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James FIles is a liar

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Mike Smith

Dec 14, 2011, 12:55:43 PM12/14/11
James Files or James Sutton (if you prefer) is a flat out liar. He was
never involved in any conspiracy. His military record does exist and
he was Courts-Martialed after 14 months of service. He never operated
in Laos either, in fact -- he never went overseas.

Other purported things he has said, such as that Mike Townley could
verify him is utter bullshit. I know or knew as it were Mr Michael
Vernon Townley. Townley was the real deal, Jimmy Files is not. He's a
petty criminal who occasionally gets violent.

The only thing James is good at is reading books and assimulating
information and making it his own. In reality, he fails at that too as
he's not a very good liar.

If someone goes and visits him at Stateville, ask him about his
Federal Prison time that he served at least in part at FCI Oxford,
Wisconsin. He's been in jail most of his life, so he's not good at
being a crook either.


Dec 14, 2011, 5:26:38 PM12/14/11
Hello Mike,
I heard about Files a while back and wonder where you got the info
on him. Others have said he is lying and there are some doubts out
there between the people that might profit from any book about him.



Dec 14, 2011, 5:36:29 PM12/14/11

Sam McClung

Dec 14, 2011, 7:54:07 PM12/14/11
amazing how the files story came out around the time the roscoe white story
hit the media

both jimmy and roscoe claim to have fired the head shot from the north
knoll, either one or both were lying

giancana mentions roscoe white as being an "actual gunmen" for the jfk hit
(along with j.d. tippit),
roscoe was behind the north knoll fence it appears,
maybe tippit also, or perhaps tippit was on the south knoll

giancana never mentioned james files aka sutton

seems no one alive can substantiate jimmy's story

ricky white has never wavered in his story of his dad's actions 11-22-63 and
passed a lie detector test and a voice stress analysis "with flying colors"

other evidence places roscoe white on the north knoll,
supporting what roscoe admitted to

a thorough reading of jimmy's stories can result in one coming to the
conclusion either jimmy has misremembered things or he was not there; it
seems that he seems to continually impeach himself within his own stories

seems taking a lie detector test or voice stress analysis could not hurt and
might help jimmy's stories

if jimmy is not telling the truth, and did in fact not fire a shot at jfk
11-22-63, one might wonder what, then, would be his motivation for telling
such a gigantic lie

considering his ties to the chicago mob, considering he might like media
exposure, considering cia may be working under the table with jimmy,
considering his life might otherwise be quite even more boring than it could
be now, jimmy has abundantly indicated he can talk the talk, yet has
provided not one scintilla of solid evidence placing him in dallas on
11-22-63, and even california's bigfoot has more evidence in her favor than

thus, I am more prone to vote for bigfoot's existence than for jimmy to be
the missing link in the jfk mystery

Sam McClung

Dec 14, 2011, 8:08:25 PM12/14/11
ed hoffman indicated the weapon carried out of the acoustic position by the
man in the black hat and blue coat was a rifle, not a much shorter remington

that would leave the badgeman position to put files in; none of which jives
with files story, nor of files leaving behind the north knoll fence and
going to a maroon chevy parked in the lot next to the dal-tex (no such lot
exists); the closest thing in reality to that is bowers testifying that
immediately after the shooting stopped two men left the north knoll parking
lot and ran to a car parked behind the pergola, putting something in the
trunk, then driving off in a peculiar fashion, presumably on the short
section of elm that was in front of the tsbd, which also entered the north
knoll parking lot, which is not what files claims happened

Mike Smith

Dec 15, 2011, 10:13:10 AM12/15/11
James is a lost soul who has spent the better part of his life in
prison. From a psychological standpoint he probably feels deep down
quite insignificant. It is that feeling of insignificance that drives
his need to be larger than life than he really is. Combine that with
being in prison, where his life is highly controlled, it gives him
some sort of out to the world. It's kind of like the quiet kid in the
back of the classroom who is crying out to the world; "Hey, I matter".
But James is also a gamer. He's figured out that there are people out
in the world whom are quite willing to believe literally anything.

