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A Final Farewell to the Lone Nut Assclowns

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Gil Jesus

Feb 22, 2024, 5:25:53 AM2/22/24
Inquiring minds want to know: what makes someone a Lone Nutter and how do
I know if I'm one ?
Let me channel my inner Jeff Foxworthy:

If you do no research of your own, preferring to take the lazy way out and
fall back on the conclusions of the Warren Commission might
be a Lone Nutter.

If your online source is the John McAdams website
( ) might be a Lone Nutter.

If all you post are comments, speculation, opinion and ( when that doesn't
work ) might be a Lone Nutter.

If you rely on "reasoning" or "common sense" instead of
might be a Lone Nutter.

If you rely on "possibilities" instead of might be a Lone

If you rely on "theories" instead of might be a Lone

If you are unable to prove what you say is might be a Lone

If you don't know the might be a Lone Nutter.

If you run from the might be a Lone Nutter.

If you feel that the burden of proof is not on the accuser, but instead on
the accused to prove himself might be a Lone Nutter.

If the topic of your thread is name-calling like a silly little 10 year might be a Lone Nutter.

If you have no credibility and have been proven to be a liar and deceiver
over and over might be a Lone Nutter.

If you put words in the mouth of your might be a Lone

If you answer questions with might be a Lone Nutter.

If you come in here time and time again with the intent of embarrassing
others, but instead you only embarrass might be a Lone

If you have little or no knowledge of police procedures but argue them might be a Lone Nutter.

If you accept hearsay evidence as might be a Lone Nutter.

If you've convicted in your mind someone after hearing only one side of
the might be a Lone Nutter.

If you have never read the 26 volumes of testimony and exhibits that you
so religiously might be a Lone Nutter.

If you don't understand what you may be a Lone Nutter.

If you can't honestly answer a simple "yes" or "no"
might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore the results of your own rifle might be a Lone

If you ignore the results of your own wounds might be a Lone

If you ignore your own autopsy may be a Lone Nutter.

If you believe a witness' credibility is based solely on whether or not
they have evidence against might be a Lone Nutter.

If you quickly change the subject from the topic of
might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore witnesses with info that casts doubt on Oswald's might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore all of the evidence of prosecutorial misconduct and
unethical police procedures and accept them as might be a
Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that Oswald was seen on the first floor so soon
after the shooting, that he couldn't have possibly come from the sixth
floor.. might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that the paper "gunsack" was made by the Dallas
Police on the afternoon of the assassination..... might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that the fillers in the police lineups were chosen
in such a way as to make Oswald the only choice a witness could make. might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that the scope on the rifle was so defective that
it was impossible to hit anything you aimed at. might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that Dr. Humes LIED about the location of the back
wound. might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that no human being, Oswald or anyone else, could
have completely fled the Walker shooting in the TWO SECONDS the FBI said
it took for Walter Kirk Coleman to reach the fence. might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that the FBI lied in its reports. might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that the Tippit witnesses were unreliable. might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that the limo agents LIED about how they responded
when the shooting started. might be a Lone Nutter.

If you ignore evidence that witnesses were intimidated by the FBI.
intimidation-tampering might be a Lone Nutter.

Stay away from a foolish man; you will gain no knowledge from his speech.
( Proverbs 14:7 )
Farewell to all of the asshole trolls who spend their boring, pathetic and
worthless lives in newsgroups where they don't belong, flaming the people
who post there.
Not just in this newsgroup, but in ANY newsgroup.

With Google's cancellation of Usenet service effective 2/22/24, you will
no longer be able to use Google Groups to play your childish games for

Now you'll have to put your money where your hate-filled mouths are. Since
most free READERS don't allow posting, you'll have to either pay for a
newsreader that allows you to post, or find a pay NNTP server to go along
with that free reader. NNTP servers are not free.

Fighting people is fine until you have to pay for it. Then it's not so
much fun. All of a sudden, your not so loyal and ready to defend what you
allegedly believe.

IOW, your reign of terror is over. No more posting anonymously under fake
screennames. Now you'll have to expose your true identities to a USENET
provider. And by purchasing their product, you'll be under their terms of

The alternative is the forums, where you can still debate your topic for
free but under the control of moderators. But it's just not the same
without the ability to insult.

After all, that's the purpose of a troll: to insult and tease.

So there are your options: post free with moderation or pay to post.
And even of you pay to post, your postings can be blocked from view with a
kill filter.

The time has come for you dry up and blow away like the dog shit we all
know you are.

Thank You, Google for doing your part in keeping these hatemongers and
assclowns out of the USENET.

BT George

Feb 22, 2024, 11:09:15 AM2/22/24
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