...and I believe I just heard a strangled groan emanating from the direction
of Bugliosi's apartment...
hee hee hee
Ooops, sorry, mistake. I meant Lowry, not Rossley. Apologies.
Yeah, I'm throwing up alright. Listening to anything offered up by
Doug Horne makes a sensible person want to yak, for sure.
>>> "Listen to Douglas Horne's [12/10/09] interview on Black Op [linked above]. The wound in back of JFK's head blacked out and the explosive head wound is crude art work. The Warren Commission house of cards has fallen." <<<
Oh, good Lord, Peter. You've got to be joking. Surely you haven't
fallen for the nonsense spouted by Doug "Two Brains" Horne, have you?
"Unbelievably, [Doug] Horne said that the depositions taken by
the ARRB caused him to conclude that there were two (not one)
supplemental brain examinations following the autopsy, and the second
one--are you ready?--wasn't on the president's brain, but on another
brain from some anonymous third party.
"Horne, accusing Drs . Humes and Boswell of criminal conduct to
cover up the true facts of the assassination, said that what happened
was a "carefully controlled, compartmented operation in regard to
orchestrating who was present, and what procedures were performed, at
the two separate brain examinations." ....
"It was critical to Horne's mad theory that the "first" exam be
NO LATER than the morning of November 25 because he concludes the
brain was buried with the president's body, and the funeral was that
afternoon. Hence, per Horne, the president's brain wasn't even
available to be examined on November 29, when Horne says the "second"
supplementary exam took place.
"But to arrive at the twenty-fifth as the date of the "first"
supplementary brain exam, Horne had to engage in what appears to be
deliberate distortion. The only other option is serious
incompetence. ....
"Horne conveniently omits from his report the reference to the
brain being turned over to [Dr. George] Burkley after December 6,
1963. If he had, this would have proved that his theory that the
president's brain was buried with his body on November 25, 1963, was
"Instead, he focuses only on the desire of the Kennedy family to
inter the brain with the body, and since the president's funeral was
on the afternoon of November 25, 1963, he concludes that "the
supplementary brain examination [took place] prior to the November 25,
1963 state funeral of President Kennedy." ....
"Exactly like his congenitally suspicious predecessors, who
apparently have different experiences in life than normal humans,
whenever Horne spots a discrepancy in the recollection of two or more
people trying to remember a long-ago event that supports his theory of
what happened, he immediately smells the sweet (to him) aroma of a
conspiracy. .... But when a discrepancy can't be used to support
Horne's theory, he suddenly becomes normal and doesn't think anything
of it. ....
"Now why would Humes and Boswell, who testified that there was
only one supplementary brain exam, have conducted a second one of a
different brain? Of course, Horne has an answer, in effect accusing
Humes and Boswell of being a part of a vast conspiracy to cover up the
true facts of the assassination. ....
"Horne also goes on to say he believes "that President Kennedy's
body was altered--tampered with--prior to the commencement of
the...autopsy, presumably to remove evidence (i.e., bullets or bullet
fragments) inconsistent with the lone-assassin-from-behind cover
story." ....
"Since Horne and his fellow conspiracy theorists passionately
believe that the conspirators shot Kennedy from the grassy knoll to
the president's right front, then tried to frame Oswald by making it
look like the shots came from the president's rear, where Oswald was,
did the thought ever enter their mind that rather than get surgeons
beforehand to alter the wounds on Kennedy's body and remove bullets or
fragments, and then have the autopsy surgeons engage in a monumental
charade of having two separate brain exams, why wouldn't the
conspirators avoid the necessity for all of this by simply shooting
Kennedy from the rear instead of the front? That way they wouldn't
have to pull off an operation of staggering difficulty and complexity
and wouldn't have to bring into the conspiracy all these surgeons and
doctors, each one of whom could expose it and put all the conspirators
on death row. ....
"Before Doug Horne, the main beef that most conspiracy theorists
had with the autopsy surgeons was their alleged incompetence. But
thirty-five years after the assassination, Horne showed all these
naive, whippersnapper conspiracy theorists a thing or two. Humes and
Boswell weren't incompetent. They were criminals and co-conspirators.
"One would think that Horne would be ashamed of himself for
writing the memorandum he did. But to the contrary, he is very proud.
In an introduction to his memo that he wrote for 'Probe', a small,
informative conspiracy publication that has since folded, he said his
view of his memo as being "extremely significant, even seminal" was
confirmed by the reaction of others of its importance, and that while
he was writing it he "felt electrified" because of his "unique and
revelatory interpretation" of the evidence "that was critical to
proving that there was a massive government cover-up of the medical
evidence in the JFK murder."
"Horne goes on to say in his introduction that he was "still
surprised" that no one else previously saw what he did and published
the hypothesis before he did. But he has no reason to be surprised.
Most people don't have thoughts this irrational. And if, perchance,
such a vagrant thought enters their mind, they recognize it as such.
When you have such a virtually insane thought and you don't realize
it, that's when, you know, there's a problem.
