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(IVÁN): El LUGAR SANTÍSIMO: salpica sangre expiatoria del PADRE celestial sobre ti, bautizado ya te va enriqueciendo cada día, sin fallarte jamás:

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Iván Valarezo

Mar 13, 2022, 5:24:40 PM3/13/22
Sábado, 12 de Marzo, 2022 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

El LUGAR SANTÍSIMO: salpica sangre expiatoria del PADRE celestial sobre ti, bautizado ya te va enriqueciendo cada día, sin fallarte jamás:

Soberanamente, el corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial sufría por haber creado al hombre, por cuanto él hacia cosas en la tierra que solamente le agradaban a él, sin ver jamás por agradar a su prójimo, por ello violencia había entre ellos, que todo lo creado estaba siendo afectado por tinieblas, amenazando llenar la tierra y su humanidad enteramente con ella, para siempre. Estos males le estaban sucediendo a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de familias de las naciones, de aquellos días, por haber Adán y Eva comido del fruto prohibido, del árbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal, amenazando en empobrecer la tierra, cuando nuestro Padre celestial la había creado para enriquecerla con riquezas, glorias y poderes nunca antes vistos en la gloria angelical.

Ciertamente, el problema que nuestro Padre celestial había encontrado con el hombre, creado en su imagen y en su alma santísima, fue que su corazón inclinaba hacia el mal siempre, por razones de efectos del fruto prohibido, que Adán y Eva habían consumido, creciendo en sus corazones sin jamás detenerse para conocer verdad y justicia, llevándolos a amar la vida sobre la tierra entera finalmente. Efectivamente, nuestro Padre celestial esperaba encontrar a alguien que trabajase con Él, para empezar a cambiar el estado espiritual de cada corazón del hombre, haciendo que ellos piensen en Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, bendiciéndolos así, así como Él bendijo a Adán y Eva en el paraíso inicialmente, finalmente derramando su voluntad perfecta enteramente sobre la tierra con riquezas interminables, para siempre.

Lealmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su voluntad perfecta sobre la tierra entera, así como en la gloria angelical con sus ángeles, empero, esto fue imposible, porque cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña vivía con su corazón herido, así como el suyo, observando males floreciendo entre familias sin detenerse jamás por amor a la verdad y la justicia, prevaleciendo ellas, entonces enriquecen toda vida poderosamente siempre. Verdaderamente, el corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial estaba herido, y creciendo en dolor continuamente, no solamente porque el mal prevalecía entre familias de las naciones, pero seguía creciendo su dolor, por cuanto los corazones de sus hijos eran heridos cada día más y más que antes, hasta finalmente ellos mismos descender al infierno perdidos eternamente con pecados, cometidos en contra de Él.

Sin duda, el corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial empezó a dolerle aún más que antes no solamente porque el corazón de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña crecía en tinieblas, pero igualmente, su corazón seguía herido, como nunca antes, visto que, el corazón de la tierra se estaba llenando del dolor del corazón de cada uno de sus hijos, perdidos en el pecado eternamente. Realmente, el corazón de la tierra entera lloraba ver a hijos de nuestro Padre celestial de familias de las naciones, perdidos en la eternidad, que toda esperanza fallaba al verlos a ellos salir de él vivos nuevamente en la tierra, para gozar riquezas creadas en ella, creadas abundantemente para Él mismo gozarlas con su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu y con sus hijos, para siempre.

Ciertamente, la tierra entera anhela el nuevo reino del amor eterno y de riquezas inagotables de nuestro Padre celestial para sus hijos de las naciones, a que descienda ya sobre ella, pero por razones del pecado de Satanás derramado en el corazón de cada hijo suyo, entonces esto era imposible hasta aquel entonces, a no ser que todos regresen al Señor finalmente bautizados en agua. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial había creado cielos y tierra para vivir con sus hijos, en un nuevo reino de amor y de riquezas interminables para ser gozadas por Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo junto con cada familia de las naciones, conquistando así más riquezas, poderes y glorias nunca antes vistas por nadie en el reino angelical, hasta hoy.

Visto que, estos son riquezas, poderes y glorias, que jamás han sido tocadas por el pecado de Lucifer o ángeles caídos, que nuestro Padre celestial necesita gozarlas con su Hijo Jesucristo, con su Espíritu Santo y con sus hijos de familias de las naciones, sin embargo, Satanás astutamente buscaba poner sus manos inicuas sobre ellas, para enriquecer su reino de tinieblas algún día. Por lo tanto, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo que esconderlas, creadas en cielos y en tierra, para ser encontradas únicamente por sus hijos, estableciendo así su nuevo reino de amor eterno, enriqueciendo su corazón santísimo con su amor infalible hacia su Hijo Jesucristo, su Espíritu Santo, pero igualmente hacia sus hijos, en donde el pecado y artimañas de Satanás no existen jamás en la eternidad.

Sin embargo, para que esto suceda sobre cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de nuestro Padre celestial en familias de las naciones, entonces, Él necesitaba a alguien trabajando con Él, para Él mismo bendecirlos junto con la tierra entera y con grandes riquezas, pero Él jamás encontró a ninguno en cada generación, que Él se vio obligado a destruir la tierra entera con toda carne. Desdichadamente, nuestro Padre celestial fue obligado a destruir la tierra junto con la humanidad entera, sólo para encontrar a uno, tú, que Él necesitaba trabajando con Él, para Él no solamente lidiar con el pecado, pero igualmente, Él finalmente salvaría la humanidad entera, enriqueciéndola poderosamente con riquezas escondidas, que enriquecen su nuevo reino de amor sobre la tierra diariamente finalmente, hacia la eternidad venidera.

Tempranamente, este primer hombre fue Noé, que nuestro Padre celestial lo encontró justo ante Él, que seguidamente lo llamó a crear un arca, capaz de salvarlo a él junto con su familia y animales, todos escogidos, escaparon el diluvio que venía sobre la tierra, destruyendo toda vida, para encontrar aquel disponible, buscándote a ti, para trabajar con Él, bendiciendo toda vida siempre, en la humanidad entera. Este gran diluvio que venía sobre la tierra entera, destruyendo toda vida, animal y hombre igualmente, fue el bautismo de Noé, terminando con toda vida malvada en su corazón hacia Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, últimamente encontrando aquel que sería bautizado en el río Jordán de Canaán, salvándolos del infierno tormentoso para vivir nuevamente en la gloria celestial, eternamente enriquecidos.

Seguramente, nuestro Padre celestial bautizó la tierra entera con agua, destruyendo cada corazón malvado de la humanidad entera, ofendiéndolo a Él, entonces, con otro bautismo logrado en Canaán, por aquel Hijo escogido por Él, Jesucristo, salvándolos finalmente Él mismo del pecado, seguidamente, enriqueciéndolos milagrosamente con su misma vida eterna, entonces llenó sus corazones con amor, gozo, paz, prosperidad y alegrías interminable en la tierra entera, postreramente. Evidentemente, este fue el único camino posible, para nuestro Padre celestial llenar con su voluntad perfecta el corazón de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de las naciones, seguidamente, mejorándolos a todos con grandes riquezas nunca antes vistas por nadie, sanando así su corazón santísimo al sanar el corazón de sus hijos, enriquecidos y llenos de amor, paz y alegrías inagotables finalmente, para siempre.

Razonablemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba empezar un convenio de vida con Abraham y con el vientre estéril de Sarah, dándole vida a su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac, por poderes del Espíritu Santo, introduciendo su semilla santa en la humanidad entera, como su carne sin pecados y sangre expiatoria para bautizarse en agua, finalmente salvando las naciones de Satanás, pecados, muertes y del infierno perpetuamente. Realmente, este fue un bautismo importante, que únicamente su Hijo Jesucristo lo lograría, naciendo de la hija virgen de David con cada hermano y hermana suyo de Israel y de naciones antiguas y modernas en necesidad de acceder el Lugar Santísimo de la Sinagoga de Jerusalén con el telón roto sobre el piso, para vivir nuevamente con nuestro Padre celestial, por siempre enriquecidos infinitamente.

