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Re: Democrat sex offender Minnesota House of Representatives.

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Democrat Gender Offenders

Jan 28, 2023, 4:50:02 AM1/28/23

ST. PAUL, MN—House Democrats voted Monday on a 73-54 party-line vote
to pass HF2265, authored by Rep. Dave Pinto, DFL-St. Paul, that
would allow individuals convicted of a variety of crimes including
murder, drive-by-shooting, felony-level stalking, child abuse, and
solicitation of children to engage in sexual conduct, to be eligible
to work in a variety of positions that require Department of Human
Services (DHS) background studies including Personal Care Attendants
(PCAs), providers of home and community-based care services for
Minnesotans with disabilities, adult day services, Non-Emergency
Medical Transportation (NEMT) drivers, and more. The bill would
require DHS to consider granting a set-aside or variance to anyone
who otherwise would have been disqualified as a result of a variety
of serious felony and criminal convictions that are more than twenty
years old.
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