>On Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 1:29:37?PM UTC-5, Ben Holmes wrote:
>> Huckster has recently doubled down on his "explanation" for the
>> contradicting documents regarding the paper in the "paper sack."
>> He pretends that someone merely typed up two possible variants of the
>> test results in advance.
>> Of course, anyone who'd bothered to READ this citation:
>> ... knows that such a theory is dead in the water from the beginning.
>> Given the chance to correct himself - as the evidence clearly shows
>> that the "wrong" report was actually sent out everywhere... and an FBI
>> memo documented EXACTLY WHAT I STATED - that the FBI was willing to
>> change documents... Huckster simply ran away.
>> He can hardly wait for Feb 22nd, when he'll have an excuse not to post
>> and explain his proven lies.
>> But nothing other than dishonest cowardice is preventing him from
>> explaining why his "explanation" fails to explain the known facts.
>> Huckster's a coward.
>> TIME!!!
Keep running, coward. You're not fooling anyone.