Is James a bad guy? That one is a tough call. I would like to believe
he is harmless, but given his record and the crimes he is currently
convicted of, I would say no. I would not want him around me, my
family, or even anywhere close to my neighborhood. He has proven he is
capable of great violence. Does this mean he is an assassin?
Absolutely not. Does this mean he could kill someone without remorse?
Yes and no. I would not want to find out in any regard.

I think the bigger picture is this. Whatever happened that day in
Dallas, conspiracy or not, nothing can bring President Kennedy back
from the grave. There is a saying and it goes like this. Once you pull
the trigger, you can never take the bullet back. Not sure who said
that, but it is as true today as it was back then. I was 6 years old
when he was assassinated and still remember vividly the TV blaring,
Walter Cronkite, then UN correspondent Barbara Walters, all of them.
My mother (not even a US citizen) crying her eyes out in front of the
TV, a Montgomery Wards 20 inch console black & white.

Could have there been another shooter? Yup, there sure could have
been. Was it James Files? 99% unlikely in my eyes. I've known some
killers in my time. Men who are pure evil. There is a vast difference
between those men and James FIles. Most of them are extremely
articulate, intelligent, and surprisingly well educated. James is none
of those. Part of me is sad for him too. Somewhere along the way in
life he has given up on living that life in the richest and most
fullest way possible. He's definitely not alone in that regard, but it
is sad nonetheless.

Is the government complicit in the death of President Kennedy? Again,
I think not. That does not mean I am right. But it would take a
conspiracy at the highest levels of government that would be
unparalleled in history to achieve such a significant act. I would
consider it more likely that Cuban Nationalists were involved. Simply
as payback for the Bay of Pigs. I'd be pretty pissed off if my
companeros were left to be slaughterd and imprisoned. Nixt that, I
would be beyond pissed.

James Files story is so full of holes, untruths, and lies, how can
anyone in their right mind believe them? He is partially illiterate
and uneducated. But you know, people are going to believe what they
want to believe. The two people I could put side by side for
comparison are James Files and Michael Townley. Everything that
Michael is, James is not. Michael has a proven (and scary) track
record, including quite probably the hit on the Swedish PM. James has
not track record other than prison and more prison and a story awash
in lies.

Now let's go to the rifle/pistol allegedly used. The Remington Arms
Company introduced the .222 in 1950, not 1971 as some have claimed.
Remington rechambered the Model 722 (a derived model off the
successful Model 700 line). The 722 was first introduced in 1948.
Now, that being said and all. Remington did make a pistol version in
1960 that was tested and released in early 1963. It. However, they
discoverd that the .222 had far too much powder and recoil to be used
as a pistol style cartridge. There were two versions, the XP-100 and
the XP-100R (R for repeating). The only versions of the XP-100
chambered in .222 Remington were the prototypes. The production models
were chambered in .221 Fireball and eventually in .223 Remington (the
preferred cartridge by shooters). The key ting here is how would
someone obtain a prototype not released to the public or the
government? Why would someone use a cartridge that was essentially too
powerful and I can bet you, way too loud for the fire platform. In
quickly acquiring a moving target, with that large of a pistol and
remaining stable throughout the three stages (acquisition, aiming, and
firing) seems a bit much to me. I'm beyond what you'd call a good
shot. I can hit targets outwards to 1,000 yards with a lot of
different rifles, and an even better shot with almost any pistol out
to about 50 yards. I can tell you how hard that shot is to make with
that type of weapon. There are only a handful of people in the world
that can make it. I'm not one of them, and I'm good by any measure. So
chew on that, y'all.


Dec 15, 2011, 7:45:59 AM12/15/11
Thank you folks, that helps a lot.


Sam McClung

Dec 15, 2011, 1:11:45 PM12/15/11
"Mike Smith" asked:

Is the government complicit in the death of President Kennedy?


for its own existence

loyalties are not always based on truth


Mike Smith

Dec 15, 2011, 4:21:00 PM12/15/11
Oh please Sam...really? really? Stop drinking the koolaid, it'll rot
your brain as much as your teeth. The government isn't all that good
at covering things up. Not even their precious WITSEC database is
safe. Unless you bury everything under TEMPEST security, it's all out


Dec 15, 2011, 6:40:03 PM12/15/11
Actually, the governmnet IS that good at covering up things. They
have a dynamic group that does clean up whenever brought into a case.
They call them the FBI. They have cleaned up from the beginning when
things were hectic and chaotic, and then as time goes on by getting
rid of evidence anytime someone mentions it, and anytime someone
logics out a particular item they are out there looking for it to
scoop it up.

