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HEMMING: MARCH 1963. He used Klein's Sporting Goods as a reference in his CIA employment application

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Feb 13, 2009, 10:32:06 PM2/13/09
He used Klein's Sporting Goods as a reference in his CIA employment

In 1963 HEMMING visited Washington, D.C., after which the FBI sent
reports to the Director and Deputy Director for Plans of the CIA; and
to the Attorney General and his Deputy; to Army, Navy, and Air Force
Intelligence. [FBI 105-86406-10] HEMMING claimed they concerned
"conversations, at the White House, during March 1963, with General
Clifton, military aide to President Kennedy...briefing at the Pentagon
with Victor Krulak, U.S.M.C...under-Secretary of State Sterling J.
Cottrell." [HEMMING ONI FOIA/PA Req. 12.22.76] HEMMING complained
about the lack of action against Fidel Castro. HEMMING told this
researcher: "They wanted to know why CIA was not doing what we were
doing, and why CIA was badmouthing us. Kennedy was enthusiastic. He
went nuts about this crazy covert shit. I was there, book reader." On
March 12, 1963, the FBI in Washington, D.C. generated a highly deleted
Letterhead Memorandum about HEMMING, copies of which we sent to the
Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General J. Walter Yeagley, State,
CIA and the military agencies and Kenneth O'Donnell at White House.
HEMMING'S case number was now 105-86406, which indicated he was being
investigated for Internal Security. [FBI 105-86406-10] HEMMING told
this researcher: "The FBI thought I was checking out JFK'S routine and
all that shit. They would check the United States Secret Service
logs." On March 30, 1963, HEMMING advised the FBI "that as a result of
press publicity and letters received in July 1961, he devised a form
letter. This form letter was to give general information concerning
INTERPEN, dissuade persons from coming to Miami to join INTERPEN, and
eliminate people without specialized training. (Deleted) advised that
INTERPEN no longer exists. Members of the Cuban Revolutionary Council
consider HEMMING a mercenary a maintain no contact with him."

HEMMING'S letter:

"Dear Sir: Thank you for you letter requesting information concerning
our organization. We have received many letters such as yours and we
are pleased to find that there are thousands of young Americans that
are anxious to actively participate in the fight against International
Communism...As a self-supporting unit our present facilities are
extremely limited, and we are accepting only those veterans that were
in Special Forces trained as guerilla warfare instructors, survival,
parachute qualified etc. Also we suggest that prior to an individual
leaving his home he should have already purchased his own uniform,
combat equipment, have a car and enough money to pay room and board
until he can be placed with one of the units under our command
Considering the aforementioned, should you still be interested in
joining we suggest that prior to your departure to Miami you contact a
local Sky Diver Club..."

On March 30, 1963, HEMMING advised the FBI he was unemployed and
explained that he "did not consider the above letter in any way an
instrument of recruiting or any attempt to defraud or use the mails to


On March 12, 1963, OSWALD ordered a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with a
scope sight from the Klein's Sporting Goods Company of Chicago,
Illinois, under the name of A.J. Hidell. HEMMING told this researcher:
"We had reason to find out about Klein's Sporting Goods, their
delivery times and the whole fucking thing. Whenever we wanted to tell
people about gear, we referred them to Klein's. I drafted a form. The
FBI complained in 1961 that we were telling people to go Klein's for
their gear.

"Let's presume that he's been guided to order the weapon. Why would he
have a weapon? He's got to go to a fucking training camp. He's got to
practice marksmanship. Any number of things. He had to show some skill
with a weapon to the right people." HEMMING said he saw an FBI
document about his connection to Klein's Sporting Goods while visiting
the Miami FBI Field Office. HEMMING alleged that S.A. Robert Dwyer
allowed him to go through the FBI's file on him. This researcher was
unable to locate this document. Wallace Shanley: "Dwyer had constant
letters of reprimand and was constantly on the edge of being fired. He
was a renegade, but he was brilliant." As stated, on HEMMING'S CIA
employment application he listed "Klein's 227 W. Washington St.
Chicago, Ill." as a financial reference.

HEMMING was asked if this was the same Klein's Sporting Goods where
OSWALD ordered his rifle. HEMMING told this researcher: "I don't know
what you're looking at. How the fuck would I know? Maybe they're
trying to set me up? I don't know. Send me a copy. I had nothing to do
with Klein's. My brothers had a credit thing with Klein's. It's a
catalogue that covers sporting goods, clothing, the whole thing. I had
a fat brother that bought fat man's clothes from them. It's probably
the same Klein's where OSWALD got his rifle from. I didn't put nothing
down for references. They told me what the fuck was going to go on the
son-of-a-bitch. There was no Klein's on there. I didn't put Simpson,
Spiegel or Klein's. I don't see who the fuck put that in there. They
might have put it in there last week, how the fuck would I know?
Nobody's that fucking stupid. You're telling me honestly that somebody
put that, linked with my name? That just tells me a story. Ain't
nothing new to me. I can give you more damaging shit than that, that I
know is in the fucking files. They're worried, because I know who put
it in the fucking file, and I know where their fucking children live.
And they're scared shitless. They'd like to call a truce with me. I
know what credit references I gave. CIA proprietary Andrew Hamilton
fund which I drew $2,500 out of when I came back from Cuba and a
couple of others. Number one, Klein's ain't got a credit operation.
They have a lay-away-plan like Sears. Spiegel's the same way. You
don't give those as credit references because they're not in the
credit business. That tells me somebody didn't do their research. Now
somebody else put something else down that tells me a fucking story. I
doubt it, but I'd like to see it. I can go out and print up my own CIA
forms and rubber stamps. I can create better documents then they can.
And because it's post-1982, they're looking at ten years for doing
that shit. If it's worth ten years to link me to something, good. And
I'll put their fuck ass away, and I'll know where their kids live."

After HEMMING was confronted with documentation of his connection to
Klein's Sporting Goods he denied having told me that he had referred
people there: "You transcribed the tape wrong. I had no dealings with
Klein's. The FBI was after me for Neutrality Act violations. That's
why I saw the inside of so many jails then. I was arrested half a
dozen times. I would never tell people where to get weapons."


HEMMING goofed when he used Klein's Sporting Goods as a reference in
his CIA employment application and then had OSWALD order his weapon
from them. If you want to see HEMMING'S application for employment
with the CIA and OSWALD'S invoice from Klein's Sporting Goods, double
click here. [Hemapp.JPEG] After I brought this to HEMMING'S attention
he lost his temper and threatened the children of CIA employees.

OSWALD had the weapon mailed to Post Office Box 2915, Dallas. After
November 22, 1963, the FBI authenticated the signatures on OSWALD'S
application for Post Office Box 2915, Dallas, and two forwarding
orders. According to Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes, in the event
A.J. Hidell was unauthorized to receive mail at this box, OSWALD could
have received any packages addressed to A.J. Hidell by bringing the
package notice from his box to the appropriate window. The weapon,
which in the future would be used in the assassination, would not be
traceable to anyone else, except OSWALD, because OSWALD himself had
procured it.


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