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Ghostwritten, My Ass

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David Von Pein

Jul 3, 2007, 1:05:05 AM7/3/07
>From a post at alt.assassination.jfk.......


"On Black Op Radio, David Lifton claimed that much of Vince Bugliosi's
book was ghost written, and even named Patricia Lambert as one person
who wrote a substantial part of it.

"This was brought to the attention of Lambert, who sent me {John
McAdams} the following statement for posting:

<quote on>

July 2, 2007

I have received several accounts of remarks David Lifton made about me
on the Black Op Radio program of May 24th concerning Vince Bugliosi's
book "Reclaiming History."

For the record: I did not write one single word of Vince Bugliosi's
book, not even a footnote. I never saw Vince Bugliosi's manuscript. I
never saw any portion of Vince Bugliosi's manuscript. I didn't even
get a peek at the galleys. No comma, colon, semi-colon, parenthesis,
hyphen, apostrophe or period is my doing, to say nothing of sentences,
paragraphs and a whole chapter. Because I have been traveling, I have
not even seen the published book and have only sketchy, second hand
reports of what it says.

I have indeed been in touch with Bugliosi; we have talked on the
telephone and I provided him with some documents. That is the full
extent of my involvement in his book.

I cannot imagine what prompted Lifton to make such a stunningly false
allegation about me. But false it is. I am not a ghostwriter. I have
never been a ghostwriter. I have no intention of being a ghostwriter.

Since I know unequivocally that Lifton is wrong about the role he
assigned to me, I see no reason to believe he is correct about the
other unidentified writers on whom he has bestowed the credit for
having written Vince Bugliosi's book.

David Lifton owes me an apology.

David Lifton owes Vince Bugliosi an apology.

Patricia Lambert

<quote off>" -- John McAdams; July 2, 2007


Lifton, from sheer nothingness, decided to smear both Mr. Bugliosi's
good name and work ethic and also Patricia Lambert, who wrote a very
good book on Jim Garrison several years ago, "False Witness". .....

I agree with Patricia -- Lifton owes everybody involved a formal
apology. His accusation was merely a CTer with a burr up his butt
after having his silly conspiracy theory handily destroyed in print by
Vince Bugliosi in "Reclaiming History" (and rightly so too).

Even prior to seeing Ms. Lambert's response, I knew that Lifton's
charge was a false one, by merely reading through Vincent's book.
There is no "style" difference from chapter to chapter, as alleged by
Lifton in late May 2007. That's nonsense. But nonsense never stopped a
rabid CTer....just ask David S. Lifton. He's as rabid as they come.

Message has been deleted

Jul 3, 2007, 1:48:56 AM7/3/07
Okay, so it wasn't ghostwritten, but what about spookwritten?


Jul 3, 2007, 2:31:40 AM7/3/07

He had better watch out, he is liable to lose all that credibility
he has built up over the years. And luckily there is a forum like
Black Op Radio, so that idiots can listen to liars tell lies.

Very good work by .John McAdams and David Von Pein at getting the
truth out (not that it will stop kooks from jabbering that VB`s didn`t
write RH).



Jul 3, 2007, 2:35:02 AM7/3/07
to wrote:
> Okay, so it wasn't ghostwritten, but what about spookwritten?

Of course *they* are behind the writting of Bugliosi`s book. "They"
are behind everything. And *they* will come and get you, unless you
stop writting stupid things in newsgroups.

David Von Pein

Jul 4, 2007, 2:06:46 AM7/4/07

Fabulous stuff, John. Thanks for sharing that excellent e-mail.

Go Rosemary! I love her already! (From just one single message.) ;)

Now seems like a good time to re-post these items I have recently
written re. Mr. Bugliosi's exquisite book, "Reclaiming History". .....

Message has been deleted

Jul 4, 2007, 5:18:43 AM7/4/07
If I was Bugliosi-I'd sure claim it was ghostwritten!-you'd have to be a
scumbag and a half to take credit for this monstrosity. You might as
well have written it's that bad...