Este fue un bautismo, en que nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació en Canaán para vivir con nuestro Padre celestial antes de bautizarse en el río Jordán por Juan con sus hermanos y hermanas de Israel y de las naciones, porque ellos necesitaban a Satanás, pecados, la muerte y brujerías destruidas antes de acceder el Lugar Santísimo, para ver al Padre con salvación eterna finalmente siempre. Además, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de naciones antiguas y modernas perfecto y santo, así como Él en la gloria angelical, es decir, que ellos necesitaban nacer del vientre virgen finalmente para bautizarse del Jordán, destruyendo a Satanás, pecados y la muerte para entrar a vida eterna, ya eternamente enriquecidos en el Lugar Santísimo extraordinariamente.

Seriamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a sus hijos entrando perfectos y santos en su Lugar Santísimo con su Hijo Jesucristo como Isaac, que es su carne sagrada y sangre expiatoria, naciendo del vientre estéril de Sarah, pero ahora él necesitaba renacer de la hija virgen de David, por el Espíritu Santo, otorgándoles nacimientos vírgenes a hermanos y hermanas para ver vida nuevamente, eternamente justificados. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a hijos de Israel y de las naciones en el Lugar Santísimo con la sangre de Isaac salpicada sobre tierra santa, por ello, Isaac renacería del vientre virgen de la hija de David con sus hermanos y hermanas bañados con su sangre impecable, salpicándola sobre postes infernales, destruyendo a Satanás, pecados, la muerte: asegurándoles a todos finalmente salvación eterna siempre.

Ciertamente, esto fue muy importante para nuestro Padre celestial, teniendo a su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo con su Espíritu Santo como Isaac en Canaán, porque él no solamente necesitó nacer del vientre estéril de Sarah con los hijos de Israel y de las naciones ya yaciendo todos ellos en aguas amargas de Mara, pero igualmente, él necesitaba renacer en Canaán nuevamente con todos finalmente justificados. Nuevamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo, renaciendo del vientre virgen de la hija de David con hijos de Israel y de las naciones no solamente para vivir en Canaán con Él, pero también, ellos necesitaban bautizarse en el Jordán por Juan, destruyendo a Satanás, pecados, maldiciones, muertes y el infierno, entrando finalmente al Lugar Santísimo con salvación eterna para todos infinitamente.

Misericordiosamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo, clavado sobre la cruz del monte de Jerusalén a manos y pies de hijos Israelitas y de las naciones, entrando al Lugar Santísimo con la sangre expiatoria salpicada sobre ellos hasta el suelo santo, recibiéndolos Él perfectos y santos, finalmente logrando Él su perfecta voluntad en la tierra, así como en el cielo arriba siempre. Verdaderamente, esta cruz no es solamente su Hijo Jesucristo, naciendo como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah contigo, por poderes del Espíritu Santo, pero también nació con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, para que ella sea los doce patriarcas naciendo en Canaán, asegurando tierra santa como la fundación de Israel en la tierra, además, la cruz salió finalmente del cautiverio egipcio con poderes libertadores contigo.

Seriamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba la cruz, naciendo del cautiverio egipcio, recogiendo tus pecados junto los de tus amados, vecinos y amistades, por cuatro siglos, entendiendo que, después de recoger pecados de familias de las naciones antiguas y modernas enteramente, entonces, Moisés nació para recibir su santo nombre fuegos para cruzar el Mar Rojo con la cruz, bautizándose contigo, liberándote de todo pecado infinitamente. Amorosamente, fue la cruz, que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente necesitaba emergiendo del vientre estéril de Sarah como Isaac, por su Espíritu Santo, que eres tú junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, como familias de naciones antiguas y modernas, pero igualmente, Él necesitaba la cruz, saliendo del cautiverio egipcio, recogiendo tus pecados con los de todos, para el bautismo todopoderoso del Mar Rojo últimamente.

Esta es la verdad. Nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su cruz, como su semilla santa, naciendo no solamente del vientre estéril de Sarah, por el Espíritu Santo, contigo junto con todos de la tierra entera, pero igualmente, Él la necesitaba saliendo del cautiverio egipcio, recogiendo tus pecados que tú cometerás en contra de Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, para abandonarlos en el bautismo del Mar Rojo perpetuamente. Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial llamó al Mar Rojo: rojo, porque su sangre expiatoria es roja en su Hijo Jesucristo, pero igualmente en cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones, para Él lavar pecados con su misma vida siempre, vivida ya en la gloria angelical con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo, bendiciéndote finalmente a ti con salvación pertecta.

Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su santo nombre fuegos junto con sus mandamientos eternos glorificados en cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de familias de naciones antiguas y modernas, clavados a manos y pies de su Hijo Jesucristo, sangrando profusamente, finalmente rompiendo la cortina del Lugar Santísimo, entrando todos justificados, y su sangre santa sigue allí, como un continuo sacrificio eterno. Francamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Adán y a Eva junto con sus hijos, entrando en el Lugar Santísimo con su Hijo Jesucristo clavado a manos y pies, entendiendo que, Él necesitaba trabajar con ellos con su perfecta voluntad, que solamente existe en la tierra como en el cielo arriba, cuando su santo nombre junto con sus mandamientos es finalmente glorificado ante Él perpetuamente contigo.

Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial solamente puede ejecutar su perfecta voluntad en su Lugar Santísimo, así como lo logró inicialmente con Moisés, cuando él entraba en su presencia santísima, cada vez que era necesario hacerlo así, porque Él necesitaba dictarle a él junto con todo Israel, cuál era su voluntad perfecta en aquellos días, y así, Él bendecirlos poderosamente con riquezas interminables siempre. Correctamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba enriquecer a Israel en el desierto de Sinaí, porque cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de naciones antiguas y modernas, estaban muertas ya y pobres, sin jamás conocer su riqueza por muchas generaciones, seguidamente, Él enriquecía a Israel enteramente, su carne sagrada en ellos, finalmente enriqueciendo cada riqueza para regresar a vivir nuevamente en Canaán, postreramente justificados todos ellos infinitamente.

Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial tomó a Moisés junto con Israel antiguo y su santo nombre fuegos, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, para bautizarlos en el Mar Rojo, pero igualmente, otorgarles sus mandamientos escritos, como su vida santísima en necesidad de vivirla en el desierto de Sinaí, destruyendo finalmente serpientes venenosas de Satanás, obteniendo grandes riquezas en Canaán postreramente. Por lo tanto, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial no solamente trabajar con su perfecta voluntad en el Lugar Santísimo del tabernáculo de reunión con Moisés, y el sumo sacerdote una vez al año, pero igualmente con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones antiguas y modernas, expiando, juzgando y cubriendo cada pecado con sangre expiatoria de corderos siempre.

Esto era algo, que nuestro Padre celestial siempre hizo con sus hijos, empezando con Abraham, y es que Él siempre se encontró con ellos en el Lugar Santísimo, porque cuando Isaac vivió en Canaán, entonces, Abraham ascendió a la cruz del monte Sion, descansando sobre el monte Moria, declarándolo: perfecto y santo con su único hijo Isaac, parado ante él en perfecta santidad eterna. Además, esto fue lo que nuestro Padre celestial hizo con los profetas en Israel hasta nacer el Mesías de la hija virgen de David con sus hermanos y hermanas, rescatados por él mismo en el desierto de Sinaí con Moisés y con Israel antiguo, integrándose todos ellos en Isaac, accedieron el Lugar Santísimo de la Sinagoga de Jerusalén con perfecta salvación, conociendo amor abundantemente siempre.

