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whisky tango foxtrot the movie

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Feb 28, 2016, 10:21:01 AM2/28/16
whisky tango foxtrot?

I wonder how long it took people to figure out that whisky tango foxtrot is
code for WTF.


Feb 28, 2016, 1:24:37 PM2/28/16
Probably not long. I've been reading a webcomic called "Schlock Mercenary." When everything goes wrong, it's called a "charlie foxtrot." THAT one took me awhile.

Sjouke Burry

Feb 28, 2016, 2:03:53 PM2/28/16
for me, about .5 sec.

Sarah Ehrett

Feb 28, 2016, 3:54:46 PM2/28/16
Did you just get it, Rockroid?

Anyone who has been in the military, or is a military wife, or
military family member, or is a Boy Scout, or Ham radio operator to
name just a few people, recognised it immediately.

A brief reference from wiki....

" It is the phoenic alphabet used by hundreds of organizations
worldwide. The US military, NATO, International Radiotelephony
Spelling Alphabet, commonly known as the NATO phonetic alphabet and
also known as the ICAO radiotelephonic, phonetic or spelling alphabet
and the ITU radiotelephonic or phonetic alphabet, is the most widely
used radiotelephonic spelling alphabet. Although often called
"phonetic alphabets", spelling alphabets are not associated with
phonetic transcription systems such as the International Phonetic
Alphabet. Instead, the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) alphabet assigned code words acrophonically to the letters of
the English alphabet so that critical combinations of letters and
numbers can be pronounced and understood by those who transmit and
receive voice messages by radio or telephone regardless of language
barriers or the presence of transmission static.

The 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26
letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order as follows:
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India,
Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo,
Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.

International adoption[edit]

After the phonetic alphabet was developed by the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO)[1] (see history below) it was adopted by
many other international and national organizations, including the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Maritime Organization
(IMO), the American Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), and the
American Radio Relay League (ARRL). It is a subset of the much older
International Code of Signals (INTERCO), which originally included
visual signals by flags or flashing light, sound signals by whistle,
siren, foghorn, or bell, as well as one, two, or three letter codes
for many phrases.[2] The same alphabetic code words are used by all
agencies, but each agency chooses one of two different sets of numeric
code words. NATO uses the regular English numeric words (Zero, One,
with some alternative pronunciations), whereas the IMO provides for
compound numeric words (Nadazero, Unaone, Bissotwo...). In practice
these are used very rarely, as they frequently result in confusion
between speakers of different languages. "



Feb 28, 2016, 6:16:38 PM2/28/16

"K Wills (Shill #3)" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 09:18:31 -0600, "Rocky" <> wrote:
> For most, less than a second.

Could be and pardon me for hijacking my own thread. Anyway now that I have
your attention try these two sites on your AT&T phone.

What you will probably see is two different IP addresses.

But AT&T isn't the only cell phone provider that gives mobile phones more
than one IP address. As a matter of fact it is getting harder and harder to
have the same IP address used on every site and every port but it is still



