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No justice for Haolies in Hawaii

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Dec 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/13/96

What a jive verdict. A worthless local kamaina jury of savages let two
thugs off very easy so they can attack again . It may be your brains they
kick in next. Hawaii down the tubes . liberal to the end of civilization .
lock and load mates, lock and load .

Dec 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/13/96

You know, I heard they're doing WONDERFUL things at mental hospitals these

Paul Kekai Manansala

Dec 13, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/13/96

In article <58qp9t$kk3$>,

No, pack up and go, mate, pack up and go.

Paul Kekai Manansala

Ron Pellegrino

Dec 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/14/96

On 13 Dec 1996 05:24:13 GMT, (Wertyu) wrote:

>What a jive verdict. A worthless local kamaina jury of savages let two
>thugs off very easy so they can attack again . It may be your brains they
>kick in next. Hawaii down the tubes . liberal to the end of civilization .
>lock and load mates, lock and load .

The "lock & load" and use of other derogatory phrases isn't

And it detracts from your header, which is essentially accurate in
the respect that Hawaii is a place where racial tolerance is broadly
touted as part of the culture, but in reality, is very far from the

Last time I encountered racism ? .... last night. And it won't be the
last time. But this time, it was someone with whom I'm associated
with in business and at a company sponsored function and was witnessed
(not very smart of the racist), and now I've got the upper hand with a
legitmate discrimination complaint that could end her career. BTW,
last night was not the first time. This racist has carried on her
agenda for over two years now.

So, I'd be interested to hear from the readers of this newsgroup
whether or not I now should show some "tolerance".

Nathan Yuen

Dec 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/14/96
to wrote:

: So, I'd be interested to hear from the readers of this newsgroup

: whether or not I now should show some "tolerance".

Racism is terrible no matter who it's directed towards. I say show no

o o __ __
\ / ' ` Don't Tread on Me!
|/ / __ \
(` \ ' ' \ ' Nathan Yuen, Ewa Beach, Hawaii
\ \| | @_/ |
\ \ \ /--/,
` ___ ___ ___ __ '

Dec 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/15/96

In <>, (Ron Pellegrino) writes:
>Last time I encountered racism ? .... last night. And it won't be the
>last time. But this time, it was someone with whom I'm associated
>with in business and at a company sponsored function and was witnessed
>(not very smart of the racist), and now I've got the upper hand with a
>legitmate discrimination complaint that could end her career. BTW,
>last night was not the first time. This racist has carried on her
>agenda for over two years now.
>So, I'd be interested to hear from the readers of this newsgroup
>whether or not I now should show some "tolerance".

I don't know what the racist act was. Some people are more sensitive
to issue than others....

However, when I lived on the mainland, I witnessed all kinds of racist
behavior from other haoles towards anyone of any other race. Those
slighted showed a lot of tolerance. However, you might gain more by
dropping it and letting the racist know that you are a haole, but you're
not an ignorant racist, and think you're better off for it....

I discovered I'm better off trying to make
a lot of women happy, rather than making
one woman miserable.


Dec 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/15/96

In <58qroe$> (Paul Kekai
Manansala) writes:
>In article <58qp9t$kk3$>,

> (Wertyu) wrote:
>>What a jive verdict. A worthless local kamaina jury of savages let
>>thugs off very easy so they can attack again . It may be your brains
>>kick in next. Hawaii down the tubes . liberal to the end of
civilization .
>>lock and load mates, lock and load .
>No, pack up and go, mate, pack up and go.
>Paul Kekai Manansala

Paul...what is so hard about understanding this guy's angst
about the verdict handed down?

Local folk judging local folk. That is the easy answer.

But think about what happened to that Chicago Cop...he has
a steel plate in his head from these two full-time criminals.
They were out to do it to him. Having lived in Honolulu for
many years, this haole also knew where not to go for fun and

Especially at night. Or alone. But when I did I was never
attacked as he. EWA was always the proglem spot...since the
60's...was told. In the 70's when I was there, same thing.