Considerando que, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a cada hijo suyo de Israel junto con naciones antiguas y modernas, entrando en el Lugar Santísimo de la Sinagoga de Jerusalén perfectos y santos infinitamente, y Él trabajar con ellos, así como Él había trabajado con Moisés en el desierto, y con su Hijo Jesucristo con su presencia asombrosa ejecutando su voluntad perfecta en todo Canaán cada día. Efectivamente, nuestro Padre celestial trabajó con su Hijo Jesucristo en Israel, y siempre desde su Lugar Santísimo, llevando sus palabras vivas en necesidad de ser cumplidas en el corazón, mente, vida, fuerzas y alma de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel y de las naciones, conociendo que, Él necesitaba manifestar su amor infalible desde Canaán hacia la eternidad, enriqueciendo a sus hijos siempre postreramente.

Aquí es cuando: Nuestro Padre celestial no solamente logró introducirte a ti en su Lugar Santísimo, clavado a manos y pies de su Hijo Jesucristo, bañado con su sangre expiatoria te recibió a ti junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades en perfecta santidad eterna, pero igualmente, Él finalmente cumplió su voluntad perfecta contigo, enriqueciéndote diariamente con su amor asombroso siempre hacia la eternidad venidera. Esto significa, que nuestro Padre celestial perfectamente ejecuta su voluntad perfecta contigo, así como con Moisés por el desierto de Sinaí junto los profetas en Canaán, hasta que el Mesías vino de la hija virgen de David con sus hermanos y hermanas para destruir a Satanás, pecados, familias brujas y el infierno, cumpliendo finalmente su voluntad perfecta contigo en su Lugar Santísimo, para siempre.

Incuestionablemente, nuestro Padre celestial trabajara contigo siempre en el Lugar Santísimo, así como inicialmente con Abraham, Moisés, los profetas, los jueces y el Mesías con sus apóstoles en Israel, y así, Él lograr su voluntad perfecta en tu país, enriqueciéndote grandemente, enriqueciendo a todos en tu derredor, por amor a su reino venidero de amor y de riquezas interminables sobre la tierra entera postreramente. Además, nuestro Padre celestial te enriquecerá para enriquecer su reino venidero de amor eterno, bendiciendo a cada familia de las naciones, ya que, Él le dijo a Abraham: en Isaac, su semilla santa, que es su carne sin pecados, todas las familias serian enriquecidas no solamente las que tenemos en la tierra, pero igualmente de generaciones venideras, incluyendo las que vivirán nuevamente últimamente.

En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial ejecutara su voluntad perfecta cada día, está establecida ya contigo en el Lugar Santísimo para siempre, en la medida en que, Él ya te ha recibido a ti perfecto y santo, equipado para lograr su voluntad perfecta no solamente con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, pero igualmente con familias de la tierra entera, incluyendo las que volverán a vivir nuevamente. Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial necesita trabajar contigo desde su Lugar Santísimo cada día en la tierra entera, enriqueciéndote a ti enormemente para enriquecer a otros igualmente de familias de las naciones, dado que, enriqueciéndote a ti desde su Lugar Santísimo junto con riquezas de Canaán y del cielo arriba, entonces, Él estará enriqueciendo la tierra para su reino venidero de su amor eterno.

Por lo tanto, nuestro Padre celestial trabajará contigo hoy, ejecutando su voluntad perfecta ya establecida en el Lugar Santísimo de la Sinagoga de Jerusalén, en Israel, pero igualmente, estará en tu país contigo, en tu templo (iglesia, mezquita), enriqueciéndote a ti su sangre expiatoria, que ha destruido a Satanás, pecados, muertes, brujerías y el infierno ya, y tú goces de tu vida enriquecida, empezando hoy. Ahora, nuestro Padre celestial trabaja contigo junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades, porque Él ya ha establecido su perfecta voluntad en el Lugar Santísimo para su reino venidero de amor, llenando a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña con sus glorias infinitas: amando, sirviendo y exaltando su santo nombre con sus mandamientos eternos, bendiciéndote con poderes interminables hasta que tú seas enriquecido enormemente.

En otras palabras, el reino de amor de nuestro Padre celestial para sus hijos, está ya en la tierra con nosotros, cuando su Hijo Jesucristo entró al Lugar Santísimo perfecto y santo contigo, amados, vecinos y amistades, porque tú habías destruido a Satanás, pecados, muertes, familias brujas y el infierno, y así, Él ejecutar su voluntad perfecta contigo siempre, enriqueciendo su reino hasta que llegue. Por lo tanto, nuestro Padre celestial te necesita a ti bautizado, invocando su santo nombre fuegos, abandonando la carne pecadora con el espíritu de error por la carne sagrada y el Espíritu Santo, en donde Él obra con su perfecta voluntad desde el Lugar Santísimo progresivamente, observándote a ti como Isaac siempre, enriquecido enormemente, aunque tú seas musulmán, budista, taoísta, hebreo, cristiano u otros.

Seriamente, nuestro Padre celestial trabaja contigo como Isaac en su Lugar Santísimo, porque bautizado en agua, invocando su santo nombre fuegos, entonces, tú abandonaras la carne pecadora, en donde Satanás con brujerías vive engañándote, recibiendo la carne de Isaac, en donde nuestro Padre celestial ha logrado ya su voluntad perfecta contigo, enriqueciéndote grandemente, para enriquecer su reino de amor sobre la tierra entera finalmente. Y es realmente contigo enriquecido en el Lugar Santísimo con nuestro Padre celestial, que la tierra entera será enriquecida, porque tú eres con Él como Isaac siempre, porque el Padre conoce al Hijo e inversamente, por ende, Él obra contigo, como Él siempre ha obrado con su Hijo y con su Espíritu Santo, enriqueciendo el cielo, pero ahora, su reino de amor es enriquecido contigo.

Ciertamente, el reino de amor eterno de nuestro Padre celestial ya está con nosotros, emergiendo del Lugar Santísimo contigo enriquecido grandemente por Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo, bautizándote en agua, invocando su santo nombre, abandonaras la carne pecadora en donde Satanás te engaña progresivamente, para recibir la carne sagrada en donde Él logra su voluntad perfecta contigo en la tierra entera permanentemente. De otro modo, si tú continuamente fallas al bautizarte en agua, invocándolo a Él, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, entonces, tú jamás conocerás que tú ya has sido enriquecido con su perfecta voluntad del cielo arriba, enriqueciéndote a ti cada día para siempre, cuando Satanás desea verte empobrecido hasta que últimamente mueras, perdido en la tierra.

Seriamente, Satanás te necesita empobrecido, mientras estés en su carne pecadora y en su espíritu de error, entonces, él te engañara siempre sin misericordia alguna, sin embargo, bautizándote en la bañera hogareña, invocándolo a Él, como Dios Padre, Dios Hijo y Dios Espíritu Santo, entonces, tú eres la carne de Isaac, en donde tú ya has sido enriquecido enormemente, para enriquecer la tierra entera siempre. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial enriquecerá la tierra entera contigo, empezando en tu país, entendiendo que, tú eres con Él como Isaac en el Lugar Santísimo, eternamente victorioso sobre Satanás, pecados, muertes, enemigos, brujerías del infierno, por ende, tú siempre enriquecerás la tierra para su reino venidero de amor eterno, vistiéndote a ti continuamente con océanos de amor, gozo, alegrías junto con tus amados últimamente.

Esta es la vida gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial, en la que tú naciste para vivirla en la tierra y en la gloria celestial igualmente, cuando tú llegues allá—ciertamente, tú estarás allá arriba en días venideros—contigo fiel a su altar de Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo, orando en él, en donde Él trabajó con Abraham junto contigo, enriqueciéndote con enormes riquezas hoy en día. Ahora, nuestro Padre celestial te necesita a ti fiel a su altar en el Lugar Santísimo, porque es aquí, desde donde Él siempre ha logrado su voluntad perfecta con su Hijo Jesucristo, con su Espíritu Santo junto contigo, amados, vecinos y amistades, destruyendo obras de Satanás junto con la muerte, estableciendo así su reino de amor sobre la tierra finalmente contigo, eternamente enriquecido para siempre.