Feb 28, 2016, 7:00:58 PM2/28/16


Feb 28, 2016, 10:01:00 PM2/28/16

"joeturn" <> wrote in message


Feb 28, 2016, 10:15:07 PM2/28/16
hanson wrote:
It's been done already long, long ago:
<> says:
Acronym Definition
WTF Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
WTF What The Fuck (polite form)
WTF World Taekwondo Federation
WTF What If
WTF Work Time Fun (PSP game)
WTF Win the Future
WTF Wikileaks Task Force (US CIA)
WTF When They Fall (band)
WTF Worse Than Failure
WTF What the Fish
WTF Williamstown Theatre Festival
WTF What the Frak? (Battlestar Galactica)
WTF Way To Fail
WTF Will to Fight
WTF Wasn't That Funny
WTF Why the Face?
WTF Way to Fly
WTF Why the Failure
WTF Welcome to Facebook (satire)
WTF Werewolf: the Forsaken (gaming)
WTF Worst to First (Connecticut maternity compaign)
WTF Write to File
WTF Waking the Fallen (Avenged Sevenfold album)
WTF Wow, That's Fantastic (chat slang)
WTF What To Fix
WTF What's This For?
WTF Welcome to Finland
WTF Where's the Food?
WTF Who the Freak? (polite form)
WTF What the French Toast?
WTF Words That Follow (online game)
WTF Waste Treatment Facility
WTF Why The Freak (polite form)
WTF Where the Freak (polite form)
WTF When The Freak (polite form)
WTF Weekly Top Five
WTF What the FAQ?
WTF Water Task Force
WTF Why the Frown?
WTF Welcome to Fun
WTF World Trade Federation
WTF Where's the Fridge?
WTF Where's The Fish?
WTF Where's the File (software)
WTF Wireless Telecommunications Facility
WTF What the February
WTF Witendofi (website)
WTF Weapons Tactics Force (gaming)
WTF Wow, That's Fun! (chat slang)
WTF World Tennis Federation
WTF Wrestling Takedown Federation (TV episode title; South Park)
WTF Warcraft Text File (World of Warcraft)
WTF We the Fools (radio show)
WTF Weapons Task Force (gaming)
WTF Wisconsin Test Facility
WTF Warsaw Transatlantic Forum (Warsaw, Poland)
WTF What the Fruitcake
WTF Washington Tennis Foundation
WTF Watergate Task Force
WTF Well and Truly Freaked (polite form)
WTF What's This Foolishness
WTF Woodson Track and Field (Virginia)
WTF Windowed Time Facility (Apple)
WTF Wednesday Thursday Friday
WTF World Trade Fair (various organizations)
WTF White Trash Family
WTF Wire Transfer Form (payment)
WTF Women's Track and Field
WTF What's the Focus?
WTF Water-Table Fluctuation (groundwater)
WTF Wild Turkey Federation
WTF Went to France
WTF What the Fudge
WTF Walk to Freedom (US Army)
WTF Where's the Fire?
WTF Well, That's Fantastic
The acronymisation of Web communication is highly
informative when considering that NMC IG WYAF
OTOH, there is nothing worse the the phony and
sanctimonious cocksuckers who are PC Kack-Sackers
that mean to say "fuck" but instead say "freaking"
"fvking", "F-word", "Bleep", "E-fen" or "you know what"
.... So: .... "fugg'em" with a Double-G.


Feb 29, 2016, 10:13:04 AM2/29/16

"K Wills (Shill #3)" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 17:14:06 -0600, "Rocky" <> wrote:
>>"K Wills (Shill #3)" <> wrote in message
>>> On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 09:18:31 -0600, "Rocky" <> wrote:
>>>>whisky tango foxtrot?
>>>>I wonder how long it took people to figure out that whisky tango foxtrot
>>>>is code for WTF.
>>> For most, less than a second.
>>Could be and pardon me for hijacking my own thread. Anyway now that I
>>your attention try these two sites on your AT&T phone.
>>What you will probably see is two different IP addresses.
> Unlikely.
> And... I'm right. Both list the same IP.
> As a bonus, I checked and got the same
> IP. Imagine my total lack of surprise that a claim you made is PROVED
> to be wrong.

But you didn't prove me wrong because you didn't tell me what IP address you
ended up with you clown.

>>But AT&T isn't the only cell phone provider that gives mobile phones more
>>than one IP address.
> The evidence I have available shows AT&T uses only one IP for my
> phone. While I can't use it to claim everyone's will be the same, it
> is far more likely than not.

And yet you can not tell me what IP address was shown?

And you can't tell me what IP address you get after a reboot.

Unless your account has a $3.00 monthly fee added to it you do not have a
"static" ip address and you never told me if your account is charged extra
for a static IP address.



Feb 29, 2016, 3:00:41 PM2/29/16


Feb 29, 2016, 4:24:08 PM2/29/16


Mar 1, 2016, 3:42:00 PM3/1/16

"K Wills (Shill #3)" <> wrote in message

You are still just a bunch of bullshit.

If you pay extra to have a static IP then tell me.

If you don't pay extra what's wrong with restarting your phone to see that
you will get a different IP?

You are just too much and from what you have told me so far you can't tell
the difference between ip addresses anyway.



