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(IVÁN):The Father grows with you within the HOLY of HOLIEST: pushing Satan out from Canaan and the earth, starting in your home:

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May 9, 2022, 8:06:30 PM5/9/22
Sábado, 07 de Mayo, 2022 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas escritas por Iván Valarezo)

The Father grows with you within the HOLY of HOLIEST: pushing Satan out from Canaan and the earth, starting in your home:

Lovingly, our heavenly Father needed to grow within His children (but without sin), blessing His new creation as heaven’s glory and the earth entirely, understanding that, He needed to descend to it to live forever loved along with His holy name fires through eternity, but growing only within Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus establishing His new kingdom of love with them everlastingly. Certainly, our heavenly Father needed to enrich the earth entirely, because He is a God of great richness that He needed to enjoy not only with Adam and Eve that were born from His image and from His living-soul, but also, He needed to enjoy them abundantly with the children after them, however, Satan had taken control of it due Eve’s sin.

Unfortunately, Adam and Eve had eaten from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that our heavenly Father had warned them never to touch it, given that, as they may eat from it then they will die failing always to live in His eternal life that enriches the children only to know love, prosperity and everlasting happiness through life. Therefore, it was important for Satan and his fallen angels to have the earth impoverished by Adam and Eve along with the children through the coming generations, understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to enrich it thus to start a new kingdom of love and endless children that will exclude Satan and his fallen angels that had in mind to darken it forever.

Indeed, Satan needed to darken the entire earth by having Adam and Eve’s children living in sin throughout coming generations thus increasing his kingdom of darkness that defies our heavenly Father and His holy name fires new richness, powers and glories that only His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through His loved ones may conquer them, destroying darkness at last finally forever. Really, Satan with his unclean spirits had always brought darkness upon earth thus filling it with evil through families of the nations, so they will always fail to know our heavenly Father and His holy name fire glories, invoked to receive daily blessing from heaven above and the earth below to enjoy life in which we have been born with to enjoy it always.

Surely, this is our heavenly Father’s life, pouring upon us that we may live it with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and His Spirit entirely; understanding that, He created heaven and earth to live it to fullness with His children: loving, serving and honoring His holy name as with the angels in heaven’s glory, thus, conquering richness, glories and powers unknown before through eternity. This is something that our heavenly Father needed done with the angelical hosts in heaven’s glory, but they failed to attain this richness, glories and powers through eternity because they are limited in powers, however, with Adam and His children born from Him then He could do it, understanding that, we emerged from Him to be perfect and holy as He is forever powerful.

Positively, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth with amazing glories, powers and richness that His life lived with His children from families of the nations will be enjoyed continually everlasting thus conquering more richness, glories and powers untouched by anyone, therefore, presently He is excited to see His kingdom of love filling the earth lately with you and loved ones, neighbors and friends baptized. Truthfully, our heavenly Father will be the one growing with you along with your loved ones in your homeland, because He is the power creating things in heaven and on earth to be enjoyed with you throughout eternity always conquering new richness, powers and glories untouched by sin, therefore they are hidden richness that He alone knows where to find them with you.

Really, our heavenly Father needed to descend to grow with you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends to get you to where they are hidden near you, so you may unearth them with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus living a life of great richness, powers and glories unknown by angels in heaven and upon earth by humankind. Furthermore, our heavenly Father is determined to enrich the earth entirely with you, but to accomplish this, His perfect will with you, and this is you enriched as He has always been enriched throughout eternity, then, He needs you dressed in His holy-seed as His personal sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood filled with eternal life only knowing love for you with richness through life always.

That is why, that as our heavenly Father created heaven and earth then He created them with everything in them enriched, but also, He established His holy land that is Canaan, where He will live forever loved by you, loved ones, neighbors and friends throughout the earth, understanding that, there is no sin there but only love, happiness and endless richness for everyone everlastingly baptized. It is here, where our heavenly Father called Abraham along with his wife Sarah that had a barren-womb, but also, He called His Son Jesus Christ to be born in Canaan as Isaac with you along with every man, woman and child from the families of ancient and modern nations, because sin fails to exist there, thus He may enrich them always through life.

