I understand.
"They" did everything to make a goldfish bowl out of Kennedy's car.
When I saw the 63' Berlin motorcade pictures(JFK protected like an
icon) I felt : It would have been a great tragedy for the putschists
if a real lone nut would have murdered JFK prior to there own devilish
plan to kill him and take over the Withe House by hiding the real
circumstances and carving in stone the Oswald hoax.
Being an admirer (Tom Lowry:Idiot)or supporter (Arlen Spector:
Senator)of this hoax means being a puppet of the 1963 Putschists.
Since that day it seems to me the White house is nothing more than a
store, one store of the masters of war and there foolish dinosaur
called Military Industrial Complex. A hungry dinosaur. Johnson and
Nixon served him a meal:Vietnam. Bush served him a meal: Irak...
"cdddraftsman" <cdddra...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
"tomnln" <tom...@cox.net> wrote in message
Why would the U.S. Secret Service want to kill President Kennedy?
Those agents loved JFK. Why on this Earth would they want to destroy
utopia by becoming involved in a heinous plot to murder a man who they
all appeared to admire and respect....and a man whom those agents
swore to protect with their own lives?
And -- Why would any SS agent be so stupid as to want to become
involved in a crazy assassination plot that would only end up with
each of those agents looking like a fool, due to their failure to
protect their charge on Nov. 22 (save Clint Hill, of course, who
received an award for his bravery that day)?*
* = Evidently Mr. Hill didn't get the THREE critical messages from Mr.
Rowley's department on that November day.....
1.) We're killing JFK on Nov. 22 in Dallas; would you be willing to
join us as one of the principal plotters?
2.) Don't be caught dead riding the limo's bumper in Dallas. (Hill
rode the bumper at least 4 times in the Dallas motorcade, directly
contradicting the "order" that was given out to the agents to NOT ride
the bumpers, per the silly video provided on YouTube.)
3.) After the murder of JFK, don't say anything that would lead anyone
toward the notion of a multi-shooter conspiracy, because a "Lone Patsy
Named Oswald" plan is in the works. Okay, Clint ol' buddy? (Hill
goofed again here when he testified that the rear of Mr. Kennedy's
head had been blasted open.)
I guess Hill was the only agent who missed getting those key memos in
November 1963.
Hill was Jackies, not JFKs bodyguard!
So you can write here a novel about Hill--nobody cares---it is off
OIC .... Only selected SS agents who rode in Queen Mary were "in" on
the grand plot I guess. Is that it? Only John Ready and Paul Landis on
KENNEDY'S side of the car were told to ignore the gunshots, huh? Is
that why Hill didn't get the "WE'RE KILLING OUR BOSS TOMORROW; SO
STAND DOWN" note on Nov. 21?
And I still need an answer to the most basic of all questions re. this
preposterous "SS plot" --- Why would these SS guys want to knock off
their boss? Just...why? Did they all want to be out of a job, or re-
assigned to another President for some reason?
Once again, David, your ignorance of history has gotten the better of
you. Apparently, you consider none of the following as suspicious
behavior by the Secret Service :
The FACT that the Secret Service agents whose JOB it was to protect
the President, spent the entire night before his assassination in a
bar drinking with strippers and hookers, is not suspicious.
The FACT that the Secret Service removed the motorcycle escorts from
the side of the limo ON THE NIGHT BEFORE the motorcade, is not
The FACT that the military man who sat in the front seat of the limo
between the Secret Service agents was removed from the car for the
Dallas motorcade ON THE MORNING of the assassination, is not
The FACT that there were no agents on the car is not suspicious. As we
now know, Kennedy NEVER told them to stay off of the car. The Secret
Service doesn't take orders from the President (when it comes to
security) , the President takes orders from the Secret Service.
The FACT that when the shooting started, Emory Roberts told Ready and
Hill not to move, Ready jumped off the running board, but got back on
it when Roberts ordered him to do so. Hill hesitated, then ran towards
the limo against orders. That hesitation left agent Hill feeling
extremely guilty for the rest of his life.
The FACT that at Love Field, the Secret Service told the Dallas Police
motorcycle escorts to hold their positions in the motorcade "no matter
what happened", of course, is not suspicious.
The FACT that the President's physician, Admiral Burkley, was not
allowed to ride in the followup car, but was moved further back in the
motorcade, is not suspicious.
The FACT that the press photographers, who usually rode in front of
the Presidential limousine, were relegated to convertibles further
back in the motorcade, is not suspicious.
The FACT that both the local military unit trained in Presidential
protection, and the Dallas County Sheriff's office, were both told by
the Secret Service that their help wouldn't be needed in Dallas.
The FACT that the Secret Service's morale was destroyed by their use
as "errand boys" handing out souveniers and used to run errands. Also,
Kennedy's procurement of prostitutes and his use of illegal drugs were
crimes committed with the knowledge of these officers sworn to uphold
the law.
And the FACT that when the shooting started, agent Bill Greer slowed
the limousine down to a near stop rather than speed up.
The Secret Service was well aware that there was going to be an
assassination attempt on Kennedy's life in Dallas (see the statements
of Marty Underwood) and did everything they could to strip away
Kennedy's protection, remove "innocents" from the line of fire and
placed the President out there in the open. And when the shooting DID
start, they did everything they could to see that Kennedy would be
successfully assassinated.
Funny how when the first "pop" was heard, Johnson's bodyguards
responded immediately, while Kennedys didn't even move.
It's almost as if Johnson's bodyguards expected it.
Ever hear of a Roman emperor named Caracella ? He was stabbed to death
by his centurion guards while he relieved himself.
Why did the SS want to kill JFK, Gil?
The "Breakdown" of the Infrastructure of the Secret Service
Nov. 22,1963
by Vince Palamara
Fourth Decade
Vol 4. No.6
Sept. 1997