> its a film taboo to have children get killed (opposed to dying) so its very
> rare to see children shown on a movie in the process of getting killed
Precinct 13 feature the murder of a little girl that sets the whole stand
off at the old station house.
"They tried it, they liked it, they did it again."
On 29 Jan 1999 12:23:25 GMT, Paul Cartwright Spake Thusly:
> its a film taboo to have children get killed (opposed to dying) so its very
To respond, substitute "spam" with "coastnet".
Visit The Unknown Movies Page!
Also The Bad Seed, although not shown on screen.
I seem to be picking out movies where kids kill kids, which is disturbing in
and of itself.
Linda Kay
>On 29 Jan 1999 12:23:25 GMT, "Paul Cartwright"
><cart...@vianet.net.au> wrote:
>>its a film taboo to have children get killed (opposed to dying) so its very
>>rare to see children shown on a movie in the process of getting killed (as
>>opposed to seeing the aftermath) not that i want see children get killed.
>>its sick dammit! so anyway, anyone know of any other films (most often made
>>outside the U.S of course) that show children getting killed? I can only
>>think of 'Caligula' (1980) and that was a particularly brutal slaying.
>>ah..ancient rome. those were the days
Out of the Blue--1980
Drunk Dennis Hopper T-Bones a schoolbus full of youngsters with his
semi-truck, killing many. The wreck is shown in slow motion with
"bodies" hanging out the windows.
The Control Voice-we like to watch
Enter our CONTEST and let us give you a prize, dammit!
(Yes, you heard right, a new Jack Chick site is coming to UNGH)
Blob 1988 also has a scene of a kid dying. I recently posted about this
movie, which I found to be pretty disturbing.
----> Trent
>Out of the Blue--1980
>Drunk Dennis Hopper T-Bones a schoolbus full of youngsters with his
>semi-truck, killing many. The wreck is shown in slow motion with
>"bodies" hanging out the windows.
Indeed that IS an extremely disturbing sequence, and the image of Hopper's semi
plowing through the bus is unforgettable.
I would also mention the shattering scene from PET SEMATARY, in which Gage
runs out in front of a truck, and then we see the father screaming in anguish,
and pictures of him cuddling the "baby" are flashed on the screen. I had a
friend become so disturbed by the emotional power of that scene (on first
viewing) that he asked me to turn the tape off. A very underrated film.
>and of course lets not forget my fave dead kid pics
> The Player--kid on bike dies eventually(that counts right)
You mean Short Cuts right?
> Alice Sweet Alice--in which charred Brooke Sheilds is the main course
editor x
...someday we'll be dignified and old...
On 29 Jan 1999, Daniel Fredrick Etter wrote:
> High Risk, with Jet Li. A whole school bus full of the buggers gets blown
> to hell.
> Dan
Let's not forget Cemetery Man, in which a bunch of boy scouts die twice.
"I thought of Uncle Rory and his discovery that it was not possible to
influence TV screens from afar by humming."
-----------------------------------------Iain Banks, "The Crow Road"--------
Brian Kennedy: bo...@mail.20-eyes.com
In "The Heroic Trio" there's a scene where Wonder Woman fails to save a baby
from accidental injury which leads to death. A lot better than the hero
being invincible and infallible wherever babies and the handicapped are
concerned. Also in that same movie, Thief Catcher must wipe out a cadre of
possessed flesh-eating youngsters.
Man, that was in SHORTCUTS!
-----> Trent
Andy Warhol's BAD, where a distraught mother throws her newborn out of a
high-rise apartment building window. The kid hits the pavement and gory bits
of dead baby splash into a passerby's face. Ive seen a guy turn GREEN after
seeing that...
Jodorowsky, Cassavetes, Warhol, Lynch
Kenneth Anger, Wertmuller
and MANY others
The last scene has a big group of parents killing the're zombifies kids.
The best scene is when a dad puts a gun into his son's mouth and blows
his brains out. A great movie.
Cart00nX wrote in message ...
I thought it was pretty good, definatly worth a rental. It's pretty
boring up until the last half hour. I was kinda disapointed that it
wasn't very cheesy, it took itself too seriously. Still an intersting
"Have you ever had... AN EGYPTIAN FEAST?!?"