For this is, where our heavenly Father needed to restart His eternal life with Adam and Eve along with the children, but He needed to restart it with His holy-seed that is His sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood filled with life, powers and richness that enriches His children’s living-souls forever into eternity thus enriching the earth entirely likewise only to know glory everlastingly. Understanding that, our heavenly Father created the earth and heaven with endless-richness to enrich His coming kingdom of His love for His children thus to love, serving and honoring His holy name fires throughout life to conquer new richness, powers and glories that angelical hosts failed to conquer them, so He may live finally His holy heart’s everlasting-happiness with you through eternity upon earth.

Certainly, richness, powers and glories throughout His new coming kingdom of love that only Him with His Son and His Holy Spirit in His children that they will be conquered, making His holy heart very happy throughout eternity much happier than in heaven’s glory, thus, nowadays it is established in Canaan entirely, waiting for His descend to start life with humankind to fullness finally. However, for this to happen throughout the nations then our heavenly Father called Abraham to the Lord’s Table, served by His Son Jesus Christ as Melchizedek king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) with His bread and wine not only for Abraham to have it with Him but also for the children through coming generations, thus to have them living in His sacred-flesh through life always.

For our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ serving the Lord’s Table for Him and Abraham along with Sarah and the adoptive children (bought with money from strangers), then His Son could be born from Sarah’s barren-womb as Isaac with every one of them dressed with His sacred-flesh, where sin fails to exist throughout life, so they may retake their sins to water baptism. This event was important, as our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb by the Holy Spirit’s powers, considering that, He was planning not only to have them retake their sins through Egypt’s captivity with His sacred-flesh, Isaac, but also, He needed them reborn from the earth’s heart to live again on the Third Day with lasting-salvation, in Canaan.

That is why, that ancient Israel with Moses over Mount Sinai received His holy name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, because now they were ready to receive it in Isaac’s sacred-flesh that had collected the world’s sins entirely through Egypt’s four-hundred years of captivity, thus, they were heading towards the Red Sea baptism to abandon sin finally forever. Truly, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel along with Moses walking out Egypt’s captivity to dump your sins along with those from your loved ones, neighbors and friends from the families of ancient and modern nations, in the baptism of water by His holy name fires' powers that He failed to grant it to Jacob as he asked the Angel for it.

Now, our heavenly Father did not grant His holy name fires to Jacob because He could only grant it to His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac that is not only Israel but also families of ancient and modern nations, reborn from Sarah’s barren-womb then later reborn again from David’s virgin daughter living in Canaan without sin finally by His holy name fires' salvation powers. Therefore, it was our heavenly Father’s perfect will for His Son Jesus Christ to be Isaac with every man, woman and child from past and future generations, retaking their sins from Egypt’s captivity later to be cleansed from them at the Red Sea baptism with His holy name's powers, thus receiving instantly His glorified-body that welcomes His kingdom of love upon Canaan finally forever.

Really, as soon as our heavenly Father had Moses baptizing the entire house of Israel at the Red Sea then every sin that had been committed against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit were abandoned at the seabed never to see them again, thus everybody became reborn along with ancient and modern nations in Canaan, to conquer the wilderness finally forever. Therefore, once our heavenly Father had ancient Israel with families of ancient and modern nations reborn in Canaan with Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood then He could use the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers to bless them always through the wilderness above any attack that it may come from any enemy besides Satan, thus destroying them forever finally upon earth entirely.

Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to defeat Satan along with the fallen angels and death through the Sinai’s desert by having not only Israel reborn from Canaan instantly by His holy name fires' powers, but also, have families of ancient and modern nations reborn in Canaan thus He may use effectively His oath sworn to Isaac’s daily powers to enrich the earth finally forever. Besides that, our heavenly Father needs Satan destroyed along with fallen angels, death and other enemies with richness granted unto us already from heaven’s glory but also scattered everywhere upon earth that He will unearth them abundantly to His children reborn with His water baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism thus enriching His kingdom of love upon earth powerfully, starting in Canaan, as always.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to grant Jacob and his children that is Israel with ancient and modern nations His holy name fires' powers not when he asked the Angel for it that is Isaac always, but only with the world’s sin collected for water baptism to restart His life in the wilderness defeated forever to possess Canaan’s lasting richness finally. Timely, our heavenly Father called Abraham to Canaan, because He promised a land making him always a blessing to others, for He looked forward to see him perfect and holy as He is in eternal life forever enriched, and this is Canaan: understanding that, when Abraham was called to be like Him forever—then this is water baptism, instantly reborn enriched with Him everlastingly.

