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Mena Myths Unravelled

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Bear Bottoms

Sep 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/20/98
by William Bottoms

Daniel Hopsicker contacted me via email after
seeing my presence on the Internet and asked
if he could interview me. I declined to formal
interview or filming, but I agreed to meet informally
with Daniel. We met in February in Baton Rouge
at the Hilton. During this meeting, I told Daniel
that the Mena Story as is popular is a Myth as it
relates to Barry Seal’s organization. Daniel at
best was dubious.

The following are excerpts from Daniel Hopsicker’s
road trip narrative in February 1997.

conspiracy: the secret history

The Mena story reeks of government hypocrisy on the
subject of drugs. Its the place mentioned when talk of
Oliver North’s contra-guns-and-cocaine operation
comes up (not often, in polite conversation, and we
still wonder, whazzup wit that?) Its where drug smuggler
Barry Seal based planes that flew guns down to Central
America, then drugs back, then guns down again, etc.,
with impunity, literally right under the noses of local law
enforcement. If there is, in Bill Moyers’ legendary phrase,
a "Secret Government," a government that runs the other,
more official one, Mena is a good place to look for it.

For Mena is what the ‘Clintongate’ scandals are all about,
really; the commodities money was and is small potatoes,
the Whitewater real estate deal simply par for the course
in American political life. But around Mena swirls the smoke
of real scandal: allegations of massive drug-smuggling with
government complicity, whiffs of Oliver North’s illegal,
unconstitutional and national soul-corroding Iran/contra/cocaine
connection. And all flavored with spicy rumors of secret Swiss
bank accounts, hastening murder by death. That’s what makes
Mena so important. If there’s to be a real Watergate-type Sam
Ervin at-the-gavel scandal in the next four
years, Mena is where it will be focused. So Mena is where we
"If drugs are the biggest industry in the world today, who’s the
industry’s General Motors? And, who did he think had the bigger
airline distribution system: Federal Express or Cocaine Unlimited?
What does Mena have to do with the Train Deaths, events that
occurred half a state away?

Well, this, for starters: if the drug smuggling in Mena, Arkansas
was widespread and pervasive, it would still just be the tip of
the iceberg, albeit a very big tip. What Russell Welsh,
acknowledged as THE expert in Arkansas drug smuggling,
even by his drug-smuggling foes in those times, such as Barry
Seals brother-in-law Bill Bottoms, (who has lately discovered
a highly vocal mission to portray Mena as a myth) , could tell us,
was simple: was Mena an anomaly, an isolated incidence in an
isolated place?
The clear consensus about Bottoms was that he was, at some
third party’s behest, supplying disinformation to lead investigators
seeking an intelligence agency hand in drug smuggling in Arkansas
off the scent. He admitted smuggling massive amounts of drugs
(and had the newspaper clipping to prove it). And he also
admitted to working for the DEA for six years (more clippings).
What he didn’t admit was to ever having gotten caught smuggling
drugs, a fact which normally precedes contrition in drug smugglers.
On this point most knowledgeable observers see a hole in the
bottom of Mr. Bottoms curriculum vitae.

We were also warned about the dangers of meeting with him. A
dispatch reached us alleging that Bottoms has been known to
plant drugs on innocent people and turn them in.
From this brief outline, several things should be clear to any
meathead with the slightest hint of gray matter beneath his cap.
A secret government operation was run of this remotest possible
outpost of the boondocks. Some of it involved drugs. Nobody
let Trooper Welsh in on the joke.
Jean Duffey: "As a prosecuting attorney I had to stick to the facts.
But prior to getting to a jury I’m allowed to speculate, and process
all the information I have from whatever direction it comes. What
in my opinion has been involved is a CIA or CIA rogue operation,
conducted by the CIA or CIA operatives. To smuggle drugs into
the United States from South America, using Barry Seal’s drug
smuggling operation in Mena.
So, we’d stared into the Heart of Darkness. The Heart of Darkness
had stared right back. Allegations and speculation are not proof.
The truth, indeed, is still out there.

But, for what little they’re worth, here are my speculations about
our journey into the secret history of our life and times.

I don’t believe that the ‘drug smuggler’ Billy Bob Bottoms is any
more a drug smuggler than you or I. I believe him to be a paid
representative of the government of the United States of
America acting under the doctrines of plausible deniability.
Why? Just a hunch. I liked him too much. He was a Navy pilot.
His brother in law Barry Seal was a Special Op guy. These were
our best and our bravest men.
I will never, as long as I live, forget our midnight ride to Mena,
seated beside tour guide and American hero Russell Welsh.
I’m convinced that what I was saw was a fully functional and
operational secret government installation.