-Fuad Ramses, BLOOD FEAST
My sister and I had fun in Pet Sematary by trying to pinpoint exactly when the
dad lost it completely. We decided it was that crazy little grin he gave when
he was diggin' up the kid. "Whoa! He's gone!"
- K. Cozy
"Experts agree: EVERYTHING IS FINE!"
Take off YOURPANTS to send mail!
Visit Chez Cozy: http://home.earthlink.net/~skcozy/index.html
Floyd Code: v1.2 r TW 5/1/pw+r+d Gfm 0- 0 Animals 2 6
Didn't see your name at first, and I was saying, "Whah?"
But technically, you didn't die until the third movie.
We are all spirit immortals, but it takes death to reveal this to us.
For me, the first time was enough, as languishing in Hell with the Other
and the Gemini was no honeymoon. I mean, a guy gives it all he's got,
takes on the demon that was tormenting Regan MacNeil, jumps out the
window with the demon in tow... only to slip through the cracks! "Save
Your Servant", indeed. What kind of policing is being done when the
good guy gets dragged into Hell? It took two mortals to rescue me, Bill
K and Father Morning, at the cost of Morning's life (who knows if HE
slipped through the cracks, too? I haven't seen him around up Here
yet...). And that was just the movie. Blatty's book has me already
gone to Glory, and just my body being used. I didn't need rescuing in
the book, just in the movie. I wish people would get their stories
straight, you know? At any rate, I have tracked down Father Lankester
Merrin (yes, he's up Here, too, I guess the cracks were too narrow to
admit him, some people have all the luck), and he is helping me to
understand what happened, and why, the first two times I died. One day
I hope to understand completely. Until then, I consider my faith
partially restored, which is a damn site better than what I was going
through from the period of my Mother's death (yes, she's up Here as
well) to the final moments in Regan's room. It's been an interesting
life, death, death, and afterlife. Dominus Vobiscum, K. Cozy.
"I wanted vanilla twist."
r. n. dominick -- cinn...@one.net
Look, Mr. Moto, I'm a coffee pot!
You mean that baby that looked suspiciously like a watermelon wrapped in a
receiving blanket?
Jessica Raine | ja...@world.std.com
"Milord, I should be sorry if I only entertained them. I wished to make them
better."--G F Handel
Visit the Boston Music Company homepage: http://www.bostonian.com/bmc
Whoa!! Now THAT I've gotta see!
cum grano salis ...
¢¢ Howzabout "Assault on Precinct 13?"
¢¢ "I wanted vanilla twist."
¢¢ BOOM!!!!!!!
...the kid who got offed was Kim Richards; to see her in TUFF TURF, the
shooter in ASSAULT had no fuckin' taste whatsoever :-) ...
King Daevid MacKenzie, UltimaJock! (opinions expressed solely his)
heard on WSBC/WCFJ Chicago-WSUW Whitewater-Milwaukee next week
ultim...@england.com http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/7853
"If I've offended you, you needed it." ROBIN TYLER
GC <G...@mosshead0.demon.co.uk> wrote in article
You didn't see the director's cut?
"Oh no! Willy didn't make it!"
"And he landed on <insert annoying kid's name>!" - tv
"I don't like this 'director's cut'" - Homer Simpson
Don't forget to note that it's a comedy...
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
http://www.dejanews.com/ Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
Surprised no one else has mentioned it but LEON features the death of a
4 year old
Damian Sharp
Remove ~~ to e-mail me
Beyond Hypothermia- Heroine blows little girl away... off-camera. Seventh
Curse- Screaming kids crushed to death. Lotsa blood. Run and Kill- Little
girl burned to death in front of father. Ouch. The Untold Story- Family
butchered, including kids. Moon Warriors- Mainstream fare in which soldier
kills little kid. A Taste of Killing and Romance- Nasty killer kills granny,
pet, and grandaughter. Intruder- Little girl is put through so much it might
as well count as a death; choking, drowning, nearly buried alive, chased by
serial killers, etc... Expect the Unexpected- Baby found dead via washing
Just off the top of my head. Unpleasant as all this might be, I like HK
willingness to violate tradition and kill cute kids and animals.
"Interview With The Vampire ." Not only is Kirsten Dunst's character left to
be destroyed by the sun, but isn't there another child death in that one?
Phil Dennison
Cleveland, Ohio