En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial trabaja contigo en el Lugar Santísimo no solamente porque Él ha destruido a Satanás junto con la muerte y obras malvadas sobre la tierra entea, pero igualmente, Él hace su voluntad perfecta desde estos lugares santos, entendiendo que, Él siempre ha reinado sobre el reino angelical desde allí, finalmente para reinar sobre toda la tierra contigo enriquecido enormemente últimamente. Ahora, nuestro Padre celestial reina sobre la gloria celestial y la tierra junto con lugares celestiales, como el paraíso, el corazón de la tierra y La Nueva Jerusalén celestial, ciudad de mansiones, palacios y edificios pavimentados con calles de oro, llevándonos hacia jardines, parques, el río de vida y muchos lugares angelicales: finalmente, descenderá Él a Canaán con sus amados, como contigo, ya enormemente enriquecido.

Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial te ha recibido a ti junto con amados, vecinos y amistades en el Lugar Santísimo, clavado a manos y pies de su Hijo Jesucristo, declarándote siempre justo, porque con su sangre expiatoria, salpicada sobre cosas santísimas, entonces, Él mismo continuamente te lava a ti diariamente hasta que su reino de amor finalmente aparezca sobre la tierra, brillando con riquezas asombrosas. Consecuentemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su sangre expiatoria, que es su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo como Isaac del vientre estéril de Sarah, sacándote del desierto de Sinaí con salvación eterna, por el bautismo del Mar Rojo, pero igualmente, renació contigo de la hija virgen de David, viviendo su vida de riquezas inagotables bautizado del Jordán, enriqueciendo así su reino de amor eterno sobre la tierra infinitamente.

Como resultado, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial, salpicar la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo y llena de su preciosa vida eterna, que enriquece la gloria angelical con el Lugar Santísimo, pero igualmente la Creación entera, tocando la tierra con asombrosos poderes, enriqueciéndote a ti junto con amados, vecinos y amistades presentemente, al tú bautizarte en agua, invocando su santo nombre fuegos. Definitivamente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial tener su Sinagoga de Jerusalén con su Lugar Santísimo, salpicada con la sangre expiatoria de su Hijo Jesucristo, así como su preciosa y gloriosa vida enriqueciendo la gloria celestial continuamente, pero igualmente la tierra para su reino de amor eterno y de riquezas interminables, establecida ya en Canaán, para sus hijos vivir, así como Él vive siempre gloriosamente enriquecido.

Por lo tanto, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba su continuo sacrificio, establecido siempre en el Lugar Santísimo de la Sinagoga de Jerusalén, salpicada con su sangre expiatoria de vida, quitando pecados, tinieblas y maldades para que su voluntad perfecta sea contigo, amados, vecinos y amistades, enriqueciendo la tierra entera, enriqueciéndola aún más que el cielo arriba, y ángeles desciendan a vivir con nosotros finalmente eternamente enriquecidos. Ahora, el reino angelical descenderá con nuestro Padre celestial, porque ellos necesitan manifestarle amor a Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo en Canaán, comprendiendo que, es únicamente en tierra santa, que Él te conocerá allí: amándolo a Él una eternidad entera, así como Él siempre te amo a ti con su roca de salvación, porque será parte de ti perpetuamente ya bautizado en agua.

Categóricamente, bautizado ya, entonces, tú renacerás en Canaán, tierra santa, en donde el pecado no existió jamás, además, tú renacerás de su carne sagrada y de su sangre expiatoria de vida eterna, en donde no hay pecado tampoco, entonces, finalmente Él te ve a ti: amándolo a Él, así como Él es amado siempre por su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo en la eternidad. Ciertamente, Satanás no quiso ver jamás la sangre expiatoria de nuestro Padre celestial, que es Isaac, como su Hijo Jesucristo, finalmente salpicándola sobre Israel y sobre naciones antiguas y modernas en el Lugar Santísimo de la Sinagoga de Jerusalén, en Canaán, para Él siempre tenerla lavando a sus hijos en las familias, preparándolos a todos para su reino venidero de amor sobre la humanidad entera finalmente.

Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial te necesita bautizado, porque bautizándote tú ya en agua, entonces, tú estarás parado con Él en su Lugar Santísimo, en donde el pecado no existió jamás, vistiéndote a ti con riquezas cotidianas, que no solamente te enriquecerán a ti, pero igualmente, a tus amados, vecinos y amistades, porque Él seriamente necesita enriquecer la tierra entera contigo para su reino venidero de amor. Además, nuestro Padre celestial estará haciendo su voluntad perfecta contigo permanentemente, porque su sangre expiatoria estará salpicada sobre sus cosas santísimas contigo, tus amados, vecinos y amistades, lavándote diariamente de problemas, espíritus inmundos, errores, brujerías (dado que Satanás usa brujerías para atacarte a ti siempre), y así, tú crezcas en sus riquezas cotidianas progresivamente, emergiendo del Lugar Santísimo hacia ti en tu país cada día.

Realmente, será siempre la sangre expiatoria de nuestro Padre celestial, salpicada toda ella sobre sus cosas santísimas contigo y los demás alrededor de ti, limpiando todo lo que te pertenece, amados, vecinos y amistades, que las brujerías cotidianas que Satanás usa sobre ti fallen siempre, porque su sangre expiatoria es todopoderosa actualmente, así como inicialmente salpicada por Él sobre ti en su Lugar Santísimo. Comprobadamente, Satanás no quería ver la sangre expiatoria de nuestro Padre celestial salpicada sobre ti, amados, vecinos y amistades, porque él nunca logró detener a nuestro Señor Jesucristo, salpicándola dentro del Lugar Santísimo y, desde entonces acá, él bloquea siempre con familias brujas la celebración del Sábado por familias Israelitas y Judías, y así, jamás ninguno sea limpiado de tinieblas en la tierra entera.

Verdaderamente, fue importante siempre para Satanás engañar a familias hebreas, declarando judaísmo, cuando no es posible jamás, porque Satanás necesita familias brujas no solamente bloqueando la sangre expiatoria de nuestro Padre celestial de obrar efectivamente, al limpiar a cada uno continuamente de tinieblas en las naciones, pero igual, él necesita familias hebreas en otro holocausto nuevamente, deteniendo así celebraciones del Sábado en la tierra entera. Satanás entiende finalmente, que él no logra destruir a Israel jamás, porque cada holocausto traído a familias hebreas y otras, entonces, ellos siempre regresan nuevamente más fuertes que antes por el Juramento a Isaac, con el cual ellos siempre nacen es todopoderoso, porque está establecido en ellos con grandes poderes desconocidos hasta hoy, entonces, ellos siempre serán una nación nuevamente con grandes riquezas, como siempre.

Últimamente, Satanás ve, que es imposible destruir a Israel, porque la celebración del Sábado es todopoderosa, quitando pecados, que familias brujas estén enviando sobre familias y sus hogares, porque Satanás siempre obra, creando su reino de tinieblas, destruyendo hogares y familias en la tierra, sin embargo, con celebraciones sabatinas cada vida es renovada en la humanidad entera, no importando religión alguna hasta hoy, y siempre. Entonces, visto que Satanás no extermina a Israel jamás con holocaustos en generaciones pasadas, porque él necesita parar la sangre expiatoria de nuestro Padre celestial de limpiar continuamente cada familia de las naciones enteramente, pero fallando siempre hasta hoy, entonces él busca conocer, en donde encontrarla con su Lugar Santísimo, salpicada con la sangre del Mesías sobre la cruz, para él destruirla, contaminándola, finalmente.