By that, I do not mean a secret installation of the government
of the United States of America. Unh-uh. What I believe I saw,
and what I believe exists in Mena, Arkansas today... is an
installation of the secret government that runs the government
of the United States of America.


When I read Daniel’s rendition of his road trip, I was mildly
amused. I sent him an email and told him that I was
impressed with his writing ability and thought his story
was very good fiction. Daniel returned correspondence
and enjoined me to a more serious undertaking. I told
him that I would participate with a face to face encounter
with Russell Welch and Bill Duncan who are the only
credible investigators concerning Mena, Arkansas. I
also agreed that such an encounter could be filmed.
Daniel contacted Russell Welch who agreed to this type
of meeting. Bill Duncan was contacted and it was hoped
that he would be able to make the meeting also. The
stage was set for a long awaited meeting of the only
persons alive who actually hold the answers to the Mena
Myth. I took no notes, but the following is my rendition
of this quite exciting encounter. This encounter is well
documented by Daniel Hopsicker and taped by an
associate of mine whom I invited as security and
witness to the events.

We had originally scheduled the event to begin on
Saturday March 1, 1997. Daniel had agreed to meet
me in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and we would fly up to
Mena via private aircraft. The weather was forecast to
have a strong cold frontal passage on that day and I
called Daniel and we pushed the event 24 hours.
Daniel arrived in Baton Rouge at 8 p.m. Saturday
evening Mar. 1, 1997. I picked him up at the airport
and took him to the Radisson Hotel where he checked
in. We had supper together at the Steam Room in
Corporate Plaza a short distance from the hotel. Daniel
and I briefly discussed events to come and had a rather
pleasant evening. When we returned to his room we
checked the weather channel and the front was still being
forecast to pass during the night hours.

Sunday March 2, 1997:
I called aviation weather this morning and the cold
front has not passed. The forecast is now for frontal
passage around noon today. The front is severe
and is causing extreme damage in Arkansas and
responsible for an unusually high death rate from
tornadic activity. I meet with Daniel at his hotel room
and we discuss the itinerary. I inform Daniel that we
may be able to depart for Mena that afternoon. As
noon approaches I obtain an updated forecast.
The front has stalled and passage is now forecast
for late Sunday night. The trip to Mena is put off until
the next morning. We decide to meet later in the
afternoon with a camera crew hired locally and use
the time to get portions of my interview taped. We
meet late and Daniel has decided he wants to go to
the airplane for the taping. We drive to the airport
and due to poor weather conditions the shooting is
scrubbed. By now, the director in Daniel is starting
to appear. We return to Daniel’s room and set the
camera operator free. To help pacify Daniel’s growing
frustration I arrange a dinner meeting with my sister
who was Barry Seal’s first wife. I leave them to their
meeting and go home. What my sister told Daniel
will have to be narrated by him. We have agreed to
meet the next morning at 6:30 a.m. for our trip to Mena.
When I get home, I file an instrument flight plan to Mena,
Arkansas with a departure time of 8:30 a.m. local.

Monday March 3, 1997:
I arrive at Daniel’s hotel at 6:37 a.m. and Daniel
is looking at his watch. The weather is still not
great as the front is being stubborn, but the most
dangerous storms have passed and I assure
Daniel that we may proceed. We drive to the
airport in the camera operator's Suburban. Daniel’s
plan is to finish our activities during this day and the
camera operator and I to return this evening.

We arrive at the airport and load the aircraft. Take
off time is logged at 8:30 a.m. The sky is overcast
and we enter the clouds at 600 feet above the ground.
We break out on top of the clouds by 2,000 feet and
climb to an altitude of 8,000 feet and proceed to Mena.
The weather is still below landing minimums at Mena.
The forecast is for conditions to be improved by our
arrival time. Time enroute to Mena is three hours. As
we approach Texarkana the weather conditions have
still not improved to above landing minimums at Mena.
I can, however, see the backside of the weather system
rapidly approaching. Due to expanding bladder problems
and the obvious immanent improvement in weather at
Mena we elect to land at Texarkana which has a
precision instrument approach. The weather conditions
are still 600 feet overcast. The decent minimum at Mena
is 900 feet above the ground while Texarkana’s decent
minima is 200 feet. We start our decent and approach
into Texarkana. We enter the clouds around 4,000 feet
and do not break out of the clouds until 600 feet on
runway centerline. I hear a relieved comment from Daniel.
After landing and while taxiing to the terminal I notice a
Lockheed Lodestar of the same type as Seal used on his
first flight for the DEA in which he crashed. Daniel decides
to take the opportunity to perform our first taping with this
aircraft as a prop. The camera operator sets up and our
first taping goes well. The topic is Seal’s crash in this type
of aircraft of which this event led to the Nicaraguan drug
sting. Meanwhile the front passes and the skies clear up.
We refuel and depart for Mena.

