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Sex. Lies & Mind Rape

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Charles Zeps

Jul 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/21/95

WACO, Texas (AP) -- Testifying before Congress about how Branch
Davidian leader David Koresh sexually assaulted her in a Waco motel
room was therapeutic for the teen-ager, her parents said.
Kiri Jewell decided to speak out a few months ago after learning
that people were claiming that there was no proof Koresh sexually
abused underage girls, her stepmother told the Waco Tribune-Herald for
a story Friday.
"She said she had to find a way to get the truth out," said Heather
Richards Jewell, an anchorwoman at WNDU-TV in South Bend, Ind. "Nobody
forced Kiri to testify. She wanted to."
Her father, David Jewell, said testifying "brought her relief."
"To let go of an ugly secret is not painful," said Jewell, a
Michigan disc jockey. "For me to witness that as her father, to see
the strength and conviction that my 14-year-old daughter was able to
convey, that also was not a painful experience. It generated pure
Republicans thanked Kiri for her testimony, but criticized
Democrats for bringing her to Washington, suggesting that her story
wasn't relevant to the hearings, which focus on the government's siege
at the compound.
Kiri, a varsity cheerleader who will be vice president of her
sophomore class at a Niles, Mich., high school this fall, told
lawmakers how Koresh sexually assaulted her at a Waco motel when she
was 10 years old.
She recalled how afterward she walked to the shower, her panties
around her ankles, and washed herself for about an hour.
"I think Kiri did a great job of putting things into context,"
Jewell said.
Kiri Jewell's mother, Sherri Jewell, was among those killed inside
the Davidian's home when in burned down April 19, 1993, following a
51-day standoff with federal authorities.


Most have heard the sensationalistic testimony of one Keri
Jewell before Congress on the date of Wed. 19 July 1995 in
which she alledged molestation by David Koresh at Waco TX.

The Cult Awareness Network assisted her Father in 1990 in
having her removed from the custody of her Mother who was a
resident of the Branch Davidian Church at Waco TX. She is known
to have been examined by Child Safety workers after the removal
and no proof of molestation was found or allegations made.
The Cult Awareness Network also supplied "psychological profiles"
to the FBI HRT at Waco and appeared on many radio interviews and
television programs during the seige, such as the Donohue program.

Testimony in Congress also stated yesterday that "Rick Ross" was

a "convicted felon" and had a "pyschiatric" history but the role
of CAN in the Davidian affair since 1990 was never mentioned.

The questions have to be asked as to the role of Cynthia Kisser
et al of the Cult Awareness Network and thier complicity at Waco
and thier known record of working with the Keri Jewell since 1990,
when she was 10 yrs. old.

Questions of Perjury and coached testimony must be investigated as
the below article explains the methods and tactics of the C.A.N.

