Mr. Watts Sr. said it best about blacks voting for Republicans, but it works
for women, too>>
Like a woman voting for Coloner Sanders? I don't get it.
HrtShpdBox wrote in message
: Mr. Watts Sr. said it best about blacks voting for Republicans, but it works
: for women, too>>
: Like a woman voting for Coloner Sanders? I don't get it.
Watts Sr. said that a black voting for a republican was like a chicken
voting for Colonel Saunders. The poster is pointing out that a woman
voting for a republican is equally foolish. About 3/4's of the women who
vote in this country agree with her. This is why the pathetic attempts by
repubs to attract women voters are so laughable. Their poodles, Jennifer
Dunn and Liddy Dole are pathetically inadequate.
Take away the "nospam" to email.
You ought to sue the public (government) schools for what the did to you.
Gwen Nelson wrote in message <7d0shc$8o0$>...
Watts Sr. said that a black voting for a republican was like a chicken
voting for Colonel Saunders. The poster is pointing out that a woman
voting for a republican is equally foolish. About 3/4's of the women who
vote in this country agree with her. This is why the pathetic attempts by
repubs to attract women voters are so laughable. Their poodles, Jennifer
Dunn and Liddy Dole are pathetically inadequate.>>
Um, yes, I was making a joke, you see. I knew what her "point" was. Of
course, as to your own ramblings, it is of course incorrect that 75% of women
vote Democrat (or non-Republican, if you wish). It is highly debatable that
the Democratic party has done women (or blacks, for that matter) any favors.
Depends on your point of view, I suppose.
Like a Cub fan rooting for the mets.
>Group: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater Date: Sat, Mar 20, 1999,
9:32pm (CST+6) From: powe...@aol.comnospam (PowerLib) Re: " a
chicken voting for Colonel Sanders."
Like a woman that votes for Clinton? Like a veteran that votes for
Clinton? Like a rape victim that votes for Clinton? <