Presentemente, Satanás tiene familias brujas en Canaán, cerca de familias israelitas y judías, buscando, en donde la Sinagoga de Jerusalén con su Lugar Santísimo, salpicada con la sangre expiatoria del Mesías, limpiando diariamente las naciones, se encuentra, para detenerla, sacrificando su propio sacrificio de hombre brujo o mujer bruja (o ambos), finalmente derramando sangre bruja para su reino de tinieblas sobre la tierra, para siempre. Ciertamente, vemos que, Satanás ha tratado incansablemente de destruir a Israel con holocaustos para detener toda celebración Sabática, finalmente construyendo su reino de tinieblas en ciudades de las naciones, porque la sangre expiatoria de nuestro Padre celestial sobre el Lugar Santísimo es todopoderosa para él, entonces, él podrá cubrirlo, inmolando brujos fieles de hombres y de mujeres en el Lugar Santísimo, contaminándolo todo finalmente, para siempre.

Hoy, Satanás sabe que la Sinagoga de Jerusalén con su Lugar Santísimo, salpicada con la sangre expiatoria del Mesías, encontrada, entonces, tomarla con naciones hechiceras, caminando sobre cuerpos hebreos caídos, sacrificando corderos de hombres o mujeres, derramando sangre bruja sobre la sangre expiatoria que ha quitado el pecado del mundo, por amor al reino de nuestro Padre celestial, finalmente establecerlo en las naciones, eternamente enriquecido. Indiscutiblemente, Israel bautizado, entonces nuestro Padre celestial lo ayudara siempre, porque ellos están ya como Isaac en el Lugar Santísimo con Él, obrando con ellos continuamente, apoyándolos a ellos en días peligrosos siempre, como cuando finalmente Satanás sacrifique familias brujas, derramando sangre bruja sobre la sangre expiatoria del Mesías que limpia continuamente a toda familia, para el reino venidero de amor sobre la tierra entera finalmente.

Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial jamás le ha permitido a nadie conocer, en donde su Sinagoga de Jerusalén con el Lugar Santísimo salpicada está con la sangre expiatoria del Mesías, que ha quitado el pecado para siempre, pero igualmente, continúa limpiando familias de las naciones, para su reino venidero de amor eterno sobre la tierra entera; seriamente, está perfectamente escondida hasta hoy de Israel entero. Sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial ya pronto le dejara saber a Israel, en donde está su Sinagoga de Jerusalén con su Lugar Santísimo, escondida con la sangre expiatoria, obrando incesantemente hasta ahora, limpiando a sus hijos de pecados, pero igualmente, enriqueciéndolos a ellos con grandes riquezas, como siempre, para Él finalmente descender con su reino angelical a vivir amado por todas las naciones, para siempre.

Definitivamente, cuando nuestro Padre celestial le diga a Israel, en donde la Sinagoga de Jerusalén ha estado escondida con el Lugar Santísimo, salpicada con la sangre expiatoria del Mesías que continua limpiando a sus hijos de las familias de las naciones, para su reino venidero de amor eterno sobre la tierra, entonces, será porque familias brujas habrán regresado a sus países en África, para siempre. Este es el día, cuando nuestro Padre celestial será honrado por Israel finalmente, al estar todos ellos no solamente bautizados en agua delante de Él como Isaac en el Lugar Santísimo, en donde Él ha derrotado a Satanás, pecados, muertes, familias brujas y el infierno infinitamente, pero igualmente, Canaán estará liberado triunfantemente para fluir leche y miel, endulzando a todas las naciones enteramente, para siempre.

Pronto, la tierra entera será endulzada con leche y miel, emanando de Canaán hacia familias de las naciones, porque tinieblas de familias brujas no estarán más bloqueando esta bendición poderosa, dándole la bienvenida a nuestro Padre celestial con su reino angelical a descender con Israel antiguo a demostrarle amor eterno hacia Él, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo en Canaán finalmente para siempre. Sin embargo, Satanás busca aun para encontrar, en donde la Sinagoga de Jerusalén con su Lugar Santísimo estará escondida, para derramar sangre bruja de familias hechiceras sobre la sangre expiatoria de nuestro Padre celestial, que cada día va enriqueciendo familias de las naciones, enriqueciendo así su reino venidero de amor eterno, que Satanás aun desea detener, creando más tinieblas para ensuciar la tierra entera permanentemente.

Desafortunadamente, Satanás aún puede encontrar el lugar, en donde la Sinagoga de Jerusalén estará escondida con su Lugar Santísimo, salpicada con la sangre expiatoria del Mesías, en Canaán, para cubrirlo todo con sangre de brujos, pues, entrando en los sueños de la gente con sus espíritus inmundos, que hayan descubierto donde encontrarla, porque una vez hallada, entonces, él la atacará poderosamente e inmediatamente. Tempranamente, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les aseguraba a judíos, que ellos jamás llegarían a la eternidad, porque si Satanás encuentra la Sinagoga de Jerusalén con su Lugar Santísimo, salpicada con su sangre expiatoria, destruyéndolo a él (Satanás), pecados, muertes, brujerías y el infierno para conquistar la tierra para su reino venidero de amor eterno, entonces, él la atacara con sangre bruja abundantemente, ensuciando la humanidad entera permanentemente.

Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial solamente le ha permitido a Israel: todo Canaán hasta hoy, pero sin la Sinagoga de Jerusalén llena de su sangre expiatoria, salpicando diariamente su misma vida victoriosa sobre ti, amados, vecinos y amistades en el Lugar Santísimo, y así, tú siempre seas Isaac con Él, ejecutando su voluntad perfecta progresivamente contigo hasta enriquecerte a ti con riquezas interminables, para siempre. Presentemente, nuestro Padre celestial está feliz contigo como Isaac en el Lugar Santísimo, porque su sangre expiatoria salpica diariamente victorias sobre ti, tus amados, vecinos y amistades, porque su corazón santísimo vive felizmente lavándote a ti progresivamente, haciéndote que tú seas más perfecto y santo para su reino venidero de amor eterno sobre la tierra, viviendo contigo finalmente amado por ti toda una vida entera. ¡Amén!

The FATHER’s HOLY PLACE with His atoning-blood springles over you baptized in water, enriching you daily always:

Sovereignly, our heavenly Father’s holy heart was hurting to have created man, because he was doing things upon earth that pleased him, but failing always to look for things that pleased his fellowmen, therefore, violence began to manifest in the midst of them that everything that had been created was affected by darkness, threating to fill the humankind and the earth with it perpetually. These evils were happening with every man, woman and child from families of the nations of those days, because Adam and Eve had eaten from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of life of good and evil that threatened to impoverish the earth, when our heavenly Father had created it to enrich it with richness, glories and powers unseen before in heaven’s glory.

Surely, the problem that our heavenly Father had met with men created in His image and from His living-soul was that their hearts were inclining towards evil always, because of the forbidden fruit’s effects that Adam and Eve had eaten that was growing within their hearts without ever stopping finally to know truth and justice that leads to love life upon earth finally. Indeed, our heavenly Father was hoping to find someone willing to work with Him thus to start changing the spiritual state of every heart of men, so they may think of Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus blessing them as He had blessed Adam and Eve in paradise initially finally to pour His perfect will entirely upon earth with lasting-richness always.

Confidently, our heavenly Father needed to have His perfect will upon earth as in heaven’s glory with the angelical hosts, however, this was impossible because the heart of every man, woman and child was hurting just as His hurt to see evil thriving in the midst of the families without ever stopping for truth and justice to prevail that enriches life powerfully always. In truth, our heavenly Father’s holy heart was continually increasing in pain not only because of the evil that was prevailing throughout the families of the nations, but it was increasing in pain, given that, the hearts of His children were hurting each day much more than ever before until they finally felled into hell’s torment forever lost in their sins committed against Him.

Without doubt, our heavenly Father’s holy heart began to hurt even further than ever before not only because the heart of every man, woman and child had increased in darkness, but also, His heart was hurting as never before, given that the heart of the earth had begun to be filled with the pains of every loved-one’s heart lost in sin forever into eternity. Really, the heart of the earth was crying to see our heavenly Father’s children from every family of the nations lost into eternal perdition that all hope failed for them ever to emerge from it to live again upon earth thus to enjoy richness created with it to be enjoyed by Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the children into eternity.

