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Orange Sunshine

Mar 25, 2006, 11:23:01 AM3/25/06
I have a question about the CCTV-9 English-language news channel
I get on my local American cable system.

I'll watch its international news coverage and they have no problem
reporting about elections in various countries, or opposition
parties' positions relative to official government positions. But
then in China any mention of democracy, elections, or oppositions
is ruthlessly suppressed. So how does China reconcile its refusal
to allow even discussion of democracy within its territory with
its reporting on democratic elections in other countries?

And of course I'd like to know whether CCTV-9 is actually watched
by Chinese within China. Is it simply a translation of the regular
CCTV Chinese-language broadcast, or is it aimed at foreigners? In
other words, are the references to elections and opposition parties
mentioned in the domestic broadcasts?


Mar 26, 2006, 3:00:28 AM3/26/06
it is funny,some democrats of china do not like CCTV-9,because they think
CCTV-9 is simply a translation of the regular
CCTV Chinese-language broadcast,as you think so.
"Orange Sunshine" <>

Posted via news://
Complaints to

Mar 26, 2006, 3:00:27 AM3/26/06
If you want to know the content of Mainland news for Chinese in
putonghua, you need only look to FLG's EPOCH TIMES which translates all
the bad news that Mainland has no problem reporting and stirs in their
own fantastic yellow and purple trucker hat spin. I think it's
interesting that no one calls Epoch on their plagiarism but real
Chinese people who read Chinese news and watch Chinese news, don't read
Epoch so they have no idea. To a lesser degree, SCMP has spun since
handover. It's really not the same as Chinese news which does give you
the grim news on the future of elections and the condition of the
masses. We've never read the officially Mainland paper and my mother
wasn't even allowed to listen to Communist songs so we don't have the
training to see Mainland through rose colored glasses and we've heard
lots of bad news.

Mar 26, 2006, 3:01:12 AM3/26/06

CCTV-9 was available to anyone in Guangzhou in 2003, and in Beijing in
November, 2005.


Mar 27, 2006, 3:02:48 AM3/27/06
<> wrote in message
The FLG movement started some years ago here in Denmark, and although their demonstrations have been peaceful throughout the country, their methods of recruitment have not been so docile. They have started posting themselves outside Chinese supermarkets to hand out their Epoch Times and ask for donations, and their methods of making you talk to them have been very aggressive and not the least bit pleasant. They would insist that you give them your name and address as well, no doubt to knock on your door a la Jehovah's Witnesses. Ever since I heard of Epoch Times here in this newsgroup, I actually got one and took it home to read. Well, it was like reading any other religious magazines, except that this concentrated itself in showing the plight of the Chinese FLG members in China with graphic pictures of dubious origins. I find propaganda distasteful no matter from whom they come.


Mar 27, 2006, 3:02:49 AM3/27/06
hi, I am a chinese , it is not easy explain to you very clear.

Most chinese people not really care about political thing. And , chinese
really not suit for the democracy.

CCTV nerver avoid report democracy in other country , and they say , china
will build democracy in future , but not now. Now ,chinese is not ready.

For my opinon , it is ture .

did you have a msn ID , we can discuss more . :)


Mar 28, 2006, 2:22:33 AM3/28/06
"bbxlp" <> wrote in message news:e07evc$fua$

> hi, I am a chinese , it is not easy explain to you very clear.
> Most chinese people not really care about political thing. And , chinese
> really not suit for the democracy.
> CCTV nerver avoid report democracy in other country , and they say , china
> will build democracy in future , but not now. Now ,chinese is not ready.
> For my opinon , it is ture .
> did you have a msn ID , we can discuss more . :)
Someone in this newsgroup has been persistently claiming for over 20 years that the Chinese government is oppressing the Chinese people. What do you say to that? He says that freedom of speech does not exist in China. What do you say to that? He says that Democracy should be imposed now. You have answered that question. Someone here also said that members of the Falung Gong are being imprisoned without trials and are executed for the sale of their internal organs. What do you say to that?

Mar 29, 2006, 2:51:48 AM3/29/06
If it's bad news from the Mainland, the reaction by Overseas Chinese is
"probably." It's the unpragmatic and dishonestly presented solutions
and the spin offered by international media that alienates and
effectively silences ordinary Chinese.

