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Nigger pimp, woman accused of grooming Florida teen for prostitution

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Dave Cross

Nov 18, 2021, 7:05:02 AM11/18/21
MIAMI (AP) — A convicted pimp and his alleged accomplice are in
custody, accused of grooming an 18-year-old from central Florida
for prostitution, authorities said.

Saint Matthew Hopson, 32, and Atilia Cleto Thomas, 19, each face
charges that include felony human trafficking and forcing,
compelling and coercing someone to become a prostitute,
according to the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office. They were
arrested on Feb. 13.

An arrest report said that on Jan. 14, Hopson met the Lakeland
teen on Facebook Dating and began grooming her.

The next day, he drove to central Florida to meet her, and
brought her back with him to Miami, where they stayed in a
hotel, the Miami Herald reported.

They went shopping at Victoria’s Secret and Hopson had the teen
pose for photos in the clothes that he bought her, the report
said. Hopson then asked Thomas to post the pictures on an online
escort service under the title, “I’m new to the game.”

He told the girl that he managed an escort service, but the teen
didn’t know that she was being offered up on the escort site,
the Herald reported.

Prosecutors said Hopson told the teen that it was Thomas who
would be having sex with clients, but Thomas later asked the
teen to have sex with a client. According to the report, the
teen tried, but couldn’t.

Hopson also had sexual contact with the teen against her will,
prosecutors said.

She told him she didn’t want to be a prostitute and wanted to go
home, the report said. He then told her that he had just gotten
out of prison for human trafficking and kidnapping and would
kill her if she called police, the report said.

Hopson drove the teen back to Lakeland and dropped her off at a
church, the report said.

She reunited with her family and called police. Officers later
pulled him over when he left a hotel in Miami Springs. An arrest
report said a notebook in Hopson’s car had a handwritten list of
laws of being a “pimp.”

Hopson’s lengthy criminal history includes prostitution-related
arrests in multiple states. He served three years in Florida for
living off prostitution earnings, the Herald reported. He’s also
on probation in North Carolina.

Thomas and Hopson remained in jail in Miami on Friday. Their
court records didn’t list lawyers.

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