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Light as a Feather and Bloody Mary

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Keith Stephenson

Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98
I know this is not strictly a 70's thing, but does anyone remember the
childhood games of Light as a Feather and Bloody Mary. Light as a
Feather seemed to actually work, but the Bloody Mary thing was WAAAAY to
scary for me to even try.

If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think
little of robbery, and from robbery comes drinking and sabbath breaking,
and from that to incivility and procastination - Thomas De Quincey


Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98

>I know this is not strictly a 70's thing, but does anyone remember the
childhood games of Light as a Feather and Bloody Mary.

I do recall Light as a Feather ("Light as a feather, stiff as a board..." but
I don't remember the rest of the mantra, only that the person was supposed to
levitate), but don't recall Bloody Mary. What was that? I have a very vivid
memory of "...feather" at slumber parties...



Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98
Keith Stephenson wrote:
> I know this is not strictly a 70's thing, but does anyone remember the
> childhood games of Light as a Feather and Bloody Mary. Light as a
> Feather seemed to actually work, but the Bloody Mary thing was WAAAAY to
> scary for me to even try.

Light as a that the one where one kid lay down
and all the other kids sat around in a circle putting one or
two fingers under the one lying down...and then everybody chanted
something about "Light as a Feather" and stood up en masse,
raising the kid high above their heads? Sort of like some kind
of weird seance thing...

Nah...don't remember it. :)

--Rat (Used to play this at slumber parties in the 70s...)

PS: What's Bloody Mary? Now I'm intrigued. It sounds
tantalizingly familiar, though...


Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98
HI ! Is Bloddy Mary when you stare into a mirror in a dark bathroom and
eventually see a woman in a white frilly gown in the mirror.All i can say
is that it`s a good thing this little game is played in the bathroom ! Most
creepy when it works. If I remember right there`s something that you say or
think while waiting for the lady to appear. A chant or something. If this
is not Bloody Mary can someone tell me what it is called?

Keith Stephenson <> wrote in article

> I know this is not strictly a 70's thing, but does anyone remember the
> childhood games of Light as a Feather and Bloody Mary. Light as a
> Feather seemed to actually work, but the Bloody Mary thing was WAAAAY to
> scary for me to even try.


Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98

We used to play Bloody Mary in the first grade. We got pretty carried away
with it. Our first grade classroom, for some odd reason, had a bathroom in it.
No other classroom in the school did but that one. It was perfect for this
game. Anyway, the deal was this: In a darkened room in front of a mirror, you
close your eyes and spin around three times chanting "Bloody Mary, bloody mary,
bloody mary." When you open your eyes, you will see "Bloody Mary" in the
mirror. In some versions I have heard of since, she is supposed to reach out
for you or steal your soul, but I suppose my peers were pretty unimaginative
because all she was supposed to do was appear in the mirror for us :o) Of
course, the vision could leave one scarred for life :o) I remember carrying
this game out to the playground, where one girl (who i didn't like at all)
picked up one of those little heart shaped metal "Hello Kitty" diary keys she
found on the blacktop and got in my face saying "I....I have the KEY to bloody

It was quite the diversion for us back then, but we didn't carry the
fascination with the whole deal beyond first grade.

Do YOU have the Nicodemus Jones?

Keith Stephenson

Sep 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/25/98
Bloody Mary ( and I was too afraid to ever try it!) was when you stood
in the dark in front of a mirror and said " bloody mary, bloody mary",
and when you turned the lights on, A bloody Virgin Mary was supposed to
be standing behind you!
I was watching the trailer for the new horror film Urban Legends,
and it two of the characters are chanting "Bloody Mary", which is what
brought the memory of these games back.


Sep 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/30/98

>I know this is not strictly a 70's thing, but does anyone remember the
>childhood games of Light as a Feather and Bloody Mary. Light as a
>Feather seemed to actually work, but the Bloody Mary thing was WAAAAY to
>scary for me to even try.

Light as a Feather definately works. We did it at my brother-in-law's bachelor
party. Several of us big guys were easily lifted by four pinky fingers until
the one being lifted opened his eyes and suddenly became heavy.

Happiness is reading a good scifi book :)


Sep 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/30/98

>I do recall Light as a Feather ("Light as a feather, stiff as a board..."
>I don't remember the rest of the mantra, only that the person was supposed to

I only saw that version in the movie The Craft.

We just told the person to think light as a feather over and over and close his
eyes. Then one of the lifters would count silently mouthing 3,2,1 and we would
all lift the person with just our pinkys. One pinky under each knee and one
under each elbow.

When it was my turn to sit in the chair i didn't even know they had me about 3
feet above the chair until i opened my eyes. I suddenly became heavy and they
dropped me to the chair.

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