Seriously, our heavenly Father needs you reborn with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in Canaan’s love, powers, glories and everlasting daily richness among other amazing blessings waiting for you, loved ones, neighbors and friends to be reborn with you entirely, thus for you to live His eternal life enriching you with the earth completely for His coming king of love. Lawfully, our heavenly Father needs you baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, to be reborn not only from Canaan but also from Jerusalem’s holy cross, where you were nailed to His Son Jesus Christ’s bleeding hands and feet entering into His Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest powers forever victorious over sin in life.

Confidently, our heavenly Father needs you in Canaan, reborn from Him and from His holy heart’s eternal love always felt for you beyond all human understanding to see you returning to life again but filled with Canaan’s richness that enriches not only your home and family but also your nation knowing richness that was impossible before, now welcoming His final descend into Canaan forever. Graciously, it is in this love that our heavenly Father needs to descend upon you not only blessing you until His kingdom of His eternal love comes into the nations, but also, it is here, where He really knows that you loved Him and His holy name beyond all human understanding, given that, it is powerful, glorious, and impossible for anyone to understand it.

Positively, Canaan is where our heavenly Father has already received you born with His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac from Sarah’s barren-womb, rescuing you from hell’s gate, to have you reborn again as Isaac with His Son from David’s virgin daughter, finally reborn from His virgin heart, the Holy of Holiest, only knowing His passion, powers and never-ending happiness through life in you. For it was important for our heavenly Father to have you in the Sinai’s desert with Moses and ancient Israel performing the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers finally to declare you perfect and holy within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, enriching you daily in your life at home with loved ones, neighbors and friends thus enriching your nation powerfully permanently.

Understanding that, baptized in water with Moses and ancient Israel at the Red Sea, then you were reborn with them as citizens in Canaan’s richness, powers and glories to live through the Sinai’s desert always victorious against Satan, fallen angels, famine, witchcraft nations with their families, death and hell’s torment, finally to see everyday richness coming your way always through life forever. Really, our heavenly Father created heaven and earth with you, loved ones, neighbors and friends in mind, therefore, He created them with everything filled with endless-richness that you will fail to find them in the sinful-flesh received from Adam and Eve, however, with His sacred-flesh received only through Isaac then you will always walk towards them without any problem until you are enriched everlastingly.

Historically, our heavenly Father had you walking through the Sinai’s desert with Moses and ancient Israel, because they collected your sins through Egypt’s captivity for four-hundred years to abandon them at the Red Sea baptism, furthermore, they sweetened Marah’s bitter waters for you to become baptize in your home’s bathtub to drink from the rock of salvation through life that is everlasting richness, as always. Legally, our heavenly Father not only needed you walking through the Sinai’s desert liberated from your sins with Moses and ancient Israel, but also, He needed to grant you His Ten Commandments of Israel and Moses to be fulfilled by you before Satan and his venomous serpents as fallen angels and nations of witchcraft families, stopping you before entering Canaan victorious over sin forever.

Now, our heavenly Father granted you His holy commandments through the Sinai’s desert as Satan’s kingdom of venomous serpents, knowing that, you had become one with Moses and ancient Israel, as Marah’s bitter waters were sweetened by the tree lying nearby that it was you in need to become baptized in clean waters to be taken by Israel, thus becoming Isaac’s sacred-flesh finally forever enriched. Really, our heavenly Father needed you reborn in Canaan again to grant you His holy commandments to be fulfilled by you entirely, because Moses was born when ancient Israel had collected the world’s sin in Egypt’s captivity, then His holy name fire was granted forever—well, He did the same with you reborn in Canaan to have you fulfilling His commandments through the desert.