We climb to 6,500 feet with clear skies for the first time.
As we approach the first ridge of the Ozark Mountains,
I point out the Mena airport nestled in the valley between
these first two east/west ridges in southwestern Arkansas.
The only east/west mountain range in the United States.
Dan wants me to fly him over the Nella “airport” and show
him where Emile Camp, my co-pilot, crashed and died.
Nella is located 10 miles due north of Mena beyond and
adjacent to the second ridge. The camera operator films
Nella as I circle it and point out various properties of it
and it’s surroundings. I point out Al Rydell’s residence
which is adjacent to the property and the several other
residences and chicken farms surrounding the Nella
landing strip. Not quite the remote place Terry Reed
described in his book where he alleged he trained
Contra pilots. Any such activity would have been noticed
by these people and they have stated that they did not
notice such activity. I also pointed out the impossibility
of operating at that strip at night due to rapidly rising
ground of the mountain on the south end of the strip.
The north end of the strip was bordered by 80 foot tall trees.
The length of the strip was about 1,800 feet. A landing would
have to be made toward the north approaching over the rising
ground and toward the trees. A takeoff would have to be made
toward the south and rapidly rising ground of the mountain.
It would take an expert pilot in a short field capable STOL
aircraft during daylight hours to negotiate a landing at such
a strip. Far beyond Terry Reed’s capabilities and certainly
beyond Contra pilot capabilities as described by Reed and
impossible for anyone at night. We departed the Nella area
and I pointed out the mountain top which Emile Camp crashed
into during his ill-fated attempt to land during bad weather at
Mena airport. I also pointed out that the type of aircraft he was
flying was not suitable for the Nella strip. Besides the fact that
Seal and I were indisposed elsewhere. Camp was alone,
attempting to land at Mena to pick up documents Seal needed
in Miami and made a mistake which cost him his life.

We fly on over the ridge and back into the valley which lays
the Mena airport. During our approach to land the camera
operator films the city and the airport. The airport is a
north/south 5,000 foot runway lined on both sides by aircraft
businesses. Hardly the appropriate site for a huge covert
operation as has been alleged unless you want to assume
that the 300 plus workers at the airfield are blind and ignorant.
The moment of anticipation reaches its highest level as our
wheels touch down at the legendary Mena airport. We taxi
up to the small terminal and park the aircraft at the fuel pumps.
The moment of truth has arrived.

Dan calls Russell Welch and tells him we have arrived.
My security person arrives and I introduce him and his
spouse to Dan. Mike and his spouse Annie are both
independent investigators. Mike at one time worked
for the FBI. Mike is mostly concerned with the integrity
of the airplane while it is at Mena. Many stories have
been told of crashes due to aircraft tampering. While
we await Russell’s arrival, Dan wants to start filming as
he and I walk the taxiway. Dan asks questions and I
describe the Mena airport as it pertained to Barry Seal’s
organization. That story is a simple one. I point out Rich
Mountain Aviation and the hangar we used. I explain that
we stored our fixed wing aircraft in that hangar where
repairs and modifications were made. We had two
Piper Senecas and two Panther Navajos. One of those
aircraft would be kept in Baton Rouge, usually a Seneca.
When I needed a Navajo for a trip to Colombia, Barry
would fly to Mena in a Seneca and get the Navajo. He
would then fly it to a remote location in Louisiana where
he would install the interior fuel bladder and supply the
aircraft for the trip to Colombia. My arrival would be timed
as such that the aircraft would be ready. Emile Camp and
I would get into the airplane and immediately depart for
Colombia. It was a twelve hour flight down, usually one
hour on the ground and twelve hours back. Barry would
maintain HF radio contact with me hourly during the trip
and we would rendezvous somewhere in the Louisiana
Atchafalaya Basin for the airdrop of the drugs. I would
airdrop the drugs to a ground crew who would place them
in a cargo net. Barry would fly a helicopter and hover over
the net. The ground crew would affix the net as a sling load
to a hook under the helicopter. I would leave the area and
land and leave the empty aircraft at a remote location in
Louisiana and go home. Barry would fly the sling load to
a pickup truck nearby and drop the load into the bed of the
truck. The truck would be driven to another location where
usually three automobiles would be waiting. The load
consisted of six duffel bags of cocaine. Two duffel bags
each would be placed in the trunks of the three cars and
the cars would leave for Miami or Los Angeles. Barry
would fly the helicopter to its hiding place and go to the
Navajo. He would clean it up and take it back to Mena
where it was stored until the next time we needed it. He
would then fly a Seneca back to Baton Rouge. No drugs
were ever taken to Mena. We were never involved with the
CIA. We never flew guns for anyone. We did not launder
any money at Mena. The money that Bill Duncan found
laundered at Mena was money paid to and “laundered”
by Fred Hampton. The money laundering case prepared
by Bill Duncan against Hampton was weak due to the
technique he used and the nature of the money laundering
laws at the time. Russell Welch was trying to develop a
cocaine smuggling case against us which was difficult
considering the above technique we used. Louisiana
was where the drug activity was, and the enforcement
people there never got close to us. Had we conducted
our operation in or around Mena, I believe Russell Welch
might have caught us. My soon to be meeting with him
would demonstrate that to me. That is the extent of Mena,
Arkansas concerning Barry Seal’s organization. At this
point Russell Welch arrives and my first time to meet him
is at hand.

