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Bidders cry foul after democrat scumbag Cuomo donor lands $1B Coliseum contract

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Leroy N. Soetoro

Oct 25, 2018, 2:38:06 PM10/25/18

One of Gov. Cuomo’s biggest donors has landed a $1 billion-plus contract
to develop the land surrounding Nassau Coliseum — infuriating other
bidders whose proposals were solicited, then discarded, by government

“It’s pure pay-to-play,” said one of the developers frozen out of the mega
deal who told The Post he wants a federal investigation.

The developer, along with 16 others, submitted proposals this summer at
the behest of Nassau County, which was looking to finally transform the
sprawling property around the newly renovated stadium, which is now mostly
a parking lot.

But the county didn’t follow through with the proposals — making an
unexpected announcement in early September that it would instead award the
“Nassau Hub” project to a joint venture that included Scott Rechler’s
company, RXR Realty Investments. The plan includes two hotels, 500 housing
units and office and biotech research facilities, along with 200,000
square feet of retail space.

Rechler is a Cuomo-appointed member of the MTA board, and a former Cuomo
pick on the Port Authority board, who — along with his family members and
corporations — has donated at least $548,982 to the governor’s campaigns
since 2009.

He is also a big donor to Nassau County Executive Laura Curran, and was a
member of her transition team before she took office in January 2018.
Rechler, his family and company have given $50,000 to Curran’s campaign.

Cuomo last year backed fellow Democrat Curran — whose platform included
reforming the county’s contracting process — in the party primary for the
county executive post.

Critics condemned the backroom dealings over the coliseum project and one
developer has already threatened to sue the county. Some spent six figures
on their proposals, which the county will not make public.

“I think that the way they went about it, it could have been done
differently,” said Richard Nicolello, the presiding officer of the County
Legislature, which must sign off on the deal.

“They’ve been very secretive about it.”

The Republican said he wouldn’t be surprised if Cuomo had his hands in the
selection process. “He seems to micro manage things,” he said.

Ed Blumenfeld, the head of Blumenfeld Development Group on Long Island,
called the selection process “little more than a thinly constructed veil
to provide favored party status to a specific developer.”

“Aside from reinforcing the considerable public cynicism already attached
to this process, the real question remains whether all of this is just a
precursor to the county being compelled to explain itself before the
taxpayer,” Blumenfeld said in a statement referencing possible hearings or

Blumenfeld was once a partner in developing a small portion of the 77-acre
coliseum site.

In May, Curran declined to renew Blumenfeld’s lease for that 11-acre
parcel and instead sought a sweeping vision for the site.

The arena itself had already been renovated by a subsidiary of BSE Global,
the Brooklyn-based company owned by Russian mogul Mikhail Prokhorov that
operates Barclays Center, manages the Brooklyn Nets and the business
operations of the Islanders. The subsidiary, Nassau Events Center LLC,
holds the lease to the coliseum.

On June 7, in order to “spur development,” the county issued a request for
“expressions of interest” from builders who were asked to sketch out
ideas. The county said it wanted “live, work and play spaces” to attract
“talented professionals.” The deadline was July 20.

But on the eve of the deadline, the county emailed potential developers
saying — without explanation — that it had “received a request to extend
the deadline” to Aug. 3. The county sent another similarly worded missive
on Aug. 2, moving the deadline to Aug. 17. A county spokesman would not
reveal who asked for the two delays.

RXR Realty was among the 17 developers that submitted a proposal. But at
the same time, it had teamed up with BSE Global which notified the county
of the joint venture in an Aug. 22 letter.

Just 14 days later, the county wrote to the developers who had submitted
proposals that it was backing the RXR/BSE joint venture. The county said
“pursuant to the terms of the coliseum lease” with Nassau Events Center it
was “required” to go forward with the joint venture.

But the respondents aren’t buying that explanation — because if true, why
would the county have bothered asking for proposals at all?

“I’m bitter that the county made us waste our time and our resources on a
process they claimed they controlled and then claimed they didn’t
control,” one told The Post.

The Post examined the lease and found that it only says that each side —
the county and the tenant, Nassau Events — is obligated to “reasonably
cooperate with one another” if either one wants to “develop any excess
parking areas” at the coliseum site.

The county Legislature will hold a public hearing Nov. 27 on the joint
venture proposal.

An RXR spokesman said Rechler did not reach out to Cuomo for help securing
the development rights.

He would not comment on whether the campaign contributions played a role
in his selection.

The county executive’s office denied Rechler’s donations had an impact on
the process.

When asked why the county asked for “expressions of interest” only to
allow the tenant to choose the developer, a spokesman said, “It is well-
known that BSE Global had a contractual right to propose development at
the site, and had not yet done so. The County wanted to expedite the
development process and spur new interest in development.”

Cuomo has been dogged by accusations of pay to play with other large
development projects in the state.

Cuomo’s former aide Joe Percoco was convicted in March of using his
political clout to accept more than $300,000 in bribes from two companies
seeking to gain influence with the state.

A Hudson Valley health care firm, which got $25 million in state grants,
is under federal investigation over $400,000 in possibly illegal donations
to Cuomo’s campaign and whether they were linked to a pay-to-play scheme.

A spokesman for Cuomo denied the governor had any involvement in the
selection process.

“This is a county project where we had no say, no knowledge on who bid,
nor any preference on who was selected. Suggesting otherwise would be
absurd and have no basis in reality,” said Richard Azzopardi.

Donald J. Trump, 304 electoral votes to 227, defeated compulsive liar in
denial Hillary Rodham Clinton on December 19th, 2016. The clown car
parade of the democrat party ran out of gas and got run over by a Trump

Congratulations President Trump. Thank you for cleaning up the disaster
of the Obama presidency.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp.

ObamaCare is a total 100% failure and no lie that can be put forth by its
supporters can dispute that.

Obama jobs, the result of ObamaCare. 12-15 working hours a week at minimum
wage, no benefits and the primary revenue stream for ObamaCare. It can't
be funded with money people don't have, yet liberals lie about how great
it is.

Obama increased total debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in the eight
years he was in office, and sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood queer
liberal democrat donors.
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