Jul 4, 2007, 6:49:20 AM7/4/07

chuck schuyler wrote:
> On Jul 4, 1:06 am, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> >

> >
> > Fabulous stuff, John. Thanks for sharing that excellent e-mail.
> >
> > Go Rosemary! I love her already! (From just one single message.) ;)
> >
> > Now seems like a good time to re-post these items I have recently
> > written re. Mr. Bugliosi's exquisite book, "Reclaiming History". .....
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Great stuff!
> The best part of Rosemary's response is her Bug's quote where even OUR
> LITTLE RICLAND, Ric Landers, is threatened with potential legal action
> if he doesn't shut the F up!
> Ric Landers came to this group just a few months ago, and it's obvious
> that he didn't know much about the case-which is no big deal-but it's
> just funny that within a week of posting really lame-ass beginner
> questions here he had the whole damn thing figured out.
> And within a few short months he's managed to piss off highly
> accomplished Vincent Bugliosi to the point where he lumps ricland in
> with David Lifton and threatens legal action!
> HaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!
> Where is ricland?????

Why do you think he went on "vacation"? Maybe he got an e-mail


Jul 4, 2007, 6:54:47 AM7/4/07
to wrote:
> If I was Bugliosi-I'd sure claim it was ghostwritten!-you'd have to be a
> scumbag and a half to take credit for this monstrosity.

Yah, it`s pretty boring, no gunmen down sewers, no projectile
firing umbrellas, no conspiracy elves flittering hither and yon
planting evidence. If you need that to hold your interest, stick to
Cartoon Network, reality just isn`t always that interesting.

> You might as
> well have written it's that bad...

I think Bugs stole some of my material, he calls you guys "kooks"
a lot.

Kenneth A. Rahn

Jul 4, 2007, 11:41:54 AM7/4/07

"Bud" <> wrote in message

Or maybe he is taking a long vacation inside a cement block.

Ken Rahn


Jul 4, 2007, 11:51:47 AM7/4/07

Patricia back from the antarctic!!!

Jul 4, 2007, 11:46:17 AM7/4/07
by DVP


Jul 4, 2007, 12:01:50 PM7/4/07
On 3 Jul., 07:05, David Von Pein <> wrote:

In case of doubt I rather believe Lifton than Lambert, a proved CIA
girly girl, which lies when ever open her mouth.


Jul 4, 2007, 12:49:01 PM7/4/07
Bugliosi owes us ALL an apology, a 1620 page rewrite of othe original
Warren Commission Report is a complete waste of time (except of course
for those rabid, foaming at the mouth, Lone Nutter's)

A month for Lambert's denial, eh? Then dumping it on .john....
(VonPein shame on you, LMAO!)? Perhaps the wuss should get in touch
with Black Op Radio and request a interview.... then Bugliosi and
Lambert appear again on Black Op Radio, this time with Lifton?

Sheeeeeet Von Pein, with that line up I suspect you'd sell a few of
those boat anchor books you got wasting away in a warehouse


Jul 4, 2007, 12:50:46 PM7/4/07

> He had better watch out, he is liable to lose all that credibility
> he has built up over the years. And luckily there is a forum like
> Black Op Radio, so that idiots can listen to liars tell lies.

If I wonna read the bullshit of a bunch of liars, well I got it
here: the
LN Imbezile crowd.


Jul 4, 2007, 12:52:20 PM7/4/07
On Jul 2, 10:17 pm, chuck schuyler <> wrote:
> Where is ricland when you need him to kick around?

despite his misgivings, you couldn't touch him, pal... not-even-close!

> Probably telling fake 'Nam stories at a UFC match somewhere.


Jul 4, 2007, 1:13:55 PM7/4/07

aeffects wrote:
> Bugliosi owes us ALL an apology, a 1620 page rewrite of othe original
> Warren Commission Report is a complete waste of time (except of course
> for those rabid, foaming at the mouth, Lone Nutter's)

It seems to have the kook all in a tizzy. They see the handwritting
on the wall, the assassination has been made assessable to the average
person, they won`t have to rely on being hand-fed kook factoids

> A month for Lambert's denial, eh?

Wouldn`t you still be a suspicious idiot had it arrived sooner?

> Then dumping it on .john....
> (VonPein shame on you, LMAO!)? Perhaps the wuss should get in touch
> with Black Op Radio and request a interview.... then Bugliosi and
> Lambert appear again on Black Op Radio, this time with Lifton?

Couldn`t you read Lambert`s response to Lifton? Heres a novel idea,
why doesn`t Lifton just support his allegations? "something doesn`t
look right" carries great weight with kooks, it doesn`t fly with
rational people.