Mar 29, 2006, 2:51:52 AM3/29/06
This is the first time in YEARS that alt.culture.china let one of my
posts in. How come?

Four-Way Windowpane

Mar 30, 2006, 12:40:13 AM3/30/06
to wrote...

> This is the first time in YEARS that alt.culture.china let one of my
> posts in. How come?

Hmm, are you posting from China? If so, it was an accident that
your post got through the censor bot.


Apr 17, 2006, 11:54:34 AM4/17/06
It is like that maybe only for you, but not for all Chinese people. A
lot of Chinese people do care about political issues and they do
discuss all kinds of topics on the Internet (try
Besides, some of them do think sooner or later China is going to adopt
some "western model".

You don't really know anything so don't talk in behalf of 1.3 billion


Apr 18, 2006, 3:46:44 AM4/18/06
Yes, I totally agree with what you said. If CCP is not good, FLG can
only be much worse. And don't forget, FLG people were educated by the
CCP too. They totally know how to fight against CCP: they try to get
support from overseas. They certainly use the two keywords "freedom"
and "religion" a lot, but what they do does not really match what they
say. These people keep bothering you in all sorts of ways: messenger,
e-mail, newspaper, students even sometimes find CD's and letters in
their open mailboxes at school (even in the U.S. and Europe). Their
free so-called "newspaper" is everywhere, just go to a Chinese grocery
store in the States and pick one, guess what, all things happenend or
happening in this world, even in the whole universe, are associated
with FLG people's "bright future" and CCP's "end of the world" . They
interpret almost every natural phenomena as a sign of that, too. It's
rediculous that a lot of western people are fooled by them. Just think
this way: it might be true that CCP always lies, but that does not mean
that FLG is the opposite. Last year, my friend, an European guy took
his mother with him to Washington, DC, and they saw some FLG people
practicing in public areas, center part of D.C.. And his mother said "I
don't know what the other people say about them, but it looks to me
that these people are showing off other than just excercising. Even for
religious purposes, why do they have to practice in this kind of
opening and crowded spaces? There are a lot of quiet and nice parks."

Besides, does anyone really think the CCP totally made it up and
actually hired or forced people to perform this "let's burn ourselves
to die on the square scene"? FLG people said so. I don't think so.
Think about it, even if, if someone force you to do so, wouldn't you
prefer to die another way other than burning yourself? How would one
agree to do that? Some FLG people said the burning is not real. All
right, then CCP people must be the best magicians in the world.

I knew in my hometown there used to be many people, especially old
people practicing FLG, but none of them died of an unclear reason or
got imprisoned. Sure there are FLG people in the prison, but I guess
only the top-level ones---and I'm not sure what they acutally did. What
I know is that FLG does say that you don't have to go to hospital, you
don't have to go see a doctor if you get sick, you only need to
practice FLG. And Li Hongzhi let his people to die in the square to
show their courage or whatever they claimed as to the government, why
didn't he do that to himself?

Certainly a lot of Chinese people want freedom, want democracy, want a
stronger richer country. But please don't encourage them to risk their
lives by jumping into another trap!


Apr 20, 2006, 2:53:14 AM4/20/06
we have some falunggong members here in hamburg university,and they are
very nice and intelligent people i friends and i we were
invited to come to lecture they gave in university and we think their
basic ideas are very good,but owever they teach that people must not do
things to oppose the course of universal events,like jahova witnesses,
so in the end falung gong people will be slaves of foreign power.i
think this is reason why chinese government will not want all chinese
people to become falunggong members just to oppose government and to
become zombies for foreign power.

Faye schrieb:


Apr 20, 2006, 2:53:15 AM4/20/06
really one side bad does not mean the other side is good.
so outsiders have to get a brain to see what can be believed.
FLG are ex-CCP gangs,
because of their former position, their news are accuracy and fast,
for their own deeds, it has to be careful to see the motive to tell lies.