Read into the TWA800 case, and the 9/11 tower collapse case. They
were deeply involved in both. In the TWA800 case many witnesses
stated that the FBI questioners tried to talk the people out of what
they saw and give them a false idea of what happened, and if they
failed at that, they would threaten them with all kinds of horrible
'national security' issues, and finally death. Yep. Doesn't sound
like a free country does it? Still, it's true. Look into those
cases, as well as the JFK assassination. The info and witnesses are
online still.


Mike Smith

Dec 16, 2011, 10:01:08 AM12/16/11
Is you truly believe all of this, then the only way you will ever
change anything is by voting out the trash and voting in someone who
will stop the insanity. I do not subscribe to the theories behind 9/11
or TWA800 either. I think people are trying to read more into it than
is there, which is terrorism. Even the bad guys get lucky when they
follow the 7 P Rule (Prior proper planning prevents piss poor

Does our government need to keep secrets? Yes, absolutely and without
a doubt. They need to do a better job of it too. I find it ridiculous
that someone would be allowed to leave shell casings at the scene of a
crime. You'd never do that in real situations. The last thing you do
is leave forensic evidence. You never use unique calibers and damn
sure keep it simple. Which is why lone wolf assassins operate better
than a team effort. A team effort in targeting a high profile figure
can get very sloppy as you have too many moving pieces. When you have
too many moving pieces, something will break and Murphy's law will
rule over the situation. If in fact Kennedy's assassination was a
conspiracy, it would have to be of the highest order with at most 2 or
3 people in the know who would have access to US Secret Service
protocols, planning, and route information. So I am not buying into
it. LHO was a trained US Marine, meaning he could shoot and shoot damn
well. I have no doubt he was the shooter and not the patsy. The whole
thing about he was at Point A and he couldn't have gotten to Point B
so quickly is horseshit. Back then, Dallas roads were much less
complicated and a helluva lot less traffic. You get where I am going
with this?

There were so many dynamics happening in the world back then, so many
people who could have a grudge against the President, anyone could
have been involved. Does that mean someone would order an operation of
such immensity? No, not at all. While they probably all dreamed about
doing it, only one man did. But you know what? We'll never know and
even if we did, the players involved (if there truly was a conspiracy)
are likely all dead and buried, and it WILL NOT bring Kennedy back
from the grave. So why bother? Learn from it, and move the heck on.

Right now there are bigger things afoot. The Bush enacted Patriot Act
and the Democrats who finally figured out that it is a great tool by
which to control the citizens with are doing even more damage to our
constitution and our way of life. We're starting to have unmanned
drones flying over our cities (and I have seen them from the air --
I'm a pilot), we have cameras everywhere in our cities, they have the
capabilities to view into our homes and listen to our most private
conversations. And you want to worry about an event that happened
almost 50 years ago? We have government funded scientists who just
created a super flu from the H1N1 and transmits easily from human to
human and they want to publish the paper for the public. Screw Kennedy
and Oswald, I'm going to worry about the now, not that crap.


Dec 16, 2011, 7:15:00 PM12/16/11
On Dec 16, 10:01 am, Mike Smith <> wrote:
> Right now there are bigger things afoot. The Bush enacted Patriot Act
> and the Democrats who finally figured out that it is a great tool by
> which to control the citizens with are doing even more damage to our
> constitution and our way of life. We're starting to have unmanned
> drones flying over our cities (and I have seen them from the air --
> I'm a pilot), we have cameras everywhere in our cities, they have the
> capabilities to view into our homes and listen to our most private
> conversations. And you want to worry about an event that happened
> almost 50 years ago? We have government funded scientists who just
> created a super flu from the H1N1 and transmits easily from human to
> human and they want to publish the paper for the public. Screw Kennedy
> and Oswald, I'm going to worry about the now, not that crap.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

The real pisser is the provision slipped into the Senate's defense
appropriation bill which if passed by the House and signed by Obama
would give the President the right to arrest Americans on home soil
and hold them indefinitely without trial simply because the President
suspects them of being terrorists. Gee, no chance that power might get
abused, is there. Of course this provision was championed by John
McCain, the most un-American piece of shit to serve in the military
sinceBenedict Arnold. If he wanted to serve this country, he would
drop dead tomorrow. Tonight would be even better. Any Senator or
Congressman who votes for this bill in its present form, or the a
President that signs it, is also a worthless piece of shit who can be
assured that I will vote for their opponent at every opportunity for
as long as I am around.