Jul 4, 2007, 3:48:47 PM7/4/07
> > > Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Did Lone and Healy both graduate 3rd grade from the Academy of
Mislead Morons?
I realize completing the 3rd grade was a major accomplishment for them's apparent they never progressed any further then 3rd grade
academics. I now know why they refuse to read RH.
Any word over 5 letters long that isn't a cuss word and they would be
totally lost.
As for Ricland, he's posting his open letter to Tom Hanks around the
internet and taking a beating from anyone who reads it. Maybe he
plans on running as head Bwana in the Bahamas. He might be able to get
some of those illiterate natives to believe his BS. Chico should join

David Von Pein

Jul 4, 2007, 3:52:13 PM7/4/07
>>> "The best part of Rosemary's response is her Bug's quote where even OUR LITTLE RICLAND, Ric Landers, is threatened with potential legal action if he doesn't shut the F up!" <<<

Oh yeah! You're right!

~slaps forehead!~

That is "Ricland". I didn't associate that name with our very own Ric-

Excellent. I hadn't realized that, or I certainly would have mentioned
it in my previous post re. Rosemary's excellent retort to Lifton's


And I hope a lawsuit IS forthcoming. I'd love it.

David Von Pein

Jul 4, 2007, 3:59:47 PM7/4/07
I've posted the John McAdams/Rosemary Newton information at Amazon's
"RH" Forum too (just for good measure; and because the Ric-Kook has
repeated most of his Bugliosi-bashfest there as well).....


Jul 4, 2007, 4:01:14 PM7/4/07
On Jul 4, 12:48 pm, "" <>
> > > > quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -
> Did Lone and Healy both graduate 3rd grade from the Academy of
> Mislead Morons?

sitdown you in-choate asshole (those over 5 letters?) When you post
anything related to the JFK assassination maybe we'll give you a
twirl.... right on the end of your stained keyboard...

<snip the Nutter gutter tripe, as always>

Jul 4, 2007, 4:04:05 PM7/4/07
> > > > > text -

> > > - Show quoted text -
> > Did Lone and Healy both graduate 3rd grade from the Academy of
> > Mislead Morons?
> sitdown you in-choate asshole (those over 5 letters?) When you post
> anything related to the JFK assassination maybe we'll give you a
> twirl.... right on the end of your stained keyboard...
> <snip the Nutter gutter tripe, as always>- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Awwwwwwwww Healy I just love getting under you skin. Now go rub
Bennies feet, that's alot of weight he has to carry around, his
bunyons are sore!!!! You do know what a bunyon is don't you pickle


Jul 4, 2007, 4:11:34 PM7/4/07

yeah, uh-huh..... LMFAO! Nutter weaklings always insist someone else
sue the CT, when the rubber meets the road, you bail!

I suspect there are more than a few CT theorists/authors that would
WELCOME a lawsuit, especially with Bugliosi's latest issue out there
(well, in the tank-but out there none-the-less)...

How is that Bugliosi mini-series/docu coming along David Von Pein?
I've heard rumors its DOA, that correct?


Jul 4, 2007, 4:16:21 PM7/4/07
On Jul 4, 1:04 pm, "" <>
> > > > > > -

> > > > - Show quoted text -
> > > Did Lone and Healy both graduate 3rd grade from the Academy of
> > > Mislead Morons?
> > sitdown you in-choate asshole (those over 5 letters?) When you post
> > anything related to the JFK assassination maybe we'll give you a
> > twirl.... right on the end of your stained keyboard...
> > <snip the Nutter gutter tripe, as always>- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> Awwwwwwwww Healy I just love getting under you skin. Now go rub
> Bennies feet, that's alot of weight he has to carry around, his
> bunyons are sore!!!! You do know what a bunyon is don't you pickle
> brain???

LMFAO! you? 1st you need to demonstrate minimum knowledge concerning
material this board covers. You haven't! Which makes you a fucking
troll Justme1952, the like of which this board has put up with for 15
years now.... Have a nice 4th, don't get to close to the flame or the

David Von Pein

Jul 4, 2007, 4:35:48 PM7/4/07
Kook Alert! Healy's on board ship! Sound the K-Alarm!

>>> "Nutter weaklings always insist someone else sue the CT, when the rubber meets the road, you bail!" <<<

Care to comment on the obvious-fraudulent tripe that Lifton and
Ricland have engaged in? Or would you rather still believe the charges
are true, despite Rosemary's fabulous letter which skewers Lifton to
the wall?

>>> "I suspect there are more than a few CT theorists/authors that would WELCOME a lawsuit, especially with Bugliosi's latest issue out there (well, in the tank...)." <<<

It's far from being "in the tank", Mr. Kook. As of this date, it
hasn't dropped out of the Top 1000 on Amazon at any time since its May
15, 2007, release date. And just yesterday it was as high as #450 or
so in the rankings. Not bad at all for a book of that length, price,
and pro-LN subject matter.

