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Rocky Horror!!!

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Brian R Meade

Jan 28, 1990, 4:09:11 PM1/28/90
Has anyone ever seen an interview with Susan Surandine(sp?) where she
discussed her role in Rocky Horror Picture show? I was wondering what
she thought of that role now that she's a big star. Also, I've heard
that they made a sequel to that great picture and I was wondering if
anyone else had heard something similar.

Thanks for any help.

Brian Meade Mass. Inst. of Tech.

David Sapery @ U. of Penn

Jan 28, 1990, 4:47:42 PM1/28/90
In article <>
(Brian R Meade) writes:
>Has anyone ever seen an interview with Susan Sarandon where she

>discussed her role in Rocky Horror Picture show? I was wondering what
>she thought of that role now that she's a big star. Also, I've heard
>that they made a sequel to that great picture and I was wondering if
>anyone else had heard something similar.

Sequel to RHPS is called SHOCK TREATMENT and it's a topic of recurring
discussion on this newsgroup.

REPLY TO: | \ _ . _| ( BLUE JAYS IN 1990 ) |_/ (/\ \/ | (/\ ( GO NY RANGERS!! )


Jan 28, 1990, 9:19:59 PM1/28/90
Susan Sarandon did not appear in SHOCK TREATMENT (available on video from
most places that have incredible selection--it is not really popular outside
of hard-core fans--hi, Alex!!) because (I believe) they couldn't afford to
give her as much money as she wanted.
I personally enjoyed SHOCK TREATMENT. It has a lot of good songs, a lot
of in-jokes, symbols, and themes form RHPS, and (best of all) Richard O'Brien
and Patricia Quinn. It's not quite risqe enough for my tastes, though, and
if you watch RHPS for Frnak'n'Furter you will probably be disappointed. (Tim
Curry was asked to play Brad and his evil twin, but didn't think he could hack
an American accent).
Any further information on the movie would be greatly appreciated.
--the Wonderbitch

Mike Wildridge

Jan 29, 1990, 1:51:27 AM1/29/90
In article <>, (Brian R Meade) writes:
> Also, I've heard
> that they made a sequel to that great picture and I was wondering if
> anyone else had heard something similar.

You be correct - SHOCK TREATMENT is the "sequel" (for lack of a better word).
I do own it on videocassette (as well as RHPS). It took me a few times to
understand what was going on and to enjoy the flick, but now that I fully
comprehend it, it's GREAT! I have the soundtrack too, on casette. That's
really the best part of the movie (as it was with Rocky). It's kind of a
change. All the original RHPS people are in it (except Tim C., Barry B., and
Susan S.). It has the Trasylvanians, Betty Hapschatt, Ralph H, Janet's
Parents but it really has NOTHING to do with Rocky. The only connection is
that it's set in Denton and there are a few of the same characters. Richard
O., Nell C., and Patricia Q. do NOT play Riff, Columbia, and Magenta. It's
a really strange flick but worth having if you're a die hard Rocky fan.


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Feb 5, 1990, 2:22:05 PM2/5/90
In article <>, (Brian R Meade) writes:
> Has anyone ever seen an interview with Susan Surandine(sp?) where she
> discussed her role in Rocky Horror Picture show? I was wondering what
> she thought of that role now that she's a big star. Also, I've heard
> that they made a sequel to that great picture and I was wondering if
> anyone else had heard something similar.

I haven't actually seen the whole interview, but I do have a quote from it...

"It thrills me that one day my grandchildren will be able
to see their grandmother in her little 1/2 slip and bra
seducing a monster."
-Susan Sarandon

As to the sequal, Richard O'Brian wrote and directed a movie called "Shock
Treatment", which had Brad and Janet in it, but was otherwise unrelated.
It's an ok movie, but nowhere near as good as RHPS.

-Criss Invidiata

"Eagles may soar, but a weasel will never get sucked into a jet engine."

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