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David Von Pein

2008. júl. 2. 4:09:182008. 07. 02.


The link above contains 19 minutes of audio recorded on March 12th,
1978, during an HSCA interview with one of President Kennedy's autopsy
doctors, Pierre A. Finck.

I found this interview to be quite fascinating in multiple ways.
Listen for Dr. Michael Baden's excellent evaluation and analysis of
this autopsy photograph:


Dr. Baden's analysis is spot-on perfect, IMO, and ultimately that same
analysis given by Baden was agreed upon by the majority of the members
comprising the HSCA's Forensic Pathology Panel....because it couldn't
be any more obvious (when viewing the above autopsy photo) that the
"white spot" near the hairline (which Dr. Finck kept insisting was
actually the location of the bullet's entry hole at the back of JFK's
head) was certainly not located ABOVE the EOP on Kennedy's cranium.
It's not even close, despite Dr. Finck's commentary on the matter.

And, as we know, the autopsy report (authored by lead autopsist Dr.
James J. Humes, and signed by all three autopsy physicians, including
Finck and Dr. Boswell) clearly indicates that the bullet entry wound
at the back of the head was located ABOVE (not below) the external
occipital protuberance:

"Situated in the posterior scalp approximately 2.5 cm. laterally
to the right and slightly above the external occipital protuberance is
a lacerated wound measuring 15 x 6 mm. In the underlying bone is a
corresponding wound through the skull which exhibits beveling of the
margins of the bone when viewed from the inner aspect of the skull."

Also of interest during the 19-minute audio file linked above is when
Dr. Cyril Wecht decides to interrupt Dr. Baden's analysis and
questioning of Dr. Finck. This interruption by Wecht served to more-or-
less completely undermine Baden's perfectly-reasonable analysis with
respect to why Finck had to be incorrect about his "near the hairline"
placement for the entry wound on JFK's head.

It was a pretty good tactic by Wecht to steer things away from Baden's
very logical view of things, and Wecht's interjection also served as a
springboard to get Finck to now say that "It's possible" that he might
have made an error when he said that the entry wound was located ABOVE
the EOP, rather than significantly BELOW it. (And the wound would have
to have been located below the EOP if Finck's low wound placement is
to be accepted as fact.)*

* = The "It's possible [I could have been mistaken]" statement made by
Dr. Finck, of course, flies in the face of the autopsy report that the
same Dr. Finck examined and SIGNED on November 24, 1963....and it also
contradicts the other two autopsy doctors, who also signed that same
autopsy report and who also said that the entry wound was positively
located ABOVE the EOP, not below it.


Another portion of Dr. Baden's analysis as he was questioning Dr.
Finck about the location of the head entry wound struck me as one of
those "Why Didn't I Ever Think Of That Before?" moments, when Baden
talks about how the autopsy picture (linked again here).....


.....is almost certainly being taken by the photographer to FOCUS IN
ON and CENTER ON the red spot in the area of JFK's cowlick, rather
than the very-irregular-shaped "white spot" near the VERY BOTTOM of
the photograph.

The red spot near the cowlick is certainly the entry wound, and it is
almost dead-center in the middle of the photograph, right next to the
ruler being held up in the picture too, which is a ruler that is
almost certainly being placed very close to the ACTUAL ENTRY WOUND
near the cowlick.

I had never thought about that type of logical "The Photo Is CENTERED
On The Red Spot Near The Cowlick" argument until I heard Dr. Baden
make that argument when he confronted Dr. Finck in that 1978

So, unless the photographer (John Stringer) was having a really bad
day and suddenly had no idea how to properly frame an important
autopsy photo on 11/22/63 or unless Stringer HIMSELF was very confused
about which "spot" on JFK's head was the real entry wound, it stands
to reason (based on the PRIMARY area of JFK's head that is being
depicted in the above-linked autopsy picture) that the red spot near
John Kennedy's cowlick was, indeed, the actual entry hole for Lee
Harvey Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano bullet.









2008. júl. 2. 4:26:222008. 07. 02.
David Von Pein,

I for one, appreciate your endless nonsense and opinions that fall
directly in line with your idol-worship, one, Vinnie daBugliosi.

You've reached new heights in endless WCR trivial-pursuit -- Thanks
for all your efforts, you're excused. Any Buffalo Bob & Howdy Doodey
DVD sales of late?

BTW, what does a DVP ghost look like?



2008. júl. 2. 4:55:312008. 07. 02.
I bet it was interesting because he said oswald acted alone right? The
aptly named Dr. Finck must have said" I don't recall", or the old Govt
chestnut " I don't remember" about 600 times to key questions during his
ARRB testimony," but damn it's all comin' back to me now, I do remember
that communist lone nut with a 13 dollar rifle did it all-magic bullets,
neuromuscular reactions, jet effects, tampered zfilm, monkeyed up By
Photos, phony autopsy pictures, disappearing Autopsy pictures/X-Rays
all the work of one man lee Harvey Oswald.. why I would swear on the
good name of James Humes and Thornton Boswell for these statements to be


2008. júl. 2. 5:04:302008. 07. 02.

absolutely amazing isn't it? LMFAO!