But keep thinking it has tanked if you want. You believe in a lot of
screwy things that aren't true. Why should RH be any different?

>>> "How is that Bugliosi mini-series/docu coming along David Von Pein? I've heard rumors its DOA, that correct?" <<<

And you heard rumors from Lifton that VB's book was written by other
people too...right? So what?

But the answer is: The HBO project (as of this writing) has certainly
not been cancelled. And that verification comes straight from Vince
Bugliosi's mouth as of a Seattle radio interview he did late night
July 1st, 2007, just three days ago, which was four days AFTER Debra
Conway decided to post on her Lancer (Kook) website on June 27th that
"inside sources" told her that the HBO miniseries was "dead", and (per
Conway) "wasn't really ever alive", despite a goodly amount of pre-
production publicity to the contrary. .....

(Or do you want to believe that Vince himself doesn't know what's
going on re. a miniseries being based entirely on his book?)

Healy's parents ought to be proud in their kook-raising skills.
Because they are first-rate indeed. (At least with respect to the JFK


Jul 4, 2007, 4:45:19 PM7/4/07
The LAST place these Felons want this case is in an American Court Room
with the "Adversary Procedure".

"aeffects" <> wrote in message


Jul 4, 2007, 5:04:25 PM7/4/07
On Jul 4, 1:35 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> Kook Alert! Healy's on board ship! Sound the K-Alarm!

how can I be on-board you haven't stepped from the helm since
daBugliosi's disaster hit the streets....

> >>> "Nutter weaklings always insist someone else sue the CT, when the rubber meets the road, you bail!" <<<
> Care to comment on the obvious-fraudulent tripe that Lifton and
> Ricland have engaged in? Or would you rather still believe the charges
> are true, despite Rosemary's fabulous letter which skewers Lifton to
> the wall?

You know based on what I see about her, she has cause to draw
attention to herself, her last JFK book (in 2003) has wanting sales
and reviews... If the dear lady is so outraged over Lifton's comments
have her get in-touch with Len at Black Op Radio... get equal time
(not that BOR has to grant it) when it comes to the rubber meeting the
road, Nutter's AIN'T there, David

> >>> "I suspect there are more than a few CT theorists/authors that would WELCOME a lawsuit, especially with Bugliosi's latest issue out there (well, in the tank...)." <<<
> It's far from being "in the tank", Mr. Kook. As of this date, it
> hasn't dropped out of the Top 1000 on Amazon at any time since its May
> 15, 2007, release date. And just yesterday it was as high as #450 or
> so in the rankings. Not bad at all for a book of that length, price,
> and pro-LN subject matter.

David, at #450 that means it's selling at what, around 4 books a week
on Amazon? Splendid sales! LMAO!

> But keep thinking it has tanked if you want. You believe in a lot of
> screwy things that aren't true. Why should RH be any different?

I could care less, I suspect 20,000 copies went FREE to US Pubic
libraries (that'll help with the numbers, greatly), where they will do
more damage (continue the LHO/SBT propaganda) than on the open

> >>> "How is that Bugliosi mini-series/docu coming along David Von Pein? I've heard rumors its DOA, that correct?" <<<
> And you heard rumors from Lifton that VB's book was written by other
> people too...right? So what?

Have the wankers call up Black Op Radio and request equal time, they
and you have the balls?

> But the answer is: The HBO project (as of this writing) has certainly
> not been cancelled. And that verification comes straight from Vince
> Bugliosi's mouth as of a Seattle radio interview he did late night
> July 1st, 2007, just three days ago, which was four days AFTER Debra
> Conway decided to post on her Lancer (Kook) website on June 27th that
> "inside sources" told her that the HBO miniseries was "dead", and (per
> Conway) "wasn't really ever alive", despite a goodly amount of pre-
> production publicity to the contrary. .....


> (Or do you want to believe that Vince himself doesn't know what's
> going on re. a miniseries being based entirely on his book?)

David, do you understand the television business works? If the
producing agent is going to produce a film/tv program/series based on
a book, they purchase the rights to the material... That moves the
author (Buglisosi) out of the way, and quite frankly has NO say, a
more than likely each segment of the series will be adapted for film
by a proven TV/film writer, I suspect that's exactly what Playtone
will do, IF they purchased the rights.... (of course of late some
author's are given a a throwaway title as co-producer of the

> Healy's parents ought to be proud in their kook-raising skills.
> Because they are first-rate indeed. (At least with respect to the JFK
> case.)

they're dead you blithering idiot! Any more brilliant statements?

