vince palamara
Presentation at Slippery Rock University 3/22/07: went really
please see--
There were about 120 people there and the response was fantastic! This
was, without question, the best, longest, and most comprehensive
presentation I ever gave (and it was filmed). Well pleased.:)
His decision to devote twice as many pages to critiquing Oliver
Stone's movie JFK as to his chapter on organized crime (identified by
the chief counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassination as
the likely conspirators) is a curious one .
TL replied :
What could be possible excuse for you to find this curious , when the
conclusions of of the HSCA on a Mafia Plot have been so seriously
discredited as to render those last minute , hastily thrown together
conclusions , tempered by public pressure to produce some tasty
morsel of conspiracy to munch on , are in effect null and void ?
If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion . Stick to your
specialty of non-involvment of the SS in any plot to kill
JFK and leave the book reviewing to DVP ! OK Tiger ?
> vince palamara
> >vincepalamara
> > Presentation at Slippery Rock University 3/22/07: went really
> > well!!!!!!
> > please see--
> >
> > AND
> >
> > ***and***
> >
> > There were about 120 people there and the response was fantastic! This
> > was, without question, the best, longest, and most comprehensive
> > presentation I ever gave (and it was filmed). Well pleased.:)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
It seems that lawyers are capable of believing whoever pays them.
In article <>,
SecretServiceguy says...
>Copyright =A9 Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier
>Inc. All rights reserved.
>while Bugliosi says even serious conspiracy theorists don't claim the
>FBI or Secret Service were involved, he devotes chapters to each
If Bugliosi believes serious theorists don't claim the FBI or Secret
Service was involved, he doesn't know what this discussion is really about.
One of the preeminent conspiracy theorists is Mark Lane. Besides his
best seller "Rush to Judgment" -- the book that started it all -- Lane
successfully represented Liberty Lobby against E. Howard Hunt's
defamation suit. This suit turned on the question of whether Hunt, a CIA
agent, was involved in the assassination. Hunt lost the suit. The jury
decided Liberty Lobby hadn't defamed him by publishing an article citing
a CIA memo that said he was involved.
Which prompts this question: Was this lawsuit mentioned in Bugliosi's
book? And more specifically, was this CIA memo mentioned?
Also, judging from Bugliosi's performance in "The Trial of Lee Harvey
Oswald," I find it hard to regard him as serious researcher. During this
trial he employed lawyer tactics not a deep knowledge of the case.
For example, in his summation he said things like, "Oswald is nuts
because who would kill the president except a nut?" and "Oswald was too
unreliable to be a hitman. Who would hire a person like him to do a job
as big as assassinate the president?"
In other words, he presented no new information that could be judged on
its own merits; rather, he gave arguments meant to appeal to the emotion
-- "Oswald is as guilty as sin!"
All of why I suspect Bugliosi's latest book is more a legal exercise
than a credible research one. I think it would show how to win the case
in court, not how the crime actually happened.
Who Shot JFK?
Lane felt the WCR was a Prosecutors brief, do you agree?
> ricland
> > In article <>,
> >>
I'm not sure I understand your question.
Of course it was! They actually had a "defense counsel"... who didn't do
anything of note. Most people aren't even aware that the WC included someone
with that function.
As I've demonstrated many times - the WC wasn't interested in any "truth" - they
were interested in putting together their 'theory' about what happened... and
made every attempt to discredit eyewitnesses that had inconvenient things to
Speak about an "inconvenient truth"...
Wiggans (As I recall the name - forgive me if I don't have it correct) couldn't
name a *single* eyewitness who was subjected to the polygraph that had testimony
favorable to the WC to give. The WC used polygraphs, among other techniques, to
discredit people.
Bugliosi's tome, should it ever be published, will undoubtably be the same
Mark Lane - Rush to Judgement, 1966 pg.320 para.4
quote on
I believe to the contrary, the report of the President's Commission on
the Assassination of President Kennedy is less a report than a brief
for the prosecution.
quote off
Do you believe as does Mark Lane?
> ricland.
Please point me to the place where Vince specifically stated, in
court, that HE HIMSELF believed in a conspiracy in JFK's murder during
those VB RFK-related quotes?
VB was talking about how people IN GENERAL felt about political
assassinations, including both RFK's and JFK's. But I don't think VB
ever once said that HE HIMSELF believed in a JFK conspiracy....mainly,
I'm sure, because he said those things re. the RFK case many years
BEFORE he, himself, ever started deeply investigating JFK's death.
So, once more, Ben shows us what he is -- a person incapable of
evaluating anything in its correct context.
