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Puzzlin' Evidence

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Apr 11, 1991, 6:23:05 PM4/11/91

It thrills me.
We can build a nation within a nation right where we are.
The choice is yours.

I'm not a joiner.
I'm not a member of the John Birch Society or the communist party.
But let's look at what's happened to the national morals since World
War II. The movies and TV are filled with characters I don't even want
to know, at least in this life.
We lost the Vietnam War. The farmer's in trouble. The small businessman's
in trouble. Unemployment is skyrocketing. Texas is STILL paying for
John F. Kennedy's assasination.

Now let's look at who's been running this country sice World War II.
Have some Involvement in all these things.

What is the link ? What do cars have to do with books, you might ask.
The Tri-lateral commission with the Council on Foreign Relations - you
ever hear of them ? Well, neither did I, until I noticed the

Have members on the boards of all the major corporations. Not one
detail has been left out. Am I right? Do you feel it? Do you know
what Bobby Ray Inman was doing before he was running the Microelectronics
and Computertech corporations? Well, guess! A CIA director! It's
public knowledge!

Do you run out of Kleenex, paper towels and toilet paper at the
SAME TIME? You know it's true!!

You know how the governor campaigned to get the FCC here? Do you know what
their goal is?
Well, Elvis did. Artificial Intelligence. Huh! Robots.

Oh, they'd like that, wouldn't they. Yes sir, sleep sleeeeep. One and one
does not equal two. No sir, no sir, silicon gulch.
Silicon prarie.
Silicon hills.
Silicon valley.

It's late. It's laaaate.

Trevor Bauknight

Apr 11, 1991, 11:46:37 PM4/11/91

One of the greatest sequences in motion picture history. I need to copy
that movie. Thank you to whomever for posting the script!


Trevor Zion Bauknight --------------- "He was drinking muddy water
| _> ### | as a remedy -- a cup a day | | | to curb invisibility."
...!gatech!hubcap!trev --------------- -- Vic Chesnutt

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