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More philosophy about the problem of optimality in the Adam Smith economic Liberalism..

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May 20, 2021, 2:04:25 PM5/20/21

I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

More philosophy about the problem of optimality in the Adam Smith
economic Liberalism..

So i think that the problem of Economic Liberalism of Adam Smith is a
problem of "optimality", so first you have to note that we are
constrained by the fact that we have to avoid violence of economic
Liberalism that is based on competition and that lacks cooperation or
collaboration, and this of course shows that it is lacking
"diversification" of products and services since we can notice that we
even need economic actors that share ideas across nations and industries
(and this needs globalization) that make us much more creative and
that's good for economy, other than that since economic Liberalism is
based on self-interest and competition, so i think it is a too
reductionist system, since the too reductionist system of self-interest
and competition lacks one more variable that is the intellectual taste
of the customers in economy, i mean that the customers needs a more
enhanced intellectual taste so that to push the quality of products and
services upward, so people of a society need to be well educated like in
Democracy so that to have a good intellectual taste, and here what i
said about it in my thoughts of my philosophy:

More of my philosophy about Niklaus Wirth and about the good taste..

Having good taste involves knowing what is truly excellent or of genuine

Read here to notice it:

What Is Good Taste?

And as you have just noticed i have just posted the following thoughts
of Niklaus Wirth (

And i think that Niklaus Wirth is too pessimistic on the above thoughts
Since you have to know that an efficient education can permit to give
you a good intellectual taste so that to be able to be efficiently
selective, and this is valid for both the consumers and the producers
of products or services.

And more of my philosophy about the good taste..

So let us look in the dictionary at what is the taste, it says the

"The taste is the sense by which the qualities and flavour of a
substance are distinguished by the taste buds."

Read here in the dictionary to notice it:

But when you are smart you will also notice that there is also the
intellectual taste from culture or genetics, i mean that when you are
genetically more rational and more smart you will notice that this more
rational and more smart is also intellectual taste since with it you
are able to be more efficiently selective of your knowledge, so it
permits you to enhance quality, and this is also the same for culture,
i mean when you enhance more your culture it enhances your intellectual
taste and it permits you to be more efficiently selective of your
knowledge, so it permits you to enhance quality.

So as you are noticing that the intellectual taste is so important..

More about "specialization" and "division of Labor" in economy..

As you have noticed i have just spoken about my kind of economic
Coopetition and i just said that it is better than economic Liberalism,
read about it below, now you have to understand that i am using abstract
logical thinking by speaking by using efficient abstractions, so from my
kind of economic Coopetition that is seeking like a balance between
competition and cooperation or collaboration, we can logically infer
that it is like inherent to this abstraction that so that to be
efficient globally we need also specialization and division of Labor,
read more about my kind of economic Coopetition below so that to
understand more my philosophy, and i also said the following about

And how to manage efficiently complexity ?

I think you can manage complexity by the “divide and rule” approach
to management, which also leads to hierarchical division of large
organisations, or wich also leads to the Division of "labour", you can
read more about the Division of labour here:

Also you can manage complexity by using constraints, such as laws, road
rules and commercial standards, all of which limit the potential for
harmful interactions to occur, also you can manage complexity by using
higher layers of abstraction such as in computer programming, and we can
also follow the efficient rule of: "Do less and do it better" that can
also use higher level layers of abstraction to enhance productivity and
quality, this rule is good for productivity and quality,

More about Bernard Arnault and about more about capitalism..

I invite you to look at the following interesting video that
shows more how capitalism is working efficiently by bringing good
quality using competition and how also in capitalism creativity needs
also collaboration and cooperation, and notice carefully how Bernard
Arnault in the following video is playing it smartly like playing it
smartly in a game of Chess and look carefully how he is even speaking
a good english since also speaking many languages is good for

Bernard Arnault, Chairman and CEO of LVMH | The Brave Ones

More of my philosophy about Adam Smith economic Liberalism..

Economic Liberalism of the philosopher and economist Adam Smith says
that self-interest is most of the time regulated by competition to not
lead to corruption, fraud, price-gouging, and cheating, and
self-interest and competition is the engine of the properity and
happiness of nations. But i can efficiently abstract more the
abstraction of the philosopher and economist Adam Smith by saying that
self-interest comes from competition since i can say that individual
self-interest comes from competition between individualism and
collectivism and from competition between the survival and the not
survival, so i think we can efficiently abstract it more and say that in
economic Liberalism of Adam Smith self-interest comes from competition
and competition regulates to not lead to corruption, fraud,
price-gouging, and cheating.