That is to say, that our heavenly Father granted unto you His holy name, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to abandon your sins at the Red Sea baptism later granting you His holy commandments as citizen of Canaan’s love, powers and endless-richness, so you may fulfill them where Satan had you along with others suffering famine forever cursed. Indeed, our heavenly Father needed you reborn from the Sinai’s desert: famine, curse, death and eternal perdition to have you living without sin in His glorified-body granted unto you already as Isaac, where sin fails to exist thus to please His holy heart as you may honor, love and exalt His holy name fires, because His holy commandments are perfect in you forever lastly.

Divinely, our heavenly Father needed you to love, serving and worshipping Him and His holy name with His holy commandments fulfill in you through the desert that is Satan’s kingdom of venomous serpents waiting and ready to attack you until you are destroyed eternally, so you will fail to enter into His kingdom of love filling the earth entirely with endless-richness, starting in Canaan. Lawfully, our heavenly Father needed Satan and his venomous serpents destroyed through hell’s torment by having you fulfilling His holy commandments that are His eternal life always lived with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in perfect communion with the angelical hosts thus to love, serve and honor His holy name into greater glories than before through eternity with you.

For our heavenly Father to accomplish this with you, loved ones, neighbors and friends through ancient and modern nations upon earth, then, He needed you eating from His manna descending every morning from heaven above along with water from the rock of salvation, thus, you may receive His glorified-body fresh from Him in heaven to live forever in loved with Him through the desert. Besides that, our heavenly Father needed Satan and his venomous serpents knowing how much you really love Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit along with His holy name greatly exalted daily through His holy commandments fulfilled, glorified and exalted with you through the desert, thus, this was only possible with you dressing His perfect and holy body before Satan, confused forever now.

Physically, our heavenly Father needed to have every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of ancient and modern nations eating His manna and drinking from His rock of salvation descending from heaven above every day until they received His glorified-body as Isaac’s sacred-flesh, where His holy heart loves Him along with you beyond all human understanding—confusing Satan further through eternity forevermore. Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed to do this with every man, woman and child from ancient and modern nations, starting with Adam and Eve, so He will have His holy heart in His children’s chest crying out loud how much they have always loved Him although they had fallen into hell’s torment cursed by sin, for failing the water baptism that saves them.

Certainly, what Satan failed to understand was that our heavenly Father descended daily in the manna and in the water from the rock to become reborn in His children, thus growing to become one giant with them, then He could grow with them entirely in Isaac’s sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and in the atoning-blood to abandon hell’s torment, finally entering Canaan forever victorious over sin. Surely, our heavenly Father needed to grow as a giant with every man, woman and child that had become bones and ashes through the Sinai’s desert with Satan ruling over them with his venomous serpents, through his kingdom of darkness that the only thing that He needed was to grow with them to become bigger, powerful and gloriously enriched before Satan forever into everlasting.

Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Moses see in heaven’s glory the tabernacle of reunion with the Holy of Holiest, because He needed to expiate, judge and cover every one’s sin with lamb’s atoning-blood, but also, He needed His holy heart to grow with His amazing love bigger than hell’s torment to liberate finally His children from Satan’s grip forever. Really, our heavenly Father had His children, starting with Moses and ancient Israel along with every man, woman and child from families of ancient and modern nations, eating His bread (manna) and drink from His cup of wine (water, tea, juice, etc.) for His glorified-body to grow bigger than the Sinai’s desert to defeat Satan forever finally thus to have them entering Canaan’s richness.

Timely, our heavenly Father needed to conquer the Sinai’s desert not only to have Moses and ancient Israel sweetening Marah’s bitter waters by throwing the three lying nearby into it, sweetening His holy heart in need to release His holy commandments to His children, but also, He started His new kingdom of love, starting with Satan condemned in the lake of fire forever cursed. Besides, our heavenly Father needed to seal Satan’s defeat along with fallen angels, death, hell’s torment and witchcraft families, enemies that have always been used against Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit thus to attack His holy name fires throughout the families of the nations, for his kingdom of darkness to be established at last with humankind forever lost in famine.

Surely, our heavenly Father needed to destroy Satan, fallen angels, death, hell’s torment along with the Sinai’s desert and its venomous serpents in person, by growing within us, as we ate from His bread and wine from heaven above, so He may also destroy problems, conflicts, sicknesses, maladies, curses, and any weapon that Satan may build against His children throughout the earth. Indeed, our heavenly Father grew with Moses and ancient Israel along with families of ancient and modern nations through the Sinai’s desert as we daily ate from His glorified-body as His bread and wine, thus becoming a giant in our daily lives throughout our days upon earth, so Satan will always fail to grow in us finally to destroy us in hell’s torment again.