David Von Pein

Jul 4, 2007, 5:48:23 PM7/4/07
>>> "Get equal time (not that BOR has to grant it) when it comes to the rubber meeting the road, Nutter's AIN'T there, David." <<<

LOL. Why on this good Earth would any LNer ever want to appear on that
mess of a radio show hosted by Mr. Osanic? It is positively the most
horrid and vacuous tripe-filled "network" ever conceived. I couldn't
even make it through the whole 38-minute show with Lifton on 5/24/07
(when Lifton cried "ghostwritten!"). Just awful in every imaginable
way, right down to Osanic's incessant blathering about absolutely
nothing of any consequence. (That guy supposedly is "JFK
Knowledgeable"? Sure could fool me.)

Any LNer (or even a reasonable CTer who doesn't belong to the "Anybody
But Oswald" club) wanting to appear on that program would be out of
his mind.

>>> "Do you understand the television business works....{blah-blah...}?" <<<

Spare me your "TV production" expertise, Mr. Healy. Please. (Thanks.)

>>> "They're dead, you blithering idiot!" <<<

Doesn't change the fact that they raised a JFK conspiracy kook, does

BTW, where are the non-C2766 bullets?

Jul 4, 2007, 6:16:13 PM7/4/07
> > > > > > >

> > > > > - Show quoted text -
> > > > Did Lone and Healy both graduate 3rd grade from the Academy of
> > > > Mislead Morons?
> > > sitdown you in-choate asshole (those over 5 letters?) When you post
> > > anything related to the JFK assassination maybe we'll give you a
> > > twirl.... right on the end of your stained keyboard...
> > > <snip the Nutter gutter tripe, as always>- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > Awwwwwwwww Healy I just love getting under you skin. Now go rub
> > Bennies feet, that's alot of weight he has to carry around, his
> > bunyons are sore!!!! You do know what a bunyon is don't you pickle
> > brain???
> LMFAO! you? 1st you need to demonstrate minimum knowledge concerning
> material this board covers. You haven't! Which makes you a fucking
> troll Justme1952, the like of which this board has put up with for 15
> years now.... Have a nice 4th, don't get to close to the flame or the
> fireworks....- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Healy? I can't be bothered discussing this case with a bunch of idiots
who believe in the BS that some CT author writes. If one of your heros
said JFK was shot by an alien you would all make another theory over
it. Oh wait...didn't the spacman Marrs already say that?
Healy when you can learn proper english and how to write a coherent
sentance maybe some of your fellow CT's will even pay attention to
you. Now in the words of the famous Healy himself (the only words he
seems to know how to type)..................
There ya go Healy, something you can comprehend.


Jul 4, 2007, 6:26:11 PM7/4/07
On Jul 4, 2:48 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> >>> "Get equal time (not that BOR has to grant it) when it comes to the rubber meeting the road, Nutter's AIN'T there, David." <<<
> LOL. Why on this good Earth would any LNer ever want to appear on that
> mess of a radio show hosted by Mr. Osanic? It is positively the most
> horrid and vacuous tripe-filled "network" ever conceived. I couldn't
> even make it through the whole 38-minute show with Lifton on 5/24/07
> (when Lifton cried "ghostwritten!"). Just awful in every imaginable
> way, right down to Osanic's incessant blathering about absolutely
> nothing of any consequence. (That guy supposedly is "JFK
> Knowledgeable"? Sure could fool me.)

fairly obvious to most -- your gutless wonders that's why! Not to
mention you haven't a fucking argument, just plain old Peanut Gallery
noise! Get on there and set the record straight, or do you continue to
run from every challenge to get the LN side of the story across?

> Any LNer (or even a reasonable CTer who doesn't belong to the "Anybody
> But Oswald" club) wanting to appear on that program would be out of
> his mind.
> >>> "Do you understand the television business works....{blah-blah...}?" <<<
> Spare me your "TV production" expertise, Mr. Healy. Please. (Thanks.)

of course, that explains it all -- NONE!