Mar 1, 2016, 4:00:12 PM3/1/16


Mar 6, 2016, 5:46:10 PM3/6/16

"K Wills (Shill #3)" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2016 14:39:31 -0600, "Rocky" <> wrote:
>>You are just too much and from what you have told me so far you can't tell
>>the difference between ip addresses anyway.
> And yet I consistently PROVE my knowledge exceeds yours. What's
> more, you assist me in proving this truth. Reference your claim that
> Windows 8.1 Pro is a bottom of the barrel OS.

You haven't proven anything and it doesn't really matter what OS you have
because you are still a complete idi00t when it comes to Remote Desktop and
Hyper-V because you can't prove you have ever used either one.

BTW all the running around in circles you put me through before proved you
are a total idiot when it comes to either one of them.


K Wills (Shill #3)

Mar 6, 2016, 7:07:38 PM3/6/16
On Sun, 6 Mar 2016 16:43:29 -0600, "Rocky" <> wrote:

Context restored at no additional cost.

I realize you have a difficult time accepting the truth about
anything. But you need to come to terms that your trying to run away
from the TRUTH I post will not be successful.

>> On Tue, 1 Mar 2016 14:39:31 -0600, "Rocky" <> wrote:
>>>"K Wills (Shill #3)" <> wrote in message
>>>You are still just a bunch of bullshit.
>> Yet you have never been able to cite one example from me. In
>>order to try, you have ALWAYS been reduced to LYING about what I've
>> And if I am still just a bunch of bullshit, why were you
>>COMPELLED to remove the entirety of my post? Why were you UNABLE to
>>counter what I presented?

[Note that Run Away Roger still can't offer even one cite for his
claim. Further note that he tried to run away from the truth present
in the questions I asked.]

>>>If you pay extra to have a static IP then tell me.
>> I don't pay attention to the details of my bill. The amount I pay
>>is the same every month. It has been since the last rate increase. If
>>it should increase unexpectedly, I'll look over the itemized portion
>>of the bill to find out why.
>>>If you don't pay extra what's wrong with restarting your phone to see that
>>>you will get a different IP?
>> Your question implies that I made the claim there is anything
>>wrong with it. I've not made such a claim. As such, your deception
>>fails. Again.
>> It is worth noting that while traveling by plane, I do turn off
>>my phone. Yes, I could simply put it in "Airplane Mode," but since I
>>have never had cause to use any aspect of my phone while on a plane, I
>>turn it off. This has the same result as a reboot.
>> I recently visited Aruba. My phone was off the whole time. The IP
>>was the same yesterday as it was the last time I checked. It appears
>>the, admittedly anecdotal, evidence available shows you to be wrong.
>> Or is that still?

Roger? Are you going to answer the question I asked, or will you
continue to live up to your name of Run Away Roger?

>>>You are just too much and from what you have told me so far you can't tell
>>>the difference between ip addresses anyway.
>> And yet I consistently PROVE my knowledge exceeds yours. What's
>>more, you assist me in proving this truth. Reference your claim that
>>Windows 8.1 Pro is a bottom of the barrel OS.
>You haven't proven anything

Your lying is not benefiting you. Had I note PROVED my claims,
you wouldn't be compelled to snip them out. You would provide evidence
that counters that which I have presented.

>and it doesn't really matter what OS you have

I use Windows 10 for most of my PCs now. The desktop is still
Windows 7. I've been too lazy to upgrade it. Since I use it mostly for
Usenet, I've not seen a benefit to upgrading at this time.
The HP mini is also still Win 7. I only use it for vacations
(storing pictures, uploading pictures to social media and the like),
so there will be no benefit to upgrading.
When the deadline for free upgrading approaches, I'll likely
upgrade both.

>because you are still a complete idi00t when it comes to Remote Desktop and
>Hyper-V because you can't prove you have ever used either one.

I already proved it. You, living up to your name of "Run Away
Roger" ran away from the thread after I did so.
I'm more than willing to post the MIDs so that you, and anyone
else with an interest, may verify my claim. I will, of course, post
the MIDs in the PROPER format. One that you've consistently PROVED is
too difficult for your mind to understand.