Faye wrote:


Don Strevel

Jun 23, 2006, 3:22:45 AM6/23/06
IMHO, China does not even feel a need to apply the same news reporting to
themself as they do to others. Plus, you must remember that in Communist
Philosophy the people in another country benefit from a revolution, that is
to say, the peoples struggel ....yada, yada, yada....

Notice that it is the peoples struggle elsewhere and never at home. :)
hahahaha Rather transparent.

They don't care what you think. You and I are just the grease in the wheels
of the bike that carries them to point B.

Don in Las Vegas,

"Orange Sunshine" <> wrote in message


Jun 26, 2006, 2:18:12 AM6/26/06
CCTV-1(in Chinese)'s news at noon is primarily bad news, such as
curruptions, accidents...
while its new at 7:00pm is primarily good news.
I like both


Jun 27, 2006, 4:44:39 AM6/27/06
Chinese population inside China doesn' t watch CCTV-9 .

CCTV-9 is in English and is for viewers outside China.
Chinese inside China watch CCTV-1, which is full of domestic news and
selected news
from outside China.

CCTV - 1, CCTV-2, CCTV-3, CCTV-4, CCTV-5, CCTV-6 , CCTV-7 . CCTV-8 .,

CCTV-4 is for international Chinese community outside China.

CCTV-7 is for Chinese farmers inside China,

there is also a Chinese military channel CCTV-5 ? or CCTV-6 ?
the best is still CCTV-4 .

J. Vincent Nix ???

Jul 14, 2006, 12:25:09 AM7/14/06

"J.Venning" <>

All governments oppress ppl. my govt in the U.S. oppresses ppl. China is
different only in that government corruption is accepted (i.e., transparent)
and the ppl know that oppression is a part of everyday life. That is
opposed to the ppl in the U.S. believing that they actually make a
difference.... but if voting mattered it'd be outlawed in the states.

Freedom of speech exists. I sit in bars, bookstores, coffee houses and talk
about pretty much anything. I teach English courses and nothing is off
limits. I teach business courses and local professionals bring real-world
problems and real-world issues into the classroom to be solved by their
colleagues. Conversely, in the U.S. I could lose my job for saying that I
personally disagree with homosexuality, but of course professionally I don't
care. I've been an advisor for GLBTA groups, but if I ever said "by the
way, I think we are giving you too much leeway to preach your lifestyles"
I'd have been fired. So, I 'advised'. In China I can call a rat a rat, a
spade a spade, a farce a farce, and not worry. NOW, mind you, I don't go
'round stirring up stuff, in either country.

China is NOT ready for democracy. THere are 1 Billion peasants here, with
little or no education. It would be suicide for the country.

I know several elderly ppl that still practice FLG, but not to the extreme
that the expats currently in the States and other places outside China do.
They DO NOT get sick, the DO NOT visit doctors, they meet in groups
socially. THEY DO NOT do the Jehova's witness stuff I saw posted here as
being done elsewhere in the world. Most of them say that the FLG ppl
thrown out of China were crazy and used their belief-system in a contorted
way. They hurt that they are misunderstood and forced to "hide" their
practices. When I say "hide" I don't mean from the government as much as
from other society members (they don't want to "lose face" having others
call them crazy). But in family and close friend gatherings, no such
secrecy is necessary.

Everywhere in the world, prisoners are mistreated. I see nothing wrong with
harvesting organs from ppl that have abused their rights in society. if we
did that in the states, we'd have much less of a prison overpopulation

I'm not Chinese, but I've lived here for a few years. I listen and learn
and enjoy studying ppl. These are my perspectives, you don't need to agree
with them you don't need to like me and i don't need to like you. If you
want to have discourse regarding my views/comments, by all means I welcome



Jul 22, 2006, 2:42:15 AM7/22/06
peasants have a good heart and honest,
much better than you soul-sold learner to choose leader !!!!
regrectfully is such democracy but representative system,
which gives either tigher or wold for them to choose.
say no more the communists gives not a bit for them to choose.
then such communists' dogs go libelling peasants cannot choose.

J. Vincent Nix ???

Aug 16, 2006, 2:49:20 AM8/16/06
You are unaware of the curent system whereby local officials are now ELECTED
in China??

"lechergod" <>

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