Therefore, baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, then you will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for Isaac’s sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where He grows with you and in you gigantically, bigger than Satan and the kingdom of darkness, so you will always live victoriously against him and his wilds. Divinely, this was the only way that our heavenly Father was going to walkout with you, loved ones, neighbors and friends with families of the nations around the world from hell’s torments and its venomous serpents to see life again enriched with Canaan’s daily richness, leading you always towards heaven’s glory forever enriched to love, serving and honoring His holy name fires through eternity.

Really, our heavenly Father descended with the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest to expiate, judge and cover sins from His children from Israel and the families of ancient and modern nations thus to have them reborn with Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, walking away from hell’s torment never to return to it again forever into eternity. Now, considering that, our heavenly Father has done these things with you through His Son Jesus Christ as Isaac and the Holy Spirit within the Holy of Holiest throughout the Sinai’s desert then you can perfectly be enriched these days by been reborn from the water baptism to enter into Canaan’s daily richness, enriching you along with your homeland and the earth entirely forever.

Certainly, baptized in water then our heavenly Father can bless you with richness continually along with your loved ones throughout your homeland thus bringing richness upon earth, enriching families ready to receive Him in His final descend into Canaan, where He will live with you loving Him with His holy heart’s amazing love emerging abundantly towards you that has never been touched by sin. Truthfully, as our heavenly Father saturates you with His holy heart’s amazing daily love coming towards you to fill you with powerful blessings, enriching loved ones, neighbors and friends, then, He will do it to enrich you as He is constantly enriched, thus saturating you with His holy presence as His passion for you forever, then it will be to enrich you beyond richness progressively.

Now, our heavenly Father needs powerful daily things happening with you, as He did with Moses and ancient Israel through the Sinai’s desert to defeat Satan, fallen angels, death, hell’s torment, conquering the earth with richness beyond richness unseen before by angels in heaven’s glory much less through the desert and the earth entirely—because He is descending towards Canaan with richness beyond abundant richness. Certainly, you need to live in this world that our heavenly Father has called you to it by abandoning the Sinai’s desert with its venomous serpents as fallen angels of famine, sickness, poverty, death, thus to live in His life bigger than the earth and humankind entirely only knowing richness that will you fail to live unless you are water baptized with Him now.

Graciously, our heavenly Father had the entire house of Israel along with Moses bitten by poisonous serpents because of rebellion against Him and His holy name fires, so they may abandon that blood that was rebellious to Him and His perfect will to wait for His coming Messiah at the gates of hell’s torments to see life again abundantly on the Third Day. Really, once our heavenly Father had Moses and ancient Israel abandoning the blood that had offended Him and His perfect will then He had them descending to hell’s gates waiting for His Messiah bathed with His own atoning-blood filled with real life that loves you with richness that will enrich His kingdom of love throughout eternity with you, as His perfect will on earth everlastingly.

Understanding that, our heavenly Father needed Moses along with ancient Israel and families of past and future generations abandoning the sinful-flesh and its rebellious blood to receive His personal atoning-blood shed by Isaac within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, so you may live daily richness, enriching loved ones, neighbors and friends for His coming kingdom of love upon earth finally. Mercifully, our heavenly Father needed you reborn from His holy-seed, as the tree entering the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest with His atoning-blood, spilling life eternal towards you always through life; but also, He needed you reborn as Isaac from David’s daughter breaking her virginity in Canaan to live His life baptized at the Jordan by John, enriching you faithfully each day always thereafter.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to enrich you powerfully each day through life to enrich the earth, because now He has declared you perfect and holy forever to be His perfect will progressively, given that you have loved, served and exalted Him and His holy name fires to fulfill His holy commandments with endless-richness, making His holy heart to be happy with you always. Indeed, baptized in water then you will be within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, with the rock of salvation filling you with oceans of love, happiness, joys and other sweetness, placing his left hand over your head so you will not turn to see his face and pull you into Him to become one eternally in His holy heart’s daily richness forever.