>BTW all the running around in circles you put me through before proved you

What running around do your delusions claim I put you through?
You asked questions, I answered them. When my posts PROVED my
knowledge exceeded yours, you ran away from the matter.
Again, I'm willing to post the MIDs, and in the correct format.

>are a total idiot when it comes to either one of them.

Yet I was able to PROVE I know more than you.
How will you run away from this TRUTH? Time will tell.

Brave Sir [Roger] ran away
Bravely ran away, away
When [the TRUTH] reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled
Yes, brave Sir [Roger] turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir [Roger]!

"Reason and evidence can't change ones opinion on a topic if their
belief wasn't based on reason and evidence to start with."

Roger "Rocky" Wittekind explaining why he still claims nukes were used
on 9/11/01 in
Message-ID: <>

Mar 6, 2016, 10:09:06 PM3/6/16

> I use Windows 10 for most of my PCs now. The desktop is still
> Windows 7. I've been too lazy to upgrade it. Since I use it mostly for
> Usenet, I've not seen a benefit to upgrading at this time.
> The HP mini is also still Win 7. I only use it for vacations
> (storing pictures, uploading pictures to social media and the like),
> so there will be no benefit to upgrading.
> When the deadline for free upgrading approaches, I'll likely
> upgrade both.

I would be very VERY careful with upgrading to Windows 10. I have an HP laptop that ran Windows 8. When the 10 upgrade came up, I snatched it because I really didn't like the way Windows 8 looked or acted (it seems to me it was meant for touch screens and as this laptop is not a touch screen, the features were more annoying than anything else.) Now >I< had very little trouble with the upgrade. Biggest problem I had is that when the battery gets low and I plug in the cord, SOMETIMES the screen goes dark. When I push the power button and then push it again, it comes right back to the screen I was at, but it's still annoying.

So my wife and daughter tried to upgrade on THEIR laptops. Hoo boy! It ATE their start up. It wouldn't start and they couldn't go back to Windows 8! They ended up going to a guy we know who could crack their hard drives, clear out Windows 10 and replace it with Windows 8! The desktop computer here is still Windows 7 and we're going to KEEP it that way!

Michael Moroney

Mar 6, 2016, 10:59:02 PM3/6/16
Kooktard! How ya doing, Roger, old Run-Away boy!? Have you found that
"mass spectrometry analysis of the dust samples" of the WTC showing "two
items in equal parts that only exist after nuclear detonations" yet?

Sarah Ehrett

Mar 7, 2016, 3:20:15 PM3/7/16
On Sun, 6 Mar 2016 19:09:04 -0800 (PST), wrote:

>> I use Windows 10 for most of my PCs now. The desktop is still
>> Windows 7. I've been too lazy to upgrade it. Since I use it mostly for
>> Usenet, I've not seen a benefit to upgrading at this time.
>> The HP mini is also still Win 7. I only use it for vacations
>> (storing pictures, uploading pictures to social media and the like),
>> so there will be no benefit to upgrading.
>> When the deadline for free upgrading approaches, I'll likely
>> upgrade both.
>>I would be very VERY careful with upgrading to Windows 10.

I upgraded with a new laptop from XP to 8.1. HATED Windoze 7.
Everyone else in the family had been running 7 and liked it. Windose
8.1 and maybe 8 itself has a feature where you can keep and run your
Win7 desktop it. I know several friends who do just that and they love
it. No problems which I am aware of.

>> I have an HP laptop that ran Windows 8. When the 10 upgrade came up, I snatched it because I really didn't like the way Windows 8 looked or acted (it seems to me it was meant for touch screens and as this laptop is not a touch screen, the features were more annoying than anything else.) Now >I< had very little trouble with the upgrade. Biggest problem I had is that when the battery gets low and I plug in the cord, SOMETIMES the screen goes dark. When I push the power button and then push it again, it comes right back to the screen I was at, but it's still annoying.
>So my wife and daughter tried to upgrade on THEIR laptops. Hoo boy! It ATE their start up. It wouldn't start and they couldn't go back to Windows 8! They ended up going to a guy we know who could crack their hard drives, clear out Windows 10 and replace it with Windows 8! The desktop computer here is still Windows 7 and we're going to KEEP it that way!