Maybe up in that part of the island people think they are
not much....much like people living in Harlem...and no white
person walks in harlem alone, especially at night.

Just saying that what happened was indicative of what the
facts say they are: plenty local youth don't like haoles.
Or maybe these two miscreants were being initiated into a
hula-gang. Who knows? Maybe the cop was wearing a
"stink-eye' at them...who knows what mentality level these
two thugs have.....

Lots of local macho still going round and it seems to permeate
itself over and over....year down to year next...generation down
to next generation growing up in EWA....

similar for KPT or the housing across the street. It's always
been that way. In the 70's there were fights of enormous savagery
at KPT/housing across the street clashes. Body parts cut off and
put into the dead boy's mouth as a symbol of his castration....and

Still the same clashes all the time at KPT and across the street.
or up Punchbowl side...that too was a bad place to be. Palolo
Valley another spot no good to be ...this in the 70's....plenty other
places too....

so when that cop say Hawaii Stink....maybe he is right. maybe it
is stink. If so, what are the local people doing about it? The
haoles come to view and spend time enjoying the island. What do
the local people in these areas have as a way to get off the
island and go elsewhere to visit?

When dat guy say "arms to wear"...maybe this is what will happen.
It can only end with both sides being seen as equals. AS it is,
that will never be. How many kids dont' finish school up EWA side
and the others.

How many local boys in Jail? Plenty. Seems the Hawaiian people
have forgotten the local people who live and try to make it more
then some haole give some local tough's the "stink eye" ...maybe.

Think about it Paul...kicking someone senseless because he "look
at them wrong"....or a small boy kicked and beaten up senseless
into an almost "dead" state of mind and why? he was wearing the
wrong colors? Here in the bay area of california.

Or a paralyzed woman in wheelchair beat senseless while on street
on her way to pay her bills. Here in the Bay Area.

Seems the crimes are the same...the excuses are the same and the
courts do the same. That boy beaten because of "gang colors' he
was wearing...they found them guilty of assault and battery and
may be out in four or five years on an eleven year sentence.
they were excused from Attempted Murder by the jury....figure it.

similar what can be done ? IF it has not been solved
in the last 30 do you think it can be handled so this
does not happen.

To that the poster here you are the people
who have to judge others and they too fear....what will happen to
them if they do what they should do when deciding on the severity
of the crime committed ?

Not just Hawaii Paul....hurts all ovah....

Hawaii's "Paradise" rating is being raped. Pretty soon there
will be armed bodyguards being tour guides for HAOLES coming to
visit Paradise.

Sort of a "hire a life-saver"....

What then will ALOHA mean.....?

bill conduit

Keoni Kuoha

Dec 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/15/96

Aloha kaua e Bill,
I must agree with you that crime is a terrible thing, that hate is a
terrible thing, and that racism is a terrible thing. But there are
reasons for these things; and within these reasons, the solution hides.
So what is one reason there is racism in Hawai`i? I do believe it is a
by-product of American imperialism and the colonial state of mind of many
Hawaiians as well as other "locals" live with. Now how, do you ask, is
this manifested? It can very well be related to the unequal status of
"locals" in the American scheme-of-things, cultural prostitution (you may
call it tourism), and that "Paradise rating" of yours. Look at these
things and ask yourself "who is in power?"
In the American scheme, it is the haole (of all backgrounds, including
Hawaiians, ie Gov. Waihe`e), but esspecially the middle class white
American male (hey, doesn't that Chicago cop fit that category?). In the
cultural prostitution industry, who is in power? It is the Tourist who is
buying the services of our lovely Hawai`i and her people. The tourist is
the most obvious manifestation of this form of subjegation, though the
PIMP, or should I say tourist industry, is making off with the profits.
As for the "Paradise" rating, that is just an illusion. As far as I'm
concerned, Hawai`i fell to the bottom of this (objective?) rating scale
when Captain Cook stumbled upon these islands. Otherwise, this "Paradise"
rating is just another way to coax Hawaiians to keep dancing that "sexy
little hula thing" for the JOHNS, oops, I meant tourists.
So that is a picture, be it radically incomplete, of the reasons for
our current situation. Now it is time to work toward a better future...