Russell Welch drives up to the airport and Dan goes over
to talk with him. Russell has a friend with him. I remain
aside for the moment. Dan returns to me and sends the
camera operator close to Russell and sets the camera up.
When he is ready, I walk over to Russell. Quite dramatic.
Here I am about to meet a person that spent a greater part
of his career trying to put me in jail, and I feel like I am
about to meet a long lost relative. Why I feel this way
surely must be out of respect for what he endured and the
tenacity of his investigation. I would not have such a feeling
for any other law enforcement official. Why him was not
totally clear to me, but this is how I felt. As I approach
Russell, he and I lock eyes and the temptation to speak
is great. I wait until I stand before him and we both extend
our hands to shake. The moment is awkward. I simply say
“Hi Russell, I am Billy Bob” as I shake his hand. Almost at
the same time Russell says to me, “Hi Billy, I am Russell
Welch.” Our handshake is not awkward and seemed
sincere. His eyes are clear and soften. I am sure mine
did too. The only thing I could think of to say next was,
“I didn’t know I was going to have to look up at you.”
Russell stood a full four inches taller than I. Russell laughs
and says to me, “I have looked forward to meeting you.
You know, our birthdays are nearly the same. I was born
in November of 47 as were you.” I said to him, “Well, that
makes us both Scorpio’s” and we both laugh. The next
few minutes are spent in small talk. The obvious thing
is that we both feel a sense of mutual respect and no
animosity towards each other. It is more like a meeting
of long lost friends. The initial meeting is past and Dan
the “director” walks up. He pulls the camera operator off
and tells him to set up for a taxiway walk shot for Russell
and me. I introduce Mike and Annie to Russell. Then
Russell and I become absorbed in conversation with each
other again, oblivious to the others. Dan then asks Russell
and I to go out to the taxiway to walk and chat, and leaves
us to our own direction.

It is in this walk that I ask Russell many questions as
he did to me. The revelations made to each other will
be summarized toward the end of this story. The nature
of our conversation continues to warm up and what
becomes obvious is that I like him. I really like him.
He seems entirely genuine, intelligent, and confident.
He demonstrates he is ready to discuss Mena in an
open and honest manner. All of my senses tell me the
man is being totally genuine. All of my senses tell me
the man is as interested in our meeting as I am. It is
almost as if we are both relieved or finally fulfilled by
this meeting. It went far better than I thought it would.

When the taxiway shooting was finished, Dan sees
immediately that he is going to need more than this
day to capture the events that are transpiring between
Russell Welch and myself. The camera operator has
to go back to Baton Rouge this evening and I was
supposed to fly him back. Russell and I escape to
conversation as we did the entire time we were
together. We constantly had to be pulled apart to
accomplish anything. It was engrossing conversation
we were having. We were losing everyone else.
The need for us to compare events were almost
compelling. It was a time and opportunity I will never
forget. Meanwhile Dan decides to send the camera
operator back to Baton Rouge on a commercial flight
if I will agree to stay. I readily agree. Reservations out
of Fort Smith are obtained for him. Dan goes to the
hotel to check us in, and the camera operator, Mike,
Annie and I fly to Fort Smith to send him on his way.
We return to Mena and drive to the Sun Country Inn.
We find Dan in his room and the plan is pizza at Russell
Welch’s house when the new film crew Dan has hired
arrives. There is just enough time to freshen up until
they arrive.

