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Another Simple Question For DVP

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no leída,
1 may 2008, 1:53:54 p.m.1/5/2008
Dave has recently posted something about George Senator and Ruby, of
course his version is totally incorrect as usual. Here is the simple

What are the odds of three out of four people who were in Ruby's
apartment on Sunday morning (the day he would shoot LHO) dying in a
short period of time after the assassination if there was NO

None of them died in a normal way either.

David Von Pein

no leída,
1 may 2008, 3:07:27 p.m.1/5/2008
>>> "Dave has recently posted something about George Senator and Ruby, of course his version is totally incorrect as usual." <<<

Which apparently means that Rob The Inconceivable Kook must believe
that an imposter Ruby took a phone call from Ruby's maid on 11/24 at
JR's apartment. Is that right, kook?

>>> "What are the odds of three out of four people who were in Ruby's apartment on Sunday morning (the day he would shoot LHO) dying in a short period of time after the assassination if there was NO conspiracy?" <<<

Who are the other two besides Senator and Ruby?

no leída,
1 may 2008, 4:51:40 p.m.1/5/2008

Jim Koethe (I think that is the correct spelling) died due to a karate
chop to the throat when he got out of the shower. I look up the other
when I get home.

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David Von Pein

no leída,
1 may 2008, 5:15:29 p.m.1/5/2008
Oh yes, the guy who supposedly was "rubbed out" by the "Mystery Death
Squad" via a karate chop to the throat. I mentioned that hilarious
"rub out" method in a 2005 movie review.

I wonder why the Death Squad let Skinny Holland live? Curious. .....'S-MOVIE/review/R2X352QQGK52CU


no leída,
1 may 2008, 5:36:29 p.m.1/5/2008

I've had a policy for years David, never answer any CT dumb enough to
ask "what are the odds"? 44 years and STILL they ask the supremely
ignorant question......"what are the odds".

A better question might be per Vincent Bugliosi.......what are the
odds of 53 individual items of evidence pointing towards ones
guilt....and that person being innocent?


no leída,
1 may 2008, 7:37:17 p.m.1/5/2008

It's been proven that if only 200 people died out of the 26,000 that
were interviewed for the WCR , the best chances for living a long and
prosperous life was to be involved with the JFK assassination .

Now we all know there are several 'Mysterious Death Lists' that made
the rounds for years and were a staple that CTer's munched from out of
the conspiracy manure cart , but have now fallen out of flavor due to
being a embarrassment to Cwitical Tinkering Community in general .

I'll try to find the one that includes the man who had a heart attack
and fell over the 'Eternal Flame' .
Perhaps turnip head Gil Jesus aka : Robcrap would like to comment on
that fiasco ?



no leída,
1 may 2008, 7:47:19 p.m.1/5/2008

"cdddraftsman" <> wrote in message


Right now, we're Busy calculating the Hundreds of the ones who Died from
your AIDS Infested ass.

Don't forget these>>>

no leída,
1 may 2008, 8:25:11 p.m.1/5/2008
On May 1, 5:15 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:

"Oh yes, the guy who supposedly was "rubbed out" by the "Mystery Death
Squad" via a karate chop to the throat. I mentioned that hilarious"rub
out" method in a 2005 movie review."

Only the "Liar for Hire" finds this way of dying NOT suspicious at
all. When was the last time you read about someong breaking into a
house to just karate chop someone when they exited the shower?

Here is the death toll for Ruby's apartment:

Bill Hunter - reporter in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63 - ACCIDENTLY
shot by a policeman!

Jim Keothe - reporter in Ruby's apartment on 11/24/63 - killed by
karate chop to the throat as he exited his shower!

Tom Howard - Ruby's first lawyer (was beside him as he shot LHO) who
was in his apartment on 11/24/63 - heart attack! (we all know there
are quite a few poisons that can be used to look like a heart attack)

The only one to survive is George Senator, why? What was his
connection to the conspiracy?

Se borró el mensaje
Se borró el mensaje

David Von Pein

no leída,
1 may 2008, 9:16:45 p.m.1/5/2008

Why not count Jack Ruby's death as "mysterious" too? (You can always
pretend his cancer was "injected" by evil bad guys.)