Lovingly, our heavenly Father will have you reborn within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, in Canaan, because you were nailed to His Son Jesus Christ’s hands and feet to spill His atoning-blood that not only erases your sins forever to declare you perfect and holy, but also, to have you reborn from His holy heart’s daily richness by the Holy Spirit’s powers. Understanding that, our heavenly Father has done these things successfully with you forever nailed to His Son Jesus Chris’s hands and feet to spill His atoning-blood that cleanses you from sin continually thus enriching you with His holy heart’s daily richness that will enrich loved ones, neighbors and friends on earth for His coming kingdom of love that will fail to end through eternity.

Therefore, you are our heavenly Father’s perfect will with loved ones, neighbors and friends, because baptized in water then you have already become perfect and holy as He is eternally executing His will with the angelical hosts always in heaven, consequently, you are His perfect will already, growing within you gigantically thus making everything consider impossible to be possible through your days always. Definitively, our heavenly Father needs us to understand that His perfect will was performed within the Sinai’s desert with Moses and ancient Israel baptized at the Red Sea to abandon every sin behind to enter the wilderness rescuing humankind entirely that failed to become baptized in water because Isaac’s sacred-flesh with the oath sworn to Isaac’s powers were not available to them then.

However, as our heavenly Father poured from heaven above His manna and water from the rock that is His glorified-body in Isaac’s sacred-flesh, then, He grew progressively with each one of them through the desert, within the tabernacle of reunion’s Holy of Holiest to become one perfect will without sin entering Canaan only to know endless-richness through life, in their homelands with loved ones. Well, this is what our heavenly Father needs to do with you nowadays, and this is to have you baptized in water by invoking His name’s perfect holiness for Him to work with you in the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, thus growing within you and around you gigantically with miracles every day for you until you are eternally enriched on earth.

Today, you must understand that our heavenly Father will only perform His daily perfect will with you within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, growing into a giant with you to do miracles as He did with Moses and ancient Israel through the desert by eating His daily manna and drinking from the rock to see great days coming towards you always. Indeed, our heavenly Father granted Moses and ancient Israel His manna and water from the rock to eat and drink from heaven’s glory, so He may grow in every one from Israel and families of ancient and modern nations to escape Satan’s serpents of famine, curses, witchcraft families, poverty, death, conflicts and hell to know the earth only with the Holy of Holiest’ endless-richness.

Certainly, for our heavenly Father to see you baptized in water with loved ones, neighbors and friends along with the entire house of Israel as well, then, He grows with everyone as God Almighty performing miracles on earth, and this is growing within the Holy of Holiest without limit with you, pushing Satan out from Canaan and your homeland to know daily richness always. Historically, this is what our heavenly Father did through the Sinai’s desert in forty years growing with every man, woman and child from Israel and families of the nations to outgrow Satan and his kingdom of darkness liberating you, loved ones, neighbors and friends from all evil, considering that, He finally removed sin from the world in one day, in Canaan with you for eternity.

Well, our heavenly Father with you baptized in water then He will do the same growing with you within the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest by eating your daily bread and drinking your water with Him, thus becoming one with you gigantically as He is with the angelical hosts through life performing miracles impossible to happen with you—but you will eventually see them nonetheless. Therefore, water baptized with loved ones, neighbors and friends then you will grow with our heavenly Father in the Synagogue of Jerusalem’s Holy of Holiest, present in every nation today, eating His daily bread and water with you, thus creating His new kingdom of love on earth—understanding that, He grows with you pushing Satan out of the earth entirely, starting in your homeland.

Nowadays, you must understand that, manna and water descending from our heavenly Father from heaven above did not stop as ancient Israel entered Canaan, by crossing the Jordan, then, they were baptized to start growing with Him and His Holy Spirit within the Holy of Holiest, as with you now, because He performs His perfect will of richness in you only from His home-sweet-home. Surely, we can push Satan, fallen angels, witchcraft families, poverty, famine, death and hell’s torment from your hometown thus having loved ones, neighbors and friends living a glorious life only existing with you baptized in water in the Holy of Holiest, that is His home-sweet-home, blessing you with richness until you may say as Abraham: Lord, I am too rich already—enrich others everlastingly. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1
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