The new film crew arrives, and we all meet in the
parking lot. Russell Welch also drives up and Scott
Wheeler is with him. Scott Wheeler, a rival to Dan
Hopsicker. Scott comes up to me and introduces
himself. Dan comes over and wants to know what
Scott is doing there. Scott says he is working on
an unrelated assignment in the Mena area, but he
is also interested in what we are doing. Scott
knows Russell Welch and apparently has met with
him before on several occasions. Dan immediately
in his own way reads the riot act to Scott. Dan tells
him that if he wants to be there, he will approve it
but Scott is going to be filmed and asked questions
also. Scott agrees, but I believe a stage has been
set for a later development between Scott and Dan.
Everyone loads up in several cars and we collect our
pizza and go to Russell Welch’s house.

Everyone starts feeding their faces and Russell
and I get into our now familiar engrossment with
each other. Russell has pulled out his extensive
records and we start discussing them. Now, I have
dealt with a lot of investigators, most of them
Federal agents. I have never witnessed such
extensive and complete investigative files as what
Russell showed me. He had numerous poster size
timeline charts, several notebooks filled with his
personal notes from his investigation. They were
written in small legible handwriting front and back,
about one hundred and forty six pages each, and six
notebooks in all I believe. He had at least three huge
index card files with everything in his investigation of
Mena indexed. As I looked over the timeline and
perused his files and index system I became aware
that Russell was probably one of the best investigators
I have ever met. My respect for him grew to an enormous
level. Had he not been placed at an enormous disadvantage,
he would have probably been the only investigator in this
country who could have caught us. No one else came
close. Seal was caught in a separate unrelated incident
and the knowledge enforcement gained about our
cocaine operation was given to them by either Seal or
I after Seal became an informant in 1984. The enormous
disadvantage Russell was placed in was twofold. First,
he was a State of Arkansas investigator and our operation
was based and enacted in Louisiana. Had we been
operating in Arkansas, I am sure this man would have
caught us. The fact that he is no longer performing this
work is shameful for our government. Second, his investigation
started after our illegal activity had stopped, and he was not
given the information he needed by various government officials,
states and federal, to enable him to determine the correct
direction to take his investigation. That is simply put, but the
effect on his investigation was devastating. The agreements
Seal had made with the Federal government, the importance
of Seal’s testimony, the lack of hard evidence, the lack of
co-operation between various enforcement agencies,
complicity interjected by various agency agendas, and the
nature of our operation doomed Russell’s investigation. To
attempt to analyze this any further would be fruitless.

The meal is over and Dan is ready to start the most
significant part of his filming. The camera crew sets up
in Russell’s living room. Dan explains he would like
question me first, then Russell, then Mike, and then
Scott Wheeler. What ensues next totally changes this
concept. The bright lights are on, the film crew is rolling,
Dan, Russell, Mike, Annie, Scott Wheeler, Russell’s wife,
a friend of Russell’s and I are all sitting in the room. Dan
begins questioning me and this steadily develops into a
full bore interrogation with a very aggressive crescendo,
and finally drops back to a somewhat meeker Daniel
Hopsicker as a result of my dilution of his assault. During
this interrogation, Scott Wheeler has been drinking beer
steadily and apparently brooding over his earlier
encounter with Dan. While the camera is rolling,
Scott gets up and walks in front of it and goes in the
next room. He makes a phone call and starts having
a loud conversation. The camera crew stops and
says it is interfering and Dan starts yelling at Scott
to get off the phone. Scott totally loses it and come
back into the room and starts yelling at Dan. Scott
shakes his fist in Dan’s face and tells him if he was
20 years younger he would smash him to bits. The
confrontation is out of control and I interject and tell
Scott that he is out of line in my opinion. Russell’s
spouse speaks up and tells everyone to shut up.
Shortly after, Scott Wheeler leaves and we do not
see him again. Dan seemed to be most upset by
Scott’s reference to the 20 years younger bit. It was
actually rather funny and blamed on the booze. Scott
was the only one drinking. The camera starts rolling
and the interrogation begins again. I believe Dan’s
interrogation of me lasted for three or more hours.
He tried as hard as he could to destroy my story or
find a weakness. He could not and afterward Russell
stands up and tells Dan that he just got his butt kicked
by me. There was no time left to put anyone else
before the camera this evening. I kind of wondered
if there was ever any intention of doing so, or if Dan
just got caught up in trying to find a weakness in my
story. He made a valiant effort, but he did not make
one single dent. After it was over, he made the statement
to us all that he no longer had a story. My interpretation
of this meant that my story held up and Mena was a Myth.
Russell in no way disagreed with my version and
supported the factuality of its presentation. His records
and investigative findings did not reveal evidence to the
contrary. Russell and my conversations up to this point
revealed nothing to support the Mena Myth. The actual
significance of this encounter was sobering to all. We
all retired for the night.