_ _ _
Aloha no, Aloha no, Aloha no.

Keoni Kuoha

Dec 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/16/96

Welina e Bill!

I'm sorry I do not have the time to educate you on the history and
culture of Hawai`i. It seems to me that you have a very incomplete
education in these subjects, and where you have been educated, it seems
the "white man's burden" and "cultural Darwinism" have been the theme. As
for your understanding of hula, it too is clouded. If you knew what hula
really is, then it would be obvious to you that what they tend to do in
Waikiki is not hula. As a member of a traditional halau, I know that hula
is so rich that it can become your life (and not in the sense that acting
can become an actor's life, it should be understood in the same way
Christianity IS the monk's life). I'm sorry about having to simplify
things, but I hope you read it as a simplification. For if you do not,
you will be missing the fact that most of the iceburg is not in plain
sight. I invite you to form an educated opinion on these subjects,
Hawai`i will be all the better for it.

Take care,

Paul Kekai Manansala

Dec 16, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/16/96

In article <594ig8$>, wrote:
>In <>
> (Keoni Kuoha) writes:

> sure, the past people of Hawaii revered the land..but they also
> were very very mean people to each other. so goes the same for
> the British People of same time: the British were and still are
> vicious people...their culture was based on misery.
> Capt Cook was British.
> And the rest is history.

You seem to condemn everyone but American haoles. Don't you know there the real
problem in Hawai`i?

Paul Kekai Manansala

Dec 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/18/96

Aaaah...the smell of another pro-cultural Genocide Mainlander. Or is that shit?
Well, it's the same thing anyway, except shit probably smells better.

Anyway, hope u Haoles have fun raping 12-year-old Asian girls, and destroying
other cultures. But remember, as the Bible says, "eye for an eye".

<sniff sniff>. MMmmmmmmm... I LOVE the smell of bloody Americans in the morning,
don't you? Red is SUCH a beautiful color this time of year! Heeheeeheeee!!!
Merry Xmas!


Dec 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/19/96

In <32b80366...@> j...@ (Luxx) writes:
>On 17 Dec 1996 14:38:50 GMT, talking Chief
>Bill) wrote alot of crap:
>[sniped for brevity]
>Why do you have to be so condecending? He makes a lot of valid points.
>It is you who does not understand.
>I can imagine your attitude while you lived in Hawaii.

to the enlightened one....say brah...or are you a haole born
in the left-overs of rotten poi as LaMaze method.

Condescending. Are you sure you have a dictionary handy which you
can read? Give it a is I who dont' undertand? What a
crock of poi-odors?

You tell me "little one", what was my attitude when living in
Hawaii. How did I treat my customers who came into the surf
shop I managed who just happened to be Hawaiian and Haole and
all kinds of people? How did I treat my customers when doing
tours in hawaii? Plenty contact with many local people who in
da same biz brah. How did I treat customers when working as a
water sports directah hiring many kinds of people to work the

I even drive cab too brah....recession hit then. Plenty local
people to carry and to work tell me brah.

Or other jobs too...gosh, I guess I missed something according
to you.

what bad taste in my mouth brah? or haole with Poi-for-brain.

The only bad taste in my mouth was BAD POI ... all other foods
just great. Some great restaurants down Hotel Street where
"locals" hung out too ... plenty good food.... all da time.

I wonder what my "bad taste" is like according to your all-knowing
insight into my psyche....plenty good talk you attempt to make....
no follow through.

It is no wonder
>that you have left here with a bad taste in your mouth. Your attitude
>is the same as Charles Hensel.
>When you have an attitude like that, people see right thru you. You
>think Mr. Kuoha doesn't understand what you are saying so you talk
>pidgin to him, assuming that it is on his level. You are wrong. He is
>on a higher level than you. You are just a biggot.
> As for Keoni....he and he alone the one to be in ANGST about what
I say. You have the duty to allow him to talk, not you for him.

