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Giving the Loxists No Room to Lie

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Jul 24, 2005, 2:10:23 PM7/24/05

Between the Lines: Giving the Loxists No Room to Lie
by "Newz" Numberman

23 July 2005

Op-Ed Columnist Fifth Columnist

Giving the Hatemongers No Place to Hide - Giving the Loxists No Room to

By Thomas L. Friedman - By "Newz" Numberman

Published: July 22, 2005 - Pubes Flushed: July 22, 2005

[Original column:

I wasn't surprised to read that British police officers in white
protective suits and blue gloves were combing through the Iqra
Learning Center bookstore in Leeds for clues to the 7/7 London
bombings. Some of the 7/7 bombers hung out at the bookstore. And I
won't be surprised if today's bombers also sampled the literature
there. I am not surprised to read that Zionist Kike Friedman -
ensconced in his Tribal support network and basking in the NYT's
culture of Jewish supremacy - draws no distinction between books of
literature and a bomb. Hey Jew Friedman, how many among your Tribe
have read, been influenced by, and acted maliciously as a result of
reading the Jewish Talmud? Maybe you should look into that.

Iqra not only sold hatemongering Islamist literature, but, according
to The Wall Street Journal, and what an unbiased, virtuous, and
morally unassailable paragon of journalistic integrity is The Whore
Street Journal and its slogan that there shall be no borders - at
least not for America; Israel is altogether another matter: the
Zionists over in the Jewish state of Israel get to have Hate Walls by
land and by sea : and the borderless Americans get to pay in both
Blood and money to protect Israel's borders. Thank God for Israel, our
only ally in the Middle East! was "the sole distributor of Islamgames,
a U.S.-based company that makes video games. The video games feature
apocalyptic battles between defenders of Islam and opponents. One
game, Ummah Defense I, has the world 'finally united under the Banner
of Islam' in 2114, until a revolt by disbelievers. The player's goal
is to seek out and destroy the disbelievers." It seems to me that
Jewish Hollywood set the pattern for violence. What? Now the Jews are
against violence? Yes: because now it's aimed at The Chosen. Does
"next year in Jerusalem" sound familiar? And world conquest is only
moral and not to be denounced if it's the Judeo-plutocracy doing the
conquering. What are you so worried about, Friedman? Israel has a
monopoly on nuclear weapons in the Middle East - oops! Thatz why Judah
is trying to get the U.S. to attack Iran; don't go there, goy!

Guess what: words matter. Guess what: the Jews are scared shitless.
Bookstores matter. Bookstores scare Jews. Video games matter. Video
games scare Jews. But here is our challenge: If the primary terrorism
problem we face today can effectively be addressed only by a war of
ideas within Islam - a war between life-affirming Muslims against
those who want to turn one of the world's great religions into a death
cult - what can the rest of us do? But here is Judah's challenge: the
Jews can't win the coming Ideology War - a war between the Jews'
materialistic death cult and those who seek to create a new religion
of Life - what then should the Jews do? Hey Friedman: ideas don't have
wars, people do. I thought that we'd all ready resolved that
particular issue. But I guess you're just going to go right on lying
like there's no tomorrow.

More than just put up walls. Let the Kiking begin: Hate Walls by land
and sea are not enough; Judah's antennae sense a serious threat: the
Zionists must go on the offensive. We - who the fuck is "we", Friedman?
Israel proper, or the American dog attached to the Jewish tail? need
to shine a spotlight on hate speech wherever it appears. The State
Department tails it iz! And "shine a spotlight on hate speech wherever
it appears"? Wow! Hey Kike: shine the Light on this: you miserable
fucking piece of shit - I dare you produces an annual human rights
report. Henceforth, it should also produce a quarterly War of Ideas
Report, which would focus on those religious leaders and writers who
are inciting violence against others. Okay: the Hebe machinations are
coming into focus now. This is really almost unbelievable, and I'm
being serious. Jew Friedman wants the U.S. State Department to produce
a quarterly War of Ideas Report - quarterly! A "War of Ideas Report"!
Something has really got the Jews spooked. I wonder what it could be.
By the way, there will be a glimmering starry sky tonight.

