I was just sent this interesting article from the the Daily Pennsylvanian (U of
Penn's student paper) from March 7, 2000. In this article written by Vickie
Fields entitled "From 'Rocky Horror' to Rabbi", she mentions a man named John
Sinclair that "concieved the idea for The Rocky Horror Picture Show" about 30
years ago".
The article continues to say that Mr. Sinclair and a friend (I would assume R
O'B) came up with the idea for it while working on the musical "Hair" in
England. It says he made a deal with a friend that he would produce the stage
musical if his friend would agree to write it.
The article continues with John Sinclair transforming his life from an actor to
a rabbi. It mentions that his name has been changed to Yaakov Ahser.
My question is, does anyone believe this story? Is it possible that R'OB was
only a portion of the creative process? Does anyone know of the name(s) of the
Producers of the orginal London shows?
I will try to have this article scanned for anyone who want to see it.
Adam from Philly
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
I don't believe that. I think he's giving himself far too much credit.
John Sinclair did indeed work with O'Brien on some recordings. (Kimi & Ritz,
The Richard O'Brien Crusade, and the Touch Me single by Belinda Sinclair, who
was the second actress to play Janet Weiss on stage, and appeared on the
Original London Cast Recording.)
Richard, Sinclair, and Andy Leighton called themselves collectively Andrew
O'Bonzo. They supposedly worked togther on a few other projects that never
got off the ground.
O'Brien has been interviewed millions of times and everyone always asks him
about the genesis of Rocky Horror, and I don't recall him ever mentioning
Sinclair. I would bet he (Sinclair) is full of B.S.
The one thing I would like to know about him is if he's the *same* John
Sinclair that John Lennon wrote the song of the same name about who was jailed
for marijuana in the early 70's. I've never been able to confirm if the 2
people are the same.
Kev J.B.,
Rocky Horror collector/junkie extraordinare
Visit "sanity for today": http://welcome.to/sanityfortoday
Just wondering,
"They gave him ten for two, what else can the bastards do." -John
Lennon, "John Sinclair" 1972
I got this information from Andy Leighton as part of an interview we're
printing in the May issue of Crazed. This issue will also include an
interview with the amazing Richard Hartley. If you're at all interested in
Rocky Horror audio, you *must* have this issue...both Mr. Leighton and Mr.
Hartley were very generous with their time, and they both have great
Ruth Fink-Winter
yeah thats me <adamjs...@aol.comonover> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> I was just sent this interesting article from the the Daily Pennsylvanian
(U of
> Penn's student paper) from March 7, 2000. In this article written by
> Fields entitled "From 'Rocky Horror' to Rabbi", she mentions a man named
> Sinclair that "concieved the idea for The Rocky Horror Picture Show" about
> years ago".