Indeed, the entire earth longs to see our heavenly Father’s new kingdom of love and endless-richness for His children from all the families of the nations to descend upon it finally, but because of the presence of sin that Satan has poured into everyone’s heart then this is impossible to happen until now unless people return to the Lord finally baptized in water. Understanding that, our heavenly Father had created heaven and earth to live with His children in a new kingdom of love filled with endless richness to be enjoyed by Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with every family from the nations thus to conquer more richness, powers and glories unseen before by anyone in heaven’s glory until now.

For this is richness, powers and glories that had never been touched by Lucifer’s sin or by the fallen angels that our heavenly Father needed to enjoy with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and His children from all the families of the nations, however, Satan shrewdly was looking forward to put his wicked hands upon them to enrich his kingdom of darkness. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to hide this richness created in heaven and upon earth to be found only by His children thus establishing a new kingdom of love enriching His holy heart’s unfailing love towards His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit but also towards every man, woman and child, where sin and Satan’s wilds will fail to exist again always through eternity.

However, for this to be possible for our heavenly Father upon every man, woman and child from the families of the nations then He had to have someone willing to work with Him, so He may bless them along with the earth with His great richness, but He found none through the generations that He had to destroy the earth entirely with all-flesh. Sadly, our heavenly Father was obligated to destroy the earth along with humankind entirely just to find that one that He needed willing to work with Him, so He may finally not only deal with sin, but also, He will lastly save humankind thus to enrich them powerfully with His hidden richness that enriches His new coming kingdom of love upon earth lastly forever.

Timely, this man was Noah that our heavenly Father found righteous before Him that He called him to create an ark capable to save him along with his family and the animals chosen to escape the great flow soon coming upon earth thus to destroy all-flesh finally to find that one willing to work with Him to bless every life always upon earth forever. This great flood coming upon earth destroying all-flesh, animal and human alike, was Noah’s baptism of water ending all-life that was evil in their hearts towards Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, lastly to find that one that will become baptized in Canaan’s Jordan River to save them from hell’s torment to see life again in heaven’s glory forever enriched.

Surely, our heavenly Father had baptized the entire earth with water destroying every evil the heart from mankind had offended Him then with another water baptism conveyed in Canaan by His chosen man finally He may save them from sin thus enriching them miraculously with His own life, filling them with love, joy, peace, prosperity and endless-happiness in their heart throughout the earth lastly. Evidently, this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father was to fulfill His perfect will within the heart of every man, woman and child from families of the nations consequently to enhance them with great richness never seen before by anyone thus healing His holy heart by having His children’s heart healed, enriched and filled with love, peace and endless-happiness forever finally.

Therefore, our heavenly Father had to have an important covenant of life with Abraham and his wife Sarah’s barren-womb thus giving birth to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac by the Holy Spirit’s powers, introducing into humankind His holy-seed as His sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood to become baptized in water finally for the nations’ lasting-salvation from Satan, sin, death and hell forever. Really, this was an important baptism that could only be conducted by His Son Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter with every one of his brothers and sisters from Israel and ancient and modern nations in need to access the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with the curtain torn to the ground to live again with our heavenly Father forever enriched finally.

This was a baptism of water that our Lord Jesus Christ was born in Canaan to live with our heavenly Father before to become baptized at the Jordan River by John with his brothers and sisters from Israel and the nations, because they needed Satan, sin, death and witchcraft destroyed before entering the Holy of Holiest to see the Father with lasting-salvation finally forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from Israel with ancient and modern nations perfect and holy as He is forever in heaven’s glory, and this meant that they had to be born from a virgin womb finally to be baptized at the Jordan to destroy Satan, sin and death to enter eternal life forever enriched in the Holy of Holiest.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed His children entering perfect and holy in the Holy of Holiest with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac that is the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood born from Sarah’s barren-womb, however, now he was reborn from David’s virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit’s powers, granting perfect virgin birth to his brothers and sisters to see life eternal finally forever justified. For our heavenly Father needed His children from Israel and the nations entering the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest perfect and holy with Isaac’s atoning-blood spilling over holy grounds, therefore, he needed to be reborn from David’s virgin daughter with his brothers and sisters with the atoning-blood unblemished spilled over hell’s gates, destroying Satan, sin and death finally for everyone’s lasting-salvation forever secured.

Indeed, this was important for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ born with His Holy Spirit as Isaac in Canaan, because he was not only to be born from Sarah’s barren-womb by His Spirit with His children from Israel and the nations already lying next to bitter waters of Marah, but also, reborn in Canaan to live again finally forever justified. Again, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ reborn from David’s virgin daughter with His children from Israel and the nations not only to live in Canaan with Him, but also, they needed to become baptized at the Jordan by John to destroy Satan, sin, curses, death and hell finally accessing the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with everyone’s perfect lasting-salvation forever.

Graciously, our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Jerusalem’s holy cross to His children’s hands and feet from Israel and the nations entering the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with His atoning-blood spilled over them and upon holy grounds, thus receiving them perfect and holy as He is forever with His perfect will done upon earth as in heaven finally forever. Truthfully, this cross is not only His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit with you but also with your loved ones, neighbors and friends so the cross may become the twelve patriarchs of Israel born in Canaan to secure the holy ground as the foundation of Israel forever, moreover, the cross emerged in Egypt’s captivity with lasting-powers.

Seriously, our heavenly Father needed the cross born in Egypt’s captivity collecting your sins along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends for four hundred years, understanding that, after sins from the families of ancient and modern nations had been collected entirely then Moses was born to receive His holy name fires for the cross to go through the Red Sea baptism for you. Lovingly, it was the cross that our heavenly Father not only needed emerging from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit as Isaac that is you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends, as families of ancient and modern nations, but also, He needed the cross born in Egypt’s captivity collecting your sins along with everyone else for the all-powerful Red Sea water baptism finally.

That is the truth. Our heavenly Father needed to have His cross, as His holy-seed born not only from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit with you along with everyone else upon earth, but also, He needed it born in Egypt’s captivity collecting your sins that you will commit against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to abandon them at the Red Sea baptism forever. Understanding that, our heavenly Father called the Red Sea: red, because His atoning-blood is red in His Son Jesus Christ but also in every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, so He may wash sins with His own life always lived in heaven’s glory with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus blessing you with lasting-salvation throughout the earth.

For our heavenly Father needed His holy name fires along with His holy commandments glorified with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of ancient and modern nations nailed to His Son Jesus Christ’s hands and feet bleeding profusely, finally tearing the Holy of Holiest curtain for everyone entering forever justified, thus, the atoning-blood remains there as a continuous sacrifice forever. Frankly, our heavenly Father needed Adam and Eve along with the children entering the Holy of Holiest with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to his hands and feet, because He needed to start working with them with His perfect will that can only be upon earth as in heaven, as His holy name fires along with the commandments are finally glorified forever before Him.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father will only perform His perfect will within the Holy of Holiest, as He did initially with Moses, as he entered into His holy presence, whenever it was necessary, because He had to dictate to him along with the people of Israel what His will to be done through those days, thus He may bless them powerfully with lasting richness. Downright, our heavenly Father needed to enrich Israel through the Sinai’s desert because every man, woman and child from the families of ancient and modern nations were already dead and poor failing always to know richness through many generations, thus He needed to enrich Israel, His sacred-flesh in them finally to enrich every richness to return to life again in Canaan lastly justified everlastingly.

Truthfully, our heavenly Father had taken Moses along with ancient Israel with His holy name fires, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to become baptized at the Red Sea but also to receive His written commandments, as His holy life in need to be lived through the Sinai’s desert thus destroying Satan’s serpent to attain richness in Canaan finally. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father not only to work with His perfect will within the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest with Moses and the Levitical high priest once a year but also with every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of ancient and modern nations thus to expiate, judge and cover sin with lambs' atoning-blood.