I would compile it in a nondiscriminatory way. Where's a drummer doing
rim shotz when you really need one? I want the names of the Jewish
settler extremists who wrote "Muhammad Is a Pig" on buildings in Gaza
right up there with Sheik Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sudayyis, a Saudi who is
imam of Islam's holy mosque in Mecca. According to the Memri
translation service, the imam was barred from Canada following "a
report about his sermons by Memri that included Al-Sudayyis calling
Jews 'the scum of the earth' and 'monkeys and pigs' who should be
'annihilated.' Other enemies of Islam were referred to by Sheik Al-
Sudayyis as 'worshipers of the cross' and 'idol-worshiping Hindus' who
must be fought." This is the time honored Jewish response when under
serious attack: universalize the enemy; the enemy of the Jews' is the
enemy of everyone; give an inch in order to marshal dupes to your
cause, and then, when the crisis is over, take back the inch plus one
foot; set-up a fall guy - using other Jews toward this end is really
convincing, whether it be Christ or 8,000 kike-o-paths holed up in
bunkers in the Gaza Strip - whatever it takes to preserve the
HebeHive, thereby ensuring that Judah lives to swindle and usurp
another day.

Sunlight is more important than you think. Here's the wind-up and the
pitch - oh! - Friedman threw a fastball RIGHT in Numberman's sweet
spot! "Sunlight is more important than you think" - are you fucking
with me? Like I can't decipher your kike encoded kosher cryptography!
Do you mean sunlight as in: light to Light, matter to Spirit, the
Upward Spiral of Euroman to Nietzschean Ubermensch to Hegelian Geist?
White man: your mind has been circumcised - your head's been sliced!
That ball's been hit to deep center field - what a rocket! - itz
going, going, going: gone! Wow! "Newz" got all of that one: he must
have read the Sign! Those who spread hate do not like to be exposed,
noted Yigal Carmon, the founder of Memri, which monitors the Arab-
Muslim media. Those whom Jews identify as enemies of Israel will be
singled out for punishment and retribution, and they will not enjoy
it, commented Friedman's co-conspiratorial kike compatriot, who
scrutinizes any media not controlled by the Judeo-plutocracy. The hate
spreaders assume that they are talking only to their own, in their own
language, and can get away with murder. The truth-tellers think
they're as good as Jews: only Jews are allowed to talk only to their
own, in their own language, thereby enabling them to get away with
murder. When their words are spotlighted, they often feel pressure to
retract, defend or explain them. Once the Jews use their media
monopoly and government control - which, by the way, don't exist, and
if you say they do, you're a hater and an anti-Semite - to "spotlight"
the words of the "hate spreaders," the Jews will have effectively
muzzled them. And once telling the truth is criminalized, Judah can
then "expose" them and thereby taint any potential jury pool with his
kiked media, and then the Zionists can imprison the truth-tellers for
decades within their Judeocratic police state apparatus. "Whenever
they are exposed, they react the next day," Mr. Carmon said. "No one
wants to be exposed in the West as a preacher of hate." "Whenever
organized Jewry stacks the 'law' against them, they are forced to
comply with Big Jew demands," Friedman's co-conspiratorial kike
compatriot said. "No one wants to incur the wrath of Judah and his
plutocratic-"minority" collaborators."

