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It Works - El Salvador Murder Rate Flatlines After 75,000+ Gangstas Imprisoned

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2024年1月6日 18:25:251月6日

El Salvador charismatic president who locked up 75,000
alleged gang members has hailed a collapse in the murder
rate which has left the country ‘the safest in South America.’

Nayib Bukele, who styles himself the ‘world’s coolest
dictator,' has locked up more than 75,000 alleged gang
members in one of the continent’s largest prison systems
since declaring a state of emergency in March 2022.

But a murder rate that peaked at 106 per 100,000 nine
years ago collapsed to 2.4 last year, making 2023 the
‘safest year in El Salvador’s history.'

Just 7,000 of those rounded up have been released with
the rest penned into a rapidly growing network of austere
jails to the horror of human rights groups.

. . .

The gangstas weren't interested in anybody's rights ...

In any case, maybe something similarly severe will
soon be needed in the USA ? Gang-related killings
and chaos are out of control now in many major cities
and so-called authorities have essentially given up.
It's more and more Mad Max every day.

Kissing gangster ass does NOT make them more civil, it
makes them ever WORSE - drunk with power.

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