Dec 17, 2011, 9:00:35 AM12/17/11
> and Oswald, I'm going to worry about the now, not that crap.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

It's not a matter of 'belief'. It's a matter of evidence. Go
around and find the witnesses and see what they say. Go to the NTSB
and viesw the witness statements. Or is everybody that says something
different from your opinion lying?

You say "I do not subscribe to the theories behind 9/11 or TWA800
either". Who's talking about theories? Don't you believe in
evidence? Is everything to you just gossip with no foundation behind
it? Not for me and many others.

As you'll see here, there were so many people aware of the various
plots, that information slipped out in all the contested plots. When
you have many people in on it or aware, someone will give out
information. No one is questioning the Reagan shooting, or the
shooting of the pope or Benazir Bhutto, but they didn't have evidence
of asomething more happening than the 'official' story'.

As to governments needing secrets, well of course, but keeping
secrets about cases that have supposedly been solved and finished and
are no longer being investigated, why is evidence available for a
simple mugging death, but not a vastly more important case like JFK or
RFK, or some of the others? Why are so many video clips of the
Pentagon crash on 9/11 being sequestered?

If you're familiar with service medals, you will know that for a
marine to win the 'Sharpshooter' level, is not "shooting damn well",
and it is certainly not anywhere near the levels for a sniper.

You suggest 'learn from it and move on' but that means that what is
learned must be applied. If it's found that something was done wrong,
you don't just 'move on', but you get it fixed and make people
accountable for it, and those punished if they deserve it, and THEN
you move on. If you find a cockroach in your soup you don't start in
eating the entree until you've checked the kitchen and the entree too!

It's true that the PATRIOT Act will help control the masses and
give a lot of power to officials who will abuse it (like the IRS did)
and that 1984 is arriving, just a bit late. That doesn't mean that a
crime of ANY official should be let go while we chew on some fast food
and watch a sitcom.

We obviously have the time to debate the JFK assassination and
other crimes, and I wonder why you would rather we left them all alone
and just believed the party line?

So let folks look into any damn thing they please. The people have
the responsibility to check up on their hired officials and squash
them when necessary. As to voting out the 'trash', you won't find
enough honest people to fill the house or the senate with anything
different than what's there already.



Dec 17, 2011, 9:04:25 AM12/17/11
Yes, a clear violation of the constitution as relates to 'due
process'. Which means they will pass it almost surely. Note that the
congress gave themselves the right also to make insider trades on the
stock market from what they secretly learned in the course of their
jobs. And they avoided voting on the bill that would have stopped


Sam McClung

Dec 18, 2011, 7:28:35 AM12/18/11
"Mike Smith" wrote in message

Oh please Sam...really? really? Stop drinking the koolaid [bla, blah, bla]

I think I'll just <click> <click>

can you hear me now?

Sam McClung

Dec 18, 2011, 7:36:45 AM12/18/11
"mainframetech" wrote in part...

Actually, the governmnet IS that good at covering up things. They
have a dynamic group that does clean up whenever brought into a case.

they" are hitler's spooks that relocated hitler into south america after the
war and created hitler's cia

i.e. the same u.s. citizens who empowered hitler

"they" still eat with hitler's silverware

Sam McClung

Dec 18, 2011, 7:54:24 AM12/18/11
"mainframetech" mentioned the illusory u.s.a. voting system:

As to voting out the 'trash', you won't find
enough honest people to fill the house or the senate with anything
different than what's there already.

one may only find those intelligent enough to defeat diebold, which is
engineered to be defeated

how else could morons like gwb be called prez by some?

Message has been deleted


Dec 18, 2011, 7:03:15 PM12/18/11
You think Diebold and their ilk could be thrown out of the voting
systems countrywide if they chose to stay there? Not a chance.
Trouble is that few believe they are there and affecting the vote.
The exit polls are the clue.

