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Remember last Christmas when I said I was making my final post?

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JE Corbett

Feb 21, 2024, 6:41:38 PM2/21/24

I have been lurking off and on and continue to be amused by the silly
offerings from the conspiracy hobbyists. We have Don Willis whose SOP is
to take an obscure fact, draw an illogical conclusion from it while ignoring
all other possible explanations for it, then take that illogical conclusion and
draw an equally illogical conclusion, and so on and so on. In short, Don is a
very silly man.

Then we have Giltardo, who seems to have no interest in determining what
did happen been seems obsessed with convincing us what did happen isn't
what really happened. Since all the credible evidence indicates Oswald
committed a double murder on 11/22/1963, Gil's mission is to come up with
excuses for why we should disregard each and every piece of that evidence.
To that end, he will apply rules of evidence that did not exist in 1963 or more
likely, he will invent rules of evidence that have never applied anywhere at
any time. If Gil's rules of evidence were ever to be adopted, it would be very
difficult to convict anybody of any crime. Gil has recently given us an
example of how Gil looks at evidence with a video that argues the fatal
headshot was fired from in front of JFK. The video starts off humorously
with Beverly Oliver who claims to have been the Babushka Lady who was
filming the assassination from the grassy strip between Main and Elm Sts.
What makes this claim remarkable is that at the time, Beverly Oliver was only
17 years old. But just for grins, let's accept that she was Babushka Lady. He
claims to have been looking at the assassination through the viewfinder. Gil
thinks he perspective is a better indication of the direction of the headshot
that the unanimous opinion of the forensic pathologists who reviewed the
medical evidence. Gil cites other witnesses who saw JFK's head explode in
a split second and thinks they are a more credible source than the medical
examiners who all concluded the headshot struck from behind. Every last
one of them. Here's the inconvenient truth for Gil. When I high powered bullet
passes through the wall of a skull, fracture lines radiate from the point of
entry. Secondary fracture lines form perpendicular to the radiating fractures.
That happens 100% of the time. The radiating fracture lines all emerge from
the point of entry on the BACK of JFK's head leaving no doubt the headshot
struck JFK from behind. But of course, that is not the conclusion Giltardo
wants to believe so he invents excuses why we should not accept that
inconvenient fact. In short, Gil is a very silly many engaged in a very silly and
pointless hobby, as are all conspiracy hobbyists everywhere.

This really is my last post since Google is going to slam the door on new
posts. In the few hours this group can still be accessed by Google users, I'll
monitor whatever responses are made to this post and others, but this is
definitely adios for me.

Ben Holmes

Feb 21, 2024, 6:43:43 PM2/21/24
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 15:41:36 -0800 (PST), JE Corbett
<> wrote:

>I LIED!!!

Did you honestly think anyone thought otherwise?


Feb 21, 2024, 7:17:06 PM2/21/24
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:41:38 PM UTC-5, JE Corbett wrote:
> I LIED!!!

I thought that was premature, you should have rode the horse over the cliff.
I`m not sure whether posting will be allowed tomorrow if today is the last.

Ben Holmes

Feb 21, 2024, 7:34:51 PM2/21/24
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 16:17:04 -0800 (PST), Bud <>

>On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:41:38?PM UTC-5, JE Corbett wrote:
>> I LIED!!!
> I thought that was premature, you should have rode the horse over the cliff.

So you knew he was lying too...

You agree he's a liar, Corbutt can agree you're a coward:

So, according to Bugliosi, it was this "oval" shape that was
"virtually conclusive evidence" of an SBT?

Chickenshit is TERRIFIED of this simple honest question. He knows
that Bugliosi was a moron if he truly thought this... yet you can't
get Chickenshit to publicly acknowledge that Bugliosi said this.

It's a simple "Yes" or "No" question, and Chickenshit cannot cite
where he has EVER answered it. (Without immediately denying it.)

So it's going to keep getting asked until Chickenshit answers it.

Gil Jesus

Feb 21, 2024, 7:43:18 PM2/21/24
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:41:38 PM UTC-5, JE Corbett wrote:
> I LIED!!!

Of course you lied. You're a liar. That's what liars do.
Finally you admit it.

Ben Holmes

Feb 21, 2024, 7:54:55 PM2/21/24
On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 16:43:16 -0800 (PST), Gil Jesus
<> wrote:

>On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:41:38?PM UTC-5, JE Corbett wrote:
>> I LIED!!!
>Of course you lied. You're a liar. That's what liars do.
>Finally you admit it.

And Chickenshit agreed!

Gil Jesus

Feb 22, 2024, 4:46:57 AM2/22/24
Soon the lurkers will know who is serious about this case and who the assclowns are.

BT George

Feb 22, 2024, 11:10:22 AM2/22/24
We shall see.

BT George

Feb 22, 2024, 11:11:01 AM2/22/24
I would have been disappointed had you not Lurked as this place counted down.
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