We also need to spotlight the "excuse makers," the former State
Department spokesman James Rubin said. As Friedman's fellow ZOG Kike,
James Rubin, so aptly put it: the Zionists need to silence anyone who
threatens the Judeo-plutocracy - particularly those who provide
intellectual justification for resisting the New World Order. After
every major terrorist incident, the excuse makers come out to tell us
why imperialism, Zionism, colonialism or Iraq explains why the
terrorists acted. The Jews are and for a long time have been
terrorizing the Islamic peoples of the world, as well as the European
peoples, and when the Jews' victims lash out at Israel and those who
support it, in their minds they are fighting back against the war
crimes that Judah & ZOG International commit against them; so there's
always the pain-in-the-ass truth-tellers saying that Zionist control
over Western governments make White nations targets of the Moslems'
wrath. These excuse makers are just one notch less despicable than the
terrorists and also deserve to be exposed. These truth-tellers are
essentially no different from the "terrorists" - hey, goys and
shiksas! - can you guess where we're going from here? When you live in
an open society like London, where anyone with a grievance can publish
an article, run for office or start a political movement, the notion
that blowing up a busload of innocent civilians in response to Iraq is
somehow "understandable" is outrageous. I knew you could: "It erases
the distinction between legitimate dissent and terrorism," Mr. Rubin
said, "and an open society needs to maintain a clear wall between
them." Hmm, an open society that needs to wall people off: sounds jewy
to me. "Spotlight" the "excuse makers": just what the fuck is that
supposed to mean? Ooh! - I know, I know! - call on me, call on me! It
means nothing more and nothing less than Stalinism-Lite: followed
shortly thereafter by "Mugabe's Zimbabwe meets the Bolsheviks'
Ukraine"; am I getting warm? And what a flawless, perfect execution of
loxism: Zionists cut-off, outlaw, criminalize, suppress, and
delegitimize popular dissent; use their media monopoly to steer
historical events and control politicians and brainwash the public;
and use their money-power as the moral/functional equivalent of an at-
large gag order. And then, assuming of course that the London bombings
weren't a ZOG-Mossad false flag operation timed to perfectly coincide
with the renewal of the hebetudinous and poetically entitled Patriot
Act, when an aggrieved and dehumanized People resort to desperate
means to make themselves heard - voila! - their act of desperation
"erases the distinction between legitimate dissent and terrorism"! Way
to go, Big Jew: Mission accomplished - the erasure of the distinction
between legitimate dissent and terrorism! And whatz this bullshit
about "When you live in an open society like London, where anyone with
a grievance can publish an article, run for office or start a
political movement ."? As if any of these noble but outgunned tactics
are a sure fire way out of getting out of the balkanized hellholes
that Judah has bastardized White nations into. The Judeo-plutocracy
deprives a people of meaningful political alternatives, which drives
them into desperation, and then the Judeo-plutocracy uses their
desperate acts as justification to intern them in a global police
state. And again: all this assumes that what we're witnessing are not
little Pearl Harbors. Notice too that automatically, without even the
pretense of discussion, Big Jew is the ultimate arbiter of what
constitutes "legitimate dissent": the Jew-serving verbal framework
proceeds from and is based upon this assumption. Judah's objective is
to lull the lemmings into accepting at face value that "terrorism" is
whatever Big Jew says it is; nuanced shades of legitimacy are then
used to create a sliding scale of threat analysis: the moment any
resistance to the Judeocracy reaches a critical mass, it becomes
"terrorism": this is the mouse trap that Friedman & Tribe are
constructing. At any rate, the essential moral of Jew Friedman's op-ed
piece is twofold: (1) Jews control the media and the government, and
(2) thereby Judah has unilaterally assumed the power and moral
legitimacy to "spotlight" the "hate spreaders" and "excuse makers":
outstanding framework job on this one, Friedman; you're really at the
top of your game here. And how does Jew Friedman implicitly suggest we
fight back? "Publish an article, run for office or start a political
movement": but when you try, Big Kike is right there to stop you dead
in your tracks: here:

"Allen Lichtenstein is counsel to the ACLU of Nevada. He says there's
nothing illegal about creating the political party, but federal and
state law prohibit it from keeping out minorities and Jews."

I hope by now you see my point: Big Kike won't tolerate meaningful
resistance. And if in the off-chance your resistance bears fruit,
guess what: you're a "terrorist," a "hate spreader," and in need of
being "spotlighted." So ask yourself: who has the real power, how are
they using it, and why? These are the questions that Jew Friedman
flutterz around but never addresses. Nonetheless, a White political
party is an idea whose time has come: we can still beat the Judeo-
plutocracy; they are, after all, on the wrong side of history.