>>> "When was the last time you read about someone breaking into a house to just karate chop someone when they exited the shower?" <<<

Happens to me all the time. Almost once a week on average. Luckily,
the karate chops have been administered by midgets each time, so I've
survived each shower attack. But my shins are forever damaged. (Maybe
I'm on some loony CTer's Death List.)

BTW, what immense "plot-blowing" information did Jim Koethe possess
that resulted in him receiving a visit from Bruce Lee? Jim must've
known something BIG, huh Robby? Otherwise, why karate the guy to

My favorite people listed on Jim Marrs' "Death" list are: Lee Bowers
and Earl Warren.

Knocking off either of those two men is utterly nutty, seeing as how
Bowers had ALREADY TOLD HIS STORY (on film, no less, to Mark Lane).
And the plotters were worried about EARL WARREN spilling any beans? I
love it!




David Von Pein

no leída,
1 may 2008, 9:21:44 p.m.1/5/2008

Here are a few hilarious (and absurd) examples from the above-linked
Jim Marrs "Mystery Deaths" list:

"Charles Mentesana -- Filmed rifle other than Mannlicher-Carcano being
taken from Depository."

DVP: Ever see this film? His film does not prove a second rifle was
found in the TSBD. ... Plus: Why in the world would anyone bother
KILLING the person who filmed a short clip of a rifle? Merely because
he FILMED footage of a rifle? Does killing the filmmaker eliminate the
film? (If so, why weren't Zapruder, Nix, and Bronson rubbed out?)


"Eddy Benavides -- Lookalike brother to Tippit shooting witness,
Domingo Benavides."

DVP: I guess the stupid killers couldn't tell Domingo from Eddy. Is
that why Ed was wiped out? But, then again, if the killers had been
after Domingo...the question needs to be asked: WHY?

Domingo was an excellent "Oswald Did It Alone" witness. Why in the
rub HIM out? (Let alone his brother? Was his mailman on the Death List
too, I ponder?)


"William Whaley -- Cab driver who reportedly drove Oswald to Oak
(The only Dallas taxi driver to die on duty.)"

DVP: Again, why kill Whaley? For what possible reason? We know Whaley
took Oswald to Beckley on 11/22/63 by taxicab. What does Whaley know
that can "blow the case wide open"?


"Henry Delaune -- Brother-in-law to coroner Chetta."

DVP: Yeah, this guy must have been a MUCH better choice to knock off
than, say, Skinny Holland, or Jean Hill, or J.C. Price. How far down
the family tree is considered "too far" for Marrs and Company?


"Abraham Zapruder -- Took famous film of JFK assassination."

DVP: Oops. I spoke too soon before. Mr. Z is on the list. ROFL. Of
course, the death squad waited 7 years to take care of Abe. And what
was the reason again? Merely because he filmed the assassination? (Or,
maybe it was because he knew DeMohrenschildt's future wife in 1959,
years prior to the assassination. Or it could just be because Marrs
needed a name beginning with "Z", to fill out an alphabet quota.)


"J. Edgar Hoover -- FBI director who pushed "lone assassin" theory in
JFK assassination."

DVP: LOL. So, by always "pushing the LN theory", this meant that Edgar
was a THREAT to the conspirators?? Why not just rub out all of


"Earl Warren -- Chief Justice who reluctantly chaired Warren

DVP: Can the "Mystery Deaths" get any sillier than this one? The man
who headed up the LN-favoring WC is (I guess) going to suddenly go on
Perry Mason and belt out a confession that the "WC is all lies! Hoffa
did it!"


"Lee Bowers Jr. -- Witnessed men behind picket fence on Grassy Knoll."

DVP: Why would the "plotters" want to bother with killing Bowers?
Bowers, a few months prior to his 1966 death, had ALREADY TALKED (on
camera) to Mark Lane, with Bowers saying things to Lane (ON FILM no
less!) that CTers believe lead to conspiracy. So what's the point of
killing a person who has already spilled his guts? Did murdering
in a car crash suddenly UNDO his filmed remarks in Lane's movie "Rush
To Judgment"?