If you're happy with 7 then you should definitely keep it. My
computer guru advised me to keep my 8.1 and wait for a more stable
update for Win 10 or a new Win 11 or what have you. He said all the
machines he had coming into his shop were ones *updated* to 10 but the
machines coming off the shelves already loaded with Win 10 seemed to
be doing fine. Now this was back almost a year ago so there may be
other factors that have changed since then. BTW I use a lot of
non-Microsoft software and these programs can cause conflicts with
even win 8.1 . My guy tweaked my system so I can run everything
glitch free.

You'd think if you got a new laptop or relatively new laptop that
windows updating it wouldn't BRICK the darned thing!

Sarah Ehrett

Mar 7, 2016, 3:27:48 PM3/7/16
On Sun, 6 Mar 2016 16:43:29 -0600, "Rocky" <> wrote:

You run around in circles and then run away from the questions which
need to be answered. This thread isn't any different than hundreds
of others you've started and had to abandon because of your lunatic

Sarah Ehrett

Mar 7, 2016, 3:34:44 PM3/7/16
< drumming fingers on tabletop. Waiting ........ >

RockyRoger has bolted from these questions as fast as ever.

>>>>You are just too much and from what you have told me so far you can't tell
>>>>the difference between ip addresses anyway.
>>> And yet I consistently PROVE my knowledge exceeds yours. What's
>>>more, you assist me in proving this truth. Reference your claim that
>>>Windows 8.1 Pro is a bottom of the barrel OS.
>>You haven't proven anything
> Your lying is not benefiting you. Had I note PROVED my claims,
>you wouldn't be compelled to snip them out. You would provide evidence
>that counters that which I have presented.

LOL. Fat chance there.

>>and it doesn't really matter what OS you have
> I use Windows 10 for most of my PCs now. The desktop is still
>Windows 7. I've been too lazy to upgrade it. Since I use it mostly for
>Usenet, I've not seen a benefit to upgrading at this time.
> The HP mini is also still Win 7. I only use it for vacations
>(storing pictures, uploading pictures to social media and the like),
>so there will be no benefit to upgrading.
> When the deadline for free upgrading approaches, I'll likely
>upgrade both.
>>because you are still a complete idi00t when it comes to Remote Desktop and
>>Hyper-V because you can't prove you have ever used either one.
> I already proved it. You, living up to your name of "Run Away
>Roger" ran away from the thread after I did so.
> I'm more than willing to post the MIDs so that you, and anyone
>else with an interest, may verify my claim. I will, of course, post
>the MIDs in the PROPER format. One that you've consistently PROVED is
>too difficult for your mind to understand.

RockyRoger will never change .... Make outlandish claims, provide zero
evidence or cites, run from challenges to his claims, call everyone
who shatters his delusions liars and fools.

K Wills (Shill #3)

Mar 7, 2016, 4:12:58 PM3/7/16
<Run Away Roger Mode>

ROTFLMBO because you can't explain how Sylvester Stallone didn't
win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for the film "Creed."


Ok, Roger has never, as far as I know, used Sly to "run away"
from something, but it is the sort of thing he would do.

Shill #3.
Strategic Writer, Current Psychotronic World Dominator and FEMA camp

Cujo DeSockpuppet

Mar 7, 2016, 7:47:01 PM3/7/16
Sarah Ehrett <> wrote in
I had a very stable Win 7, upgraded to 10 and added SQL 2016[1] and it
still runs amazingly stable.

[1] Pre-release AKA CTP AKA Beta SQL Server 2016.

Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in dfw.*,
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych. Supreme Holy
Overlord of alt.fucknozzles. Winner of the 8/2000, 2/2003 & 4/2007 HL&S
award. July 2005 Hammer of Thor. Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse
Memorial Dog Whistle - 12/2005 & 4/2008. COOSN-266-06-01895.
"And again, anyone who believes they have THE answers, is suffering from
delusions of granduer, a liar, a fool, and lacking in mature
- Edmo in self-diagnosis mode.
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