And because I talk da kine to him I am dissing him...? Get a grip
"little one".....if pidgin that low in your head, then just think
how many people on this thread you no have any regard
being such a low-based way of talking according to your attitude.

Pidgin' used wit me to break da share da open
a door to laugh...local people I remembah laugh a lot "little one"
moah bettah then u right now....the people u claim to defend are
not that dense as you suggest here.

He talk his talk and he walk another venue in what he says on other
postings he made. He has an agenda which is politically based and
when that way gets in the way of communication on a conversational becomes slogans and epithets and words chosen by the
few as the only way to talk back....

Allow Keoni to speak wit his tounge and you not be his extension.
That is not your place and u nevvah try to play "I know he's this
way" again. He is able to speak well for himself. He does it.
so don't push the river, it flows by itself.....

I think I hear the recess bell for you to go do a mini-tinkle.
Raise your hand and ask your teacher to excuse you.

bill conduit
yes, I have an attitude.

Lester D. K. Chow

Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96

Lester D. K. Chow writes:

I believe you're right. Here in Hawaii, there's no justice
for Haoles. Could it be that Hawaiians are racists? Some
times local Asians (I am not one of them), mixing with a
local or Hawaiian population will side with Hawaiians against
Whites. I am not in favor of this and I believe that all
people should be humane and sensible.

- - - - -
Lester D. K. Chow - An Asia and Middle East history researcher and
historian. Self-study at the University of Hawaii.


Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96

In <32ef998e....@> j...@ (Luxx) writes:
>On 19 Dec 1996 11:26:52 GMT, Talkin Chief
>Bill) wrote:
As I say again, Little One, when you graduate from middle school
and are able to go pee without having to raise your hand for
persmission....try again.

What we have here is an acute awareness of your particular brand
of reality. People as yourself seem to delight in taking one or
two sentences out of the context in which the spirit derives from
and then Tora, Tora, Tora.

I read your files where you seem to take sentences as what you
think them to be and for all people who read your vernacular there
seems to be some credence to prior posters about your mind's

You have this "fixation" on what makes you look important to those
who would read you. But based, again on what you have put forth
you really need to get someone to guide you so when you enter high
school your mind will focus on the "issues" , not your personal

to go point by point to address your "deficiences" in thinking
would take too much and I am sure that most people do not read you
all that much anyway...this is just in case.

You are only fooling YOU. You call me racist and yet have no real
evidence except your IMAGININGS as to it. You tell me I am a loser
for having so many jobs in Hawaii when live there. Well, I was
qualified for all and just felt it best to work until the job got
boring and then moved on to other fields. Plus...Little One....
there was a recession back in the 70's ... tink moah bruddah....
u get to see what you cannot see if you just squeeze your brain
moah...stand up occasionally and give your brain a breather.

You fail to "see" ... and with that I will just allow you to
fester in your imaginings as you do so well. You are really good
at that. Just that it's not real and therefore your meaningfulness
is as revelevant as that other miscreant calling herself KAPOOR....

you both are "OINKERS".....

enjoy the stench which your views of life fester from.

bill conduit
moving on.

>: to the enlightened one....say brah...or are you a haole born

>: in the left-overs of rotten poi as LaMaze method.

>Why does it matter what my race is? Your fixation on race, only tells
>me you seem to not like locals.
>: Condescending. Are you sure you have a dictionary handy which

>: can read? Give it a is I who dont' undertand? What a
>: crock of poi-odors?

>I seem to read better than you.
>: You tell me "little one", what was my attitude when living in

>: Hawaii. How did I treat my customers who came into the surf
>: shop I managed who just happened to be Hawaiian and Haole and
>: all kinds of people? How did I treat my customers when doing
>: tours in hawaii? Plenty contact with many local people who in
>: da same biz brah. How did I treat customers when working as a
>: water sports directah hiring many kinds of people to work the
>: spots....?

>Like I said, I can only imagine.... You seem to of had quite a few
>different jobs. MOST people who go thru that many jobs, have some kind
>of problem. You obviously have a serious attitude problem.
>: I even drive cab too brah....recession hit then. Plenty local

>: people to carry and to work tell me brah.
>: Or other jobs too...gosh, I guess I missed something according
>: to you.