"Marguerite Oswald -- Mother of accused assassin."

DVP: Died of cancer in early 1981. (Probably "injected", huh? And
wait more than 17 years to bump her off too, after this highly-visible
person has had ample opportunity to "blow the case sky high"! Makes
sense...if you're James Marrs.)


That's just via a cursory look at Marrs' list of deaths. What a crock.

I'm surprised that Judy Garland's 1969 death isn't listed. She was a
good friend of JFK's. She probably "knew" something
"conspiracy"-related. ~chuckle~

David Von Pein
December 2006

no leída,
1 may 2008, 9:26:44 p.m.1/5/2008
On May 1, 9:00 pm, David Von Pein <> wrote:

"Why not count Ruby too? (You can always pretend his cancer was

"injected" by evil bad guys.)"

Why not count others who came into contact with Ruby? Keep in mind,
this is the listed and official cause of death, not always the true
cause. Here goes:

Betty McDonald - Former Ruby employee who alibied Warren Reynolds
shooting suspect - Suicide (ruled, but was it proven?) by hanging in
Dallas Jail.

Bill Chesher - Thought to have information linking Ruby and LHO -
Heart attack.

Hank Killam - Husband of Ruby employee, knew LHO acquaitance - Throat

Theresa Norton - Ruby employee - fatally shot.

Judge Joe Brown - presided over Ruby trial - heart attack.

Marilyn "Delilah" Walle - Ruby dancer - shot by her husband after one
month of marriage.

Jimmy Levens - Forth Worth nightclub owner who hired Ruby employees -
Natural causes.

Clarence Oliver - D.A. investigator who worked Ruby case - heart

A.D. Bowie - Asst. Dallas D.A. prosecuting Ruby - Cancer.

Jack Ruby - cancer.

John Crawford - Close friend to Ruby and Wes Frazier who gave LHO a
ride on 11/22/63 (this connection is never really discussed, why?) -
crash of private plane.

George McGann - Underworld figure connected to Ruby friends; wife,
Beverly, took film in DP - Murdered.

Clayton Fowler - Ruby's chief defense lawyer - unknown causes.

Thomas E. Davis - Gun runner tied to both Ruby and the CIA -
electrocuted trying to steal wire.

Dave Yaras - Close friends with both Ruby and Hoffa - murdered.

Ralph Paul - Ruby's business partner connected with crime figures -
heart attack.

Dr. John Holbrook - physchiatrist who testified Ruby was not insane -
heart attack, BUT pills and note found.

I'm sure all of these are just coicidences, right?

> >>> "When was the last time you read about someong [sic] breaking into a house to just karate chop someone when they exited the shower?" <<<

"Happens to me all the time. Almost once a week on average. Luckily,
the karate chops have been administered by midgets each time, so I've
survived each shower attack. But my shins are forever damaged. (Maybe
I'm on some loony CTer's Death List.)"

Sure, try to make light of it, but anyone with a little common sense
(i.e. non-LNers) knows this was a murder, plain and simple.

"BTW, what immense "plot-blowing" information did Jim Keothe possess
that resulted in him receiving a visitor from Bruce Lee? Jim must've

known something BIG, huh Robby? Otherwise, why karate the guy to

He was in Ruby's apartment on the morning he would shoot LHO, and you
think he heard nothing? At the very least, it could state it was
premediatated, and not the spur of the moment crap he would claim. It
is not hard to figure out he heard things that were left best not

"My favorite people listed on Jim Marrs' "Death" list are: Lee Bowers
and Earl Warren.

"Knocking off either of those two men is utterly nutty, seeing as how
Bowers had ALREADY TOLD HIS STORY (on film, no less, to Mark Lane).
And the plotters were worried about EARL WARREN spilling any beans? I
love it!"

Earl Warren was reluctant to chair the committee, and it was wise to
help keep his mouth shut in case he might have second thoughts. As
for Bowers, they were too late, but he had some kind of strange shock
going on when found and one car accidents are quite rare.

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