For those interested in why their vote isn't all that important,
look over these sites:

They may look the same, but they are different, though along the
same subject.

For those interested in what can happen to your vote when "We The
People" don't watch government carefully, here's a short trailer with
Clint Curtis (whistleblower) who told major committees about the
problem, and they did nothing:

For a full version:



Dec 19, 2011, 12:00:26 PM12/19/11
Yet, there are reasons not to eliminate him. He said he was at a
certain position, and the 'disappearing head' is seen at the spot in a
Nix film close-up that can be seen in jfkmurdersolved. There is also
an unidentified man walking up the steps past the Newmans in 'The
Knoll Figure' that tended to be the path that Files said he escaped
from. And the teeth-dented cartridge...I don't think can be excluded,


Mike Smith

Dec 26, 2011, 3:13:25 PM12/26/11
You can't fabricate the truth as easily as this. James Files is a liar
of epic (albeit, clumsy and uneducated) proportions. He's a convict, a
con man, a liar, out of touch with reality. His lies are a cry of
help, a cry to seek importance in a wolrd that has long passed him by.
He has left no mark on this world in any sense of the meaning. That is
a tragedy for him, maybe a tragedy for the world. Certainly there was
a point in his life where he could have done some good. Something that
was beyond his self-serving madness and tall tales of grandios
schemes. Every single thing he has uttered in public is a blatent lie.
He is not connected to the "mob", he didn't kill JFK, he never served
in some secret group that was organizing the Bay of Pigs, he never
served in Laos or anywhere within 9000 miles of Southeast Asia. Simply
that he says it does not make it true. Not by a long shot.

The problem with conspiracy theorists is quite simple, they make
decisions based upon feelings, not upon facts. In science, we rely
upon facts, tangibles that we can measure and see. Conspiracy theories
are none of that. They are simply conjecture, as the entire panorama
of JFK conspiracies are simply conjecture. Does it warrant unending
hours of research? Maybe, but at some point one has to realize that
you have in fact hit a wall. That it is a wall and that tere is
nothing beyond that wall.

There have been many secret things our government has done. They
should be kept secret for good and sound reasons. There are dark
things done by men in dark times, they are the silent heros. Be
thankful they are there.

Dec 26, 2013, 12:58:15 AM12/26/13
On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10:55:43 AM UTC-7, Mike Smith wrote:
> James Files or James Sutton (if you prefer) is a flat out liar. He was never involved in any conspiracy. His military record does exist and he was Courts-Martialed after 14 months of service. He never operated in Laos either, in fact -- he never went overseas. Other purported things he has said, such as that Mike Townley could verify him is utter bullshit. I know or knew as it were Mr Michael Vernon Townley. Townley was the real deal, Jimmy Files is not. He's a petty criminal who occasionally gets violent. The only thing James is good at is reading books and assimulating information and making it his own. In reality, he fails at that too as he's not a very good liar. If someone goes and visits him at Stateville, ask him about his Federal Prison time that he served at least in part at FCI Oxford, Wisconsin. He's been in jail

On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10:55:43 AM UTC-7, Mike Smith wrote:
> James Files or James Sutton (if you prefer) is a flat out liar. He was never involved in any conspiracy. His military record does exist and he was Courts-Martialed after 14 months of service. He never operated in Laos either, in fact -- he never went overseas. Other purported things he has said, such as that Mike Townley could verify him is utter bullshit. I know or knew as it were Mr Michael Vernon Townley. Townley was the real deal, Jimmy Files is not. He's a petty criminal who occasionally gets violent. The only thing James is good at is reading books and assimulating information and making it his own. In reality, he fails at that too as he's not a very good liar. If someone goes and visits him at Stateville, ask him about his Federal Prison time that he served at least in part at FCI Oxford, Wisconsin. He's been in jail most of his life, so he's not good at being a crook either.