>You missed the point.
>: what bad taste in my mouth brah? or haole with Poi-for-brain.
>Here is a good example of your biggotry. You are trying to insult me.
>But you don't know what race I am. You call me "brah". Then you say "
>or haole with Poi-for-brain". So your insults are directed twords
>race. And you just made it clear that your view on "brah" is the same
>as yours is on a "haole with Poi-for-brain".
>: I wonder what my "bad taste" is like according to your

>: insight into my psyche....plenty good talk you attempt to
>: no follow through.

>You talk down to the locals. You talk about crime. You are very
>:> As for Keoni....he and he alone the one to be in ANGST about

>: I say. You have the duty to allow him to talk, not you for him.

>Excuse me! I do believe this is a public forum. If you do not wish to
>have your racist views responded to, your reply to Keoni should have
>been in email. Do you not understand that this public forum is
>I-N-T-E-R-N-A-T-I-O-N-A-L??? Can you say P-U-B-L-I-C?????
>: And because I talk da kine to him I am dissing him...? Get a grip

>: "little one".....if pidgin that low in your head, then just think
>: how many people on this thread you no have any regard
>: being such a low-based way of talking according to your attitude.
>: Pidgin' used wit me to break da share da open
>: a door to laugh...local people I remembah laugh a lot "little
>: moah bettah then u right now....the people u claim to defend are
>: not that dense as you suggest here.

>Again you say "the people". What people? The Locals? The Hawaiians?
>The Caucasions? The Asians? Who?
>You are the one that is suggesting that the people are dense. " You

>think Mr. Kuoha doesn't understand what you are saying so you talk
>pidgin to him, assuming that it is on his level. You are wrong. He is
>on a higher level than you."

>Why did you suddenly change to pidgin? Or is it that you didn't
>understand those big words that he used? It is the same thing if you
>are talking to a child and you change the way you talk to that child,
>when you think that the child doesn't understand. It is so phony. It
>is cynical and insulting.
>: He talk his talk and he walk another venue in what he says on

>: postings he made. He has an agenda which is politically based
>: when that way gets in the way of communication on a
>: becomes slogans and epithets and words chosen by the
>: few as the only way to talk back....
>: Allow Keoni to speak wit his tounge and you not be his extension.
>: That is not your place and u nevvah try to play "I know he's this
>: way" again. He is able to speak well for himself. He does it.
>: so don't push the river, it flows by itself.....
>: I think I hear the recess bell for you to go do a mini-tinkle.
>: Raise your hand and ask your teacher to excuse you.

>Your response in pidgin is insulting. It doesn't matter if it was
>directed at Keoni or at the world. Having lived in Hawaii, did you not
>notice that people do not appreciate when you try to be something that
>you are not.
>As we used to say as kids" NO ACT!!!!!! Who you think you anyway!!!!!"
>And since you didn't respond to my other post I shall include it here.
>On 15 Dec 1996 14:23:16 GMT, wrote:
>: Paul...what is so hard about understanding this guy's angst

>: about the verdict handed down?

>Errr...This guy's angst is racial prejudice. Before YOU speak, Why
>don't you take a look in Deja News on Yui Op. And look at every single
>article that he has generated. Yui Op =Wertyu=Charles Hensel.
> If you don't like racial prejudice directed to you, how do you think
>Paul feels being called a half breed cannibal savage?
>: Local folk judging local folk. That is the easy answer.

>: But think about what happened to that Chicago Cop...he has
>: a steel plate in his head from these two full-time criminals.
>: They were out to do it to him. Having lived in Honolulu for
>: many years, this haole also knew where not to go for fun and
>: fun.

>They are thugs. And their race has nothing to do with it.
>: Maybe up in that part of the island people think they are

>: not much....much like people living in Harlem...