> >>> "They're dead, you blithering idiot!" <<<
> Doesn't change the fact that they raised a JFK conspiracy kook, does
> it?
> BTW, where are the non-C2766 bullets?

when you're in the presence of knowledge David Von Pein, speak


Jul 4, 2007, 6:28:00 PM7/4/07
On Jul 4, 3:16 pm, "" <>

throw this girl a bone David Von Pein, she needs attention.... better
yet, give her Vinny's autograph

Message has been deleted

David Von Pein

Jul 4, 2007, 7:05:05 PM7/4/07
>>> "Fairly obvious to most -- your {sic, again; sigh} gutless wonders that's why! Not to mention you haven't a fucking argument, just plain old Peanut Gallery noise!" <<<

No "fucking argument", huh? That's yet another classic hunk of irony
indeed. You seem to enjoy the pot/kettle thing, Healy. I wonder why?
Don't you ever get tired of sounding like an idiot? Guess not, huh?

Anyway .... The LNers only have ALL the bullets, all the shells, all
the guns, all the witnesses to a killer on Elm & on Tenth Street, and
the lone killer in custody. Plus all of Oswald's provable lies, which
he told incessantly after his arrest. Not enough, is it, Healy? Of
course not.

The CTers have....Lifton and Stone and Groden and Marrs.

Somehow that doesn't seem very balanced. You'd better get some more CT
help. (Or, better still, get some damn bullets from non-CE139 guns.
That might aid your cause too.)

>>> "When you're {not a sic; take a picture of this!} in the presence of knowledge David Von Pein, speak English..." <<<

I have no idea what this stupid statement above is supposed to mean.
But, what good would it do to speak English to you anyway? You'd still
be a conspiracy kook who says crazy unsupportable shit. And you'd
still be unable to write two straight sentences without mangling the
English language you just told me to speak.

(Classic irony, once more. The kooks are known for these classics.)


Jul 4, 2007, 10:28:07 PM7/4/07

LN's Refuse to Debate Evidence/Testimony on ANY FORUM.

"David Von Pein" <> wrote in message

David Von Pein

Jul 4, 2007, 10:30:21 PM7/4/07
Tom-Sack-Kook --- Where did all the bullets go?


Jul 4, 2007, 10:33:49 PM7/4/07
Hi justme;

You wrote below that you don't converse with those who read conspiracy

How do you feel about conversing with those who have rtead the 26 volumes of
the WCR?

<> wrote in message


Jul 4, 2007, 10:36:32 PM7/4/07

Look where they put the note Oswald delivered to the Dallas FBI office.
Look where they put the 4 fragments they took outta JBC's wrist.
Look where they put the Mauser.
Look where they put part 3 of the P O Box application.

There's MORE.

I Love it when you ask questions about evidence/testimony.

Maybe, someday you'll address the destruction of evidence>>>


"David Von Pein" <> wrote in message


Jul 4, 2007, 10:38:37 PM7/4/07

"aeffects" <> wrote in message


> throw this girl a bone David Von Pein, she needs attention.... better
> yet, give her Vinny's autograph

I think I read a post from her that would indicate she would prefer you
throwing her a "little girl".


Jul 4, 2007, 11:02:50 PM7/4/07
On Jul 4, 4:05 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:
> >>> "Fairly obvious to most -- your {sic, again; sigh} gutless wonders that's why! Not to mention you haven't a fucking argument, just plain old Peanut Gallery noise!" <<<
> No "fucking argument", huh? That's yet another classic hunk of irony
> indeed. You seem to enjoy the pot/kettle thing, Healy. I wonder why?
> Don't you ever get tired of sounding like an idiot? Guess not, huh?

I ring your bell every fucking time -- :) Who is the idiot, eh? Try
restraint, David

> Anyway .... The LNers only have ALL the bullets, all the shells, all
> the guns, all the witnesses to a killer on Elm & on Tenth Street, and
> the lone killer in custody. Plus all of Oswald's provable lies, which
> he told incessantly after his arrest. Not enough, is it, Healy? Of
> course not.

got him murdered too.... Tippit - nah, up in the air, conflicting
testimony: null and void -- best you'll get is a diversion crime. What
better way to get the alleged presidential assassin
D-E-A-D? Hang a cop killing charge on him...

The more I think about it, if LHO ever went to trial (with what we
know now), I think a 2nd year law student could act in LHO's defense
and WIN.... a whole flock of Bugliosi's can't change that...

> The CTers have....Lifton and Stone and Groden and Marrs.
> Somehow that doesn't seem very balanced. You'd better get some more CT
> help. (Or, better still, get some damn bullets from non-CE139 guns.
> That might aid your cause too.)

a sheeeet DVP, you nutters have gone after them for neigh on 30 years,
Stone for nearly 20, the rest of us since the late 60's..... we got
unanswered arguments concerning Oswald[s] ID, travels, government
agencies & Oswald connections with same, Cubans, the MC rifle/other
rifles in the TSBD, paperbag[s], the Zapruder film, Moorman5, CE399,
etal, could go on for a hour.....