Tuesday March 4, 1997:
The next morning I awake early. Everyone is still sleeping
except I hear movement in Mike and Annie’s room. I get
some coffee and catch up on some reading. Mike had
brought me a complete copy of Russell’s deposition. Dan
finally gets moving about around 9:00 a.m. The previous
day must have been a rough one for him. The plan for the
day is to go to Russell’s house and film his interview. Dan
has lost a mini-cassette and wants us to check in the
airplane. Mike asks for the airplane key and says he will
look for the cassette. He wants to go check the airplane
anyway. He comes back and states that both doors were
unlocked. We had locked them the day before. Mike was
very concerned about this. I assured him we would check
the plane out well before I left today. Dan says we will go
to Russell’s house around noon for his turn before the camera
and formal interview. Dan also wants to go to the airport before
going to Russell’s and shoot some footage of Dan’s summary
in front of the airplane. I tell Dan I am going to talk to Fred
Hampton and check out the airplane. Mike, Annie, and I
leave for the airport. We go to what used to be Rich Mountain
Aviation and find Fred on the telephone in the hangar he used
to own. When he sees me he breaks into a smile and a warm
greeting. It has been many years since Fred and I had a
chance to visit face to face. Fred introduces me to his
secretary and one of his employee’s. It had been alleged
that Fred had gone bankrupt and another businessperson
had bought the hangars. Fred explains that this is not so.
He did not file bankruptcy. He sold the hangars to the city
of Mena. He had a liquidation sale of Rich Mountain Aviation
and paid all of his outstanding bills. He has since rented an
area of the hangar he used to own from the city of Mena. He
has re-established his business albeit on a much smaller
scale and under a different name. Fred is a highly skilled
airframe and metal technician. He can rebuild the airframe
of a damaged or wrecked aircraft that most would evaluate
as a total loss. His business is thriving.

It is shortly after our arrival that Dan bursts through the
doors of the hangar and the camera crew drags in all of
their equipment. In my opinion, this was a bold move
since no arrangement with Fred had been made to
formally interview him much less use a camera. I introduce
Dan to Fred. Dan immediately starts to aggressively press
Fred for an interview. I feel the necessity to interject and
explain to Fred that while I brought Dan to Mena and I am
interviewing with him, I can not guarantee how Dan will
present an interview with Fred if he agrees to such. Dan
is a little miffed with me for this but presses on with Fred
anyway. He pressed on in much too aggressive a manner.
He basically accuses Fred of performing illegal modifications
on Seal’s aircraft and illegal money laundering. He wants
Fred to go on camera and answer questions Dan would
put to him. I notice Fred’s secretary shooting daggers at
Dan with her eyes. She becomes so angry with Dan’s
approach that she leaves the area for a few minutes, but
then returns. Fred calmly and politely refuses Dan’s
request to be formally interviewed and qualifies his
reasoning. Fred’s secretary looks at Fred with admiration
in her eyes. Fred tells Dan that many reporters and news
investigators have visited him. He said they have all come
with prearranged agendas of a conspiracy nature. The
conspiracy is what they wanted to hear and nothing else
would be entertained. He stated that modifications he
made to a customer's aircraft are not illegal unless paperwork
for legal certification was filed with the FAA. This paperwork
was never filed. He told Seal that if the work was performed
that they would not sign it off and the aircraft would not be
legal. He also states, as he has maintained over the years,
that the money paid to him in cash by Barry Seal was not
laundered, and was deposited in a legal manner by his
conversion of the cash into checks in Seal’s name. The
money laundering laws of the time were not broken by the
techniques he used to deposit the cash money paid to him
by Seal. He said Bill Duncan tried very hard to present a
case against him, but could not put one strong enough
together to win a conviction against him, Ruddy Furr, or
Barry Seal. I personally wish Bill Duncan would have been
able to make an appearance so we could get his rendition
of these events. Perhaps I will be able to meet with him at
a later date. Dan pointedly asked Fred if he would not
reconsider a formal interview. Fred refuses and Dan says,
“OK guys, lets pack up and leave.” Dan and the camera
crew leave rather angrily. I feel that had Dan been less
aggressive he might have won an interview. I remain a
while longer and chat with Fred.