>What about people living in Harlem? How do they feel about themselves?
>How can you comment on Harlem? Have you lived in Harlem? Have you
>lived in "that part of the island" of which you speak?
>If you did live there, can you enlighten me on the self-esteem of
>people who have lived in Harlem and the similarities with people
>living in "that part of the island"???
>:and no white person walks in harlem alone, especially at night.
>Can you document this? Where did you gather this information?
>: Or maybe these two miscreants were being initiated into a
>: hula-gang. Who knows?
>What is a"hula-gang"????
>Are you suggesting that a Hula Halau is a gang for thugs???
>: Maybe the cop was wearing a
>: "stink-eye' at them..
>Then he should return the "stink-eye to the store that he bought it
>from with the receipt. And could you explain to me where he purchased
>this at, I'd like to wear one too. BTW, how does one wear this
>: Lots of local macho still going round and it seems to permeate

>: itself over and over....year down to year next...generation down
>: to next generation growing up in EWA....

>This "macho" you speak of...Does not every culture have some form of
>it? I've seen different ethnic varieties walking around in Waikiki
>with so called "macho"....Tourists and residents.
>: so when that cop say Hawaii Stink....maybe he is right. maybe it
>: is stink.
>Just like any other place in the USA or any other place in the world.
>You already said "much like people living in Harlem...and no white

> person walks in harlem alone, especially at night."

>So what are you really trying to say?
>I think that YOU are either very confused or you are a prejudiced
>towards the "local people" and you are trying very hard to hide this
>fact. BTW, if this is true you aren't doing a very good job.
>: If so, what are the local people doing about it? The

>: haoles come to view and spend time enjoying the island. What do
>: the local people in these areas have as a way to get off the
>: island and go elsewhere to visit?
>: When dat guy say "arms to wear"...maybe this is what will happen.
>: It can only end with both sides being seen as equals. AS it is,
>: that will never be. How many kids dont' finish school up EWA
>: and the others.

>Why don't YOU join his "Makaha Rangers" then....
>It seems that the "Makaha Rangers" under definition would be a gang
>bearing arms. GET A CLUE!!!!! You are defending a known racist troll.
>Subject: aryan camp hawaii enroll
>From: (Yui Op)
>Date: 1996/07/29
>Message-Id: <4thavq$>
>Organization: Pacific Information Exchange, Inc.
>Newsgroups: rec.outdoors.camping
>Aryans the time is near boot camp enroll.
>Subject: Caucasians unite defend your self from racial
>From: (Yui Op)
>Date: 1996/10/07
>Message-Id: <539rsk$>
>Organization: Pacific Information Exchange, Inc.
>Newsgroups: alt.culture.hawaii
>Understand the desendent of the sugarcane weed choppers and canibals
>called locals will always descriminate against you in this state join
>Makaha Rangers. Your only the land of the devil canibal. A
>is only happy when he is lickin the grease from the butt of a burnt
>It seems as though you are saying that the "EWA side" is the heart of
>the problems. You have mentioned Ewa a few times already.
>And I quote with the misspelling "EWA was always the proglem spot..."
>Does this mean that all people who live in the Ewa community are bad?
>: How many local boys in Jail? Plenty.
>First, define "local".
>Do you mean that "local" is Hawaiian?
>Or People born and raised in Hawaii.
>There are a lot of people in jail and prison. The incarcerated
>population consists of many, many, many races.
>: Seems the Hawaiian people have forgotten the local people who live

and try to make it more
>: then some haole give some local tough's the "stink eye" ...maybe.

>Hmmmm.... So Hawaiians aren't local then?
>: Seems the crimes are the same...the excuses are the same and the

>: courts do the same. That boy beaten because of "gang colors' he
>: was wearing...they found them guilty of assault and battery and
>: may be out in four or five years on an eleven year sentence.
>: they were excused from Attempted Murder by the jury....figure it.

>So you are saying that racial prejudice in Hawaii is the same as
>anywhere else? You are contradicting yourself again.
>: similar what can be done ? IF it has not been solved

>: in the last 30 do you think it can be handled so
>: does not happen.