Bugliosi rewriting the WCR isn't going to convince the research
community Oswald did it, much let alone -- PERIOD! Nor convince anyone
else, for that matter!

> >>> "When you're {not a sic; take a picture of this!} in the presence of knowledge David Von Pein, speak English..." <<<
> I have no idea what this stupid statement above is supposed to mean.
> But, what good would it do to speak English to you anyway? You'd still
> be a conspiracy kook who says crazy unsupportable shit. And you'd
> still be unable to write two straight sentences without mangling the
> English language you just told me to speak.

of course you don't.... gophers don't read, review, analyze then
opine. They go-for and cut-n-paste...

The only legitimate argument Nutter's have is CT grammar, and by-the-
way, writers I hire display a bit more grammatical expertise than any
Nutter hack posting to this board.... In short you understand every
single word I write, in fact you Nutter's are not only obsessed with
what CT researchers write on this board, you give classes on how to
*respond* to what CT researchers write....

> (Classic irony, once more. The kooks are known for these classics.)

Fact's my dear Watson, simply the FACTS


Jul 4, 2007, 11:03:48 PM7/4/07
On Jul 4, 7:33 pm, "tomnln" <> wrote:
> Hi justme;
> You wrote below that you don't converse with those who read conspiracy
> books.
> How do you feel about conversing with those who have rtead the 26 volumes of
> the WCR?

why would the moron want to do THAT? ROTFLMFAO!

> <> wrote in message

David Von Pein

Jul 4, 2007, 11:23:24 PM7/4/07
>>> "In short you understand every single word I write..." <<<

But only after looking (deep) in my handy "CT Kook Dictionary" first.
Otherwise, I'd be clueless...because you're clueless re. the truth of

And Healy's latest hunk of tripe proves VB's "CT Kook" points yet
again. But, being the total moron (and kook) he is, Healy never seems
to realize this simple fact.

Go figure.

Sam Brown

Jul 5, 2007, 7:16:36 AM7/5/07

<> wrote in message

Fantastic fun Justme. I almost feel bad, it's a bit like making fun of the
mentally ill. But they think they're sane so what the hell. Keep it up.


Jul 5, 2007, 11:00:51 AM7/5/07

you love it Von Pein... here's THEE simple fact: the only way you can
sell books (Reclaiming History) is to do what's best for Bugliosi;
call Len Osanic at Black Op Radio and see about that interview...
Gott'a get the client AND his book out there, not hiding behind Nutter
fools on this board and that's a disgrace, David

Clueless about 11/22/63? Perhaps. I was in Saigon, Vietnam (in
uniform) at the time, without modern conveniences. YOUR excuse is, eh?

David Von Pein

Jul 5, 2007, 2:46:42 PM7/5/07
>>> "You love it Von Pein..." <<<

Oh, you bet I do. There's nothing more pleasurable than bashing a
kook. And you make it easy.

>>> "Clueless about 11/22/63? Perhaps. I was in Saigon, Vietnam (in uniform) at the time, without modern conveniences." <<<

I wonder what this has to do with anything? Perhaps the kook knows,
but I don't.

David Von Pein

Jul 5, 2007, 2:58:48 PM7/5/07


Jul 5, 2007, 4:01:52 PM7/5/07

11/22/63 <---- the date JFK was assassinated you blithering
idiot...... I was a bit busy when it came to the assassination, not
necessary clueless, distracted is a better word.

And you? Were you a clueless little guy on 11/22/63, weeping at your
grade school desk, wondering where the next Twinkie was coming from?

David , you owe us an explanation: best anyone can make out is you
sold baseball DVD's on the internet (Good for you), with not much
interest other than casual interest in JFK assassination, yet you end
up a few months later as Vinnie's USNET go to guy, near 2500 posts on
this board since the first of the year, and a whole lot of Vin
**KOOK** idolatry going on.....what is the scoop, Champ?

David Von Pein

Jul 5, 2007, 4:10:13 PM7/5/07
>>> "What is the scoop, Champ?" <<<

I was sent by the evil Govt. to ridicule conspiracy-loving kooks. What

And why you want to make my job so easy is anyone's guess.


Jul 5, 2007, 4:27:22 PM7/5/07

dance sweet Gloria, DANCE! You can't pitch a book, can't pitch a
television project, what can you pitch, David?

