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Biden arrives in Pittsburgh as bridge collapses, exposing his 'infrastructure' law as 'Orwellian lie': Ryun

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buh buh biden

Feb 2, 2022, 8:40:21 PM2/2/22
President Biden paid a visit to Pittsburgh on Friday, and shortly before
he arrived in Pennsylvania's second-largest city, a bridge carrying Forbes
Avenue over a Frick Park ravine collapsed, injuring 10 people and causing
a massive gas leak.

The timing of the collapse as the president who proclaimed
"infrastructure" a top priority was not the optics the White House was
hoping for, American Majority CEO Ned Ryun told "Tucker Carlson Tonight"
later Friday.

The Keystone State's highway infrastructure has for years ranked near the
bottom in terms of the condition of its highways, and truckers have long
lodged concerns about the ubiquitous potholes and washboard pavement on
many of its miles. But, as host Tucker Carlson noted, Biden promised while
in Pittsburgh to "fix all of" that city's bridges following the collapse,
which total more than 400.

The Steel City has been reputed to hold the title of home to the most
bridges in the world.

"This is just a continuation, though, as we see the bridges collapse, our
borders overrun that the American people have not exactly been a priority
for our ruling class," Ryun said.

The Forbes Avenue bridge dated back to 1973, according to reports.

"This infrastructure bill was a lie, an Orwellian lie — it was the gateway
to the Green New Deal with a pittance thrown at real infrastructure."


"So as our leaders lie to us and juxtapose that against all the money that
the trillions that they stole from the American people to fund their
foreign wars and the fool's errand of nation-building, all to watch that
multi-trillion dollar investment collapse overnight," he continued,
referring to Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal.

Ryun, son of former Kansas Rep. Jim Ryun, said events like the Frick Park
bridge collapse show that costly foreign wars and other expenditures have
long been the priority of the ruling class in Washington, while Americans
suffer the consequences in their everyday lives.

The political establishment, he said, views American citizens as "ATMs
[Automatic Teller Machines] to fund their priorities — whether it's
‘equity’ or the Green New Deal."

"I hope that the American people in the midterms and moving on realized we
better make better choices on leadership or we're going to be stuck with
more of this in which our country is crumbling as these people chase
unicorns and their pipe dreams," he said.
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