>: Not just Hawaii Paul....hurts all ovah....
>I think what Paul was saying is that this troll is not needed here in
>Hawaii. He is not helping to solve the problem but contributing to the
>problem. Which is not needed. If He doesn't like it here then he
>should move out of the state. NOBODY is forcing him to stay.
>: Hawaii's "Paradise" rating is being raped. Pretty soon there

>: will be armed bodyguards being tour guides for HAOLES coming to
>: visit Paradise.

>Define "Haole"...
>Just "Haoles" or any other race? If you mean "haole"=Caucasian, then
>what about the Asians?
> Don't the Asians get bodyguards too?
>Smells like you are prejudiced. And YOU stink!
>If you mean that "haole"= foreigner, then what do you mean when you
>said earlier about looking at someone wrong? Is getting beaten up for
>looking at someone wrong, limited to foreigners? That would not be
>true. People get beaten up all over the world for looking at someone
>: What then will ALOHA mean.....?
>What is your definition of "ALOHA"?!?!?!?
>Shall we make the "Makaha Rangers" representatives of "Aloha" and the
>Aloha State?

Jerry DeGuzman

Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96

In article <59d3nj$g...@alexander.INS.CWRU.Edu>, ex...@cleveland.Freenet.Edu

>Lester D. K. Chow - An Asia and Middle East history researcher and
>historian. Self-study at the University of Hawaii.

Hmmm....."Self-study at the University of Hawaii."

Self-study at the University of Hawaii?

You mean to say that you just hang out there. Not formally enrolled in any
class or anything.

That's a very imaginative euphamist.

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Dec 21, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/21/96

In <594g0d$> (Paul Kekai

Howzit Paul...hey dis pigin kine fun, no.

No condemn ... just point out. History is what precedes.
I use the British as an example of other HAOLE populations
as being MEAN too...after all, what did DICKENS write about?

The real problem in Hawaii is one of "image" and "function"

All ovah da world people tink about the images they see in
all brochures found in all seaports of the world..air ports too.

Hawaii is an OVERSOLD destination.

Paul...look at it this day...dis way

I no get back to Honolulu in the 90's, but have been
told that down in Kakaako area, Ward Street, near
Ala Moana Blvd there has been more buildings go up
besides what was built in the 70's on corner of same.

But this point: i was in the tourist biz and taxi biz
for awhile...

Tourists come to Hawaii. They check into the
Queen Kap and look through those booklets which
advertise all sorts of things to do and places to
see and spend money.

An ad pops up...Fisherman's Wharf...dine and drink

Image: they tink of San Francisco or Seattle or
New Orleans etc where the Wharf is big time. they
go down, get into a cab and say: Fisherman's Wharf.

When they are going they have visions of this place
based on what the picture say....romantic and very
big place to spend an evening.

Cab pulls up and they say: No, Fisherman's Wharf.

U know the restaurant names the same.

And a bar next door for drink. Granted, it's a nice
place to eat and drink. Even have Piano Bar then.

But they bought into the Image....the promise.

This is what Hawaii has become for people who stay
in Honolulu. Lots people now go to Hawaii direct
and the difference there is immense...that is the
problem: the image.

Honolulu serves a function: to get people to come.
Honolulu does not live up to the the
paper every day online...plenty problems as in the
rest of the 39. Senior Citizens living in fear now.
That is a problem of function and not the image that
the King wants...but it exists in Honolulu.

Gangs in charge and cops only giving lip service to
most ways to solve it. Welcome to the real world HPD.
THe rest of the mainland has no answers either...

so Paul...image vs. function.

Hawaii is a Marshall McLuhan nightmare.
A successful example of the Peter Principle.
Machiavellism at it's height....

who loses?

People are not buying the image anymore as much as they
did. too much like the rest of the nation...

Plus the crowds and number of cars going in circles and
now they are proposing a double decked freeway....

Image is everything....function is what really happens.
Politicians and Foreign Interests dictating what Hawaii
will be to them....Function. one cares.

Those of you who have labelled me racist are really the
worst examples of the functional illiterates which are
on the Use NET. History is what was. I just know it
a bit bettah than those who cannot think of better way
of approaching what I say....