Cult Awareness Brainwashers,
Galen Kelly, Rick Ross exposed at last

Self-styled ``cult deprogrammer'' Galen Kelly,
who is actually a professional kidnapper and brainwasher,
was indicted on March 3, 1993 by a federal grand jury at
the U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Virginia on a
felony charge that he kidnapped Debra Dobkowski on May 5,
1992. The indictment comes just as Kelly and his cronies
in the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) had geared up a
propaganda campaign to present themselves as legitimate
consultants on so-called cults in the aftermath of the
Feb. 26 bombing of the New York World Trade Center (being
blamed on Islamic radicals) and the Feb. 28 shootout
between the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)
and the Branch Davidian religious group in Waco, Texas.
The kidnapping for which Kelly has been indicted is
described in the prologue to a new book to be released
this month by Executive Intelligence Review, entitled
{Travesty--A True Crime Story.}
Kelly is not just another thug; he is part of an
international apparatus of Israeli, American, and British
secret intelligence communities' ``wetworks'' capability.
Kelly is on the board of JINSA, the Jewish Institute for
National Security Affairs, a liaison group between Israeli
and American military establishments that is suspected of
having been at the center of the Jonathan Pollard spy
ring. Kelly is also the security henchman and a paid
operative of CAN.
Immediately after the Waco, Texas incident erupted,
Kelly and one of his CAN deprogramming sidekicks named
Rick Ross appeared on national media as experts to
``explain'' the events. According to various media reports
the central ``deprogramming'' adviser to the ATF and FBI
on the Branch Davidian sect is, in fact, the self-same
Rick Ross. Along with Kelly, Ross is a leading
deprogrammer for CAN. Ross is a convicted jewel thief. He
was arrested in November 1975 and pled guilty to the crime
of Conspiracy to Commit Grand Theft Second Degree-Open
End, according to a Phoenix Police Departmental Report.
Ross was under criminal investigation in Washington state
for a failed 1991 deprogramming attempt.
Ross was publicly described by CAN Executive Director
Cynthia Kisser as ``among the half-dozen best
deprogrammers in the country.'' Priscilla Coates, the
director of CAN in Los Angeles, said of Ross: ``Rick
has helped me with all kinds of questions. He has also
competently counseled many parents and cult members.''
Ross is a member of two national committees for the Union
of American Hebrew Congregations and an outspoken critic
of Christian fundamentalist groups. He is past chairman of
the Religious Advisory Committee to the Arizona Department
of Corrections and of the International Coalition for
Jewish Prisoner Services of the B'nai B'rith
International, Washington, D.C.
The victim of Kelly's latest kidnap indictment is
Debra Dobkowski, the roommate of the intended target, who
was on her way home from work late at night when she was
grabbed by two men and two women and forcibly taken to
Leesburg, Virginia, some 40 miles northwest of Washington.
On the way, she asked one of her abductors his name and he
replied, ``Galen Kelly,'' according to court papers. A
study of telephone records showed that the mother of
Dobkowski's roommate had placed calls to the Cult
Awareness Network in Chicago three months before the
Kelly is to be arraigned in U.S. Magistrates Court
in Alexandria on March 15. Assistant U.S. Attorney
Lawrence Leiser told the media that, if convicted, Kelly
faces a maximum sentence of up to life in prison. Kelly,
45, was acquitted Dec. 31 of plotting to kidnap Lewis du
Pont Smith.

- What is CAN? -
``We're not a criminal organization, we don't engage
in kidnappings,'' was the public comment of CAN's Cynthia
Kisser, upon hearing
of the arrests last September of Galen Kelly, Don Moore,
Newbold Smith, Bob Point, and Tony Russo for conspiracy to
kidnap LaRouche associate Lewis du Pont Smith. Oh, but the
lady doth protest too much.
The evidence that has emerged from what has been
called the ``Kidnappers, Inc.'' trial, only provides more
confirmation that the Cult Awareness Network is exactly
what Kisser says it is not.
Originally called the Citizens Freedom Foundation,
CAN was founded in 1974 by Henrietta Crampton and a small
group of advocates of ``deprogramming,'' a euphemism for
making someone change his or her beliefs by force, which is
otherwise called ``brainwashing.'' Crampton described Ted
Patrick as a prime force behind the formation of CFF.
Patrick, a pioneer of ``deprogramming'' who has been
convicted numerous times for violent crimes, wrote in his
book {Let Our Children Go!} that deprogramming involves
``kidnapping at the very least, quite often assault and
battery, almost invariably conspiracy to commit a crime
and illegal restraint.''
Since its founding, CFF changed its name to CAN,
obtained more prominent sponsors, and broadened its
affiliations; but it has always remained the same--a
clearinghouse and referral service for people who, for a
fee, will do whatever it takes to break a targeted
individual from his or her beliefs.
Bucknell University religion professor Larry Shin
told the {Philadelphia Inquirer} in 1992 that
deprogramming is ``the most destructive of the legacies of
the great American cult scare.... CAN is much closer to a
destructive cult than most of the groups they attack.''

David Jewell obtained joint custody of Kiri in 1992. At the custody
hearing, a Michigan judge ordered Sherri Jewell to keep Kiri away from

Wood Sprout

Mar 23, 2023, 5:22:19 AM3/23/23
This sounds like the writing of a cult apologist and a sex with children apologist.


Oct 25, 2023, 1:40:51 AM10/25/23
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