On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 4:47:28 PM UTC-5, Donald Willis wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 10:33:13 AM UTC-8, Hank Sienzant wrote:
> > On Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 6:48:25 PM UTC-5, Hank Sienzant wrote:
> > > On Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 5:33:52 PM UTC-5, Donald Willis wrote:
> > > > Whaley was right: Neches and Beckley do intersect
> > > >
> > > > As I have noted, the online reproduction of CE 371 is poor. But with the aid of an old-fashioned fold-up map and Google Maps, I was able to spot the "X" on 371 which Ball and Whaley said was where the latter left Oswald off in Oak Cliff. It is centered just above and a bit west of the intersection where Zang, Beckley, and El Dorado meet. That "X" is far from Neely, but near Neches. In fact, El Dorado is really a continuation of Neches, and it does intersect Beckley. And it's a short street, only three blocks long; Neches is 11 blocks long. Oswald may not have even realized that, going east, Neches becomes El Dorado two blocks before Beckley. Oswald, then, must have re-directed Whaley, en route, with an instruction like "Neches near Beckley", and Whaley dropped him off at Beckley and El Dorado, the extension of Neches. ("This will do fine.") And when Whaley says, of the "X" spot, with some certainty, "This is the intersection right there", he must be going by--not numbers or street names--but by the distinctive configuration of the intersection: Beckley is strictly north/south, but Zang comes in to Beckley at like a 30-degree angle, and El Dorado/Neches goes out from Beckley at about the same angle. Whaley recognized that particular intersection. (By contrast, the Beckley/Neely intersection is strictly north-south/east-west. *Not* the intersection.) Whaley was confused by many things, but not by "Neches". (For instance, it's apparently "Zang", not "Zangs", as Whaley had it.)
> > > >
> > > > dcw
> > > Accepting all that for the sake of argument, how does that:
> > > A. Come close to disproving Oswald shot Tippit?
> I did that in my first post: "Whaley's "Neches" wrecks WR's Oswald/TIppit timeline". If Whaley dropped O off just across the street from the rooming house, instead of 5 or 6 blocks past it (then walked back)--that's 4 or 5 minutes shaved off his arrival time at 10th & Patton, & he gets there about 1:11, And catches up on his whittling while patiently waiting for Tippit to show up. Sure.
Bizarre. For *six Deades* critics have been arguing Oswald didn’t have enough time to get to 10th & Patton, thereby establishing he couldn’t have done it.
You turn that on it’s head, argue he had more than enough time, and therefore couldn’t have done it.
Do I have that right?
You seem to think that having more than enough time to do something establishes an alibi of sorts. I regret to inform you it doesn’t. Maybe he stopped to tie his shoe, or had to go to the john, and stopped at a gas station to relieve himself. Allowing him more time does NOT give him an alibi.
> > > B. Come close to explaining how Oswald rode the bus all the way to near his rooming house? A few months ago, you were arguing Oswald never took the cab, and he rode the bus all the way into Oak Cliff. Now you're agreeing the Commission got the cab ride right, but merely got where Oswald departed that cab wrong.
> It's sweet you're keeping up with my posts. This is an alternate take. I began to wonder how it would play out if I accepted Whaley's testimony, basically. Now I'm leaning more towards the Whaley/Oswald to Neches scenario, which Whaley actually limns. In which case your question here is irrelevant--I don't say, now, that O took the bus all the way...
So you admit you were wrong? How refreshing. I wonder now how long it will take for you to admit Oswald had enough time to get to 10th & Patton and shoot Tippit.
> > > C. What about the bus ride? Are you conceding Oswald rode the bus a few blocks, then departed it when it got stuck in traffic? Or are you going to argue Oswald was never on the bus
> I don't think I ever posited that. I think that's No True Flags who does.
What do you posit regarding the bus ride? Was Oswald on the bus or off the bus (with apologies to the Merry Pranksters). How far did he take it? Is the bus transfer legit? Is his former landlady correct in putting him on the bus? Did the bus driver and several passengers alll note the same man depart the bus shortly after a woman did? Was that man Oswald, as the bus transfer indicates?
All the best, i probably won’t post again, but I will check back to see if you respond here and put a true scenario on the table … instead of a disjointed series of meanderings.