Image vs. Function.....

Bill Conduit


Dec 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/22/96

In <> (albert the
panther) writes:
> wrote:
>[some more crap, deleted]
>Hey, Big One, you talking stink about one of the friends of this
>_local_ online community.
>Let me tell you, some stink being talked about you, too, but we are
>not going to trash the newsgroup with junk like your rants and massive
><middle finger to the Big One>
> you not too swift in the brain either....
you that thing we throw peanuts at
and you look like you got hit with an ugly stick.

gee, such love from an 'aloha' kind of guy....what bemserks
you at what you say myway....whew!

u no tell me any stink bout me ugly one...u no have that
much space between yoah ears....u like waddle in the
illusions of your grandeur....u like limp weed.

great reach your mind-stem nevah arrive at.

u give me burps all ovah haole....u no local
and u proud of it....

what u say u wake up some one else's nightmare?

u smoke dope of entrails u just ate....

get out of has more to it then you have
to lose....which is a truism of of your place
on da kine...nowhere fast.

take a fast jump to no place real....

get a fixation fixed....


Paul Kekai Manansala

Dec 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/22/96

In article <59h462$>, wrote:

> Image vs. Function.....

What in the world are you talking about?

Paul Kekai Manansala


Dec 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/23/96

In <32c6886a....@> j...@ (Luxx) writes:
>On 22 Dec 1996 18:06:50 GMT, wrote:
>[crap sniped]
>Such childish insults. You haven't even answered any questions that
>were asked of you. What is the matter with you? You want to discuss
>this or not? All you do is insult people.

One cannot talk with one who has a demented view of life.
One walks down a street of blackness with you...nothing to
talk about because you have no idea of what was the subject
that began this. Therefore I have nothing to talk about wit

Nice shot DEB....but it missed. Just Whoooooossssssshhhhhhhed on
by. aloha.

>In <> writes:
>"To Bill Conduit, whom I agree must be a little screwed up, should
>probably learn to respond with a civilized response, instead of
>throwing insults at me, trying to cut me down from the profession I
>have chosen. Bill, grow up. Also, since this business is about
>creativity, consider changing your little catch phrases once and I
>while. I've read some of your other mail and things like "What angst
>must you be going through" have sort of worn out their un-welcome."

What was so uncivilized about my response u get?
U no like my speak. Hey...who u to complain? I no throw
insults at u...u do it to u. I no help. u no need my help
either. U do it all by yourself. U great at it. U give
civility a bad name.

the profession you have chosen is "for sale..."

Grow this a threat?

About ANGST...gee, it's in the dict and so is "idiot" attached
to your address. Civil...what gave you birth rights?

Seems what I said affected your mindless-stem. Keep it this way.
You make it sound so easy.

Again, I no insult you. You do so well by your lonesome.

Play the game of "poor little me" moah bettah....

bill conduit
I have an attitude.


>Why don't you just show us your membership card already.
>Hey High talking chief charlie! Show us your Ranger roster.
>Is bill your p.r. man or what.

Don Strevel

Dec 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/30/96

probobly someone with a traffic ticket, or a bad inferiority complex
about being Haole. Come on, all you other Haoles out there that have a
complex, or "want to feel others pain" can kiss my butt. I work with a
lot of people from all over the world. The minute you start treating
others different due to their color, language, etc... you begin to feel
wierd yourself.
am haole, grew up in Honolulu and had my share of fights, problems and
everything else. But it was never duw to be being haole. Sometime I
was a smart ass like any other kid, but it was never due to my color.
But then I don't walk aroundbeing a "victim" either. Any "sheep" will
get pounced on, and it's not the "tigers" faulkt the sheep got pounced
on. Be a tiger and you won't have these damn problems. Stop treating
people due to their color and you won't be "vibed" as one that does, then
get hit.

Some of you haoles, (and locals as well) give everybody a bad name.

Don, or
Vegas article,
alt.vacation.las-vegas and vegas.general , vegas ng's
High paying jobs in Long Distance! Email me for info, Don.

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