This is something that our heavenly Father has always done with His children, starting with Abraham, and this is that He always met them within the Holy of Holiest, because as Isaac lived in Canaan, then Abraham ascended to Jerusalem’s holy cross, resting at Mount Moriah, to be declared perfect and holy with his only son Isaac standing with him in perfect holiness forever. Moreover, this is what our heavenly Father did with the prophets through Israel until the Messiah was born from David’s virgin daughter with his brothers and sisters that he had personally rescued from the Sinai’s desert with Moses and ancient Israel, as they became one with Isaac, entering the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with perfect salvation to know love abundantly through eternity.

Considering that, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from Israel along families of ancient and modern nations entering the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest perfect and holy forever, so He may work with them as He had with Moses through the desert and His Son Jesus Christ through Israel with His amazing presence to execute His perfect will upon earth always. Truthfully, our heavenly Father worked with His Son Jesus Christ through Israel from the Holy of Holiest to take His living-words in need to be fulfilled within the heart, mind, life, strength and soul from every man, woman and child from Israel and families of the nations, given that, He needed to manifest His amazing unfailing-love from Canaan towards everlasting, enriching His children always.

This is when, our heavenly Father not only managed to get you into the Holy of Holiest nailed to His Son Jesus Christ’s hands and feet shedding his atoning-blood to receive you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends with perfect holiness forever, but also, He finally fulfilled His perfect will with you thus enriching you daily with His amazing love always into everlasting. Meaning that, our heavenly Father can perfectly execute His perfect will with you as He did with Moses through the Sinai’s desert along with the prophets within Canaan until the Messiah came from David’s virgin daughter with his brothers and sisters to destroy Satan, sin, witchcraft families and hell’s torment to fulfill His perfect will with you within the Holy of Holiest finally forever.

Unquestionably, our heavenly Father is ready to work with you within the Holy of Holiest as He did initially with Abraham, Moses, the prophets, the judges and the Messiah with the apostles throughout Israel, so He may perform His perfect will within your homeland, enriching you greatly to enrich everyone around you for His coming kingdom of love and endless-richness upon earth finally. Moreover, our heavenly Father will enrich you to enrich His coming kingdom of love blessing every family from the nations, because our heavenly Father told Abraham that in Isaac, His holy-seed that is His flesh without sin families will be enriched not only the ones that we may see throughout the earth, but also the ones in generations ahead, including the ones living again.

In other words, our heavenly Father will execute His perfect will each day that is already established with you within the Holy of Holiest forever, because He has received you perfect and holy equipped to do His perfect will not only with your loved ones, neighbors and friends but also with families around the world, including the ones that will see life again soon. For our heavenly Father needs to work with you within the Holy of Holiest each day of your life upon earth thus to enrich you greatly to enrich others as well from the families of the nations, because by enriching you from the Holy of Holiest along with heavens and Canaan’s richness then He is enriching the earth for His coming kingdom of love.

Therefore, our heavenly Father works with you nowadays by executing His perfect will already establish within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest in Israel, but also, it is in your homeland with you as your worship place, enriching you with His atoning-blood that has destroyed Satan, sin, death, witchcraft and hell forever already for you to enjoy life always through eternity, starting now. Now, our heavenly Father works with you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends because He has already established His perfect will within the Holy of Holiest for His coming kingdom of love thus filling every man, woman and child with endless-glories: loving, serving and exalting His holy name with His eternal commandments to bless you with endless-powers always until you are greatly enriched.

In other words, our heavenly Father’s kingdom of love for His children is upon earth already, as His Son Jesus Christ entered the Holy of Holiest perfect and holy with you, loved ones, neighbors and friends, because you had destroyed Satan, sin, death, witchcraft families and hell, so He may execute His perfect will with you thus enriching His coming kingdom until finally comes. Therefore, our heavenly Father needs you water baptized by invoking His holy name fires to abandon the sinful-flesh with the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where He works His perfect will with you within the Holy of Holiest progressively, because He sees you continuously as Isaac, enriched greatly, although you are Muslim, Buddhist, Shinto, Taoist, Hebrew, Christian and others.

Seriously, our heavenly Father works with you within the Holy of Holiest as Isaac, because baptized in water by invoking His holy name fires then you will abandon the sinful-flesh, where Satan with witchcraft lives his wilds, receiving Isaac’s sacred-flesh, where our heavenly Father has done already His perfect will with you progressively, enriching you to enrich His kingdom of love upon earth finally. It is really with you enriched within the Holy of Holiest with heavenly Father that the earth is enriched, because you are with Him as Isaac forever, for the Father knows the Son and inversely, thus, He works with you as He has always with His Son and His Holy Spirit enriching heaven, but now, His coming kingdom of love is enriched by you.

Certainly, our heavenly Father kingdom of love is already with us, emerging from the Holy of Holiest with you blessed greatly by Him, His Son and the Holy Spirit, baptized in water by you invoking His holy name fires to abandon the sinful-flesh where Satan deceives you until now to receive Isaac’s sacred-flesh where He does His perfect will with you upon earth steadily. Otherwise, if you continually fail to become baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then you will always fail to know that you have already been blessed with His perfect will from heaven above thus enriching you always, when Satan longs to see in you in poverty until you lastly die somewhere on earth.

Seriously, Satan needs you poor, as long as you may remain in the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error then he will deceive you always without mercy, however, water baptized in your home’s bathtub by invoking Him, as The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit then you will live in Isaac’s sacred-flesh where you have been already enriched greatly to enrich the earth. Indeed, our heavenly Father will enrich the earth, starting with your homeland, understanding that, you are with Him as Isaac within the Holy of Holiest forever victorious already over Satan, sin, death, enemies, hell’s witchcraft, and so, you are always enriching the earth for His coming kingdom of love that will dress you with oceans of love, joys, happiness along with loved ones ultimately.

This is our heavenly Father’s glorious life that you were born with already to live upon earth and in heaven’s glory as well, as you may get there—certainly you will in days ahead—with you faithful to His altar of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by praying with it, where He worked with Abraham along with you thus enriching you nowadays with great richness. Now, our heavenly Father needs you faithful to His altar within the Holy of Holiest, because this is where He has always conducted His perfect will with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit along with you, loved ones, neighbors and friends, by destroying works from Satan along with death thus establishing His new kingdom of love upon earth finally with you forever enriched.

In other words, our heavenly Father works with you within the Holy of Holiest not only because He has destroyed Satan along with death and evil-works throughout the earth, but also, He conducts His perfect will from His holy places because this is from where He has always ruled over the angelical kingdom finally to rule over the earth with you enriched powerfully nowadays. Now, our heavenly Father rules heaven’s glory and the earth along other heavenly places as paradise, the earth’s heart and The New Jerusalem from heaven above, a city with mansions, palaces and buildings paved with streets of gold leading towards gardens, parks, the River of Life and many heavenly places: finally, soon He will enter Canaan with His loved ones living with you forever enriched.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father has received you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends in the Holy of Holiest nailed to His Son Jesus Christ’s hands and feet to declare you forever righteous, because with His atoning-blood spilled over His holy things then He continually washes you clean daily until His new kingdom of love may finally appear upon earth shining with amazing-richness. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed His atoning-blood that is His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac’s sacred-flesh from Sarah’s barren-womb pulling you from the Sinai’s desert with lasting-salvation with His Red Sea water baptism but also to become born with you from David’s virgin daughter living His life of endless-richness baptized at the Jordan finally enriching His new kingdom of love on earth forever.

Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to spill His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood filled with His precious and glorious life that enriches heaven’s glory within the Holy of Holiest but also Creation entirely touching the earth with amazing powers enriching you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends nowadays, as you are baptized in water by invoking His holy name fires. Definitely, it was important for our heavenly Father to have His Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest spilled with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood as His precious and glorious life enriching heaven’s glory continuously but also the earth for His new kingdom of love and endless-richness established in Canaan for His children to live as He lives always gloriously through eternity.