"There is one delightful gem that I must add to this section to
lighten it up. Dr. David Mantik, a Loma Linda, California, cancer
specialist, is, like Dr. Gary Aguilar, a part of the new wave of
conspiracy theorists. Taking Horne's theory to vertiginous heights,
listen to what he has to say about Horne's substitute brain.
[Quoting Mantik:]
"If there was a surrogate brain, it ALSO has disappeared...It is
not likely that RFK would have wanted even a surrogate brain placed on
public display as if it were his brother's. Most likely, RFK placed
the authentic brain into the coffin for initial burial on Monday,
November 25, and was therefore fully aware that a surrogate brain had
later surreptitiously appeared...If RFK understood the role that the
surrogate brain had played, as he probably did, he could have used any
convenient waste disposal site [to dispose of it]."
[End Mantik quote.]
"My God. RFK somehow finds out that Humes and Boswell, as part
of an apparent conspiracy to cover up the assassination of his
brother, used a brain other than his brother's to conduct their
examination. So he [RFK] goes out and finds, seizes, and then gets rid
of his brother's substitute brain [DVP: instead of taking the proper
action to prosecute these criminal autopsists to the fullest extent of
the law]. Is there any end to this silliness? ....
"A great number of nuts have kept pumping out conspiracy
theories for years. But these are private nuts, on the outside as it
were. But when someone like Horne, working for an official review
board of the federal government, someone we expect to be responsible,
can author a document that couldn't possibly be any sillier or
transparently irresponsible, then unfortunately we know that the
notion of a conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination will be alive and
well until the crack of doom.
"I suppose it is a given that there will be other Doug Hornes
who will breast-feed the conspiracy loonies for generations to come
with their special lactations of bilge, blather, and bunk.
"One wants to take earnest, well-intentioned, and intelligent
people like Drs. David Mantik and Gary Aguilar seriously, even though
neither of them are pathologists. But when they take someone like Doug
Horne seriously, and accept his outrageous and patently false theory
as completely valid, it becomes much more difficult to take them
seriously." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Pages 435-437, 439-440, and 443-444
of "Reclaiming History" (c.2007)
This Bugliosi quote deserves an instant replay (for emphasis):
"I suppose it is a given that there will be other Doug Hornes
who will breast-feed the conspiracy loonies for generations to come
with their special lactations of bilge, blather, and bunk." -- VB
Well, I don't know about the other guys, but Rossley IS throwing up
tonight. It's quarter beer nite at the old folks home, and after the
Filipino nurse's aide changes his colostomy bag and pushes him and his
wheelchair down to the shuffleboard court/senior bar and ties a drool
bib around his neck, look out...P-A-R-T-Y!
envy will get you no where, shithead! thank you for NOT advertising,
you're learning moron....
assassination investigation insiders make your sphincter pucker,
"A great number of nuts have kept pumping out conspiracy
theories for years. But these are private nuts, on the outside as it
were. But when someone like Horne, working for an official review
board of the federal government, someone we expect to be responsible,
can author a document that couldn't possibly be any sillier or
transparently irresponsible, then unfortunately we know that the
notion of a conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination will be alive and
well until the crack of doom." -- V. Bug.
Don't you have some trannies to chase, studly?
That's all your ever do is repeat.
again, no advertising shithead.... I'm sure your busy with latest
missives Doug Horne material this coming weekend, for that matter, the
next 150 weekends... now you get those weenie researchers/writers (of
course you didn't make the grade, eh?) busy over at Vinnies.... and do
by-the-way send my best to Dale (see-my-EMMY) Myers! Ya'll hear!
Ya got another 2 years Studley.... can ya do it?
Vin Bugliosi is crumbling and mute-cher is worried about chasing
transvestites, how 'very' lone nut-ish....LMFAO
Tell us how Long YOU worked for the ARRB ? ? ?
Tell us how much the ARRB paid Bugloisi???
"David Von Pein" <davev...@aol.com> wrote in message
Do you know anything about evidence/testimony?
SEE>>> http://whokilledjfk.net/invitation.htm
Or, Did the AIDS Dissolve your Guts??
"Chuck Schuyler" <chu...@am-mtg.com> wrote in message
now THAT is what I'm talking about.... :)
this is routine business for the illuminati
just look at what is in the tomb and what the bonesmen do with those things:
dine with hitler's silverware; do who knows what with geronimo's skull and
maybe marie antoinette's corpse, they have hundreds if not thousands of
skeletons in the tomb, one room full of nazi regalia, and people outside
('barbarians") look to them for leadership, no wonder the world is walking
off a cliff into the abyss, some face first marching in lockstep willingly
and some being backed off into it unwillingly
the new world abyss
and how about funeralgate aka rent a gravesite
Maybe there is a connection here to the tampering in Oswald's grave to
skull and bones members are known as grave robbers for their trophies in the
as well as thieves in general for items they "crooked", most trophies in the
tomb appropriately marked by whom crooked
Well, there discussing, Horne and Zapruder over there...if this ever
turns into specifics about issues.
that's how that works for the satanic cult known as skull and bones
"Sam McClung" <mcc...@newsguy.com> wrote in message