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Source of CIA/DIANA document revealed

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May 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/26/98

In article <>, wrote:

> Where did the Diana Document on come from
> Well to all those LIARS that said we created it, you are liars
> Our original source for the document a well respect journalist named
> Jeff Rense sent it to us.
> His source was Sherman Skolnick, a well know person who runs a anti
> court corruption foundation in Chicago. His writings are a cult favorite
> in conspiracy circles. Conspiracy Nation is based upon his vast
> writings.
> Mr. Skolnick named a source for the document, which took a couple of
> days to verify due to the holiday.
> Said source has confirmed, the document he gave Skolnick originated from
> the London Mirror, a large paper in the UK.
> The original Mirror article had the Alleged Stolen CIA document in their
> story stating it came from Mohammed Al Fayed, the father of Dodi.
> Along with the stolen CIA document is the story that an ex CIA/ONI
> officer has been arrested in Vienna for possessing it.
> All this information has been verified.
> We are currently verifying with Mohammed Al Fayed if the Mirror story is
> correct.
> So, to all the morons that said I lied, screw you.
> The document was published in a major UK paper and stated it came from
> Mr. Al Fayed.

I wasn't aware that anyone had called you a liar.

I am perfectly willing to believe that this was the document in question,
and your information about the Mirror and Mohamed al-Fayed makes this very
highly probable.

Most of us here have been discussing whether or not the document is
genuine, which is quite another matter.

Personally I suspect it might be genuine CIA, but disinformational. E.g.
perhaps it is 90% true. Perhaps it is true about the Duke of Edinburgh and
about Spedding and about Blair, but not about the K-team, for example. I
haven't seen any speculation about what the Kingston connection is, or
about who Ken Etheridge might be. These bits need discussing.

You have done a great job in publishing this document, no-one should
detract from that.

Finally - can somebody post the details of the Mirror article, or even the
whole thing?



May 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/26/98

Well in many news groups the doc was said to be manufactured by us,
anyone that knows about the Mirror article knows that is a lie.

Our site has exactly who Ken Etheridge is and how he relates to Intel in
the UK and Al Fayed, he was a key player in the investiagtion of AF over
12 years ago for paying off Members of Parliament

It's all at

Oh, go to alt.prophecies.nostradamus and tell them the doc is authentic
in that it is from AF according to a Major UK paper

They still say we made it all up...

Richard Clark

May 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/26/98

Oswald LeWinter is a disinformation artist:

About Disinfo on the Newsgroups
- by James R. Norman, May 25, 1996

"I was asked by some people to mount a disinformation campaign....
people who asked me to intervene felt that the country could not
another Watergate.... I met with four people [not named, but
identified as
associated with the U.S. intelligence community], and was given to
understand that there were a number of others who were interested
seeing this succeed. In other words, making sure that the media
interest, that the story was discredited. I contacted Barbara
Honegger ...
[and] managed to pass on some information to her which had factual
elements in it, but also elements that with a little bit of digging
could be
discovered to be questionable. The story would lead some
investigators to
spend time and effort running into blind alleys, with the result
that eventually
the whole story would be discredited."

-- Oswald LeWinter, explaining on camera to Robert Parry why he
$100,000 to plant disinformation concerning the October Surprise
(From Robert Parry, "Trick or Treason," New York: Sheridan Square,
p. 68.)

Dear Dan: Thanks again for making the case of my story without, I'm
sure, intending to.
Note the author of this quote. He is a well-known disinformation agent
and an
intelligence community asset. He is also the father of Oded and Yoal
(traditional spelling), who are the main force behind the Israeli
operations of Boston
Systematics. They are the cousins of Dana Weshler Linden, who is still a
senior editor
at Forbes Magazine and who herself has been until recently, a director
of Boston
Systematics -- a company founded and run by her ex-CIA father Harry
Wechsler. Harry
Wechsler was a business partner with one James Guerin. You'll find him
in your data
base, I'm sure, as a covert arms-maker and smuggler. Dana Wechsler
Linden came to
Forbes right about the time Caspar Weinberger arrived. Her husband is a
top computer
jock at Goldman Sachs. Harry is said to also have close ties to Israeli
intelligence and
is/was good buddies with Rafi Eitan, head of Israel's counter-terrorism
effort and who
has been identified as the "Dr. Ben Orr" who visited Inslaw to gain
understanding about
the use of PROMIS software for various tracking functions.

Boston Systematics claims it never heard of Systematics in Arkansas.
Knows nothing
of PROMIS, and Dana told my boss at Forbes that she had no idea what
Systematics does, even though she had been a director for many years and
was "very
close" to her father.

Dan, when you whine about disinformation, methinks thou dost protest too

- Jim Norman


May 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/27/98

The FACT that LeWinter is a well schooled DISINFO CIA/ONI guy is in the
HISTORY of the DIANA PAPER article attached to the actual document on

Tell us something we don't know, who is Harrison?

Everyone else we named
PM= Prime Minister Tony Blair
Edinburgh = Duke of Edinburgh Prince Phillip
Palace = Queen of England
WHuse = White House Clinton
MI6 = Top Brit Intelligence agency
David Spedding = Head of MI6
Ken Etheridge = Person involved in investigating Al Fayed in 86
Parliament fiasco
K Team = Kill Team from Israel
Diana POW = Diana Princess of Whales
Dodi aF = Dodi Al Fayed

We explained as well Oswald LeWinter is ex CIA/ONI disinformation expert
from the October Surprise


May 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/27/98

> Palace = Queen of England


> K Team = Kill Team from Israel

Do you mean 'kidon' (incorporating three 12-man hit teams), itself part of
the 'Komemiute' (a part of Mossad)? (See Victor Ostrovsky, 'By Way of
Deception', chap.6).

That would at least explain the letter K.

Why on earth would the CIA be needed to put MI6 in touch with Israeli

I wonder if some people are just trying to implicate Israel for reasons
best known to themselves. Did someone say 'disinformation'?


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