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David Von Pein

2008. júl. 2. 5:42:212008. 07. 02.


Dr. Finck WAS, indeed, one rotten interview subject during this 1978
HSCA interview (linked below):



I could just envision Baden, et al, pulling their collective hair out
as they received one "I don't know" and "I can't recall" answer after
another out of Finck.

He couldn't remember anything it seems. Simply ridiculous, IMO. The
biggest and most memorable autopsy he'll ever be involved in during
his entire lifetime, and he can hardly remember anything about it
(even though it was 15 years earlier; but that's no excuse, IMO)!
Utterly unbelievable.

There was likely nothing "conspiratorial" about Finck's idiocy during
that interview, mind you. Finck just sounded like a complete boob
during his questioning, that's all.

But a doctor who sounded like a total boob during an interview or two
does not automatically translate to there being a multi-gun conspiracy
in Dallas either.

Because if Finck had been part of some kind of "Cover-Up", he
certainly wouldn't have said "I don't know" a hundred times to various
questions. Instead, if he was "in" on some kind of plot to cover up
the truth, he would have simply MADE UP some quick "LN"-leaning
answers to every single question he was asked by Baden, Petty, and
Company. That's fairly obvious.

David Von Pein

2008. júl. 2. 20:03:042008. 07. 02.

Excerpts from Vincent Bugliosi's book "RECLAIMING HISTORY: THE


"If one were to set forth the top-five allegations of the Warren
Commission critics and conspiracy theorists in the Kennedy
assassination, one of the five would most likely be that Kennedy's
body was unlawfully spirited away from the Dallas authorities at
Parkland Hospital (mainly, from Dr. Earl Rose, the Dallas medical
examiner who physically resisted the appropriation of Kennedy's body
by the Secret Service) to be taken to Bethesda for the autopsy. And if
the autopsy HAD been conducted in Dallas, no cover-up would have taken
place by the incompetent and/or complicit (in the conspiracy to cover-
up) autopsy surgeons, and therefore the autopsy findings would have
been different.

"The only serious problem with this is that ironically, and very
unfortunately for the conspiracy theorists, they don't even have the
support for their argument from the very person whom they wanted to
conduct the autopsy--Dr. Earl Rose. ....

"In 1978, [Dr. Rose] was appointed by the HSCA to be one of the
nine forensic pathologists to review the autopsy findings. Now retired
in Iowa City, Dr. Rose told me no one ever calls him regarding his one
year on the HSCA forensic panel and he was "enjoying" his "anonymity."
My key question to Dr. Rose was this: "Were you satisfied from your
review of the autopsy photos and X-rays that the autopsy surgeons
reached the same conclusion you would have reached if you had
conducted the autopsy back in 1963 in Dallas?"

"Rose immediately and unequivocally answered, "Yes, there's no
question their conclusions were correct. Two shots entered the
president from behind, the entrance wound to the back exiting in the
throat at the site of the tracheotomy and the entrance wound to the
back of the head exiting in the right frontal temporal area."

"The only place he said he disagreed with the autopsy surgeons
is that they reported the entrance wound to the back of the head "too
low. It was in the cowlick area." " -- VINCENT T. BUGLIOSI; PAGES
388-389 OF "RECLAIMING HISTORY" (c.2007)*

* = Source Note #41 on Page 389 = "Telephone interviews of Earl Rose
by author [VB] on October 17, 2002, and March 18, 2005."


"Dr. Michael Baden has what I believe to be the answer, one
whose logic is solid. [Quoting Baden] "The head exit wound was not in
the parietal-occipital area, as the Parkland doctors said. They were
wrong," [Baden] told me. "That's why we have autopsies, photographs,
and X-rays to determine things like this. Since the thick growth of
hair on Kennedy's head hadn't been shaved at Parkland, there's no way
for the doctors to have seen the margins of the wound in the skin of
the scalp. All they saw was blood and brain tissue adhering to the
hair. And that may have been mostly in the occipital area because he
was lying on his back and gravity would push his hair, blood, and
brain tissue backward, so many of them probably assumed the exit wound
was in the back of the head. But clearly, from the autopsy X-rays and
photographs and the observations of the autopsy surgeons, the exit
wound and defect was not in the occipital area. There was no defect or
wound to the rear of Kennedy's head other than the entrance wound in
the upper right part of the head." [End Baden quote]." -- VINCENT T.

* = Source Note #168 on Page 408 = "Telephone interview of Dr. Michael
Baden by author [VB] on January 8, 2000."


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