombs.

i'm sorry your religion condones killing children and puppies for it's god.


Sep 11, 2001, 6:13:41 PM9/11/01
Naw, let's just sit back and watch it all on CNN. Why try to let the
perpetrators get away with it? There's no point. Right?

You fucking idiot.

<> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2001, 6:18:33 PM9/11/01
"Try behaving like a moral, upright and civilized nation instead of an
nternational bully."

HAHAHAH!!!!!! That's fucking hilarious. Try to stop violence on this
planet, and what the fuck do you get? Idiots like you.

Idiots who don't think before they open their fucking mouth. Idiots who
believe their country or religion is better than all others which justifies
taking other people's territories for their own self-interest. Idiots like
you who never got a decent education.

Grow up asshole. Act your age. And don't fuck with freedom, or you will
always lose.

"Ivan Gowch" <> wrote in message


Sep 11, 2001, 8:06:12 PM9/11/01
You two are quite fucked. Please feel free to take a nice relaxing extended
vacation in whichever nation was responsible for these attacks and be
exterminated with the rest of the vermin.

"Jean" <> wrote in message

ReindeR Rustema

Sep 11, 2001, 8:28:53 PM9/11/01
<> wrote:

> They awoke the sleeping giant. You
> obviously have NO idea what the recourse will be. Take a good look at
> what put Japan on it's knees.

Again this revenge talk. Answering violence with violence...



Sep 11, 2001, 8:45:55 PM9/11/01

Yeah you are right...we should bombard them with a massive poster
campaign, perhaps some leaflets...good idea!

Frank Watson

Sep 11, 2001, 10:41:32 PM9/11/01
Hey Ivan! (What kind of queer is named Ivan?)
Grow some balls and when you're a real man, come back and respond. If
you need help or if you think you ARE a real man, post your name,
phone number and address. Chickens coming home to roost? Do you think
you're a writer? You're not. Go to the children's group where opinions
like yours are offered by other children. Post your name and address
and you too can look forward to many more days like this in your own
home. (Guaranteed you WON'T post it because you're afraid!) Go away,
little boy!


Sep 12, 2001, 12:03:25 AM9/12/01

I get the impression that most Americans think this terrorism has been carried
out by non Americans. What's the bet it was done by American citizens, or
people legally living there? Are you going to nuke yourselves as punishment?
It just goes to show that there really is no such thing as an American. That
country is just a powder keg of ethnic groups living in an uneasy truce while
the economic good times hold out.


Sep 12, 2001, 12:53:13 AM9/12/01
I think your confusing this with Oklahoma City. My guess is that we'll
be able to identify at least some of the assassins and that they will
definitely have ties to Islamic Fundamentalists. There has been a
report of an intercepted communication between members of the
extremists sect that discussed the attack on American targets. Also,
one of the flight attendants of one of the ill-fated hijacked planes
dialed used a cellphone to contact authorities with information
regarding some of the hijackers. She was able to rely the seating
assignment of one of the terrorists. This may help in identifying him.


Sep 15, 2001, 11:39:53 PM9/15/01
If you don't believe there should be retaliation on people who commit and
support such an unspeakable acts, what do YOU suggest? Negotiation? We have
just seen how they communicate. Maybe you would like them to negotiate with
the lives of your family.

On the other hand, I don't see the cowards who did this coming forward to
claim there actions. But we do know who some of them are. I know - you could
volunteer to go over and negotiate with your buddy Osama. Think you would be
coming back with a peace treaty or in a body bag?
"ReindeR Rustema" <> wrote in message

ReindeR Rustema

Sep 16, 2001, 12:06:56 PM9/16/01
Pepper <> wrote:

> If you don't believe there should be retaliation on people who commit and
> support such an unspeakable acts, what do YOU suggest?

Buy them. They dance to the hands that feed them, at the moment it's the
fanatical fundamentalist organisations that brainwash these boys over a
long period of time. If the US doesn't keep it's wealth all to itself
but spreads it around the world they will love you and will choose not
to go into their religious educational system.

Worth a try. It's not that expensive either, compared to a missile
defense system. UNESCO is asking for a few million dollars from the US
for decades, but no, the American people prefers to spend it on hi-tech
defense. Even a lo-tech solution as not privatising airline security but
keeping it in the hands of the state could have made a difference.



Oct 6, 2001, 9:39:55 PM10/6/01
Fuck face

"Ivan Gowch" <> wrote in message


Oct 7, 2001, 1:57:42 AM10/7/01
Dear Ivan.

It's so very easy to criticize when you are a gutless, anonymous
motherfucker on the web.

Please feel free to drop by my home any time. I would love to have this
discussion face to face.

Did we deserve this attack in NYC? Maybe, maybe not... personally, I don't
think so, and speaking out of turn for the friends I lost in this bullshit,
maybe they don't think so either. but... love to chat. Drop on by.

I would also enjoy chatting about your quoting J. Adams out of context, too.
I'd love to set the record straight on that as well.


"TheRock" <> wrote in message

hugh hasson

Oct 7, 2001, 9:08:59 AM10/7/01
On Sun, 7 Oct 2001 01:57:42 -0400, "paolomigli"
<> wrote:

>Dear Ivan.
>It's so very easy to criticize when you are a gutless, anonymous
>motherfucker on the web.
>Please feel free to drop by my home any time. I would love to have this
>discussion face to face.
>Did we deserve this attack in NYC? Maybe, maybe not... personally, I don't
>think so, and speaking out of turn for the friends I lost in this bullshit,
>maybe they don't think so either. but... love to chat. Drop on by.
>I would also enjoy chatting about your quoting J. Adams out of context, too.
>I'd love to set the record straight on that as well.
>"TheRock" <> wrote in message
>> Fuck face

this is a public forum.lets have the discussion here.


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