Plus -- Even if Vince HAD stated his belief (many, many years ago) in
a possible conspiracy in the JFK murder --- so what? It would have
been stated well before the '86 Mock Trial, and well before he
researched the case in any depth at all. So even via that latter
scenario, Ben is dead in the water re. this stupid statement Ben made
"It seems that lawyers are capable of believing whoever pays them." --
The Warren Commission was shameful. It did things even a prosecutor
wouldn't do. It let Arlen Specter, a man with no background in medicine
or ballistics, create a single bullet theory doctors and ballistics men
have laughed at for the past 45 years.
It simply ignored all testimony and evidence that didn't point to
Oswald. And, most shamefully, its junior lawyers coerced or simply
distorted what witnesses said.
That must be why EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 9 members of the FPP/HSCA
panel endorsed that "laughable" SBT theory, huh?
And the theory is so "laughable" that its inner workings and
measurements and alignments somehow were made completely workable and
doable via a Zapruder Film overlay and "Key Framing" project done by
animator and author Dale K. Myers:
The SBT works. Live with that fact, or live with a two-shot or three-
shot "replacement" to the SBT that has so many more UNEXPLAINABLES and
SBT-like coincidences it ain't even funny (or remotely possible
>>> "It {the evil WC} simply ignored all testimony and evidence that didn't point to Oswald." <<<
You haven't read a single page of the Warren Report, have you, Ric?
Fess up. You haven't touched the thing, have you?
In point of simple fact, more than 18% of the entire 888-page WCR (164
pages) is devoted exclusively to the subject of "Possible Conspiracy".
Why not read these pages sometime. Couldn't hurt, could it? (Except
your skewed anti-WCR views, that is.)......
"As surely as I am standing here, and surely as night follows day, Lee
Harvey Oswald -- acting alone -- was responsible for the murder of
President John F. Kennedy." -- Vince Bugliosi
"Oswald, from his own lips, TOLD us he was guilty....he told us he was
guilty....almost the same as if he had said 'I murdered President
Kennedy'....he told us. How did he tell us? Well, the lies he told,
one after another, showed an UNMISTAKABLE consciousness of guilt. If
Oswald were innocent, why did he find it necessary to deny purchasing
that Carcano rifle from the Klein's store in Chicago? Why did he even
deny owning any rifle at all? Why did he find it necessary to do that
if he's innocent?" -- VB
"If there's one thing I take pride in, it's that I never, ever make a
charge without supporting it. You might not agree with me, but I
invariably offer an enormous amount of support for my position." -- VB
"If there's one thing I take pride in, it's that I never, ever make a
charge without supporting it. You might not agree with me, but I
invariably offer an enormous amount of support for my position." -- VB
"If there's one thing I take pride in, it's that I never, ever make a
charge without supporting it. You might not agree with me, but I
invariably offer an enormous amount of support for my position." -- VB
"Pollock shits"?????
Walter E Craig, the then President of the American Bar Assoiciation,
was the guy...
Gerald Ford at Craig's appointment:
--quote on--
...Walter Craig represents the ethical conscience of the American
--quote off--
Lane covers Walter Craig's Commission investigation participation,
also covers/mentions 6th Amendment issues ... Rush to Judgement, 1966,
pgs.321 This Craig guy was hailed by the press as a second coming type
such as "Clarence Darrow"?
Amazing, the guy was hardly present and when present asked next to no
questions. Perhaps he didn't want to get in the way and display his
ignorance of the issues? There is NO record he Craig (or his
associates) ever attended one of the 25,000 interviews... Not bad for
someone overseeing the defense counsel side of the hearing....
Oswald was dead, he needed no defense, PERIOD!. When in reality;
Oswald was not there to participate in his own defense, he needed
defense counsel standng more than EVER at those hearings...
Hey Younger.....
going back to Posner's Case Closed date of publication the $1.99 makes
sense, with daBugliosi's tome the then $1.99 when inflation is
factored in, the price jumps to about $4.33 in today's dollars...... :)
Senator Russell was a goofball. Plain and simple.
At least the WC had some very good lawyers working for them to figure
things out in a correct and logical manner.
ANYONE looking at the sum total of evidence (as well as the LACK of
evidence that SHOULD have been there if the SBT is wrong) can only
arrive at a "SBT" conclusion. It's so obvious, it's not funny.
But Goofball Russell would rather totally DISMISS (during his phone
call to LBJ) all of that TOTALITY of pro-SBT evidence, and instead
assert that he can't believe that the gunman could have missed the
"whole darn automobile with that first shot" and also hit Kennedy
almost perfectly with the other two shots.