More philosophy about the psychology of the way of my Coopetition

I think i am smart by talking as i am talking about economic Liberalism
of Adam Smith, here in my thoughts of my philosophy and notice it:

So notice carefully that i am saying in my web link above that my new
philosophy that i call Coopetition is better than classical economic
Liberalism, because read carefully in the above since i am saying that
since we have not to "escape" my kind of Coopetition since it permits to
efficiently avoid violence of economic Liberalism that comes from
competition that lacks cooperation or collaboration, so then you will
understand that my kind of Coopetition "diversify" much better the
products and services that are regulated by self-interest and
competition and that's much better for "creativity", since we can notice
that we even need economic actors that share ideas across nations and
industries (and this needs globalization) that make us much more
creative and that's good for economy.

I invite you to look at the following interesting video
that shows that capitalism also uses healthy competition
to bring good quality:

5 Reasons Guys Buy Luxury Items || Men's Fashion 2019 || Gent's Lounge

So i invite you to read my following thoughts of my philosophy
about economic Liberalism and capitalism so that to understand my views,
and you will notice that my philosophy also makes it clear that the way
of my economic Coopetition is better than classical economic Liberalism:

Also here is my other thoughts of my philosophy, so i invite you to read
them carefully:

And i invite you to read my thoughts of my philosophy here:

And i invite you to read more of my thoughts of my philosophy here:

And here is my new saying about capitalism:

If capitalism fails, it will be too much dangerous for humanity, so
nationalism has the tendency to make capitalism fail, but capitalism has
not to fail, this is why i don't like nationalism and this is why i am
speaking about nationalism in the way i am speaking.

More of my philosophy about how USA has become powerful and rich..

I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

I have just looked at the following two videos about
MIT and Bill Gates, here they are:

REPORTAGE sur le MIT de Boston, La fabrique de génies

Bill Gates

And i think i am smart and i have just found with my smartness a pattern
in the above videos that made USA so rich and powerful, and it is the

I think the pattern is that you have to invent by being creative and
innovative and inventive and after that those inventions will bring big
money and after that big money will bring the smartest people from
around the world to your country that also has made big money and they
will follow the same pattern, this is the pattern that has followed USA
so that to become powerful and rich.

And by logical analogy i have just said the following in my thoughts
of my philosophy that follows the same above pattern:

I have just talked before about the importance of the following
statement in business:

"The focus should be on the product, since if the product is good
the profits will follow"

But notice that it is saying that if the product is good then the
profits will follow, so as you are noticing we have to define what
is a good product ? and does a good product only comes from science or
from engineering? not at all !, since the product can become good by the
process of creativity, and then we have to define creativity, and
creativity needs globalization, since creativity and innovation come
from ideas circulating and combining across nations and industries, and
i invite you to read about what is creativity in the following
interesting web page from Yale university:

What Is Creativity?

Also by logical analogy i have also just said the following:

Why Israel is a Tech Capital of the World

I think that this jewish from Israel that is talking in the above video
is not thinking correctly, because there is two important things that
you must have so that a country be successful: Capital and talents, the
above video is making a mistake by saying that you need the two so that
to be successful, i mean it is saying that you need Capital and talents,
but i think he is making a mistake, because i think that Capital can
attract talents, so Capital can make you successful as a country, so
then i can logically infer that so that to have capital that make you
successful, you have to know how to construct a product or services that
you can sell from those competitive advantages of competitive part or
parts of product or service that can come from you or/and can come from
different countries of the global world, and it is i think an efficient
way that makes you adapt quickly and efficiently in this globalization,
and notice with me that having competitive part or parts of a product or
service doesn't mean it has to come from R&D(Research and development),
also the above video of the jewish from Israel is not saying that
Capital can come from "democratization" of finance, since
you have to know that our global world has changed very much by being
democratization of technology, democratization of finance, and
democratization of information, read my following thoughts so that you
also understand that Capital also comes from democratization of finance:

So i have invite you to read all my thoughts of my philosophy from here:

Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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