Therefore, our heavenly Father needed His continuous sacrifice established forever within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest spilled with His atoning-blood life that removes sin, darkness and evil for His perfect will to be with you, loved ones, neighbors and friends enriching the earth until it becomes richer than heaven’s glory, thus angels may descend to live with us finally forever enriched. Now, the angelical kingdom will descend with our heavenly Father because they needed to prove love to Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in Canaan, given that it is only in holy ground that He knows that you love Him as He has always loved you with His rock of salvation, becoming part of your life forever baptized in water already.

Understanding that, baptized in water then you will become reborn in Canaan, holy ground, where sin fails to exist moreover you are reborn in His sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood filled with His life, where sin fails always as well, then, finally He knows that you truly love Him, as He is loved always by His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit through eternity. Indeed, Satan did not want our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood that is Isaac as His Son Jesus Christ finally spilling it over Israel and the families of ancient and modern nations within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, so He may have His atoning-blood washing clean His children throughout the nations, preparing everyone for His coming kingdom of love finally upon earth.

Certainly, our heavenly Father needs you baptized in water, because baptized already then you will stand with Him within the Holy of Holiest, where sin fails to exist forever, dressing you with daily richness that will not only enrich you but also loved ones, neighbors and friends, because He really needs to enrich the earth entirely with you for His coming kingdom of love. Furthermore, our heavenly Father is doing His perfect will with you permanently, because His atoning-blood is spilled over holy things with you, loved ones, neighbors and friends washing you clean daily from problems, unclean spirits, witchcraft (because Satan uses witchcraft to attack you always), so you may grow in His daily richness steadily emerging from the Holy of Holiest towards you in your homeland.

Really, it is always our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood spilled over holy things with you and everyone else around you that cleanses everything belonging to you, loved ones, neighbors and friends that Satan daily witchcraft that he may use against you will fail always, because His atoning-blood is as powerful nowadays as it was initially spilled by Him over you within the Holy of Holiest. Knowing that, Satan does not want our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood spilled over you, loved ones, neighbors and friends, given that, he failed to have it spilled by our Lord Jesus Christ outside the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, then he blocks always with witchcraft families every Sabbath celebrated by Jewish and Israelis, so it will never clean in anyone on earth.

Truly, it was always important for Satan to deceive Jewish and Israelis families with witchcraft families claiming Jewishness when they are not, because Satan needs his families not only blocking our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood from working effectively by cleansing everyone continually from darkness throughout the nations, but also, he needed Hebrew families in another holocaust always to stop Sabbath’s celebrations finally. Satan has realized that he fails always to destroy Israel, because from every holocaust brought upon Jewish families and others, then, they have returned again stronger than before because the oath sworn to Isaac from which they are born with is powerful, understanding that, it is established within them forever with great unknown-powers, thus they may become a nation again with richness as always.

Lately, Satan sees that it is impossible to destroy Israel, because Sabbath’s celebration is very powerful removing wickedness that witchcraft families may have placed upon people and homes, understanding that, Satan always works creating a kingdom of darkness that destroys homes and families on earth, however, with Sabbath’s celebrations every life is renew throughout humankind without fail regardless of faith as always until now. Then, given that Satan fails to destroy Israel with holocausts through generations, because he needs our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood stopped from cleansing continually every nation’s family entirely, but failing still until now that he longs to know where to find the Synagogue of Jerusalem with the Holy of Holiest spilled with the Messiah’s atoning-blood shed from the cross, so he may destroy it finally.

Presently, Satan has witchcraft families in Canaan next to Jewish and Israelis families searching where the Synagogue of Jerusalem with the Holy of Holiest spilled with the Messiah’s atoning-blood cleansing daily families from the nations may be hidden to stop it by having his own male and female witchcraft lamb sacrificed by shedding witchcraft-blood, finally filling the earth with his kingdom of darkness forever. Certainly, understanding that, Satan has tried incessantly to destroy Israel with holocausts to stop the Sabbath’s celebration finally to build continually his kingdom of darkness through the nations’ cities, because our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood spilled over the Holy of Holiest is too powerful for him, then, he can cover it by having his faithful witchcraft male and female immolated within the Holy of Holiest.

Today, Satan knows that the Synagogue of Jerusalem with the Holy of Holiest spilled with the Messiah’s atoning-blood found, then, he will overtake it with witchcraft nations running over Jewish and Israelis dead bodies to sacrifice his male and female lamb to shed witchcraft-blood over the atoning-blood that has removed sin forever, for His coming kingdom of love finally established upon earth forever enriched. Undeniably, Israel baptized in water then our heavenly Father can help them always, because they are with Him in the Holy of Holiest as Isaac, working with them continually then He may support them in dangerous days as when Satan may finally execute his witchcraft lamb shedding witchcraft-blood over His Lamb’s atoning-blood cleansing continually families for His coming kingdom of love upon earth finally.

Really, our heavenly Father has never allowed anyone to know where the Synagogue of Jerusalem with the Holy of Holiest is spilled with the Messiah’s atoning-blood that has removed sin forever but also it continues to cleanse families of the nations for His coming kingdom of love soon to be found throughout the earth; indeed, it is a well-kept secret until now before Israel. However, our heavenly Father will definitively soon let Israel know where He has the Synagogue of Jerusalem with the Holy of Holiest hidden with His atoning-blood working nonstop until now to clean His children from sin but also to enrich them with great daily richness as always, so He may finally descend with the entire angelical kingdom to live with the nations forever loved.

Surely, when our heavenly Father finally reveals to Israel where the Synagogue of Jerusalem is hidden with the Holy of Holiest spilled with the Messiah’s atoning-blood that continues to cleanse His children from the families of the nations for His coming kingdom of love upon earth, then, it will be because the witchcraft families will have returned to their homelands in Africa finally forever. This is the day, when our heavenly Father will finally be honored by Israel, when they have not only become baptized in water to stand with Him forever as Isaac within the Holy of Holiest, where He has defeated Satan, sin, death, witchcraft families and hell’s torment forever, but also, Canaan finally is liberated to flow with milk and honey sweetness throughout the earth.

Shortly, the earth entirely will become sweet with milk and honey emanating from Canaan towards families of the nations, because the witchcraft families’ darkness will no longer block this powerful blessing that welcomes the Father with His entire angelical kingdom to descend with ancient Israel to prove their love towards Him, His Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ in Canaan finally forever. However, Satan works to find out still where the Synagogue of Jerusalem with the Holy of Holiest may be found to shed his sorcery families’ witchcraft-blood over our heavenly Father’s atoning-blood that continues daily to enrich the families of the nations thus enriching His coming kingdom of love that Satan still wants to stop by creating more witchcraft that is filth upon earth persistently.

Unfortunately, Satan can still find out where the Synagogue of Jerusalem is hidden with the Holy of Holiest spilled with the Messiah’s atoning-blood, in Canaan, to cover it with witchcraft-blood by entering with unclean spirits into people’ dreams that they may have discovered it by asking them to tell him where to find it, thus once found, then he will attack it powerfully immediately. Timely, our Lord Jesus Christ told Jewish that they will fail to live eternity, because once Satan finds the Synagogue of Jerusalem with the Holy of Holiest spilled with the Messiah’s atoning-blood that destroyed him, sin, death, witchcraft and hell to conquer the earth for His coming kingdom of love, then, he will attack it with his witchcraft-blood filling humankind with his filth forever.

That is why, that our heavenly Father has only allowed Israel Canaan until now but without the Synagogue of Jerusalem filled with His atoning-blood spilling daily eternal life over you, loved ones, neighbors and friends within the Holy of Holiest, so you will always be Isaac with Him thus executing His perfect will progressively with you until you are enriched with endless-richness always forever. Presently, our heavenly Father is happy standing with you as Isaac within the Holy of Holiest, because His atoning-blood springles daily over you, loved ones, neighbors and friends, given that with it His holy heart is happy washing you ever more always thus making you more perfect and holy for His coming kingdom of love upon earth to live with you forever loved everlastingly. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1
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