It's okay this is a real tough biz --- not everyone is a Tom Hanks,
whose surprisingly quiet about this alleged JFK part of the project?
We know about the Hanks, President John Adams project, one of the
alleged 10 part mini-series, I suspect.... Based on that assumption we
know there is no 10 part JFK mini-series.... So cut that charade, how
many of the 10 are JFK related, if any?

David Von Pein

Jul 6, 2007, 4:33:59 PM7/6/07


>>> "If he {Vincent Bugliosi} wants to write about the JFK case, he should stick to the facts." <<<

Can David Lifton REALLY not see the astounding hypocrisy that resides
within the above statement.

Mr. Lifton has no more been able to "stick to the facts" in his book
"Best Evidence" than a snowflake could survive in Death Valley in

Absolutely incredible. (But hilarious.)

>>> "Reclaiming History was written (or perhaps "assembled," is a better word) by someone who wants to take credit for it all, without acknowledging the truth about how the book was written." <<<

I guess it's going to take that lawsuit (which Vince B. hinted at) to
get David S. Lifton to shut his trap about the ghostwriting crap after

But, like any good conspiracy-loving kook, Lifton (whose
"ghostwriting" theory has already been totally debunked) will continue
to spin the story to his own perceived advantage for months or years
to come.

Absolutely pathetic.

I'd remind Mr. Lifton to glance at pages 1514 and 1515 of "Reclaiming
History", where Mr. Bugliosi gives full credit to the "two people who
made noteworthy writing contributions" (VB's direct quote from pp.
1514-1515). Those "two people" being Dale K. Myers and Fred Haines.

So much for not "acknowledging" their "noteworthy writing

A few more reminders for Mr. Lifton........

"I am proud to say that I have done 99.9 percent of my own research
for everything I wrote in this book (which is typical for me, not
feeling comfortable relying on others to do research for me)." -- Page
KENNEDY"; Copyright "2007 by Vincent Bugliosi"


Culled excerpts from Rosemary Newton's response to Mr. Lifton's

"This is in response to David Lifton's outrageous, malicious and
contemptible lie regarding Vincent Bugliosi's book, 'Reclaiming
History'. .... I say, unequivocally, that NO section of Mr. Bugliosi's
book was ghostwritten. How do I know? Simple. I was the one (as Mr.
Bugliosi's secretary for many years in the writing of this book) who
transcribed a great number of tapes of his dictation and, much more,
and with no exaggeration, thousands of yellow pad sheets of his
handwriting as well as his handwritten faxes on every single section
of the book. I can vouch for the fact that Vincent Bugliosi is a man
of integrity, principle, and I might add, a perfectionist with a
capital "P".

"He is someone who has spent years researching this subject, as
evidenced by the over 10,000 citations in his book (perhaps the most
heavily sourced non-fiction book of any kind ever), which included not
only his countless telephone calls and letters, but personal
interviews as well. Indeed, if anyone looks at the 170 pages of
citations (source notes) in the CD endnote, you will see that at least
99% of the interviews upon which Mr. Bugliosi's book was, in
considerable part, written, were interviews of witnesses he personally
conducted. That, Mr. Lifton, if you are reading this, is what an
author of Vincent Bugliosi's caliber does.

"What could possibly cause you, Mr. Lifton, to tell such an
unmitigated falsehood? ....

"I might add that I took notice of the fact that you did not dwell on
the content of Mr. Bugliosi's dealing with specific issues (e.g.,
autopsy, acoustic, Zapruder film, etc.). Instead, you have made an
allegation that not only is totally false, but completely irrelevant
to the merits of the book. By the way, Mr. Lifton (if you're still
reading this), you called Vincent Bugliosi a "street bully" in his
writing style. But I thought you said ghostwriters wrote his book?"

/s/Rosemary Newton



Jul 6, 2007, 5:04:34 PM7/6/07
On Jul 6, 1:33 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:

> >>> "If he {Vincent Bugliosi} wants to write about the JFK case, he should stick to the facts." <<<
> Can David Lifton REALLY not see the astounding hypocrisy that resides
> within the above statement.
> Mr. Lifton has no more been able to "stick to the facts" in his book
> "Best Evidence" than a snowflake could survive in Death Valley in
> August.
> Absolutely incredible. (But hilarious.)
> >>> "Reclaiming History was written (or perhaps "assembled," is a better word) by someone who wants to take credit for it all, without acknowled