Hence (in Goofball Russell's eyes), the first missed shot somehow
means the SBT is unbelievable....even though in order to NOT believe
in the SBT, Russell and everybody else has no choice but to believe in
gobs and gobs of even MORE unbelievable shit re. the two-man wounding
of JFK & JBC.
As I said, Russell was a goof. He must have done NO homework regarding
the details of the shooting whatsoever (especially with respect to the
SBT in particular). And neither did the FBI with its impossible "3
Shots & 3 Hits" scenario via its 12/9/63 initial report.
Thank goodness Specter, Belin, and Ball were on the "ball". Those guys
were, as Vince Bugliosi has also said, "prodigious" with respect to
the work they did for the WC. Thank goodness...otherwise Goofball
Russell's silly anti-SBT assertions might have made it into the Warren
Belin was a Whacko
Spector is a Felon Griffin subourned Perjury from witness Patrick Dean.
Your position is Crumbling.
"David Von Pein" <> wrote in message
But, of course, that's NOT just an "opinion"...right Mr. Nutsack?
"David Von Pein" <> wrote in message
Yah, Ben, Lawyer say things to convince a jury their client is
> It seems that lawyers are capable of believing whoever pays them.
And they are paid for that service.
How could an investigation into the activities of a guilty man not
appear as one?
> They actually had a "defense counsel"... who didn't do
> anything of note. Most people aren't even aware that the WC included someone
> with that function.
And Ben isn`t aware that the kooks would be unsatisfied with the
process no matter what was done, if the result was a finding of no
> As I've demonstrated many times - the WC wasn't interested in any "truth" -
That the CT here aren`t interested in the truth is monstrated
daily here.
> they
> were interested in putting together their 'theory' about what happened... and
> made every attempt to discredit eyewitnesses that had inconvenient things to
> say.
The kooks discredit the witnesses that it can be verified saw
something significant. Witnesses to the shooter at both murder scene,
witnesses in the vicintity of the Tippit murder who saw Oz with a gun
running from the direction of that murder, ect. They think "puff of
smoke" witnesses are more important.
> Speak about an "inconvenient truth"...
> Wiggans (As I recall the name - forgive me if I don't have it correct) couldn't
> name a *single* eyewitness who was subjected to the polygraph that had testimony
> favorable to the WC to give. The WC used polygraphs, among other techniques, to
> discredit people.
Wesley Buell Frazier gave testimony that would have damaged Oswald.
He was given a lie detector, mainly because he gave Oz and his rifle a
ride to work.
> Bugliosi's tome, should it ever be published, will undoubtably be the same
> thing.
Of course it will from Ben`s perspective. It will have the throat
wound as a wound of exit. It will work with three shots from the 6th
floor of the TSBD, something most kooks dispute. It won`t bother
working with any of the information you kooks have wrong, as erroneous
information is useless to work with (which explains the kook`s
inability to put a scenario on the table that covers the known
evidence. When you misunderstand and misrepresent every bit of
information, when it comes time to put what you have together, it
doesn`t fit).
One of them Suborned Perjury from a witness. proven)
"Bud" <> wrote in message
Ricland it wasn't 45 years; it has been
only 43.. And competent researchers are
not "laughing" at the SBT as you
mistakenly think.. To the contray, the
tide has shifted greatly in that area,
especially since Dale Myer's video.
In a nutshell
I have 2 questions
for you:
1) Can you specifically list the parts
of the WCR that you deem "shameful?"
2) Where did the neck exit round go?
MR ;~D 1910Mar2807
> Who Shot JFK? Hide quoted text -
You've been Dodging it for 6 months.
WHO is ed cage>>>
Your own words Prove you to be a Lying Phony.
<> wrote in message
And I thought you'd enjoy the fact that I kicked a WC member in the
teeth (sort of), with my "goofball" statement re. Russell. ;)
Just look up the hundreds of WC transcripts and try to find "Sen.
Russell's" name in there more than just a very few times. Did he ask a
single witness a single question? (He probably did a few times, but
not very many. Those are hard to come by at any rate.)
And Dick's Sept. '64 phone call to LBJ is laughable in an anti-SBT
fashion. It's as if Specter's detailed explanation re. the SBT (which
I can only assume Russell had full knowledge of) just zoomed right
over his head. Silly.
But, at least he had the sense to sign the Final Report.
But, of course, Russell didn't want to be on the Commission in the
first place. Probably resented LBJ for the whole 10 months for forcing
him to be "my man" (Johnson's) on the WC.
As I said, thank goodness for good thorough lawyers/investigators like
Specter, Belin, and Ball. They did 100 times the work Russell did (or
any of the other figurehead Commissioners). The WC conclusions were
really reached by "S,B,&B", not the main 7.