On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 10:55:43 AM UTC-7, Mike Smith wrote:
> James Files or James Sutton (if you prefer) is a flat out liar. He was never involved in any conspiracy. His military record does exist and he was Courts-Martialed after 14 months of service. He never operated in Laos either, in fact -- he never went overseas. Other purported things he has said, such as that Mike Townley could verify him is utter bullshit. I know or knew as it were Mr Michael Vernon Townley. Townley was the real deal, Jimmy Files is not. He's a petty criminal who occasionally gets violent. The only thing James is good at is reading books and assimulating information and making it his own. In reality, he fails at that too as he's not a very good liar. If someone goes and visits him at Stateville, ask him about his Federal Prison time that he served at least in part at FCI Oxford, Wisconsin. He's been in jail most of his life, so he's not good at being a crook either.

So who is Mike Smith? Where does all his information come from?

Sam McClung

Dec 26, 2013, 8:28:47 AM12/26/13
seems files' story was floated in the ongoing attempt to cover up the
reality of roscoe white

roscoe white fired the neck and head shot, self admittedly

james files wasn't in dealey plaza

the only good that has come out of james files baloney is he united people
on both sides of the aisle in the jfk assassination, in condemning him as a

Dec 26, 2013, 11:14:44 AM12/26/13
What if there were two shooters in two different positions?

Sam McClung

Dec 26, 2013, 9:29:16 PM12/26/13
<> wrote in message
that's what I discuss above if you are referring to two snipers on the
(north) "grassy knoll", behind the picket fence

I eliminate files because he was neither:

- the acoustic position sniper, which was roscoe white, self admitted and
he is in my photograpic analysis and there is enough detail to make an
identification of him, nor

- the sniper known as "badgeman," in addition to the plethora of
information wherein files impeaches himself as a sniper who shot at jfk
(every time files opens his mouth about the jfk assassination), he doesn't
know what happened behind the north knoll fence; I don't entirely but I do
have an infinitely better grasp of it than he, to the point that I avoid
spending time on his story; seems the badgeman sniper was tippit, white and
tippit named by giancana as "actual gunmen" in the assassination, along with
frank sturgis/fiorini and the patsy oswald, per giancana

lee bowers stated he saw two men in dpd uniform arrive, one sitting on the
car they arrived in or a nearby car, and the other one behind the north
knoll fence without specifying exactly where, and both men shot at jfk and
bowers could tell because he saw smoke issue from both riflles (noting the
gasses run out of suppressed rifles much slower than a nonsuppressed rifle,
thus the smoke sightings)

files was not dressed in dpd uniform, he wasn't there, that's why he isn't
in giancana's book, giancana would have named him as fast as he named jack
lawrence, who it seems to me might have been the radio man for roscoe and
tippit, noting jack lawrence's whose name was removed from one edition of
double cross if I recall correctly

the world turned upside, down, the giancanas have more credibility than the
news media and all its intellectual prostitutes paid to say what told, truth
be damned, politicos winking at each other about vegetable soup

here's my page on the north knoll snipers, white and tippit:

and my main page:

and not that it really means anything in a world controlled my media
transmissions, but here's even more analysis on roscoe white in the zapruder
film in the acoustic position holding the smoking sniping rifle he shot jfk
in the neck and head with:
roscoe white may actually be looking at zapruder and his camera, eerie, as
eerie as vegetable soup on air force 1!

Sam McClung

Dec 26, 2013, 9:43:44 PM12/26/13
> "Sam McClung" <> wrote in part
> and not that it really means anything in a world controlled my media

make that controlled by media

> transmissions, but here's even more analysis on roscoe white in the
> zapruder film in the acoustic position holding the smoking sniping rifle
> he shot jfk in the neck and head with:
> roscoe white may actually be looking at zapruder and his camera, eerie, as
> eerie as vegetable soup on air force 1!

almost as eerie as lbj relieving himself on a secret service agent!

Dec 27, 2013, 11:57:06 AM12/27/13
The biggest thing for me to doubt Files, is not the Giancana book, but that Files isn't seen walking where he would have been pretty much in the open to be seen. He said he walked in back of the Pergola and went by the TSBD. There was just too much snapshots and film around that area. I really don't know why Giancana would want to spill the beans other than thinking he could make a big payday from a book. He would know the danger.

Sam McClung

Apr 13, 2014, 12:37:28 PM4/13/14
<> wrote in message

maybe it was patriotism that made the mob folks talk and that is why so many
of them were killed when the second significant white-washing conspiracy,

h ouse
s elect
c ia
a ssassins

were in action

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