I want this story told. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Tell All But Ultraviolet November.
Send All Relevant Items Now.
Situation Offers Many Appropriate Nights.
we’ll have a GAS.
The elements are in the sounds and words. Look and listen.
Are you one of The Mauve People?
As Requested
New information coming soon...
> On Apr 26, 4:09�pm, Azure <azurewolf...@gmail.com> wrote:
You forgetted Barium.
fucking deep, neuron.
Azure: Since you have provided us with this information, we give you
a new task, and see if you can deliver.
We are looking for a specific document, one that we would very much
like to find. This document is posted by someone who remains just out
of our reach…for now. We have intercepted communications with a code
that we haven’t been able to crack. Post this document in a public
place, and we will correspond again in the future.
Transmission is as follows:
They came in a black helicopter to try and aid the dead president.
Even the cabal could not stop the spy.
An interesting Conspiracy, one the world would not soon forget, had
they ever known.
XO posted 4 new topics today
An interesting Conspiracy, one the world would not soon forget, had
they ever known.
freezing point is in error, I question if it’s one degree higher.
Part 2: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.jfk/browse_thread/thread/45a9b34f23cca8d6#
An interesting Conspiracy, one the world would not soon forget, had
they ever known.
May all servants of nihilism
Part 3: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.cabal/browse_thread/thread/970603f12af93a45#
An interesting Conspiracy, one the world would not soon forget, had
they ever known.
build the cornerstone of our
Part 4: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.spy/browse_thread/thread/cef2b4d7c6fbda23#
An interesting Conspiracy, one the world would not soon forget, had
they ever known.
house in brick, stone, marble, and granite, to keep them at bay. But
remember, the
Comes out too.....
May all servants of nihilism build the cornerstone of our house in
brick, stone, marble, and granite, to keep them at bay. But
remember, the freezing point is in error, I question if it’s one
degree higher.
Also there are 4 files you can download, password protected, looks
like we need one password for them all. Maybe this text leads to a
password to unlock he files
password is mason
Great job guys!
July 21, 1961
Memorandum for:director _______
SUBJECT: Transmissions from a suspected numbers station near the
________embassy containing alarming and cryptic references.
Research appears to be underway involving variants of Tabun, Sarin,
Soman, and an unknown gas if possibly far greater potential for
devastation. Every member of the S.O.G. team in the field should be
briefed. Yesterday, a new transmission involving Plutonium and
was also intercepted but was lost before the transmission comlpleted.
All foreign agents listening to numbers stations should be vigilant
these keywords. Recent chatter has reached a fever pitch.
CIA operatives have been assigned to the program, and
support is requested. Have all reports forwarded to the White House,
and present in an Interim review no later than July 31, 1961.
John F. Kennedy
great job all!
> So this somehow relates to both chemical and nuclear weapons?
What else is there?
So we've seen the caps spell "TREYARCH" and the references to Masons
and JFK possibly relate to the Killing fo the King 33 Degree Rite???
Why no update
azure and nova6,just fucking tell us what the fuck you are doing.im
sick and tired of these riddles.it's driving me fucking insane.WTF!
> On Apr 30, 6:47嚙緘m, Nova Six <gkno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Apr 26, 4:09嚙緘m, Azure <azurewolf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Apr 20, 11:30嚙緘m,NovaSix <gkno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > > I want this story told. This is the tip of the iceberg.
> >
> > > > Tell All But Ultraviolet November.
> > > > Send All Relevant Items Now.
> > > > Situation Offers Many Appropriate Nights.
> > > > we嚙締l have a GAS.
> >
> > > > The elements are in the sounds and words. Look and listen.
> >
> >
> > > As Requested
> >
> > > Plutonium
> > > Uranium
> > > Tabun
> > > Sarin
> > > Soman
> >
> > > 5/5/2010
> > > 5/5/1961
> >
> > Azure: 嚙磅ince you have provided us with this information, we give you
> > a new task, and see if you can deliver.
> >
> > We are looking for a specific document, one that we would very much
> > like to find. 嚙確his document is posted by someone who remains just out
> > of our reach嚙篆or now. 嚙磕e have intercepted communications with a code
> > that we haven嚙緣 been able to crack. 嚙瞑ost this document in a public
> > place, and we will correspond again in the future.
> >
> > Transmission is as follows:
> >
> > They came in a black helicopter to try and aid the dead president.
> > Even the cabal could not stop the spy.
> > An interesting Conspiracy, one the world would not soon forget, had
> > they ever known.
> azure and nova6,just fucking tell us what the fuck you are doing.im
> sick and tired of these riddles.it's driving me fucking insane.WTF!
You read it on the Uselessnet,
so it must be true.
hey nova6 youre a dick for killing john.
just sayin
Something else isn't right. After john was killed, some one was
suppose to replace him an insert false information. Some in this group
is a traitor.
who is john? i dont have a friking clue about nearly anything you guys
r talking about
Document#3=Majestic 12= Der Riese= New project
The cats out of the bag for Co-op