When Mike, Annie, and I leave Fred’s place we find
Daniel and the film crew set up by the airplane. Dan
is before the camera and is taping summaries he
has written. Dan sees us and invites us over. He
wants us to listen to his summaries. The most impressive
part of his summary was his equating the pictures taken
by Seal in Nicaragua as the most expensive pictures
ever taken in the world. These pictures showed the
Medellin Cartel loading cocaine into Seal’s C-123
with Sandinista soldiers assisting. These pictures
were shown to the world by President Reagan and
the cover of the sting was blown by Ollie North in favor
of winning money from Congress in support of the
Contras. The result of this allowed the Medellin Cartel
to escape capture and go on to become one of the
most successful and ruthless criminal operations in the
world. It also prevented further intelligence of Sandinista
complicity in drug operations. When Dan finishes his
summaries, I inform him that I will have to be leaving soon.
We agree to go to Russell’s house to set up his interview.

We arrive at Russell’s house at lunch time. Hamburgers
are sent for and Russell and I again engage ourselves
oblivious to everyone else. Russell awards me with
copies of the interview he and Duncan had with Seal
just prior to his death. Russ and I continue in depth
conversation during the meal. Dan has set up the
camera crew outside and is ready for Russell. He
has to practically pull him away from our conversation.
As Dan starts asking Russ questions before a camera,
I have the feeling the situation is anti-climatic. I fade
deep into my own thoughts to mentally review the events
of the past 24 hours. I realize that the most significant
accomplishment of this trip was validation of my story
through Russell Welch. Not that he can validate it, he
can’t dispute it and had no evidence to do so. This is
what Daniel Hopsicker meant when he said he no
longer had a story. My story was well told in front of
Russell Welch and he couldn’t dispute it. The total
significance of this is almost overwhelming considering
the resistance of the conspiracy professors to accept
the true role of the Barry Seal saga as revealed by
myself on the Internet. I am the only person alive today
that knows the truth of events as they relate to Barry
Seal’s organization and Mena, Arkansas as it relates
to him. Russell is the only credible investigator of the
Mena Myth and he does not support the myth. I tune
back into the interview of Russell. During a break I
tell Daniel that it is time for me to leave. Mike, Annie,
and I walk towards their car. Russell gets up from his
chair and follows me to the car. He shakes my hand
and tells me I am welcome to his house anytime I desire.
He tells me that he is glad that we finally met and that he
has a lot of respect for me. He feels that I went well
beyond any reparations expected of me for my crimes.
He believes I am telling the truth and understands why
Seal had so much confidence in me. Our farewell is
warm and it is obvious that we both share a mutual
respect and an unexpected new found friendship.

Mike and Annie drop me off by my aircraft. They are
very concerned about the condition of the aircraft and
the possibility that someone has tampered with it. I
perform a thorough preflight and assure them that
unless a bomb has been hidden on the plane
somewhere unseen that I will be fine. I take one
more look at the Mena airport and the surrounding
mountains and leave Mena alone.