There is no political justification for 9/11, 7/7 or 7/21. And Jew
Friedman is not trying to create a subconscious association in your
mind between 9/11, 7/7, and 7/21: he wouldn't do that, because that
might psychologically gear up the White American lemmings for Judah's
next Stupid Goy Trick: taking out Iran and Syria for Judah. As the
Middle East expert Stephen P. Cohen put it: Hold it right there, Jew:
Stephen P. Cohen, the "Middle East expert": itz good to know there's
no kike cabal rampaging free. What makes Jew Cohen an expert? If he
disagreed with Friedman and wasn't a Jew, would he still qualify as a
"Middle East" expert? "These terrorists are what they do." The Jew has
never seen a mirror that he has looked into: Quana, Jenin, Deir
Yassin, Sabra & Shatila. And what they do is murder. And unprovoked:
right, Jew Friedman? Unless you count it when the Jews fire American
tax-payer funded helicopter gunship missiles at blind, wheelchair
bound quadriplegics; or unless you consider the mass murder of
Palestinian children by Israeli snipers; or unless you compare the Jew
- Palestinian death ratio.

Finally, we also need to shine a bright light on the "truth tellers."
I hope you've sharpened your skate blades, because we're about to do a
180 on ice: who, pray tell, does Friedman consider the "truth
tellers"? Every week some courageous Arab or Muslim intellectual,
cleric or columnist publishes an essay in his or her media calling on
fellow Muslims to deal with the cancer in their midst. I didn't see
that coming: Friedman thinks that the "truth tellers" are those who
agree with him and his Tribe. Shazam! I bet you can't guess what
happens next: The truth tellers' words also need to be disseminated
globally. "The rulers in these countries have no interest in
amplifying the voices of moderates because the moderates often
disagree with the rulers as much as they disagree with the
extremists," said Husain Haqqani, author of the new book "Pakistan:
Between Mosque and Military." "You have to deal us moderates into the
game by helping to amplify our voices and exposing the extremists and
their amen corner." Distilled of jewspeak and translated into truth,
what Jew Friedman is saying is this: All Zionist puppets and fellow
travelers must be given the loudest voice in the global Jew media and
in the ZOG entities known as modern nation states. This will assist
them in their struggle for power against the "hate spreaders" and the
"excuse makers." Figuring out the mind of the Jew is more fun than a
barrel full of Mugabes!

Every quarter, the State Department should identify the Top 10
hatemongers, excuse makers and truth tellers in the world. What is
there left to say? Quite frankly, it really is almost unbelievable
that this shit passes for journalism - and I'm being serious when I
say that. Basically, Friedman thinks the State Department should morph
into a super, steroidal ADL, doing battle against the enemies of
organized world Jewry wherever and however they show their scurvy
anti-Semitic heads. It wouldn't be a cure-all. No, of course not -
only a bullet in the base of the White man's skull followed by a
tumble into an open pit would qualify as a "cure-all." Hey, here's an
idea: why not have a top ten countdown; you know, like David Letterman
or maybe like Casey Kasem? I don't know about the rest of you crazy
bastards, but I'm aiming to be Number One on the list!" But it would
be a message to the extremists: you are free to say what you want, but
we are free to listen, to let the whole world know what you are saying
and to protect every free society from hate spreaders like you. But
the Jews must protect themselves from the truth: you are free to say
what you want, but the Jews are free to engage in assassination -
oops! - I mean targeted killings. Words matter. They sure as fuck do.

Friedman, you've spun this one like a top in zero gravity: you've
erased the distinction between legitimate dissent and terrorism!
Granted, you accomplished your mission through doubletalk, newspeak,
and shameless Fabian tactics - but tell me something new! It matters
not: your Kike powers are in rare form in this one. What a masterpiece
of duplicitous daring doo-doo! Jew Friedman - I salute you!

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