I climb to a cruising altitude of 9,500 feet. The weather
is good until the last hour of flight of which I will pick
up an instrument flight plan enroute for an instrument
approach back at homebase. Low overcast ceilings
of clouds have moved back into the Louisiana area.
During the three hour flight back to Baton Rouge,
I reflect on the revelations that Russell Welch made
to me. He confirms that Terry Reed is lying and he
told me he overheard a conversation by Reed in which
Reed was asking where Mena, Airport was well after
the time he allegedly trained Contras there and
otherwise operated there. He said he did not corroborate
with Reed on his book. The information Reed used in
his book which was collected by Welch was gained
through Freedom of Information acts. Welch confirms
that Eugene Wheaton concocted the story which is now
the basis for the Mena Myth and Reed’s book. Welch
says Wheaton presented his story very soon after he met
Wheaton. Too soon in fact. Welch confirms Sheriff Al
Hadaway’s statements that the C-123 did not go anywhere
while it was stored over a year at the Mena airport. Welch
said the plane only left once before it was sold which
coincides with John Camp’s filming of “Uncle Sam Wants
You.” The only other movement of the aircraft was a very
short maintenance runup of a repaired engine shortly after
the Nicaraguan sting. Welch confirmed the fact that L.D.
Brown is lying. Welch confirmed the fact that he and
Duncan learned by December 1985 that Seal had
Federal immunity agreements which prevented further
prosecution for his crimes. Welch and Duncan interviewed
Seal under oath on December 27, 1985 just two months
before Seal was murdered in Baton Rouge. It was
determined in this interview that Seal could not be
prosecuted by any State or Federal agencies for these
crimes. Welch verifies the fact that CIA complicity and
any type of covert gun or Contra operation was not
ongoing at the Mena airport up until the time of Seal’s
death in February 1986. The formal investigation did not
include any reference to this type of activity nor was any
of this type of activity noticed by these two investigators.
It was not even a topic of the time. Welch acknowledges
that Bill Clinton nor Dan Lasater ever had any dealings
with Barry Seal. Welch acknowledged that Seal and
Hampton were the only ones making reference to the
CIA at this time, and Welch and Duncan knew it to be
simply an attempt to hide the smuggling activities from
inquiring minds. Welch admits that Seal did not move
his aircraft to Mena airport until late first quarter of 1982.
Welch admits that Sheriff Al Hadaway was involved in
dubious activities and could not be trusted. Welch admits
that Seal was preparing for and attempting to work for the
government as an informant by September or October of
1983, however formal agreement was not sealed until
March of 1984. Welch admits that Seal told him under
oath that no drugs were brought to Mena or Arkansas by
our organization and to perjure himself would breach the
Federal immunity agreements. Seal admits that Mena
was simply used as a storage and repair facility and
nothing else. Welch admits he had no evidence that drugs
were brought to Mena or Arkansas by Seal’s organization
though he suspected it had. Welch admits that he and
Duncan were told by Seal under oath that he never laundered
any money in any Arkansas financial facilities, and to perjure
himself would breach the Federal immunity agreements.
Seal stated that the money laundered at Mena was done
by Fred Hampton, his spouse, and Rudy Furr and it was
money paid to Hampton. Seal told Welch and Duncan that
he was not aware that Hampton was using his name on
checks purchased with cash Seal gave him. Welch admits
that he only developed enough evidence for a possible
conspiracy to smuggle cocaine indictment on two individuals
at the Mena airport. Welch said Seal was not a target of his
criminal investigation due to Federal agreements. Welch
said that Bill Duncan developed a weak currency transaction
report (CTR) violation case against three individuals at Mena.
The case was not strong enough to guarantee convictions.
Welch said he did not conduct a formal interview with the
Washington Weekly as indicated by Marvin Lee in his most
recent article about Welch. Welch also stated that he told
Marvin Lee that Terry Reed was a liar. Welch stated that
Jean Duffey is not well known by him and he does not
understand why she would label me as a liar or a
disinformation artist since he knows that I am neither.
I asked Russell to please inform Bill Duncan for me that
I have never alleged that I have ever spoken with him as
Duffey told him, and I have never stated that Duncan agreed
with anything I have said. I told him that proof was available
via a Deja News search of all of my postings where this
could be verified. Welch was not sure why Duffey would tell
Duncan such a lie about me. Welch also was not sure why
Duffey would indicate on the Internet that he corroborated
with Terry Reed on his book since he did not. Welch is also
not sure why Duffey is pointing towards Seal’s organization
as complicit in the train deaths since he does not think so,
especially considering the deaths happened after Seal’s
time and his own death. Welch also is certain that I am not
or ever been employed by the CIA, a disinformation artist,
or lying in any sense. Russell stated that there was never
any evidence that Nella was used for any type of clandestine
activity and as a result didn’t bother to even look at the property.

Many other details were brought to the surface through Russell’s
and my meeting. Much of this was caught on video by Dan
Hopsicker and audio tape by Mike and Annie. This meeting
between Russell Welch and me has done more to destroy the
Mena Myth as it concerns Barry Seal’s organization than any
over funded Federal or State investigation in over 14 years.
The major question remains as to WHY?

Daniel Hopsicker

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98
show me one american who believe this druivel and doesn't drool.

osmolov dosn't count, as we've figured out.

he's a droid with a jones.

Daniel Hopsicker
The DrugMoney Times

"And it came to pass that idiots roamed the earth,
and morons ruled the masses."

Daniel Hopsicker

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98
show me one american who believe this druivel and doesn't drool.

osmolov dosn't count, as we've figured out.

he's a droid with a jones.


Daniel Hopsicker

Sep 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/21/98
show me one american who believe this druivel and doesn't drool.

osmolov dosn't count, as we've figured out.

he's a droid with a jones.


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